Gli agricoltori vogliono tassare le scoregge di vacca | Come mai?

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Il video:

La Nuova Zelanda vuole tassare scoregge e rutti da mucche e pecore , perché? E questo cosa significa? Daremo un'occhiata a questa storia, oltre ad alcune brutte notizie per gli uomini che bevono latte, uno spot televisivo vegano che è stato bandito per essere troppo “angosciante” e altro ancora in Face The Facts Friday di oggi.

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Terreno Of Hope And Glory (Regno Unito):
Unholy Cattle (India):
The Game Changers (Netflix )
Forchette su coltelli (Netflix)
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51 Risposte a “Gli agricoltori vogliono tassare le scoregge di vacca | Come mai?”

  1. Face The Facts Friday will return! Please consider supporting my work by joining the David Ramms team: or become a YouTube Member: | You'll get access to exclusive content and you'll be helping me make more videos like this

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  2. I want to be a meatflake. Everything feels pain, even plants and rocks. You should be ashamed Dovid. Hypocrite, when you step on rocks and grass you are killing them. Hypocrite murderer. Nobody wants you.

  3. With regards to the vegan advert, it’s like Hitler complaining about depictions of the holocaust on TV and saying it’s too upsetting and violent. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  4. If feel stupid 🙈 I listened to this ad a hundred times and I still don't get what the first woman is saying "aaaand plastic straws are ruining the oceans, ..…….. don't have a chance" ???

  5. Thanks for the good video! 🌱

    Sad the extrem lobbing in New Zealand is – that’s the next atrocity: a payoff to continue & greenwash 🤬

    If they’d really wanted to change something for the environment etc. they ought to consider gradually shifting subsidies for the meat, dairy & egg industries towards organic produce & land managing (re-wilding) 🤦🏻‍♂️

    The tv ad was great 😁 too bad it’s banned 🤷🏻‍♂️


  6. Really impressed by that advert. I never realized that it was so full on. Bizarrely, the reason given for the complaints was that it portrayed "animal cruelty". That does not make sense. It portrays animal NORMALITY. In fact, we know FAR WORSE goes on. Firstly, the complainants can't have been vegans or vegetarians because they'd have agreed with it, so who would? It must have been meat eaters in the meat or fishing industry, complaining to shut reality down. I wouldn't be surprise to find out it was coordinated off some farmers network or meat industry PR agency. It was really good.

    Why should a mere 63 people, with dubious motivations, get to decide what an entire nation sees? That seems crazy to me, especially as there is no transparency about who they were.

  7. Hundreds of millions of farmed animals have died or were killed on or in farms…….due to heat waves, natural disasters, disease, power outages, fire, etc, etc. And the blood of all these animals is still on the hands of those who CHOOSE to buy animal products to eat or drink.

  8. They should tax not only cows farts but all troubles that animal agriculture causes to environment. Water consumption, deforestation, methane emissions, co2 footprint. All should be taxed. Also cruelty to animals (killing an animal is already cruel).

  9. I wish we were in a kind world… but kindness is only a font for most people so they can be accepted in society… the majority of humans are living a lie, and money is more important than compassion…. also, thanks for using the article i shared~!

  10. Ban farm subsidies. Animal products in usa that cost $5 in the store, actually cost about $15, but $10 of the cost was paid in tax dollars. Fruit and vegetables get little to no subsidies in usa and the store price more closely reflects the real price. Let everyone use an acre of free tax free land to grow their own food and live on.

  11. Yes. Especially here in America, you'll find that most people care more about the price of things than kindness or compassion. Also people are lazy.

  12. Of course cheaper plant based foods are the answer, do you think the average person actually cares about anyone or anything other than their hip pocket?

  13. Less expensive plant-based meats are going to make a bigger difference without question. How many times have we heard people use the price excuse of how expensive rice and beans are to justify their abuse of non-human animals?

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