Friday Favorites: The Role of Marketing and Food Advertisements in the Obesity Epidemic

The unprecedented rise in the power, scope, and sophistication of food marketing starting around 1980 aligns with the skyrocketing of the obesity epidemic. We like to think we make important life decisions like what to eat consciously and rationally, but if that were the case, we wouldn’t be in the midst of an obesity epidemic.

I think most of us think we’re too smart to fall for marketing ploys, but are we really seeing through them? This is part of a comprehensive video series on obesity, which started with:
• The Role of Diet vs. Exercise in the Obesity Epidemic (<br />• The Role of Genes in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Thrifty Gene Theory: Survival of the Fattest (
• Cut the Calorie-Rich-And-Processed Foods (
• The Role of Processed Foods in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Role of Taxpayer Subsidies in the Obesity Epidemic (

The three remaining videos are:
• The Role of Personal Responsibility in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Role of Corporate Influence in the Obesity Epidemic (
• The Role of the Toxic Food Environment in the Obesity Epidemic (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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25 Risposte a “Friday Favorites: The Role of Marketing and Food Advertisements in the Obesity Epidemic”

  1. A lot of UK supermarkets have committed to removing the junk food from checkout areas and instead stock them with snack packs of nuts, dried fruit, and 'healthier' bars such as those made from dates. It's a small step, but at least it's in a more positive direction of travel.

  2. Hello. I had a heart attack last April. I am a vegan , non smoker non drinker and was running during my heart attack. Turns out I have elevated lpa. Coming up to my hear anniversary and will be off brilinta and metoprolol. The want me on continued statin and aspirin. Thoughts on nattokanaise vs aspirin?

  3. pharmaceutical ads are the worst! images of dancing happy people while they list the myriad 'side effects'. they must work or they'd be off by now!

  4. What is this "extra calories started pouring into the food supply" garbage? That's misleading. Why don't you just say there was a rise in Junk Food?

  5. Horrifying. I was distressed at all the complaints about the first part of How Not To Diet when this sort of influence is a big factor in the poor choices being made. How can you counteract manipulation if you don't recognize it? The beef, egg, and dairy subsidies are another bugaboo but I can't get started on that.

  6. OMG this drives me insane!!! Like WHY are you telling me to eat your food like it’s a hot new toy??? It’s FOOD not a product! I think it’s really masochistic but so normalized. I’ll be watching tv and it cuts to commercial break of a close up of cheese dripping down the fried rippled sides of a towering whopper, how rude! What if I shoved my dinner in their face?! Why are these products pretending to be food??? It’s like some sick twisted Ari Aster horror film but it’s just America.

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