I benefici dei mirtilli per la pressione sanguigna possono essere bloccati dallo yogurt

I ricercatori cercano di capire cosa c'è nei latticini che interferisce con i benefici per la salute delle bacche e del tè.

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Cos'altro possono fare le bacche? Check out:
• Il succo di mirtillo rosso può curare le infezioni della vescica? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-cranberry-juice-treat-bladder-infections/)<br/> • Ridurre il dolore muscolare con le bacche (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/reducing-muscle-soreness-with-berries/)
• Potenziamento dell'attività delle cellule killer naturali (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/boosting-natural-killer- cell-activity/)
• Come rallentare l'invecchiamento cerebrale di due anni (https: //nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-slow-brain-aging-by-two-years/)
• Inibizione dell'aggregazione piastrinica con le bacche ( https://nutritionfacts.org/video/hibition-platelet-aggregation-with-berries/)
• Benefici dei mirtilli per la funzione dell'arteria (http://www.nutritionfacts.org/video/Benefits-of-Blueberries-for- Funzione arteria)

Ma aspetta, se non mangiamo latticini, che dire delle nostre ossa? Vedi il latte fa bene alle ossa? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-milk-good-for-our-bones)

Per un approccio dietetico completo per combattere la pressione alta, vedere:
Come non morire di pressione alta (

100 Risposte a “I benefici dei mirtilli per la pressione sanguigna possono essere bloccati dallo yogurt”

  1. Good to know!! I used to consume a lot of dairy in my “past life”, and put blueberries in yogurt to make it tastier. Now I put it in oatmeal. 🙂

  2. What about plant milks then? I eat around 5.5 ounces of mixed red fruits every day with soy milk, oats and powdered flaxseed with cinnamon and I'd like to know if I'm throwing away all that antioxidant power.

  3. Eat it with coconut yogurt. As tasty, and no blocking (i assume). I make a sherbet daily, blending a cup of frozen blueberries, a banana, a few scoops of coconut yogurt and a small spoon of maple syrup. DELISH.

  4. I have gotten my boyfriend to eat almost entirely a whole food vegan diet except he refuses to give up yoghurt. I am going to show him this video. Maybe it will be the push he needs. Also, we eat a lot of our berries in a berry/flaxseed/almond milk smoothie. I’m assuming that almond milk should be fine.? Thanks!

    ' Masturbatory effects on insulin sensitivity and autism '
    " there has never
    been any studies done on this until we put it to the test ".

  6. Of COURSE the benefits of any raw fruit vegetable or herb is going to be blocked by yogurt. I don't even have to watch the video to know that. Yogurt is D A I R Y. We should be avoiding DAIRY like the plague.Dairy is acid forming and mucus producing and will clog the immune system. There is nothing beneficial about it no matter what Western Medicine or so called "science" who they work for or BIG FOOD says about it. We are FRUGIVORES. Our digestive tracts are designed to digest mostly raw fruits, TENDER leafy greens and a FEW nuts and seeds. The sooner we accept that and start eating the majority of our diets like that, the better off we will all be health wise.

  7. I put dates oats a shit tone of berries banana flax seeds etc in my shake every day , im vegan over 2 years (mostly whole foods) and still I have high blood pressure

  8. What about plant based fat? Does that have a negative effect on nutrient absorption from berries? I typically will make a smoothie with either fresh or frozen organic berries and add coconut flesh for good fat, along with coconut water and a little vanilla extract, as well as some leafy greens, and have a delicious and what I’m thinking is a very nutritious smoothie. Is the problem fat in general, or just dairy-based fat? And what is additionally confusing is that fat is shown to enhance absorption of nutrients from vegetables. So what gives?

  9. When will they come out with a decent plant-based yogurt??? One that works for savory applications, like dips, as well as sweet. They are all horrible unless you fill them with fruit or otherwise mask them with sweet flavors.

  10. Fantastic, but what happens with goat's milk instead of cow's milk? Is the negative effect the same, similar or totally different? I know that goat's milk causes a different reaction in the body, for example, with skin conditions.
    ( I eat blueberries almost every day and I'm WFPB. )

  11. oh no, and I was feeling so nice and healthy by having quinoa with toasted seeds, bananas and blueberries together with white coffee for a breakfast :/ I guess I need to save up for the plant milk again

  12. that moment when u realize that blood pressure reducing medications r shit
    …and that moment when u realize that the supposed blood pressure reducing effect one experiences from eating say blueberries is just the same shit like that found in pharma drugs: they mess with the body's chemistry in ways the body (at its current stage) apparently didnt intend to
    i mean…why would we want to lower blood pressure if the body in its wisdome changes things on the fly so that everything works just fine…the side effects on pharma drugs r obviously much stronger/worse, but still….why mess with a machine if its running just fine? of course there r times where u can get an (unfair) adventage of taking caffein but saying there is no drawback to these effects is just…not thought very far (regardless of what science says or not…..things that go up must come down!)

  13. This is probably all true and I am not advocating dairy consumption (I'm moving toward being vegan). However it is worth nothing the studies did not use whole foods. It is possible that the nutrients are blocked via complexing (eg calcium can complex with polyphenols) and that liquid dairy and powdered blueberries (or liquid extract tea) does this the most. I would hypothesize there could be less of that with say whole blueberries and solid low fat cheese. There still might be some interference and other reasons not to eat dairy but I'm just making a scientific observation/speculation. I would put real money on whole blueberries and low fat cheese having a better effect. Now, if anyone could describe how to create a convincing placebo for that, I would be impressed. In advance, calm down true believers. I am neither doubting the general results nor advocating dairy. However, having keen scientific discernment is much to our benefit – something dr Greger (and unfortunately far too few other people) exhibits quite well (which I can't appreciate enough). That strengthens the case for what appears to be the most scientifically validated long term diet for the general population (although not everyone at all times): a whole foods plant based diet. It is also worth nothing the limitations of the placebo controlled trial in these kinds of studies (the difficulty of creating placebos for real whole foods). There are other kinds of studies that get around this but they yield different kinds of information. It's about looking at all the evidence and literature on balance and making your best assessment, which is kind of a never ending process – the opposite of how research is usually discussed in both the mainstream and alternative media (sigh…). Dr Greger has impressed me though in that respect. You dig?

