Gli effetti degli ormoni nel latte da latte sul cancro

Quali sono gli effetti degli ormoni sessuali femminili nel latte su uomini, donne e bambini?

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Per ulteriori informazioni sulla relazione tra cancro e latticini, vedere:
• Latticini e cancro (
• Cancro alla prostata e latte biologico vs Latte di mandorla (
• Il latte fa bene alle ossa? (<br/> • Impedisci al cancro di andare in TOR (
• Salvare vite trattando l'acne con la dieta ( /video/salvare-vite-trattando-l-acne-con-la-dieta/)

E parlo dell'effetto di estrogeni da latte sugli uomini in Dairy Estrogen e Male Fertility.

E i fitoestrogeni nella soia? Vedere:
• Geni e soia del cancro al seno BRCA ( geni-e-soia/)
• Chi non dovrebbe mangiare la soia? (
• La soia è salutare per le sopravvissute al cancro al seno? (

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100 Risposte a “Gli effetti degli ormoni nel latte da latte sul cancro”

  1. in the philippines the sogie bill is very hot. is there any study regarding mill consumption and becoming transgender? does the hormones affect them and it goes directly on their head?

  2. Fact : cows milk tastes alot better than any other milk. So what if you get some hormones in the process. Eostrogen promotes cardiovascular health. Noone gets gynecomastia from eating dairy and seems like this video just proves theres very little evidence of milk being significantly bad for your health.
    Ps: if you're against milk then you must also be against oral contraception – something millions of women do

  3. It's funny how bro scientists say soy gives you man boobs (when it's an estrogen blocker). Then gulp down their full fat milk. This is only anecdotal but I swear India has a serious population wide case of gynocamastia AKA man boobs because all of that dairy they consume.

  4. Thank you so much for this video!! There has been a lot of media going around saying that dairy is good for you. It really is not. This could not have been a more timely video!! Thanks again. I am going to do a video on dairy over on my channel soon!

  5. I cannot help but remain in utter disbelief at how some men insist on consuming dairy with all of its hormones but avoid soy because they are afraid of becoming 'feminized' by the supposed estrogens in soy, never mind the very real estrogenic hormones in dairy that often help to give them man boobs and love handles if they eat enough of it. '..understanding the role of dietary hormone exposure in the population burden of breast cancer is not possible at this time.'? Hopefully this will change in the near future as at the very least inquiring minds want to know.

  6. The funny thing is that every experienced cat owner knows you can't give kittens cow milk and have to buy cat's milk replacement from the store. It has completely different nutritional and hormonal profile.
    At the same time they drink cow's milk themselves… Jesus, people are dumb.

  7. What exactly dairy products do to women before menopause? 3.5 min out of 5 min this video lasts you spend talking about how cows are being abused. The other 1.5 about how dairy is bad for men and kids. Your videos are getting less informative doc.

  8. I loved Jack LaLanne's reply when someone asked him why he didn't drink cow's milk; he said, …"because I'm not a suckling calf!" 😂👏💪

  9. RIP to all the babies that were slaughtered in the veal industry and the mothers that repeatedly lost their babies. The real victims of the dairy industry.

  10. I don’t drink a lot of milk, use it for tea. But I know it’s probably not good but find it hard to give up cheese (pizza) yogurt, butter, ice cream:(
    I wonder if the Doctor completely avoids it?
    What about alternatives?

  11. Go Vegan
    Eat less meat, dairy, eggs and cheese. 
    Eat more whole food plant based beans, greens, onions, nuts, seeds, berries.
    It will be healthier for you and better for the animals and the planet

  12. Thanks for doing the research and posting! It's this estrogen connection that got me to finally 'quit' dairy 1 1/2 years ago. So glad I did!

  13. Hah. Learning French keeps paying off. The other day, I was reading some French news article and saw "gestation". It meant pregnancy in French, and English dictionary had that word, too. But I thought it was a dead word in English. And yet, after only 1 or 2 weeks, I heard "gestation" here.

  14. 15 women per 100,000 women get endometrial cancer (0.015 per 100). With the relativ risk of 1.41 for more than 3 servings of milk the rate is growing by 0.0061 (0.021 per 100). And 1 serving didn't change the relativ risk at all.

  15. Holy Cow!!! 🐮=💀
    What about all the children, who are forced to drink Milk, because their parents are ignorant and stupid? And then have recurring inner ear infections, so that in the end, they need to have drainage in the ear? 🤔
    What about the children who develop severe Asthma because of Milk and Dairy products?
    It’s should be a criminal offence to give Milk and Dairy to children, and ignorance is not an excuse 🙉🙈🙊.

