Friday Favorites: Foods that Help Headache and Migraine Relief

Plant-based diets are put to the test for treating migraine headaches.

I’ve previously covered ginger ( and topical lavender ( for migraines. Saffron ( may help relieve PMS symptoms, including headaches. A more exotic way a plant-based can prevent headaches is by helping to keep tapeworms out of your brain ( <br />
Though hot peppers can indeed trigger headaches, they can also be used to treat them. Check out my wild video relieving cluster headaches with hot sauce (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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30 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: Foods that Help Headache and Migraine Relief”

  1. Dear @NutritionFactsOrg Team,

    I want to repost the following question, because I havn’t got yet a scientificly based answer and because on your website at the now not available comment section it is mentioned, that Health Support voluteers may help with this kind of questions. Of course I can not expect to get an answer, but according to other people comments, they are also curious and interested about it. So maybe the following question is a goot topic for the Q & A or a separate video:

    My question is about the optimal protein intake, because I am very confused around this topic.

    On the one hand, there is a recommendation of 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of body weight, which is also recommended by Dr. Greger. This amount also roughly corresponds to the amount of protein consumed in the Blue Zones – about 10 percent of the daily calorie intake. A protein intake at this level appears to be related to longevity. This is also supported by studies that claim to prove the connection between an increased protein intake with a greater risk of disease and higher mortality. This is explained by the influence of increased protein intake on biological parameters such as increased IGF-1 and decreased FGF21, as you mentioned in some of your videos.

    Now the question arises for me whether there are negative consequences for health if one doubles the daily protein intake to 1.6 g per kg body weight, as recommended for strength-oriented athletes, even if the protein intake is entirely from whole-food plant-based sources such as legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds.

    So, from a nutritional perspective, do we have to choose between A) a high muscle mass and B) longevity and a lower risk of disease? Or does such a high protein intake not contradict longevity?

    I would appreciate an answer 😊

  2. You can stop migraine in its tracks. The world's #1 migraine authority is Dr Elena Gross of Switzerland. Read her papers. Watch her lectures. Migraine is a metabolism problem. She's mapped it all out. Get chemicals and processed food out of your diet. Eat a wholefood mainly vegetable diet. Stop glucose (sugar) spikes. MCT oil will supply the brain keytones, as the brain can't metabolise glucose properly. Please like this comment if you found it helpful, to spread the word to others.

  3. Thanks especially for this one! It's tangentially related to something I've been going through — Trigeminal Neuralgia for about 2 months now (which involves contact between 1 of the 2 nerve clusters in the head with a local artery). I have seen some literature about fat consumption and regrowth of the myelin sheath as well as B-vitamins. I wonder if this is at all related to standard migraine headaches, or something that should be treated differently through diet? – a balance between inflammation reduction, hopefully reducing contact, and consuming the nutrients necessary for nerve coating regrowth (which might include fat?).

    Fortunately, the associated pain is far more predictable and tame now a couple months after pain started. For the first several weeks it was non-stop and the most painful thing I've ever experienced in my 44 years.

  4. When are you going to feature all the „carninutrients“ (taurine, carnitine etc.), Choline, Glycine and Arachidonic Acid? In Germany there is currently great furore in the vegan & vegetarian community because of Rittenau's newest publications and recommendations. Many people wonder why these („semi-essential“) nutrients are paid such little attention on Nutrition Facts, besides creatine.
    I.a. producers of baby formula are pushed in Europe to include arachidonic acid too.

  5. Hello Dr. Greger, is it possible to do a video about addiction to unhealthy, sugary foods? And effective strategies to combat it?

  6. The ginger trick has really helped me 🙂 and it has, anecdotally, improved a ton for me, since I started eating whole food vegan 🙂

  7. My daughter used to have horrific migraines. She was forced to start eating and drinking more healthy, after being diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer

    She researched about how phytochemicals target cancer stem cells and about electrolytes, of which magnesium is a vital electrolyte

    The phytochemicals of/in the herbs and green leafy vegetables, along with foods with magnesium cured her migraines

    She is cancer and migraine-free, 6 years now. No chemo or radiation as they enrich cancer stem cells (stemness and recurrence)

  8. I’m at my wits end my relative with glucoma and macular degeneration hearing loss from Axenfeld Rigers Syndrome with almost complete deafness cannot find technology headphones that protects his hearing please help I don’t want him to go deaf

  9. I found them noise limiting headphones will stop hearing loss by reducing the decibels to maximum 85 which most headphones do not have “Puro Sound Labs PuroBasic Volume Limiting Wired Headphones”

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