Gli integratori di vitamina D riducono il rischio di morire di cancro?

L'esposizione solare è associata a tassi inferiori di 15 diversi tipi di cancro e una migliore sopravvivenza al cancro. Cosa è successo quando gli integratori di vitamina D sono stati messi alla prova?

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• Vivrai più a lungo se assumerai integratori di vitamina D? (
• Gli integratori di vitamina D aiutano con diabete, perdita di peso e pressione sanguigna ( integratori-di-vitamina-d-aiutano-con-il-diabete-perdita-di-peso-e-pressione-sanguigna)<br/> • Quanta vitamina D dovresti assumere? (
• La dose ottimale di vitamina D basata sui livelli naturali ( vitamina D basata su livelli naturali)
• Il modo migliore per assumere vitamina D: sole, integratori o saloni? (
• I rischi ei benefici di un'esposizione solare sensibile ( video/i-rischi-e-benefici-di-un-esposizione-sensibile-al-sole)

Meglio, ovviamente, prevenire il cancro al colon in primo luogo. Vedi, ad esempio:
• pH delle feci e cancro al colon ( -and-cancro-del-colon/)
• Risolvere un mistero sul cancro al colon (
• Amido resistente e cancro al colon (

Per ulteriori informazioni su quella straordinaria storia sul Premarin e sulla terapia ormonale sostitutiva, vedere Come i medici non sapevano dei rischi della terapia ormonale? ( -terapia)

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28 Risposte a “Gli integratori di vitamina D riducono il rischio di morire di cancro?”

  1. Been taking 10000iu a day of Vitamin D3 for little over 10 years. I was ridiculed and laughed back then when I told my doctor, friends and family how much I was taking and advised them to take at least 4000/5000iu day together with a capsule of Vitamin K complex. They all advised me to stop as I could die been a Vitamin D a Hormone and been the daily max amount suggested by the government only 200iu at that time. I am still alive and well and still taking 10000iu daily. Thank you Dr. Greger again for your marvelous job in letting people know the truth.

  2. Dr Gregor, what is your opinion on the blood group diet? Mainly, it says if you're blood group O then you should eat meat, I am vegan but at the back of my mind I hear that little quote. So frustrating. Thanks for all your videos and information. It is appreciated.

  3. Thanks for watching! We have several other Vitamin D videos, also. You can find them on the playlist here or over on the website, under Health Topics–Vitamin D Supplements. And while our awesome medical moderator volunteers try their best to answer questions on YouTube, you may get a quicker answer over the website. -NF Team

  4. So people get cancer from lack of vitamin d pills ? Do we not largely avoid cancer with whole food vegan diet ? It's the dairy and meat and oils right ?

  5. If a person (like us) lives on simple raw foods, there is no need for any supplements. For the average person, supplements are a waste of money and can actually be harmful.

  6. I live in England where the summer this year was poor, to say the least. A few really hot days with most weeks being cloudy a lot of the time. D3 supplements are essential!

  7. yo greger ive a question
    uve made some videos about raw veganism
    and u said some things r better eaten raw (like paprika for example) and some r better cooked (like carrots/sweet potatoes)
    however i find it strange that something that seems to be "oh so healthy" like legumes (i mean things like peas/lentils) is something u cant digest if eaten raw (ur stomach will hurt)
    doesnt that sound a bit strange since raw is like "the basic" state of food (which should generally be considered best…since human ancestors grew up in an environment in which fire/cooking still wasnt used evolutionary speaking)

    so my question: why isnt raw vegan the best? (i know u have showed us studies that alledgedly show that it isnt – but i cant find one big conclusion that u draw from all the research u did about it that explains the "WHY")
    im asking this because it just seems utterly illogical to me how raw veganism could possibly NOT be the best way of eating

  8. This explanation about correlation and not causation remembers me of The China study… I can't wait to see more of those randomized controlled trials to know better

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