Friday Favorites: The Optimal Vitamin B12 Dosage and Type

At age 50, everyone should start supplementing with B12-fortified foods or supplements regardless of the type of diet they follow. Over age 65, only high-dose daily supplements may suffice. For prevention and treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency, cyanocobalamin in chewable, sublingual, or liquid forms (rather than in a multivitamin) is best under most circumstances.

What about concerns regarding B12 and acne, bone fractures, and cancer? I addressed those in my B12 webinar, and the videos are available for download here or on ( I covered a lot: the dosage needed to treat B12 deficiency, how oral is better than injectable, why the cheaper form (cyanocobalamin) is superior to the more expensive form (methylcobalamin), why you can’t just take it in a multivitamin, and why you shouldn’t take it as a pill you swallow (because it needs to mix with that saliva protein).<br />
I mentioned my book, How Not to Diet, which you can find out more about here ( You may also be interested in my next book, How to Survive a Pandemic (, available in softcover, audiobook (read by me), and e-book form.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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68 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: The Optimal Vitamin B12 Dosage and Type”

  1. I take b12 complex 50 once at lunch then after dinner along with nutritional yeast at breakfast probably way to much my hair skin and nails have never looked so good lol and my urine is SUPER EXPENSIVE lol

  2. I'm so glad that Dr. Greger addressed the dose of B12. I was taking 1000 but then thought it might be too much so I cut dowm to 500. I'm 72 years old, so back to 1000!! Thanks!

  3. 5:37 I heard or read somewhere a while ago that over dosage, besides being discharged in urine, could affect acne production, is this true?
    Thank you for all the detailed information on dosages 🙏

  4. 9:16 I had no idea about the potential harmful B12 alteration when mixed with food, vitamin or mineral supplements.
    This means AG1 is doing it wrong! Thank you for this precious fact gem 🙏

  5. Great information and insight. Those of us with genetically induced methylation issues ( MTHFR being just one of them), the methylated form is a must!

  6. Age 63. Had B12 checked 3mos ago. Taking 1200mcg cyno per day. No deficiency at the start. All is well 😊 I will, however, chew them from now on. Thx Dr G

  7. Where in nature would we ever have gotten 1000mcg of b12 a day lol am I the only one who realises that no natural water source or amount of meat on earth we've eaten through our evolution provides that much b12? Where is the logic? What happened to b12 taking 20 years to deplete like dr McDougal says? That would make a hell of a lot more sense, all things considered. I appreciate dr gregers work but sometimes im concerned his logic is as goofy as his personality 😂 i know a lot of life long vegans who dont take b12 and for some reason they are the happiest people i know, meanwhile i take b12 and have mental health issues, it bothers me.

  8. Meat eaters please get your levels checked if you are having any symptoms of anemia no matter your age. I was deficient when I was eating meat at least twice a day, taking a multivitamin and eating fortified cereals often. I was 28 when diagnosed but I had been deficient for a very long time and had no idea. I was so tired. I couldn't breath going up a flight of stairs. I was told I was depressed given antipsychotics and told to exercise more. I couldn't exercise more because I could not breathe. Anyway I also had cracks in the corners of my lips, spooning nails, and bright pink blood if I was cut or on my period. 3 days of taking supplements and I could not believe the difference. Please please listen to your body and get help. If your doctor ignores you get a new one. 💚

  9. I was taking the injections because I was very low in B12. I also have stage 2 chronic kidney disease. Since I stopped the injections, I have noticed a difference. Now I know that I don't need the injections and can just buy the B12 best for me

  10. Heart disease is the number one killer of people today and cancer is number two.
    Being over weight is the number one factor leading to an early death.
    People who are over weight have higher risks for high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
    Even children today have signs of artery disease. Fast foods and sugary drinks have long term consequences.
    There is an obesity epidemic today where over 60% of the population is overweight or obese.
    What is common today and "NORMAL" is not healthy. The average person today is not healthy and is taking medications.
    Heart attacks were once only common in people over 65. Today people in their 40 are having heart attacks.
    Add more plants and vegetables to your diet and less junk and overly processed foods

  11. Clear as mud. Lots of important information, but we keep kicking the can down the road. After all this talk about B-12 over the decades, we still need a comprehensive set of rules to follow. I take one 5,000-unit capsule each Monday. I used to take one each day until my doctor said I had many years' worth stored in my liver. Please, someone tell me, must I take a daily dose? Or does taking the larger amount and storing it achieve similar beneficial results?

