How Not to Age — Presentation

In this lecture (recorded live), Dr. Greger offers a sneak peek into his latest book, How Not to Age.

Inspired by the dietary and lifestyle patterns of centenarians and residents of “blue zone” regions where people live the longest, Dr. Greger presents simple, accessible, and evidence-based methods to preserve the body functions that keep you feeling youthful, both physically and mentally.

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I’m thrilled to release this presentation based on How Not to Age, my new book coming out in December after three long years in the making. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out the book trailer:<br />
Preorders are available now.

If you plan to buy How Not to Age, please consider preordering. All preorders count towards first week sales, which factor into The New York Times Best Sellers list calculations. So, the more preorders How Not to Age receives, the more likely it will make the list, which could help expose millions to the message of healthy eating. In fact, the book lands on December 5–perfect timing for holiday gifts for everyone in your life you want to live long healthy lives. So, consider getting some of your holiday shopping done early by preordering a whole stack!

As always, all proceeds I receive from all of my books are donated to charity.

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

00: 00 Intro
00: 16 Overview of aging and anti-aging
05: 22 Anti-aging pathway – autophagy
14: 10 Autophagy & spermidine
20: 49 Autophagy conclusion
21: 25 Habits of longest-living populations
30: 55 Healthy vs. unhealthy plant-based diets
33: 09 Making meat safer – cooking methods
35: 38 Eating fish
39: 24 Drinking alcohol
42: 46 Bone health
44: 53 Bowel & bladder function
48: 36 Hair loss
49: 40 Hormones – menopause
52: 26 Benefit of some spices
56: 09 Dementia & cognitive function
1: 01: 43 Greens for cognition
1: 02: 43 More benefits of greens
1: 04: 46 Muscle mass & protein
1: 07: 48 Muscle mass & cocoa
1: 08: 55 Skin health & wrinkles
1: 13: 27 Conclusion

Videography by Aaron Wayne Wissner with special thanks to Marshal Pratt. Edited by Avo Media.

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99 Risposte a “How Not to Age — Presentation”

  1. Great video and very insightful, I think we all should know that trading comes with a lot of benefits And I have just bought my first house through it. As a beginner I was scared of loosing my savings but l'm glad I took the bold step that is now favoring me.

  2. The world does not need coders but health and nutrition nerds.
    Imagine the irony – cocoa is fantastic but not in combination with sugar or milk, as we love to eat it. Instead, just sprinkle it in its bitter form on oatmeal or in vege soup. Hmmmm … not really chocolatey.
    Thank you, Dr Greger, for saving lives! Blessed may you be, and all you hold dear.

  3. I’m all in with whole food plant only S.O.S. way of life.

    I had an interesting discussion with an omnivore. The question that came up was, how will most whole food plant eaters die if we eat this way (and exercise regularly and work on meaningful relationships)?

  4. Great video, but to all the vegans and vegetarians out there, Meat and Bacon eaters might live shorter lives by a few years but they Love their diet by Magnitudes More than rabbit food eaters! 🥩🍖🍔

  5. My doctor recommended Dr. Mark Hyman's book Food: What the heck do I eat. He says as we age we require more protein to maintain muscle mass. But he claims it is the corn fed meat we eat that causes the health problems, He recommends grass fed animal protein. Hyman also puts a negative spin on beans by saying they are mostly carbohydrate. So which food expert do I believe?

  6. Came across this & have returned to watch it again & it's entertaining. Lots of pseudo scientific information. Good tip – nobody dies of ald age🤣 As an old person myself I listened to this guy's dietary hypothesis. My main focus on my food is to eat only stuff I am fairly certain will not kill me (quicker) so basically I eat a natural diet of only unprocessed food substances. Just a suggestion – functionality is of great importance in old age, just living longer is not much of achievement if you cannot move properly. I am 81 years old & would love to know how not to die (quicker) but kinda don't think I'm going to get it from this source. However, nice try at solving the mystery, good luck with it.

