Frutta e verdura messe alla prova per migliorare l'umore

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• Dieta antinfiammatoria per la depressione ( -dieta-per-la-depressione)
• Diete a base vegetale per migliorare l'umore e la produttività (
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• Antiossidanti e depressione (<br/> • Fare davvero i farmaci antidepressivi Opera? (
• Esercizio vs. farmaci per la depressione (
• Sensazioni intestinali: probiotici e salute mentale ( gut-feelings-probiotics-and-mental-health/)
• Combattere i Blues con i Verdi? (
• Il miglior cibo per la disfunzione sessuale indotta da antidepressivi ( /video/Il miglior cibo per la disfunzione sessuale indotta da antidepressivi)

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione nutrizionale basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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50 Risposte a “Frutta e verdura messe alla prova per migliorare l'umore”

  1. I’ve been seeing a lot of adds on my news channel of powder veggies and fruits called balance of nature. Can you do a video if these are good or not?? I would think not but they seem to make it seem like it’s great!!! How they process it and things such as that.

  2. If the US government will stop subsidizing certain plants for animals and producing ethanol, they could give free fruit to people instead.

  3. Depression really is the result of a lot of mental patterns, outside influences and life style choices. There are countless ways to aproach the healing and all together will most certainly get everyone out of it, that's just what happens if you remove the cause. I do think though, that diet in many deseases has a crucial role because it has so many positive effects that you can get people motivated and kickstart there healing journey.

  4. If eating the fruit helped, then eating fruit seems recommendable. Making it free? Not sure that that follows logically.

  5. We'd love to hear about any tests on herbs and spices boosting mood. Then fruit and vegetables plus herbs and spices. From the data out so far I'd imagine the combination would produce astounding results.

  6. I read a study about a year ago that examined the link between fiber intake, the gut micro biome and mood. The study concluded that increased fiber intake was associated with more beneficial bacteria in our guts, which in turn increased butyrate and serotonin, thus also improving mood and wellbeing.

  7. This makes since too be it that your gut enterotype would change to a more Prevotella and less Bacteroides.

  8. Dr Greger is the anti-establishment underdog, for the working class. The country club snobs keep trying to trip him up. Daily dozen for the win!

  9. Individuals, politicians and corporations all need to do more to protect the planet from Climate Change.
    Support environmentally friendly products and companies. Stop using fossil fuels. Stop using pesticides, add solar energy to your home or business, buy an electric vehicle, eat more FRUIT and VEGETABLES and less meat and dairy, plant a tree, recycle everything. All new plastic products need to be made from 100% recycled materials. No single use plastic products should be made. Every adult and child should own a bicycle and ride it regularly. Donate to non profits fighting for a better future. Support and elect climate leaders. Every child should plant a tree, bush or flowers wiith a parent or teacher. It will help connect them to nature and the environment. .Leave a better future for your children and grandchildren. The sea should not be on fire. We must stop adding more fossil fuels to the CLIMATE FIRE. Voting matters. Local, state and federal elections all matter and have an impact on your life

  10. The government provides subsidies for unhealthy food choices. That is why they are so cheap.
    Maybe reduce subsidies for process food ingredients and subsidize fruits and vegetables.

  11. But Mum´s onkels freind at pub said for guud health to eat orgen meat? Doc sayin fruits? Fruits is sugar and it mekes diabetic, everyone know that sugar is bad, this Doc is crazy! Dont waste your times…

  12. When I went 100% raw vegan for six weeks I was in a state of euphoria after three days. I had never felt that good in my life. I felt so good I thought I was going to get arrested. I had never in my life felt so good without being arrested shortly thereafter. (Drugs/ alcohol/ winning a fight/ competition). I was told: "Get used to it- that is joy- God wants you to be in a state of joy- Genesis 1:29".

  13. ❤ we tell people all the time, feel fantastic, ton of energy, try it out. Response usually meh. Great to see study results so strong 🥦🍎🥬🍅🍉💚

  14. I think cities, counties, states, countries and schools should grow fruit trees to feed people free. It would reduce hunger, nourish people in the best way possible, and provide fresh air and beauty. And…reduce depression.

  15. Most people eat 2 -3 servings of meat a day . If most people ate only 1 serving of meat a day and 2 servings of beans , the rate of heart disease and colon cancer would plummet.

  16. Fruit and vegetables should be grown everywhere so anyone can access them for free. They purposely don’t let them grown here in the UK

  17. Psychosomatic definitely not. Processed foods or convenience foods are diabolical, for all the reasons the good doctor has explained multiple times using excellent research.

  18. With respect best "diet" for the brain is the keto life style from the first principles (mitochondria health). Ask drug resistant epileptics. Epidemiological studies, the usual vegan science evidence, are very often just "data mining". Price of financial assets can be correlated with solar wind intensity. Statistical correlation is not causation and human data is not "normally" distributed (stats estimate are worthless). This being said green veggies are good for health in general (low on glucose, high in vitamins and minerals), fruits should be avoided like the plague (engineered for max fructose content). Key factor for health in general including mood is reducing carbs (= glucose) to less than 10 % of the calories intake.

  19. I eat mostly fruits and veggetables along with legumes and oatmeal as my one grain. My A1C is 5.3 (I'm diabetic not on medication) . My blood pressure is good, my pulse rate low. I'm slowly losing weight (which I do need to do.)

  20. I've actually experienced this! I can be in a horrible mood and just eat some fruit… a banana, a peach, or some grapes and soon after I feel much better. Many people turn to food as a way to cope, and if you're going to, it may as well be food that is helpful to the body anyway!

  21. Does it matter what fruits and veggies? I ate 2 tomates and 1 bell pepper while watching this video but I have a feeling that kale and berries probably work even better

  22. Always great research and advice, thank you Dr Greger and team! I'm living my best life and at 55 am at my healthiest I've ever been thanks to a whole food vegan diet and to Dr Greger's books How not to Die and How not to Diet

  23. In Australia, Woolworths and now Coles provide free fruit for kids while shopping. My grandchildren run straight to the fruit bowl when they enter the shop. I think it and added advantage it may keep kids quiet for awhile.:)

  24. Do you guys know the title of the video where Dr Greiger shows a study with groups of women who ate variety of veg and friut and the study showed or suggested that those who ate more variety had better health markers, same calories but lets say 40 types of friut and veg instead of 20 different types, Ive been looking but cant find that one, thanks

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