Gli alimenti biologici sono più sicuri?

Il consumo di alimenti biologici sembra ridurre l'esposizione a residui di pesticidi e batteri resistenti agli antibiotici.

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Questo è il secondo di una serie di video in 5 parti sugli alimenti biologici rispetto a quelli convenzionali. E il relativo contenuto di nutrienti? Guarda il mio ultimo: gli alimenti biologici sono più nutrienti? (

Ecco cosa aspettarsi dopo:
• Come preparare il proprio lavaggio di frutta e verdura (
http:/ /<br/> • Gli alimenti biologici sono più sani? (
• I benefici degli alimenti biologici sono sottovalutati o sopravvalutati? (

Per ulteriori informazioni sulle implicazioni delle malattie infettive del biologico vs. convenzionale, vedere Superbatteri nel pollo convenzionale vs. biologico ( Anche i prodotti biologici possono essere più sicuri. Vedi: Norovirus Food Poisoning from Pesticides ( Le uova biologiche possono anche avere meno ( /7/.lungo ) Rischio di salmonella, che è un'epidemia trasmessa dalle uova ogni anno negli Stati Uniti Guarda il mio video Chi dice che le uova non sono sane o sicure? (

Maggiori informazioni su Parkinson e pesticidi nella prevenzione del morbo di Parkinson con la dieta (

Quelli sorpreso dai dati della California potrebbe aver perso il mio video California Children Are Contaminated ( -contaminato/).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e proverà a rispondere!

Crediti immagine: Rob Franksdad via Flickr.
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52 Risposte a “Gli alimenti biologici sono più sicuri?”

  1. NOT all people can afford Organic food as it is more xpensive than conventional ones., so  does it mean that vegan non organic food consummer will die sooner with cancer , MS, etc ? ? I hate organic food propaganda, it is UNFAIR for those who can not afford it .
    SO what for being vegan then ??? ….

  2. What you didn't mention is that the study that you focused on at the end was only focused on organophosphate–the synthetic pesticide used in conventional agriculture. Copper sulfates are the organic equivalent and are actually more toxic than organophosphates so it would have been interesting to see the level of organic pesticides in the organic eating group

    It seemed like you completely ignored the fact that organic doesn't mean 'pesticide free'. I would really like to hear you to compare the effects of organic pesticides vs conventional pesticides. From my reading, I have found that they are equally toxic.

  3. I watched your video about washing fruits and vegetables, and I was curious if washing can decrease the amount of pesticides in our body. I try to buy organic as often as I can, but sometimes I am not able to. I would like to lower my risk of pesticides as much as I can. 


  4. "logical precautionary approach" 90 percent reduction in exposure to pesticides where does the 10% come from?  How much does it add to health care costs? I bet more the cost of the food.

     Allow the homeless/ out of work people reasonable working conditions. Such as sun, heat and bug protection clothing. As in a one piece jumper with a head covering off the face. It could have a breathing filter and be lined with tubes to cool the body using supercapacitors for the power to circulate water from a back pack with ice and water. A simple regulator to let in more ice water when it gets too warm. This allows working people to not get sunburn, overheated or bit by chiggers, fleas, ticks mosquitoes and so on.

    They can Work a few hours picking weeds and vacuuming bugs in exchange for shelter and food. Additional work can also be done for extra goods and services. telephone, internet, Transportation and so on.  Food needs washing preparing cooking and clean up. Plus the animals we consume to be treated humanely and for our safety need better looking after. there is also road repair maintenance for public places. It is a WIN Win for all. We who have private jobs get better food at lower costs. They get what they need doing meaningful work under good working conditions. I would do it if i did not have work because it is good for me personally and necessary for our long term survival of our species. Cant be adding untold millions and millions of pounds of pesticides and herbicides to water supply every year without tainting the water enough to cause long term health problems.  Also because I was not getting burnt, bit, or over worked on tasks to the point it breaks down my body unnecessarily. There are tens of millions of people needing work and many hands make light work. Now we just need to get voting for it, to make it a reality.

  5. Funny how times have changed in the USA. I remember when I had to take the TOEFL when I first arrived…There was a multiple choice question "What does the cow feed on?" A) Slop B) Grass C) Grain…I got it wrong because I chose B) Grass…This is because in Africa where I was born, that was what cattle ate. Strange wasn't it? That was how I found out why the food was so different.
    Personally,  I purchase organic food from Costco; but wonder how we can even be sure that organic grains, fruits and vegetables, are grown from whole and natural seeds in the West?
        In Africa, the term organic food is irrelevant; food  is grown naturally; from original seeds and seedlings, as well as animals raised on the land, in unindustrialized fashion, using old fashioned systems of farming. Poverty and starvation is only prevalent on the continent  not because our farming techniques are small scale, but rather due to socioeconomic reasons, stemming from mass corrupt leadership and lawlessness.

  6. I can't afford organic so I buy frozen veggies. 80-90% of residual pesticides are removed through the blanching and freezing process. That's good enough for me. For fruits, I wash until squeaky clean then peel.