  12. Thanks dr greger for your continued emphasis on the importance of this. I now take this very seriously.

    Does anyone else break out and get pimples when taking b12? i take 2000mg once a week as a chewable. I've never had a problem with acne in my life. am i taking too much? thanks in advance for any info.

  13. Despite the detail on not just the chemical forms of B12 but also pill taking methods, its odd that liposomal formulations are not mentioned. Absorption and utilization is what matters, and particle size and structure can have as much effect on that as the choice of B12 compound. Liposomal formulations, including multivitamins, claim to transport these sensitive compounds safely to the gut, which bypasses the need for the chew-it-up method. I would love to see evidence on this, and also on liposomal vitamins in general which are claimed to be especially useful for B12 and Iron where efficacy is not just about dosage.

  14. Why the optimal and appropriate diet for human beings requires taking B12 supplements? Usually animals don't require pills in order to survive in nature…🤔 Maybe our design is broken or we are a genetic experiment from ETs? 🧐 It must be that because I can't find another logical explanation… we can not be carnivores because we don't have pointed teeth and claws right? 🥸

  15. since the body deals with excess b12 so easily, i have just been taking 1000mcg now, so that I'll already have the habit well established when i get older.

  16. Yes thank you for this video!!!! Dr. Gregor we appreciate your work and it is help educating so many of us who are not in the medical field, but from a scientific and intellectual background and require proper data, evidence, validation, testing, accuracy, precision and clear information. Thank you.

  17. After watching your B12 videos, I am as confused as ever about my daily dose of B12. I was on 2500 micrograms a week as suggested, but now you're saying 1000 micrograms a day. very confusing. Sorry.

  18. I'd like more information on how several B vitamins affect cancer rates; thank you. I think there's a mixed bag out there of studies showing either reduced risk for some cancers but greater risk for others with Vit B supplementation . . . would love some clarification on where the science stands today! thx

  19. Do you think it's possible that one's blood level of B12 could be very high, over the normal range, (via swallowed methylcobalamin supplementation) but the amount actually utilized by cells is somehow deficient? I'm wondering whether B12 analogues are counted in serum B12 levels though they're not efficacious. Is MMA a more reliable measure of whether active B12 is reaching the target tissues? thank you, Marian

  20. @dr. Greger: In what specific way is B12 in a multi vitamin suppl. harmful? The documentation says 'presence of cobalamin analogues', so what does that mean for my body? Thank you in advance.

  21. I see that article highlighted mentions cyanocobalamin form. Isn't that synthetic?

    Also, u can't really know if u r deficiency with a standard blood work, and sadly insurance companies won't paid for a better more efficiency test.

  22. Hello Dr Greger, could you make a video on the different pros and cons of taking separate B12 vs a high dose B-complex?
    I tend to get B12 deficient but also folate deficient and am wondering what is better overall.
    Thank you

  23. I have a hiatus hernia and have been on proton pump inhibitors for over ten years. I understand that the lack of stomach acid reduces or stops the intrinsic factor and therefore inhibits the absorption of B12. A recent blood test did show l was low on B12. What advice can you give please.

  24. I've said this before on another Nutrition Facts video, but adopting one-size-fits-all policies is almost never a good idea. A minority of seniors have absorption issue due to pernicious anemia etc. and they need significant B12 supplementation. However, most senior are fine, and if they follow the '1000 mcg for all' recommendations they are overdosing. In 2024 we do not yet understand the long-term risks of such massive intakes. Remember that, up to age 65, only 4-5 mcg is considered adequate. Preliminary studies suggest that long-term overdosing of B12 raises the risk of lung cancer in men, and raises the risk of thrombotic events (blood clots and strokes) in both sexes. Have your blood levels checked before you try to 'fix' a problem that may not exist!