  7. This man himself is a clear illustration that all he proposes – doesn't work. I consider almost all his recommendations to be BS. Never trust a person, who looks not healthy and yet teaches on how to be healthy.

  8. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    05:00 📚 Ribuan referensi dalam buku Dr. Greger dapat diakses secara online.
    06:55 🏠 Autophagy dapat diaktifkan dengan puasa atau olahraga.
    10:42 🍟 Acrylamide dalam kentang goreng dan keripik dapat menghambat autophagy dan meningkatkan peradangan.
    11:39 🍳 Penggorengan dalam minyak menghasilkan zat beracun dalam makanan. Lebih baik menggunakan metode penggorengan udara.
    12:33Kopi mengandung senyawa bioaktif dan polifenol asam klorogenat yang meningkatkan autophagy dalam sel manusia.
    13:25 🍛 Filter kertas terbaik untuk menyaring kopi karena menahan senyawa pengangkat kolesterol.
    15:46 🐭 Spermidine meningkatkan autophagy dan memperpanjang umur tikus.
    16:36 🧓 Asupan spermidine terkait dengan risiko kematian yang lebih rendah dan efek anti-penuaan.
    19:47 🌾 Sumber makanan kaya spermidine adalah biji gandum.
    21:07 🥗 Autophagy dapat ditingkatkan dengan olahraga aerobik, menghindari kentang goreng dan keripik, minum kopi, dan makan makanan tertentu untuk mencapai target 20 mg spermidine per hari.
    22:32 🌍 Blue Zones adalah sumber inspirasi untuk gaya hidup dan makanan sehat.
    23:00 🥦 Blue Zones Food Guidelines menyarankan diet yang setidaknya 95% berbasis tumbuhan.
    23:53 🌱 Gaya hidup berbasis tumbuhan meningkatkan umur panjang.
    24:47 🌾 Konsumsi kacang-kacangan dan biji-bijian utuh meningkatkan harapan hidup.
    25:43 🥩 Mengganti sedikit protein hewani dengan protein nabati mengurangi risiko kematian dini.
    27:11 💪 Diet berbasis tumbuhan memperlambat penuaan dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup.
    28:36 🧂 Garam berlebih meningkatkan risiko kematian, gantilah dengan garam pengganti seperti kalium klorida.
    30:01 🍟 Makanan ultra-proses meningkatkan risiko kematian.
    31:28 🍔 Makanan olahan berbasis tumbuhan tidak mengurangi risiko kematian, yang sehat mengurangi risiko kematian.
    32:24 🥦 Diet berbasis bahan makanan utuh menurunkan kolesterol LDL.
    33:24 🍔 Daging memperpendek umur, tapi daging yang dimasak dengan metode yang aman lebih baik.
    35:41 🐟 Ikan yang terkontaminasi mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya.
    36:11 🐟 Ikan salmon dan tuna kalengan mengandung PCB dan senyawa lain yang berbahaya meski mengandung omega-3.
    37:35 🧠 Konsumsi ikan yang terkontaminasi merkuri selama kehamilan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan otak pada bayi.
    39:01 🤔 Mengurangi konsumsi ikan membantu mencegah kerugian rambut akibat merkuri.
    39:35 🍷 Minum alkohol dapat menyebabkan kematian dan ketidakmampuan.
    41:02 🍷 Anggur merah dan anggur putih memiliki efek negatif pada tubuh.
    41:56 💧 Minum teh hijau atau hitam mengurangi risiko kematian dini dan melindungi dari pneumonia. Teh hijau mungkin sedikit lebih menguntungkan.
    43:23 💪 Latihan kekuatan dan keseimbangan mengurangi risiko patah tulang.

    Made with HARPA AI

  9. i dont have the patience to just sit there and read so i hope you cover all of "how not to age" in these presentations, this is hard enough lol thankyou so much tho good to know soy iced mochas are anti aging and a whole lot of other amazing information, i only hope you understand your ability to handle and present information is a special gift that alot of us dont have, you are a real life god lol

  10. Dr. Greger mentioned winecap mushrooms. They are well known in permaculture and mushroom circles, but I've never heard them mentioned before by a mainstream personality. They are perhaps the easiest and most prodigious mushrooms to grow by average western households with property.