  7. As per your advise, we should eat the rinds and peels of fruits and veggies to achieve higher nutrition/antioxidants, , but what about pesticides? In your book, you addressed that a fruit not being organic is no reason to not eat it. However, for example, given the choice between conventional berries (probably sprayed with tons of pesticides but highly nutritious, as you claim) and conventional melons (which you say are not as nutritious by comparison), which do you eat? For the melon, you will not be eating the peel, therefore probably avoiding consumption of many pesticides and for the berries it is inevitable.

    To take this further, what about conventional berries vs. organic bananas. We know berries are the king of fruits, but whats the better choice?

  8. I have a difficult time reading scientific studies myself, but am wondering how thorough the studies for organic vs conventional were. My question: it was looking for conventional pesticides. But it wasn't looking for organic pesticides and herbicides. Testing for them would be a completely different set of criteria. Currently, there is very little, if any regulation on organic pesticides, and some, like chrysanthemum, is a very potent neurotoxin. Yet, can be sprayed all over our food, in unlimited quantities. Is this better? Or are we safer with regulated chemicals? The cost alone is moving me to question this whole messed up situation. I've been a huge supporter of organic foods, but can't spend less than $125 at the grocery store for 2 people, sometimes twice a week… This isn't sustainable, seemingly in either case. Real answers and responses please. I'm actually wanting to figure this out.

  9. Hi, i'm a student, and where i live in canada all we have around here is walmart,sobeys, and superstore. How can i make sure i get healthy clean fruits and veggies? are conventional that bad for health?

  10. Correction – the latest and largest study of its kind (recently published in the British Journal of Nutrition) has now proven that there IS significant nutritional differences between organic and so-called 'conventionally grown' fruits/vegetables, meat and milk (up to 69% more phytonutrients in the veg and up to 50% more omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in the meat/milk). This was a combination of primary research and a huge meta study which measured the results of 340+ independent studies into the nutritional differences of organic vs conventional.

  11. Also – you question if eating pesticides actually harms health. The science is well and truly in for that, including a study published by the WHO/IARC last year which lead to the reclassification of glysophate as a 'probable human carcinogen'

  12. Great video. It is possible that the higher cost per nutrient in organic versus conventional would be offset if organic were subsidized as are conventional crops. Perhaps, the more we vote for organic as consumers, the more likely profit hungry conventional food corporations will make the switch. I feel good about putting some of my discretionary budget towards funding the campaign for safer more nutritious foods that build rather than deplete soils and that do not make us dependent on the closed loop of certain farming machinery, pesticide and seed that the federal government requires subsidized farmers use. My dollar, my vote.

  13. So what about eating fruits Wich you don't eat the skin? Like mangoes, bananas, etc. I can presume that with those the exposure to pesticides is lower than eating non organic apples (which is what I do).
    Or what do you think?

  14. AMR is a pandemic predicted to kill 300 million humans by 2050

    I have a refractometer which is a great way to test the quality of different organic foods, Plus I grow a lot of my own.

  15. Roach sprays build up over the years. Most apartments spray regularly all over houses and it seeps into countertops and walls and floors and never goes away. old housing and practices are a big health problem.

  16. But unfortunately, many times when I want to make the organic purchase, they look like hell … small spindly-looking celery, along with a myriad of other wilted, very sad-looking choices … and the kicker is, the supermarket is being supplied by local farms! Everything should look fantastic. Why do most organic veggies look like they've just received chemotherapy?

  17. I already choose organic, but now I’ll be thinking about the farm workers instead of just myself and my family. Protecting them is just one more reason to choose organic. Wouldn’t it be great of the demand for organic surpassed that of conventional produce?!

  18. Way to dance around the subject . I can't blame up big ag is watching . Spray chems on anything is bad why the hell do we need so called pros to tell us this ?
    We are loosing are common sense .

  19. Thanks so much Dr. Greger!! The agriculture industry should move towards organic as this is the option more and more people are demanding. We just don´t want that many chemicals in our organisms.

  20. A new study found that organic farms contain more dung beetles, who drastically reduce e-coli contamination of vegetation, by up to 95%, so yes, organic does reduce bacterial infections.

  21. This is not correct study. Science food babe talks about this and how they did this "study". Conventional and organic…both way bellow ppm or safety levels of pesticides. Conventional often times close to organic if not same. Organic still use pesticides…natural doesn't mean safer, dose makes the poison.

  22. Both conventional and organic produce lose nutrients quickly the further both are from date of harvest. I think the take away is Grow Your Own. Of course, most of ua simply don't have the room to grow our beans and grains…but almost all folks can grow our herbs, dark green leafies, and sprouts. Sprouts can be had all year long, at the least. Then you are getting them at their peak nutrients, and you KNOW what chemicals they are sprayed with – or not. If you have only a little room, you can grow sweet potatoes in pots and get tubers AND a fantastic dark green leaf. So much info on the net about growing in very little room.

  23. This video is ludicrous. Studies have found that drug and alcohol usage contributes much more to contamination and genetic affects to the human body then pesticides. The so called "organic foods" growers still use pesticides and herbicides on their crops but they also use copper based chemicals such as copper sulfates which is far more dangerous and toxic.

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