I migliori cibi per l'autismo

Si è scoperto che il sulforafano che si trova in cinque centesimi di germogli di broccoli apporta benefici all'autismo in un modo che nessun farmaco ha mai fatto nel placebo randomizzato in doppio cieco -studio controllato.

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Questo è il gran finale della mia serie di video in tre parti. Per lo sfondo che ha portato i ricercatori lungo questo percorso di indizi, dai un'occhiata ai benefici della febbre per l'autismo in un alimento (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/fever-benefits-for-autism -in-a-food/) e Fighting Autism Brain Inflammation with Food (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Fighting -Autismo-Cervello-Infiammazione-con-Cibo). <br/>
Impedisci al cancro di andare in TOR (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/prevent-cancer -from-going-on-tor/) è il link del video a cui alludevo.

Il mio video Broccoli : Germogli vs integratori (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/broccoli-sprouts-vs-supplements/) sottolinea l'importanza delle piante rispetto alle pillole e al Biggest Nutrition Bang for Your Buck (https://nutritionfacts.org/videos/biggest-nutrition-bang-for-your -buck/) ti dice come coltivare il tuo.

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100 Risposte a “I migliori cibi per l'autismo”

  1. I don't understand…"The amount of sulforaphane that was administered in the study is many times higher than you can reasonably get through food. Even sulforaphane-rich foods like brussels sprouts, broccoli and broccoli sprouts don’t have enough of the chemical to get you close. So eating these vegetables can’t be expected to improve autism symptoms. Within reason though, eating sulforaphane-rich vegetables is safe and healthy." https://www.autismspeaks.org/blog/2014/10/14/broccoli-sprouts-autism-what-you-need-know

  2. IIRC, and I think this was from another video from this channel, any sulfur containing vegetable, like cruciferous, onions and garlic, help to bind heavy metal toxins to the sulfur. When you excrete the sulfur, there goes the toxins!

  3. From the Autism Speaks website:
    Q – Today, a lot of parents are talking about adding broccoli sprouts to their kid’s salads and sandwiches. Can this help? Hurt?

    A – The amount of sulforaphane that was administered in the study is many times higher than you can reasonably get through food. Even sulforaphane-rich foods like brussels sprouts, broccoli and broccoli sprouts don’t have enough of the chemical to get you close. So eating these vegetables can’t be expected to improve autism symptoms. Within reason though, eating sulforaphane-rich vegetables is safe and healthy.

  4. Well I guess I'll be having broccoli sprouts for the rest of my life! 😉 This takes the saying, " creation gives us everything we need" to the next level. I think I may be in love with broccoli

  5. I think processed food can make ASD symptoms worse. However, I don't believe that a plant based diet is a "cure all" and will suddenly take away ASD (currently dealing with a diagnosis here and 32). I kinda hate when doctors think there needs to be a cure for ASD. It's something you're born with. For the record, I don't believe there's anything wrong with being autistic either. It has it's ups and downs, sure. And I know it's a wide spectrum and some struggle more than others. But I think it's the ever growing stereotypes and stigmas that keep people thinking people with ASD need to be cured. It's pretty demoralizing to be honest. And to be fair, I know you share this info to be helpful. I'm not discredited your good intentions. But merely wanted to clarify that we're not all desperately in search of a cure. Parents who want a perfect child are. We're not broken. And by the looks of these comments, it sure seems like that's what most people think.

  6. I just got a thought that sickness is so not normal and humans should and could be so healthy, everyone healthy and happy like all of the animals out there in the beautiful wild if we would only stick with what's natural,so many unnecessary diseases and wasted lives … ;/

  7. Can anyone interpret the chart at 3:40 to me? Obviously the broccoli group is doing better, but is the change enough to undiagnose them of autism, how much difference is this score in real terms?

  8. There's a substantial error in polish subs. 'Sprouts' were (literally) translated as 'cabbage – kapusta'. 'Kiełki' is the correct sense I believe. It should be corrected asap.

  9. DR.GREGOR how did the researchers pack sulphorophane inside the pill ? In your previous videos, you mention that sulphorophane is extremely minimal in supplement form?