  14. Oh great, non fat plain Greek yogurt is the only dairy I comsume. And, yup, I mix it with oatmeal, fax, banana, and blueberries. 😞

  15. There are more studies done on this subject and results are never the same. Some show milk blocks antioxidant absorbtion, some say no effect, some say it improves absorbtion.

    When there are so many different results on the same subject, it's a clear sign that there are other variables at work. Variables that aren't tracked, which leads to conflicting results.

    What else is there in dairy that could have this effect?

    And another thing, the effect of milk on antioxidants seems to depend on the kind of antioxidant. In some, milk even improves the absorption and function of certain antioxidants.

  16. You scared me there for a minute. Thank goodness I eat (dairy free) Kite Hill Almond Milk Yogurt (plain) with my blueberries! Whole Foods sells a 32 oz. bag of organic frozen blueberries for $8.99. Thanks for the info!

  17. Blueberries are for the upper middle class here. Really expensive :(. Goverment allows for exportation so they export most of the production and the price rises for our local population…

  18. Thank you for this wonderful video. I will share a screenshot of this diagram at 4:30 showing the antioxidant capacity of blood with friends and family who always try to eat more fruit and veggies but use dairy (same goes for eggs and meat) in the same meal.

  19. Can anybody tell me where i can find the results of the diagram in 4:30? In the shown paper of 2009 i couldn't find the numbers or graphs. Was it a subsequent study or in the additional info? Thank you 🙂
    or maybe I'm just blind – not enough antioxidants…

  20. Wild blueberries have twice the antioxidants as the larger domestic versions, even when grown on wild blueberry farms. And you can retain 25% more of the antioxidants by thawing them fast in a microwave. Studies have repeatedly proven that berries thawed slowly on the counter lose more nutrients.

  21. Holly cow!! 🙂
    Dr Greger, do you think the results would have changed if the milk came from a happy cow from a small farm where they hardly ever use antibiotics and cows are fed only with hay & grass, & other greens, & feed that has no animal derived components? Hard to find but perhaps possible?? I'm not a vegan and still trying to fight for a fair trial for milk and dairy.
    I come from a small farm in Poland on which we never used commercial feed & grew our own greens etc.
    Looking forward to your reply.

  22. Gregor cant stop himself promoting fruit. The conclusion was that there wasn’t much effect so he tries to salvage the story with a blame something argument. Fruit is a source of sugary energy that is ok as part of a the dietary picture but its no miracle. To be healthy you have to eat simple basic foods, exercise, socialize. Dont eat the rich toxic foods or overindulge on sugary, fatty goods. Fruit and nuts are examples of foods where a little is good or ok but a bunch starts to cross the line into indulgence and expensive too. Stop looking for miracles because you wont find them.

  23. I'm so lucky, I have two blueberry bushes in front of my house and I've picked almost a pound everyday since this week began.

  24. It would be interesting to see a study compare the effects of blueberries eaten with dairy yogurt and those eaten with soy yogurt, cashewmilk yogurt, etc.

  25. Dr. Greyer, you know what all the vegans are thinking? Is it the same for nut milks or soy milk/ yogurt? I would think that the fat in those products might be the culprit for the stunting of absorption. I know there will be no studies for this but could you hypothesize an answer?

  26. For anyone curious, it's unreasonable to assume that this research is extensible to plant milks. Not only are animal milks and plant milks very different, not least because plant "milks" really are just infusions and plant extractions mixed with thickening agents and fortification, but this research specifically pertains to the proteins in dairy milk (presumably casein and the rest) and dairy fats. When it comes to foods which do not contain such dairy sources, I do not see how any of this would be relevant.

  27. Dr. Greger, thank you very much for the video. I was wondering whether an almond milk yogurt, a soy milk yogurt or any other plan-based milk yogurt is okay. My son loves yogurt and if I put fruits in it he will eat them, but not separately. Also, what do you think about dried blueberries? My son really likes them, much more than the raw blueberries, but even all natural dried blueberries that I can get here in China, have sugar and also sunflower oil in them. Are they safe for toddlers or maybe there is a recommendation about a safe amount of dried blueberries containing sugars and oil?

  28. I am vegetarian and cut way back on dairy but still use a whey protein isolate in my smoothies because I can’t find a plant based one that doesn’t cause issues. Is there a study that shows if whey protein isolate also inhibited absorption?

  29. I feel like this negative point of milk isn't talked about anymore. There hasn't been a study absolving milk of this detrimental effect, has it? Like maybe after the 6 hours the antioxidants start spiking again because casein takes forever to digest. I just want to know the truth.

  30. Is this really specific to dairy though? caesein slows down digestion and so does fat. blueberries eaten with water is similar to eating it with nothing, hence fastest absorption. And absorption may be competing with other nutrients as well. I'd say the best way to actually confirm this is to do a study with foods that have similar macronutrients and calories to make it a valid study of milk specifically. For example, say peanut butter with blueberries vs milk with blueberries

  31. The next question for the plant based community is what effect if any does an Almondmilk, soymilk, or coconut milk based yogurt alternative have if any when taken in connection with blueberries. I mean do the probiotic effects of a yogurt alternative stop the blueberry benefits or is it specifically an animal related dairy problem?🤔

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