    Has your research covered them? Degree to which they produce Vitamin D in the sun (most research is on shiitake) and rumors that they should not be consumed on consecutive days? (never found any support for this, and it is easy to start rumors about anything).

  11. we have no solutions for the new illnesses that are ravaging us now……deadly cancers, covid like viruses, dementia etc most of which are caused by the bad food we eat, the filthy air we are breathing and polluted water we drink. Simply stated, our immune systems cannot withstand the barrage

  12. I wish he wouldn’t get so excited he starts gabbling and slurring his words. Sometimes he speaks so clearly and well and other times really rushing, no punctuation in sentences. All the information is so good and important but the fast / slow method of delivery is hard.

  13. Glad to finally hear someone talking about steroids. Was given a steroid inhaler for breathing trouble, made me much much worse. Was given steroid shots for extreme pain in feet, made it worse!

  14. Dr. Greger is always so informative, passionate and I love that he’s so committed to backing all of his information with peer-reviewed studies and science. It gives you a lot of comfort that what you’re learning is not only verifiable and accurate but you can go out and read/review the resources for yourself. He says he cites the bujeezus out of all his work and in his book. I love that about him!!!

  15. This is good information. I saw two studies just over 20 years apart where they tracked the lives of centenarians in the U.S. They found that they had four things in common, and they were not diet-related. The four things are 1. A Good Attitude. 2. Do something physical every day. 3. Do Something social every day. 4. Let go of losses. All is related to #1 a good attitude. I am 65 and feel like I'm 30. Attitude makes the difference.

  16. What about vitamin b12? I have noticed that no matter how many plant proteine i eat , i feel significantly weaker then when i eat meat. One serving of red meat gets my muscle energy up quite noticably…

  17. If old age does not kill you — what does ? — come on – your body does suffer wear and tear – and nothing can last forever – in my 80,s I feel fine but do NOT live in hope of eternal life – as dreamland or never never land does not exist

  18. It's a laudable goal he undertakes, reviewing the literature to uncover an evidence-based synthesis on how to slow down ageing. He aims to be comprehensive. I don't think it's possible for one person. He doesn't mention environmental radiation. What about hot saunas and cold baths? Are pesticides increasing our chances of cancer? From the list of chapters, it appears these topics are not given much attention, if mentioned at all.

  19. And, what of the carnivores who thrive and improve their diet drasticallu? Isn't what truly helps is the elimination of processed foods & sugar? Your presentation is wonderfully delivered. But, I guess each persons body is unique. None of us should eat processed foods.

  20. I find it fascinating that the Loma Linda blue zone is the only one that continues to thrive despite living in the modern world. I live in SoCal and have met Adventist people—I even worked at an Adventist hospital in the early 2000s, and they do tend to be vegetarian, very disciplined and balanced and loving towards all those they encounter. I CMS see why and how their lifestyle and mental ad emotional states would contribute to a very long life.

  21. Huge thank you Dr. Greger for all that you do! I have been WFPB now for 13 years and have lowered my cholesterol from 275 to 166. Take no drugs and have shared your wisdom and website with hundreds. You truly are a saint in spreading the science about how this way of eating can extend our health – span! You are a gem!

  22. Is red wine vinegar ok to cook with? I've been using that to cook with when a recipe calls for wine. Other than that, I don't consume any wine. Alcohol discussed around 42 minutes into the video.

  23. I'm almost 71 years old. Lost 30 lbs. I have no chronic diseases so I take no meds. I'm very active and have noticed many positive things with my memory. I suddenly acquired the desire to lift weights at the gym 3 times a day. I increase my autophagy by eating once a day, do 170 degree saunas almost daily, and cold plunges every other day. I like to spend 5 to 10 minutes outside my house in 50 to 60 degree weather wearing only my swimming trunks.

