Gli effetti della marijuana sugli incidenti stradali

Valutazione dei rischi per la salute pubblica della marijuana. Le vittime del traffico sono aumentate o diminuite dopo la legalizzazione della cannabis?

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Ho una sfilza di altri video sulla cannabis se sei interessato:
• Rapporto dell'Istituto di Medicina sugli effetti sulla salute della marijuana (
• Ricerca degli effetti sulla salute della marijuana ( di-Marijuana)
• La marijuana crea dipendenza?) ( video/La marijuana crea dipendenza)<br/> • La marijuana causa problemi di salute? (
• La marijuana causa danni permanenti al cervello negli adolescenti? (
• La marijuana causa danni permanenti al cervello negli adulti? (
• La cannabis si trasformerà in grande tabacco? (
• Legalizzazione della marijuana e epidemia di oppioidi ( l'epidemia di oppioidi)

• Effetti del fumo di marijuana sui polmoni (
• Fumare marijuana vs. un vaporizzatore di cannabis (
• La marijuana causa il cancro ai polmoni? (
• La cannabis può curare il cancro? (
• Gli edibili di cannabis sono sicuri? (
• Pesticidi nella marijuana ( -in-marijuana)
• Gli effetti della marijuana sulla fertilità e sulla gravidanza (
• La marijuana provoca schizofrenia? (
• Effetti della marijuana sull'aumento di peso e sulla densità ossea (

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84 Risposte a “Gli effetti della marijuana sugli incidenti stradali”

  1. Very good clip of information. It’s just so silly when you have tobacco which causes so many deaths and cancers still to be Ok 👍. It’s completely legal. You still have billboards pushing alcohol consumption on young adults and the fatalities of drinking and driving is a no brainer but we still allow this marketing and legalization of beverages. 😐. And for people to talk bad about marijuana which is just a chill plant herb it’s crazy. A lot of this has to do with big pharma and the insurance companies. Hospital and clinics. They don’t want marijuana to be legal and they definitely hate the words medical marijuana. Like I said it’s really just a big joke and it’s politicians being paid to keep cannabis a criminal drug. I’m in Wisconsin and will probably be the last state to legalize it . Very sad

  2. Alcohol use doesn't cause accidents. Alcohol abuse does.
    Define marijuana use versus abuse.

    Whatever way you cut it, marijuana is self medication to reduce psychological distress.
    Should a doctor be encouraging dampening of psychological distress states with self medication, when there is a real risk of increased accidents, crime, or financial dependence on the State?

  3. The problem the good doctor cannot get his head around is marijuana is not the issue.
    The need to have marijuana to cope is the issue.

  4. So here we have a doctor who chooses to ignore the harmful effects of inhaling smoke.
    How's that for setting the clock back 50 years.

  5. In a sane world, alcohol, cigarettes and cannabis should be banned in every countries, it is not even foods…

  6. I had a friend overdose on cannabis in his late twenties. 3 spliffs one after the other and he had a fit and collapsed, when the ambulance arrived there was a lot of blood pouring out of his ears.

  7. More proof that cannabis laws are an entire waste of ink and paper! Not to mention the millions of dollars are spent on all those garbage politicians and police officers that enforce those unconstitutional laws in the first place

  8. Would be interested to know the rate of death and adverse health effects in a population with regular, moderate use of each of cannabis, alcohol, and tobacco. Absolute numbers of deaths don’t tell an individual making a risk decision much.

  9. This isn't really about alcohol being worse or cannabis being better – I am all for completely legalizing cannabis and regulating it to ensure that processed products are pure. But when it comes to driving, the reality is that anything that alters your perception and therefore your reflex and reaction time is adding unnecessary risk to a potentially dangerous activity – the fact that it is less risk with cannabis shouldn't make anyone applaud and scream hooray! No one would argue with the fact that a car can be dangerous if not under control, so why add any element of risk. One should not drive if they consume alcohol, cannabis, medication or anything that alters their mental capabilities and/or reflexes – why is that such a difficult thing to grasp or agree on? Anyone whose life has been changed by a car accident would agree even if they are pro cannabis legalization.

  10. I tried cannabis after it was legalized here (Canada), and honestly it felt like I took a Benadryl. I was just really drowsy (and yes, I got the people at the weed store to give me a "Sativa" which is supposed to give energy…didn't work). Dr. Greger video request: Is there any evidence that Sativa vs. Indica have different effects beyond placebo?

    I definitely wouldn't drive on Benadryl, so Cannabis falls into the same category for me. It REALLY helps me fall asleep, so that's good I guess.

  11. I'd suspect a similar result comparing opioid use and pot. A more important question might be what in our culture is driving the drug usage, suicide, abortions, mental illness, divorce…..

  12. Is it really a fact that "mostly young males" are smoking MJ? Here in California there are a lot of old hippies smoking weed (and not driving) and I thought the younger people gravitated towards alcohol. Would like to see the data on this.

  13. So can we use common sense…dont drive or operate machinery under the influence of anything. I'm allergic to marijuana and I don't drink, but it's your business if you do those things "at home" or have an unimpaired mode of transportation home. In other words have consideration for others.

  14. You aren't being totally Honest. Why compare Marijuana to Alcohol and neglect to include the thousands of car crashes that are caused by Legal Dr prescribed killer drugs the pharmaceutical industry wants everyone hooked on? You Dr's so silly. You want people to think you have some answers yet when your kind and your pharmaceutical companies are Pushing Death in pill form for profit you don't bat an eye.

  15. Marijuana can grove very easy and poppy too. Thats why its forbidden, everyone can grow it and oligarchs will lose a lot of money. But kazomorphine from tortured cows tits its fine for oligarchs (how they think i guess)
    Ill and not very conscious humen-calves can work and pay whole life cycle.