  16. Review
    "Although results of published studies are not unequivocal, it seems that there is stronger evidence suggesting that amounts of estrogens in cow's milk are too low to cause health effects in humans."
    "Children aged between one and five years were expected to be the at-risk population when exposed to detectable steroid hormone concentrations. Based on the mean and maximum concentrations of progesterone detected in milk, the contribution was 0.85% and 0.9%, and 1.48% and 1.6% of the acceptable daily intake for boys and girls, respectively. These results imply that the concentrations of steroid hormones present in raw milk should not present a health risk for young children."
    "With consumption of normal quantities of milk under consideration of an orientation value for the daily intake of milk (including yoghurt) of 200-250 g, the hormone quantities that can be expected to be ingested should be seen as very low compared to the natural self-synthesis of these hormones in humans. Furthermore, the hormones are metabolised very quickly (pronounced “first pass” effect of the liver with peroral intake). The available scientific data do not currently give any reason to assume any relevant health risk."

    The dangers from dairy hormones may be far-fetched, other problems of milk (production) more important…

  17. Great video! My daughter and I cannot have dairy neither meat, because of hormones. My child was in risk of premature puberty, because of dairy and meat, and as soon as I changed the diet things got back to normal. But many don't believe you and look at you weird when you tell the truth!

  18. Dr Greger is a Rockstar. Our baby girl is one year and if anyone scrolling through these comments can suggest alternative "milks" rather than cows milk formula, I'd really appreciate it.

  19. So, is this study #6999?? We only need one more to finally get that 'Surgeon General's Warning'… hahahah! (7000 for the Tobacco industry after all..)
    This is just absurd… WHY this hasn't hit front page n….. ooooh right, they also own the News Media outlets through 'donations' and 'commercial' ad revenue…

  20. I have no stop buying any dairy for my kids they had are not milk drinkers but Heavy on yogart and cheese. Myself I don't touch the stuff. But from here on replacing with the coconut and almond yogart. Better choice👍

  21. Ok enough, the bias is absolutely insane. Grass fed meats and organic meat/eggs BLAST your testosterone and this guy makes it seem like low quality versions are all that people eat. Dr greggor, who cares about factory farm steroid injected cows? Enough. Intelligent people eat grass fed beef and they thrive. Enough with the bias, start comparing organic meats/dairy and not factory farmed estrogen/steroid injected garbage. We all already know its not good.

  22. I enjoyed two glasses of a2 raw milk today. Very healthy, but I'm sure non of you know jack shiz about raw or a2 milk. The you're not a baby cow is a weak argument. If your basis of arguement is that…you have been brainwashed.

  23. I wonder what affect the hormones have on the fetus and their future sexual preference if the mother is consuming cows milk. There's a lot to learn here…

  24. We need more studies. I can digest fat yoghurt and ghee butter. These are one of the few foods I can digest. When I eat a lot of vegetables, I feel sick. How do you explain this? And I know dozens of people like me.

  25. 👍@ 1:53 = Telling people what goes on in the dairy industry does not result in high rates of approval.

    The bit of good news there is that it indicates that a lot of people do indeed care about what goes on in the dairy industry, but they don’t currently know, and if they are given the facts, they might be inclined to stop consuming and supporting it.

  26. "Understanding the role of dietary hormones on breast cancer is not possible at this time" ? Didn't you, Dr Greger, do a few videos on exactly that? How estrogen feeds breast cancer cells, while the estrogen in soy for instance does not?

  27. Es una lástima que habiendo tantos casos de cáncer de mama. No se hagan datos más claros para informar si los lácteos en especial leche de vaca es perjudicial o no tanto en las que ya tienen el cáncer como en las sobrevivientes. :C

  28. I'm a big fan of both and Kurzgesagt, trusting both of them. However, Kurzgesagt recently came out with a video about milk [ showing that milk really isn't that harmful, citing some meta-analyses. Which is true? Whom should I trust? I think I trust a little more, but I'm still a little hesitant.

    Can anyone (preferably someone from help me sort this mess?

  29. In the graphs, I see progesterone, more compared to estrogen, and I say give it to me. Many woman are progesterone deficient. Well… Also I never read a study about male gynecomastia and dairy consumption whereas have read about a few studies and case reports of male gynecomastia caused by soy consumption. I think it's not that simple, and this video simplifies things a lot.

  30. Save & link this for the meatheads who insult with ‘soy boy’ and drone on about soybean products mimicking oestrogen.. meat and dairy products don’t mimic it, they deliver it in abundance. 🏁 facts 😂

  31. It still makes my skin crawl when I see people giving their kids ice cream cones, putting cream over fruit and so on. Dairy is scary but no matter what facts I tell friends and relatives they still suckle like calves in one way or another denying my information.

  32. Hace 8 años no tomo leche y reduje el consumo de productos animales.
    Tomo leche de soya pero el problema ahora es que dicen que esta genéticamente modificada y es cancerígena también, un problema con la alimentación.

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