  25. This guy is a nut job. Eat meat and you don't need B12…..NONE. B12 is composed of cobalt, which is an essential micronutrient. Plants dont have any cobalt and never will.

  26. Please discuss the age related decrease of the stomach acid required to fully absorb B12. This alone causes many elderly to become deficient. Sublingual tablets or shots may be required. ALSO, I disagree with any benefit to children on plant based diets. I have a family member raising their children vegan and I'm seeing weight issues developing because they eat a lot of processed foods, both the parents and the children.

  27. case report don't count for general population. Accept it. It is false science say apposite.

    Randomized trial don't show benefits in take b12 supplements not even in small children.

  28. Absolute nón sense. I'm 70. Was B12 deficient for decades, and had to get shots very regularly. Since I'm Carnivore my B12 is in very high range. Eat red meat people.

  29. My gp prescribed me b12 ( 1mg a day) following a blood test which showed my b12 was BELOW the recommended guidelines at (147) and in the uk is considered normal if its between 158 and 600) so my level is considered to be only just under normal even though if my level was 599 I would still be within the normal range! I am 72yrs old and I have been taking this dosage of cyanocobalamin for the last eight weeks and eating all the food recommended as containing the highest levels of b12 daily yet not only have I yet to notice an improvement in the awful symptoms of the b12 deficienc❤y I am actually having the last eight weeks

  30. This guy is a shill for the b12 industry, and he doesnt know what hes talking about.

    Theres b12 in some plant sources, b12 in nori, b12 in fermented foods, b12 in mushrooms…

    He just will not stop with his bullshit. He pulls a salary from nutritionfacts, hos nutritionfacts website is a platform for other supplement grifters to sell their products, and hes a mid tier plant based nutrition researcher..

    Supplementation is for people with confoindong medical conditions, not to be taken "just because".

    B12 can feed unwanted microbes as well as encourage acne..

    The research does not support his bullshit.

    Dont forget that research shows that b12 supplements to virtually nothing..

    Engage in sustainable lifestyle choices that promote microbiome health, DONT feed these supplement industry shills!

    Dr gregor has done SOME good, but hes also funded by affluent society people who think they deserve more than others.

    He isnt board certified and he is shilling for supplements that arent even regulated.

    Hes just trying to fuel his affluent lifestyle, and honestly, telling people to eat fruits amd vegetables doesnt mean you should have more than others.

  31. Can anyone tell me why I get a headache when i take 1000 mcg methylated Vit B-12 supplement? So I can only take about 400 mcg without getting a headache.

  32. Thank You Dr. Greger so much for this video. In the past recommendations were always lower than 1000 mcg. I switched to 1000 mcg 1 year ago and finally my level is going up: 503. Thanks for keeping up with the new information out there. I'm so grateful for what you do.

  33. There was a LOT of content to learn and digest. Worth listening to it a couple times. My B12 levels got down low – – my fault. I got enlarged Red blood cells because of it – – if I understand it right.

  34. It's my understanding that methyl is better because when you consume cyano, your liver has to methylize the compound and therefore it eliminates that step and absorbs quicker, thoughts?

  35. What are the most common signs your dietary intake needs supplements – ie more – B – D – C – & ??? .. ect .. I have multiple medical issues – tumour – riddled with skin cancers – also have very bad pin's and needles in feet – legs and hands .. Prescribed morphine for pain relief …
    I live in a very very small x1bed room apartment .. Trapped – cant move…. or exercise.. No where outside to sit in the sun …
    a very heavy smoker !!!
    Unable to put on weight … And just Can not 🚫 sleep !!!
    Dr Greger please 🙏🙏🙏 any advice would be greatly appreciated !!! Regards

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