  16. Since your website is focused on nutrition I thought you should have also contrasted the massively worse deadly effects of meat/dairy/oil too, which are even worse than alcohol, rivaling hard drugs at the very least, since most people will die from artery disease, cancer, autoimmune disease, diabetes, etc – all caused by biologically inappropriate diets. Funny thing is a long-time drunk that sobers up has healthier non-liver organs and clean arteries because of years of not pigging out on meat, dairy and grease. This is why vegan smokers will still outlive omnivores that abstain, despite sucking on chimneys. See the research in India and Japan comparing vegetarian workers and omnis. Diet is king.

  17. Alcohol driver: 60 mph feels like 30.
    Cannabis driver: 30 mph feels like 60.

    Public Health Announcement: Do yourself a favor people and make cookies with your weed rather than smoking the stuff.

  18. Alcohol is extremely dangerous! Cannabis just is not even as bad as pain killers in most people. Pain killers in some people acts like speed, making the recipient not able to sleep…

  19. People that smoke and drive you also have to categorize the ones that smoke once in a while and those that smoke 5 times a day.
    Reefer madness,

  20. Also, I don't know if they have better tests these days, but when you test for cannabis, it doesn't mean the person is actually impaired when they take the test as cannabis stays in the system often weeks after ingestion, and long after intoxication ends.

  21. What gender smokes the the most or is more likely to do it? I always thought men were but someone told me its females. Also I drive high. Honestly I feel like it makes me a better driver as long as it doesn’t make you tired. Drive tired is very bad no matter what the reason for being tired is!

  22. Summary; Humans like to get high and it’s better be on cannabis > legalising it will save many lives.

  23. Being high makes you drive a lil more cautious than usual, drunk driving with loud music, wind blowing through your hair i can imagine feels amazing.

  24. I watched this video yesterday when it came out. I was just scrolling through my feed, and noticed the thing in the thumbnail is a joint. I was seeing it all day yesterday in my feed, and I thought it was a femur. Stupid brain. Maybe it's the pot.

  25. So….would be curious to know if there are any "health" benefits from cannabis…….as there are plenty of people claiming its a "miracle" drug…

  26. Is this a case of comparing something bad with something worse so that the bad appears to be good? Sorry, that's my take on it. I think it's foolish to impair one's brain. That being said, I have loved ones who smoke it, and I really would like the law changed so that i don't have to worry about them going to jail.

  27. I was a pothead and it caused all kinds of problems. I ended up not making it to school and dropping out. I guess I would agree, it's somewhat less of a risk than alcohol, but best off without it.

  28. No one should be driving on the road under the influence of any psychoactive substance, period. Don't need a study to realize that.

  29. It's easy to compare something bad to something worse and thereby make it look good. When big industries involved in the production of animal products and soda do this you know that it's crooked but for some reason you do the exact same thing when it comes to cannabis. Why? Cannabis consumption is absolutely a pleasure trap: You feel good by "artificially" stimulating your brain directly without any effort, any healthful behavior, you can just "chill" inside your apartment all day without doing much. That's the psychological side, being happy because you suppressed normal functions of your cognition. The cannabis consumers I know are deadbeats. Eating unhealthy foods, playing computer games all day (which messes with your dopamine system like crazy), doing no physical exercise whatsoever. Smoking pot means you are wasting your life, at least in parts. Moreover you impair your memory function long term, you increase your risk to get lung cancer, smoking pot is not a healthy activity, it hurts your body. But there is a huge group of pot-heads that wants good news for their bad habits – just like meat-eaters – that will do cherry-picking and mental acrobatics of all sorts to defend their addiction.

    It's called "fallacy of relative privation". Wikipedia: Dismissing an argument or complaint due to what are perceived to be more important problems." RationalWiki calls it "not as bad as": "[Use of this fallacy is] popular with people who know perfectly well they're doing something wrong; being fully aware that they're doing something wrong, they feel compelled to attempt to justify it and do so by pointing to other (usually worse) actions."

    Just because there is a possible worse behavior you could put into practice doesn't mean the one you are doing is good. Smoking cannabis isn't the only possible alternative to drinking alcohol, you could just not drink or smoke pot altogether. You could simply be sober and get pleasure the way it's good for your body. How about that?

  30. What about the schizophrenia risk of cannabis. Yea nobody probably died because of pot itself but psycological disorders are a huge burden on the individual.

  31. For any one suffering from heavy cannabis dependency and for none medicinal use I invite people to take take a 5g of psychedelic dried mushroom (an organic USB technology) to eliminate almost any type of dependency including smoking, alcohol, and fast food addition to name few, success rates are in the high 80%
    Do your own research.
    Listen to the epic Ted talk by professor Graham Hancock.

  32. When I first lived on Vancouver Island in BC/Canada, I was flabbergasted by how "relaxed" people were here about driving impaired. So, not only do we have a very large retiree population on meds, we have stoners who grow their weed in the backyard. So, if you every spend time on the roads on the island, expect most of them to be impaired.

  33. Another factor is if a person is a habitual cannabis user? Habitual users know how cannabis affects them. Like it says on real Rx meds, “do not use or operate heavy machinery until you know how this medicine affects you.”

  34. I’m amazed at how this is a nutrition channel that talks about cannabis, but never has discussed the nutritional value of the raw plant. I don’t care about smoking or edibles, I want to know about how eating or juicing raw cannabis will either improve or harm my health. What are the nutrition facts about the phytonutrients in raw bud?

  35. A man crashed into my mom with myself and my 8-year-old son in the car and the cop said he couldn't give the guy a ticket even though he reeked of weed. So it's okay to attempt to kill an 8-year-old and a veteran because weed is "legal"?

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