  10. NutritionFacts.org -Here's another discovery that has DRAMATIC affects on autistic kids – Glutamic Acid (MSG) is snuck into a lot of our food and they use "codes" to label it such as words like "enriched" "fortified" "natural flavors" "spices" "extracts" "citric acid". This shows an autistic child before and after she'd stopped being fed commercial packaged foods. She's totally normal on the clean diet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8HYwehTwMA&pbjreload=10

  11. Having trouble getting tge kid to eat broccolli sprouts. Tried explaining that it was good for her autistic brain, but she is 4 and doesn't care. If I dry it grind it up and stir it in her food or bake it in her waffles will that work? Serious question. Would appriciate a response.

  12. Autism is not a disorder and doesn't need to be cured.

    What we need to find a cure for is Neurotypical syndrome.

  13. I do understand that many of the Dietary supplement pills do not have enough sulforaphane in them. If you familiar with kids with autism you would know having them trying new food is very hard. I have found two supplement pills that good amount of sulforaphane in them. Jarrow Formulas BroccoMax, Supports Liver Health, Delayed Veggie Caps have 30 MG of sulforaphane and
    Thorne Research – Crucera-SGS – Broccoli Seed Extract for Antioxidant Support – Sulforaphane Glucosinolate (SGS) – Capsules has 50 MG of Sulforaphane. Do you think any of these two could work as well as the actual sprout ?

  14. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

  15. Dr Greger really is one of the greatest living doctors in the world. I love his analysis of research in journals, as well as his ability to sneak some mild humor into it. Every registered dietician and soon-to-be registered dietician needs to use Dr. Greger as a role model.

  16. **** please answer this question ****

    If I am making homemade broccoli sprout power ( sprouting seeds, dehydrating them, then blending them) do you think that’s the same as the commercial broccoli supplements like you stated in the video that would have no impact???

    I was thinking that a good way to add the sprouts would be to hide it in the foods that he would eat. But now I am worried that if I dehydrate them I will take all this benefits away.

  17. I am using sulforaphane for my 8 years old Autistic son around two weeks now. The difference is huge, his communication and behaviour is improved. The anxiety is gone. Thank you for this video, should I be aware of any side effects ?

  18. We live in such a fragmented society. I seriously doubt 1 in a 1,000 medical doctors or mental health experts are aware of this connection. The industry should be sued for gross negligence. On the plus side, I am a school psychologist and will be forwarding this information to every parent of autistic children I test. Awesome job Dr Greger!

  19. I have autism and frequently consume green tea. I know and understand individual stories are not considered scientific, but I find I am better on it – it makes me feel calmer and less anxious. It also has significant anti-oxidant properties. Can you look into this please Dr. Greger? Perhaps even conduct a study on it?

  20. Can you also get sulforaphane from cauliflower?  Need a sneaky way to get a picky eater to consume sulforaphane.. and at 6 with anxiety issues not taking pills yet

  21. Getting an Autistic kid to eat broccoli is like having someone that just won the Lotto giving their winning ticket to you. Now i know there may be some out there that will eat it but the autistic people I know including my own son? Good Luck. My son can't swallow pills either. So this is a great find no joke but PLEASE tell me how to get Autistic people to eat Broccoli.

  22. My 14 year old son with autism started eating broccoli for the first time this weekend. Wondering how long it will take to see any changes.

  23. 1:46 ok, so I didn’t mishear what Doc Gregor said. Man, they need to really change the pronunciation of that acronym.

  24. It says in your video that it can be good for children. Children from any age, including 6 months old when they start eating solids? Also, what is the formula for knowing the serving size by weight? Is it possible to over dose on sulforaphane in children?

  25. I am so glad I found this site and video, I have 2 autistic grandchildren and I am totally against medicating them, as they have tried to do this for years. Thank you so much for your dedication.

  26. The problem is people are causing autism in children by lacking in nutrients and doing drugs that cause. Now people have to eat health to help or reverse it. But theoretically people should be eating health anyway and stop doing drugs.


  28. My son was diagnosed with autism non verbal and very violent, my grandma found Dr Isibor treatment online that his supplement are helpful and I bought the treatment for my son and very happy 😊 with the results

  29. My son was diagnosed with autism non verbal and very violent, my grandma found Dr Isibor treatment online that his supplement are helpful and I bought the treatment for my son and very happy 😊 with the results …

  30. Have you come across Alternative Herbal supplement on youtube, it did alot for my non verbal son who was diagnosed with Austin….

  31. My son have suffered autism spectrum since childhood and Have battled with it all his life . But recently taking of Dr imenherbal have help his get rid of it completely , his speech is vibal and his social skill is perfect . I'm so glad and happy now

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