Gli effetti collaterali della combustione dell'incenso

L'incenso è nocivo? È stato riscontrato che bruciare l'incenso genera circa quattro volte il particolato rispetto alle sigarette accese.

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100 Risposte a “Gli effetti collaterali della combustione dell'incenso”

  1. Dr Gregor, you've spoken out so much about the heavy metal contents of the food we consume. Surely, inhaling the burnt heavy metals in the plant matter of the incense wouldn't be any better for the human body. Surprised to not have seen anything mentioned about that in any of those studies

  2. One of the Worst smells ever….folks just trying to cover up their BO because they’re afraid of a little soap, but will probably put tons of arsenic in their skin from dumb tattoos.

  3. As with eating animal products, widespread use with a long tradition is no indication of being health promoting.
    In fact, just the opposite!
    Tobacco smoking is another example.

  4. So pleased this has been addressed. I've been trying to persuade my Mum to stop burning incense. They trigger her smoke alarm so I assumed they weren't exactly healthy in the home.

  5. I had to quit a small meditation group as the custom to burn incense and though the ceiling was high, the stream of smoke always went right in my face.

  6. WoW..I didn't know this🤯…. I use incense for decore, but I will burn sometimes in the bathroom, I love the smells and there's zero windows, so no circulation of air and I would just breathe in the beautiful aromas with abandon🤯.

  7. I've always hated incense smoke, its such an overpowering smell,but as I've got older, I can't even tolerate scented candles burning in a room, never mind air fresheners.

  8. Ok, there are too many citations on this piece. When a student puts down a litany of citations where it's unclear what their purpose/utility of most of them even is, it's a red flag for a "smoke screen." The best Nutrition Facts pieces feature a half dozen or so studies, that are a cut above their peer group in one way or another, and each that tackle a topic or question from different directions, aiming at some tentative conclusion. This piece just seems to have linked to nearly every study ever done on incense and concluded the obvious: there's a risk there. I just think this headline needed only 1 or 2 citations (the highest quality of the group), and the piece that needs 23 citations (literally) would be a lot more interesting. But we got neither here, we got the worst of both worlds smashed into one video. Even with a staff, I don't believe NF read all the studies cited for this piece. That's unprofessional. And how could a sub 6-minute piece need 23 citations? Check in with your quality controls folks! I've never said that to Nutrition Facts before!!!

  9. Nicely done! Published Links between scent and mood don’t seem to have the dramatic effect sizes to warrant some of the associated expense, but I have to admit that a scented candle has a certain ritualistic feel that has helped me sidestep panic more than once.

  10. Scented candles, if they are of the paraffin type are problematic since they emit hydrocarbons. Perhaps soy and beeswax may be safer; I'm unsure about that. I have the so-called smokeless incense or temple variety from Japan. They still emit smoke which does cause nasal congestion. The cheaper forms of incense with the interior strands, as first shown in the video, are by far and away the worst offenders. Many thanks to Dr. G once again! You're the best buddy.

  11. Cool. One more thing I never have to worry about buying again. 😊 But, scented candles it is. (Maybe I’ll save my leftover incense for burning outside to help dissuade a few mosquitoes.)

  12. This is the worst news video of yours I've ever seen. I very much like incense, especially some of the subtle Japanese incenses. I enjoy scent of incense when meditating; sandalwood particularly is calming and helps me settle more quickly.  On the package of some heavy Tibetan incense I have it states: "Perfectly safe for inhalation & the environment." Do I trust a very interested incense maker or a disinterested doctor?

    Our Zen temple (in the US) only uses unlit incense, because several members are quite allergic to the smoke and even the "smokeless" incense is too much. A few years ago there were reports in the Chinese media about the adverse health effects on the monks and workers at the Chinese temples, although I don't think that has changed much of anything. The Yong He Gong temple in Beijing is a long block from the closest subway entrance and one can find the correct subway exit by using their nose — the scent comes down into the subway. Again, I find this a pleasant scent and I quite enjoy my walk to the temple.

    After watching your video, however, I think I will need to cut back my use of incense to a half dozen or less special festivals throughout the year, the most important of which is Tomb-Sweeping Day to honor the passing of my parents and grandparents.

  13. Based on the comments for this vid, it would appear its NOT a good idea to use Incense…….I always wondered about this and was never a big fan……..if you aren't breathing normal oxygen created by PLANT life, then its NOT healthy for you…..of course, my religious side always tells me this is WHAT and the WAY God intended for us to live…..not to be inhaling foreign substances….unless its a medical issue like putting us to sleep to undergo surgery of some kind……PEACE!

