How to Prove Whether Yoga Has Special Health Benefits

Yoga practitioners are healthier, but does practicing yoga lead to good health, or does good health lead to practicing yoga?

So, is yoga good for you? We can’t just look at the health of yoga practitioners because being healthy may lead to practicing yoga, rather than practicing yoga leading to being healthy. It might even go both ways. The only way to know for sure is to put it to the test with interventional studies and randomized controlled trials that go beyond associations and correlations, and, instead, can prove cause-and-effect.

This is the first of six videos in a series on yoga. Stay tuned for:
• Yoga Put to the Test for MS, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Insomnia, and Breast Cancer (<br />• Yoga Put to the Test for Headaches, Diabetes, Osteoarthritis, and the Elderly (
• Yoga Put to the Test for Depression, Anxiety, and Urinary Incontinence (
• Yoga Put to the Test for IBS, Inflammatory Bowel, Menopause, and Osteoporosis (
• The Side Effects of Yoga (

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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57 Risposte a “How to Prove Whether Yoga Has Special Health Benefits”

  1. It's unfortunate that the West has confused this beautiful science. People confuse the movements-Asanas- with Yoga. Yoga is a system to incorporate movements-Asanas, breathing techniques-Prana, meditation, diet, and other principles.

  2. So glad you’re doing this series, same thing that has intrigued me for a long time. Thoroughly enjoy doing yoga and the flexibility it brings me. That has to be a good thing. (In my case yoga came after the WFPB diet.)

  3. Oh wow! I don’t know how many RCTs are published but I remember a meta-analysis on depression that suggested advantages over plain relaxation. What a cool idea for a series!!!

  4. Yoga is not physical exercise. It is a lifestyle. It has 8 phases:

    The eight limbs of yoga are yama (abstinences), niyama (observances), asana (yoga postures), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption).

  5. Good job to put forward yoga lifestyle. I am a senior yoga teacher eating medical medium style. For sure, yoga is a healthier community compared to others. So when you say I practice yoga, you want to say I wanna be healthy in most of the cases. Mel Robin is a serous Yoga teacher who can help you to understand better the yoga bodies. Some Indian teachers too who are doctors like Mukund Bhole, who manage a clinic in India.

  6. The only thing that improved my health really noticably was adopting a WFPB diet (from a lifelong vegetarian diet that was already very healthy). I do yoga I to keep my joints and muscles mobile/flexible. It improves my physical and mental wellbeing.

  7. I absolutely love the fact that you are doing this mythbusting series! Yoga seems too light to be effective on our bodies, but who knows? same with meditation. I'm eager to learn more as you unravel it in this series.

  8. Yoga ís fantastic but I doubt if the practice itself leads to better health. We should compare Yoga, Runners, Bikers for instance. That would be very revealing. Lets find out next.

  9. It absolutely does, anyone saying otherwise is clueless. What's next "Does water hydrate you? Let's find out!"

    I usually love you doc, but this is just silly.

  10. I am very curious about this series, Doc! I fit the description of a yoga participant to a t, both the good and the bad. And I use intense yoga practices to meet my 40 mins of vigorous activity per day (using intense yoga practices ofc). I can't wait to see what you find!

  11. How can you do a 6 part series on Yoga and Not tell the facts about it? You will Only talk about the exercise part. You won't talk about the fact Yoga is part of the Hindu religion and in the doing of the yoga exercises you are in effect showing support for a mythological deity. Dr, you throw your Own Hebrew God under the bus! That would be Blasphemous. If Satanism had an exercise routine, Yoga would be it. It's Nothing either Jews or Christians should ever be doing.

  12. I like non-ISKCON bhakti-yoga, and Vancouver's own Jeffrey Armstrong and his Gita Comes Alive translation (Jeffrey decolonised ancient scripture, getting rid of mistranslated words such as "God", "Lord", "heaven", "hell", "sin", "religion", "angel", "demi-god", "sacrifice", "idol", "faith", and "charity"–meanings not existing in the ancient Sanskrit words used; Jeffrey has reintroduced the accurate Sanskrit terms into the English verses and explains Vedic concepts that have been lost–or suppressed in the West[!]–in translation [The West–e.g., prestigious universities–has repeatedly erased records of how Ancient Greece and Rome were civilised by Ancient India's Vedic civilisation]).

  13. Dr Gregor, I am elderly, brown with arthritis in my back and other joints. When I get stiff and achy, yoga relieves my pain and stiffness. I do a variety of exercises as swimming, walking and biking but yoga keeps me limber and pain free. For me – It’s priceless

  14. A bit concerned from this first entry that this series won't understand what yoga really is… most people erroneously think it's just the asana part (the stretching and bodily positions)… I'm not a full practitioner myself but yoga encompassess MUCH more than just that. It entails breathwork (pranayama), meditation, bodily cleansing practices AND diet… A full practitioner of yoga also incorporates a vegetarian diet (no meat including fish though they do eat dairy and eggs)… eating no meat is PART OF what full yoga IS… so when people say that a yoga lifestyle leads to lower cholesterol, it's not due to the stretching part…it's due to the vegetarian part that is essential to a full yoga lifestyle…

  15. yep…difficult subject to study put to the "test"…..however, I feel the good doctor here will be milking his one as there will be plenty of evidence that shows this is good for you in form, shape or manner!

  16. I took yoga 40 years ago and it has real benefits and is better conditioning than you might think. I didn't stick with it as I prefer bicycling, skiing, swimming, etc..

  17. 🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🧘‍♂️YOGI HEAD COUNT!🧘‍♂️🧘🧘🏽‍♀️
    How many of us Dr Greger followers are also yoga practitioners?
    Please answer this comment 😊
    How long have you been practicing yoga?
    How long have you been vegan / vegetarian?
    Were you vegan / vegetarian before starting your yoga practice or because of it?

    Thank you!❤

  18. The biggest flaw to all these studies is what we see as "Yoga" in the west is not the ancient and traditional form of Yoga created in India. We could still research this new lifestyle for its benefits but with a different name perhaps?

  19. Dear Dr. Greger, yoga leading to asthma is IMPOSSIBLE!!!! It has helped a lot of people including myself. If an asthmatic is dumb enough to run a marathon at full speed it might harm him but again it can ALSO if persisted ( obviously depends on the severity) could benefit or even relieve asthma…. I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT. And so with certain Yogic exercises ( first of all not all yoga is the same, you can do yoga just with fingers – Mudras& Kundalini or pranayama which could suffocate you regardless of your lung capacity. Obviously you have to take into account the guidelines and very important common sense too🙏

  20. Long standing cervical, shoulder and neck pain after years of swimming the crawl only breathing on the right. Physio no good so I collated my own set of yoga stretches (and some pilates). Now free of frightening headaches but it took a long time. Still doing whole body yoga.

  21. A regular hot yoga practice gave me something positive to focus on and I managed to stop my problem drinking. Even if someone told me there were no benefits to it I would still go because I come out feeling amazing every time.

  22. I used to donate $100/month to you, but not anymore. This channel has gone downhill. Stop making multi-part cliffhanger videos that barely cover anything and are milking youtube views. Instead, make a COMPREHENSIVE full video that contains all the parts. There's no excuse for this nonsense.

  23. Coming from the land of yoga. Yoga is not just physical exercises but it's a lifestyle of cruel free diet , no vices like smoking, alcohol, early morning and/or evening meditation

  24. ❤Yoga, Breathing exercises, Meditation, Diet etc The ancient Indians knew more than what we know now…the west will spend millions on research but its already proven to be beneficial by so many.

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