    I take absolutely no supplements because our ancestors had no access to them.

    My meal consist of about 2 lbs of red meat. No vegs or fruits of any kind.

    Go figure.

  24. Amazing talk! 😜I will continue eating and enjoying Meat, Eggs, Dairy and Seafood every day! Liver, heart, bone broth and sea salt rock! All together with delicious veggies and fruits! Real whole food and Exercise is they key!

    13,000 citations 🙈. But still going against meat. Hahaha. This is laughable! 😂😂

    I saw your tongue bleeding after your verbal gymnastics trying to say ultra-processed food is killing the US, but meat is the bad guy. 😂

  25. For most people is easy and works every time 24 hours fasting is no big deal. Longer fasts you need to add some broth and your electro lights are stable. But if you have some underlaying illnesses and medication consult a doctor first.

  26. Your always interesting Doc.I always learned alot.I have a question,Can you give any precautions about drinking coffee?There was a news in the Philippines before,A Company advertised their bottled Ice cold coffees and given to students,Then lots of students were hospitalized becaused of palpitations and loss of consciousness.My experienced also of hypertensive patients when they took coffee their blood pressure rise and after I completely removed coffee their blood pressure was more controlled.Thank you and Good luck to your work🎉😊

  27. The problem is this is not possible, there is no fountain of youth and while I respect Dr. Greger we are bombarded everyday by pollution and the suns damaging rays now that we've burned holes in the ozone. No matter how you try you will still have traces of Monsanto's famous glyphosate in your systems.

    The natural progression of life is to live and die. Animals in the wild who eat their perfect diet still age and die.

    Think about what would happen if no one died, the planet struggling to support man now would never be able to do it if no one died.

    Live your life, learn to love and be loved, eat well and enjoy life – living forever, is not possible and will never happen and this is from someone older than most of you who hasn't eaten meat in over 50 years.

  28. I hope you will write a book fir parents on how not to kill their kids with bad food. I was recently recommending your channel to my son, who has toddlers. I shudder when I see what these kids are fed. I think there would be a lot of buy in from parents, who might have a lot of buy in in understanding that they are ruining their kids health.

  29. This guy is one of the most weak and impetant looking men I’ve ever seen. If he bumped into any one of the carnivore influencers he would break into a thousand pieces.

  30. “How Not To Age” – Oh my god!! You must be kidding me!!! 🤣🤣🤣 My grandpa looks way better at his 89 years than this guy!! 😂😂 And this guy is only around 50???? 😲 I have a lot of friends in their fifties and they all look way way better than this dr. Greger… We must all clearly follow his advice and diet. 🤦

  31. You're aging, Mr. Greger. I'm calling you 'Mr' because you've never worked as a actual MD even as you wear the coat and string the heart rate monitor around your neck to try to impress everyone.

  32. I am DEFINITELY NOT a vegan but I really like Dr Greger. I am on the Mediterranean Diet with meat, fish, cheese, butter and YES EGGS. I'm 75 and I have maintained a 19.5 BMI my entire adult life. Last time I was at a doctors office was in 1969. No aches or pains. Don't know what acid reflux or bloating is. I can even hold my breath for 9 minutes. I am "mostly" plant based. I'm going to order his book today.

  33. LOL this guy is only 4 years older than me but he looks like he's in his 70s. He also looks like he has the grip strength of a toddler. Why would anyone in their right mind follow his advice when he himself looks like he's about to die?

  34. I have to wait another day. In Germany book release is on 07.12. I'm getting me the english version as E-Book and will buy the print version, as soon as it is released in German May next year.

  35. i found this presentation to be full of misinformation. For example he says that not using table salt reduces death by 40%. It is common knowledge today that the majority of salt Americans consume comes from processed food, not table salt. That alone makes me wonder about his facts. Also eggs being bad has also been widely debunked.

  36. Ah yes, the blind, bald, pale, skinny fat guy who looks 10 years older than he is is gonna tell me how to live healthy. Apparently it's working for him.

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