  14. I'd also like to see a study on just burning plant matter. Although people don't do that as often so idk if there'd even be enough data for that. I'm talking about plants people would use for smoke cleansing a room or area like white sage, cedar, juniper, or rosemary.

  15. We need to remember what risk factors we are actually talking about here; occasional inhalation of smoke from whatever source probably isn't going to increase your risk of disease significantly. Inhaling smoke everyday probably will. Same thing with eating processed meat. The studies here present evidence on daily exposure or exposure for a long period of time. You cannot extrapolate this to any other scenario; daily inhalation of smoke/long term is probably bad but is unclear for other cases. It's the dose, not necessarily the poison…

  16. Not very often I go for a massage the odd exposure would be fine you'd think. All the vapers and chain smoking would be a lot worse.
    It would be interesting to know if those water oil diffusers are fine (few drops of essential oil in water)?

  17. FYI – EVALI was caused by bootleg THC cartridges laced with vitamin E acetate NOT nicotine vaping products (CDC).Vaping is the single best smoking cessation technology available, Invented by smokers for smokers & widely promoted in the U.K.
    You've lost your street cred Bro.

  18. I’m Eastern Orthodox. We use incense every Divine Liturgy. My boys are altar boys and I’m an ordained Reader. I’m around it all the time. 🤷‍♂️☦️ It is what it is.

  19. I have a chemical sensitivity and most scented candles set me off. If there isn’t a known health risk it’s probably only because it hasn’t been studied enough.

  20. I had a feeling. Good to have confirmation. Any smoke tends to have an adverse effect on health.
    The smoke from candles? Kept triggering my asthma too.

  21. Burning anything creates similar compounds. Burning food (BBQ) does the same. If you enjoy incense, just do it with a window open or a fan. No worries. Enjoy life.

  22. I did assume this, but what about fire pits and fire places, bbq’s, anything with smoke really. What about the smoke when cooking in the house? I stopped burning incense a few years ago because I figured it can’t be great for our lungs. But I do love it still and wish we didn’t have to worry about every god damn thing that is around us. But having cancer does really suck and it’s expensive. 🥵

  23. There is an asthma association to scented candles. Also, even the paraffin wax in unscented candles can trigger asthma symptoms.

  24. I should try and read through the cited articles to ensure correlations of location and other factors are not distorting this perspective.
    I see you're yet to provide the sources, so I'll wait for them to show up rather than fish them out of the video.

  25. But if you just let it burn in a room and aren't exposed to the smoke, you still get the sent, and not breath in the smoke

  26. Personally, I use incense in the bathroom briefly instead of canned commercial room-deodorant, that releases all kinds of synthetic chemicals into the air. If used in this manner, I believe that it is a safer and cheaper alternative. However, I would like to know if there is any credible study, that proves or disproves this.

  27. I used the Incense nothing happens no side effects that's a lie I'm healthy I love the smell,the one has side effects is the medicine that your doctor described you when you're sick

  28. I think the answer is "no smoke is good smoke" but I am curious to know to what degree this finding applies to burning whole plant foods i.e. Sage bundles and other smudging herbs

  29. Kerzen sollen besser sein? Das glaube ich nicht. Bzw kommt es auf die Art des Wachses an. Ich vertrage Räucherstäbchen aus natürlichen Zutaten sehr gut – Kerzen aus Parafin machen mir Atemnot!

  30. Apparently, the TYPE of incense, that a person burns, depends on the amount of damage done while burning it…Wait, I think I meant that backwards. Anyway, I'm convinced that I avoided getting the flu, several years ago, by (purposely) breathing in the smoke of some incense from Tibetan Medical College, called "Holy Land" Incense (It smells a little like cat pee…until you light it. Then a wonderful, earthy scent comes out. `So glad they still make it).

    I also burn agarwood when I can afford it. I usually have to get the cheaper stuff, but it still smells incredible! Unfortunately, it has become extremely rare.

    Love & Blessings To All.

  31. Ah I just bought a tonne of incense sticks from India. Guess I'll just leave it in the living room for the fragrance and never burn them.

  32. 95% of people use the incense in a wrony way…. You need to close all windows and doors, get out of the room, burn the incense – preferably Arabic ones that need Charcoal or in a form of a cone (not the one on stick) then keep the smoke for 10-15minutes in so that the scents can penetrate into the materials in the room. After that open all windows and get rid of the smoke. This way, the smell last for 2-3days and there are no unhealthy particles in the air.

  33. Thanks for the confirmation doc, i stopped using them years ago because i suspected they were damaging due to the effects they had on me.

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