How to Preserve Your Sense of Smell

Loss of sense of smell can have serious consequences. How may we prevent it?

My book How Not to Age ( has an entire section dedicated to preserving functions as we age—from senses to skin to immune system and more. Pick up a copy from your local library or wherever you buy your books. (As always, the proceeds from my books are donated to charity.)

The hearing videos I mentioned are:
• Age-Related Hearing Loss Is Preventable, So What Causes It? (<br />• The Supplement Shown to Slow Age-Related Hearing Loss (
• The Diet Shown to Slow Age-Related Hearing Loss (

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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35 Risposte a “How to Preserve Your Sense of Smell”

  1. I've noticed my sense of smell and taste have greatly declined, but it hasn't stopped my desire to eat even though I can't really taste what I'm eating.

  2. How Not to Age has an entire section dedicated to preserving functions as we age—from senses to skin to immune system and more. Pick up a copy from your local library or wherever you buy your books. (As always, the proceeds from Dr. Greger's books are donated to charity.)

  3. Why TF would I want to know about shoving tubes up my nose so I can't taste anything.. so random lol the title is miss leading cause you didnt tell us how to preserve our sense of smell (edit: my bad I was wrong it's avoiding cigarette smoke)

  4. Just a couple months ago I experienced an almost complete loss of the sense of smell. It never happened to me, and I was very worry.
    It was probably caused by a long allergic reaction paired with a cold. It really made me realize how important the sense of smell is.

  5. I had a mild case of covid 2.5 years ago thsg completely wiped out my sense of smell for months. Even now, i've regained very little of it back ☹️.

  6. After watching this video, I still did not receive an answer to the question stated in the title. The only advice is to buy a gas detector…

  7. Is there anything in the book about reducing your sense of smell? I've always had a very keen sense of smell (as does my mother), but since the onset of perimenopause, it's heightened even more. Just getting a hint of most deodorants or perfumed creams on people can give me a headache and/or make me nauseous. Though I wonder if I couldn't smell them if the effect would still be the same, I'm obviously very sensitive to chemicals. Cigarette smoke is the worst, even old smoke on clothing and hair.

  8. Thanks Dr. G, great stuff as always.
    Only "iffy" moment was, that "of course" higher salt consumption leads to higher blood pressure.
    It sounded like salt was the main reason of cardiovascular problems, when it is not.
    After all, the white goo we see squeezed out of blood vessels is neither salt nor sugar, "it's the fat".

  9. Bait and switch. Was really hoping to learn: " How to Preserve Your Sense of Smell " Stay away from cigarette smoke!? Is that it??? 🙄

  10. Oh, click bait! This is not about how to regain sense of smell – but an ad for another video! And this does not even say what causes loss of smell.

  11. I guess the most important info from this vid is that our sense of smell declines as we age……and that of course, avoiding cigarette smoke or other forms of air pollution would help preserve it. My take away from this is that if you are aware that your sense of smell declines and that it does impact your sense of taste as well, you can be more inclined not to counter it by eating salty or saltier foods to make up for the lack of taste you might be experiencing….now, of course that leads into whether you believe that salt is not good for you in any form, as from what I understand there are those of us who are salt sensitive and other who don't seem to be effected (at least not with increased blood pressure) by salt……but its good to know if you are a salt sensitive person or if you simply wish to avoid increase salt regardless and understand what is happening to your sense of taste as we age……….also, sadly, there doesn't appear to be a magic natural supplement to take to preserve our sense of smell like there is possibly for helping with our hearing as we age as he has previously showed studies that Folic Acid seems to help with our hearing……….

  12. When I had Covid about a month ago, I lost my sense of smell and taste about 6-8 days later. I was indeed adding more salt to foods 😅, on top of that I didn’t even lose my appetite 🙃!
    Thankfully it all came back about 2 weeks after testing neg. I was pos for 18 days though. It was weird though, I craved textures and not taste after a few days.

  13. @NutritionFactsOrg
    Thank you for another fact-filled informative video. Made me feel better about not taking up cigarette smoking despite peer pressure at school and and even more at work. Missed out on all those smoke breaks where plebians could get a leg up with management though!

  14. I didn't see anything beyond limiting air pollution by not smoking to preserve your sense of smell. Gave video thumbs down for not adequately addressing what was promised in the title.

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