Geni di resistenza agli antibiotici nelle viscere dei vegetariani rispetto ai mangiatori di carne

Coloro che mangiano vegetali hanno un carico ridotto di geni di resistenza agli antibiotici nel loro intestino.

Il potere di lobbying combinato di Big Ag e Big Pharma ha impedito agli Stati Uniti di seguire le raccomandazioni di quasi tutte le principali entità mediche e sanitarie pubbliche per limitare l'uso di farmaci salvavita per sostenere l'agribusiness. Vergogna per l'agricoltura animale e le industrie farmaceutiche. Maggiori informazioni su questa pratica inaccettabile in:
• Antibiotici: Pound of Flesh delle aziende agricole ( -flesh/)
• Oltre l'era dei miracoli: affrontare un'era post-antibiotica (https:/ /
• Superbatteri nel convenzionale vs. pollo biologico (
• Foster Farms risponde alle epidemie di Salmonella di pollo ( focolai-di-salmonella/)
• Infezioni del tratto urinario dovute al consumo di pollo (
https://nutritionfacts .org/video/infezioni-del-tratto-urinario-da-mangiare-pollo/)
• Che dire del pollo kosher e biologico? (
• Gli effetti sulla salute umana della carne coltivata: resistenza agli antibiotici (

35 Risposte a “Geni di resistenza agli antibiotici nelle viscere dei vegetariani rispetto ai mangiatori di carne”

  1. …… Fu** fu*** fu***… Does that include cross contamination? 🙁
    Trying to support local businesses to change their view and ordering vegan food, knowing very well its likely cross contaminated.
    Let the anti-inflammatory power of veganism prevail please.

  2. This study and it's findings are misleading. And the data is not enough to come to any conclusions. But those who eat meat obviously get more anti biotics. And bacteria has to change its genes to protect itself. In a way, the bacteria has learned to adopt to those anti biotics which makes it more powerful than those people that don't eat meat

  3. Since the -omics revolution I wondered if this was posible. Now I can say for sure if you want to avoid nasty infections you must switch to a plan based diet. Best regards to dr. Greger and his team <3

  4. "CDC estimates that germs on produce eaten raw cause a large percentage of U.S. foodborne illnesses. Leafy greens and other vegetable row crops are a major source of E. coli O157 infections"

    E.coli in chicken dies when you cook it prooperly.

  5. Awesome video. Great content. I have been to a doctor, and I have not been sick in over 45. People go vegan!!! It creates a strong immune system. I have been traveling around the country for 10 months spreading veganism. Doing van life join me on the trail. Have been telling people about Dr. Gregor- a great source of information. Love his book How Not to Die

  6. I'm wondering if the presence of ARG in the gut means that the antibiotics are ineffective. We won't know until….

    What ever the case we as a species need to conserve the effectiveness of our antibiotics. What the animal agriculture industry is doing by using antibiotics as food is sabotaging our medicines. They must be stopped with world wide regulations. Personal choices like going WFPB does nothing stopping the greedy profit at all cost multinational corporations that are killing our planet.

  7. This video is confusing. If manure is a problem because of anti-resistant antibiotics, and manure is used in plant growth, what is the bottom line? Should there be a follow up video comparing manure to "organic" farming practices?

  8. I'm not getting something here: If the genes are transferred to our gut microbiome, that means that our gut bacteria get resistent against antibiotics. So, if we really need an antibiotic treatment for some illness, the microbiome would be less affected…? That would theoretically be a god thing. Can somebody explain where I'm missing the point?

  9. Shouldn't it be the opposite ? Because meat is cooked/burnt killing the bacteria. But fruits and veggies that were fertilized by chicken-cow-pig poop are eaten raw.

  10. ok but does this result in a significant increase in the bacteria infection illness rate for meat eaters? does it affect our actual health?

  11. So wouldn't you have to conclude from this that vegetable contamination isn't a serious factor, since the vegans didn't have the problem? And beef and pork and even chicken don't seem to be a huge factor since veggies are similar to omnivores. So it would appear that dairy and or eggs ore the problem. So which is it?

  12. There is no such thing as a “meat eater” the american diet it basically plant based, lots of refined carbs and sugars, alongside with seed oils

  13. I am a vegetarian but am close to being a vegan. I think my health is better than other, younger vegetarians because I do not eat fried foods. I also make sure that I have zero mineral deficiencies through blood tests. I supplement for Omega 3 fatty acids with chia seeds and walnuts.

  14. Grass fed versus industrial processed, grain fed animals. Humans who eat sugar versus those who don't. Only telling part of the story. Sensational and misleading!

  15. We should clarify the terms first, there are no lacto/ovo/pisco/carni-vegeterians they are just omnivores, vagaterians are what you call vegans but they would wear a wool-pullover of lether shoes…

  16. Both are basically SAD diets. One just without meat. Both likely eat garbage like processed and artificial sugars and gmo garbage grains. Candy bars, sodas, Doritos and such are not off the list for either. I’d love to see a study pitting the Carnivore diet vs Whole Foods Plant based diet. I’ve witnessed people heal themselves with both. Both just quit the SAD diet.

  17. Carnivore diet has a large, scientific/medical following that has been growing. Humans are carnivores by the scientific evidence.
    I personally eat meat, poultry and fish besides fruits, mushrooms and vegetables.

  18. U are going to send this crap to uk…the Conservative government want to feed this crap to UK population…brexit bonus…twats

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