I preferiti del venerdì: integratori di licopene e salsa di pomodoro contro il cancro alla prostata

Alte dosi di licopene, il pigmento rosso dei pomodori, sono state messe alla prova per vedere se poteva impedire che le lesioni precancerose della prostata si trasformassero in cancro in piena regola. Cosa è successo quando ai malati di cancro sono stati somministrati tre quarti di tazza di salsa di pomodoro in scatola ogni giorno per tre settimane?

Allora quali sono i migliori integratori per il cancro alla prostata? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/best-supplements-for-prostate-cancer). Guarda il video per scoprirlo!

Maggiori informazioni sui trattamenti naturali per il cancro alla prostata in:
• Melograno vs Placebo per il cancro alla prostata (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/pomegranate-vs-placebo-for-prostate-cancer)<br/> • Trattamento del cancro avanzato della prostata con la dieta: parte 1 ( http://www.nutritionfacts.org/topics/Treating-Advanced-Prostate-Cancer-with-Diet-Part-1 )
• Curare il cancro avanzato della prostata con la dieta: parte 2 (
http://www.nutritionfacts .org/topics/Treating-Advanced-Prostate-Cancer-with-Diet-Part-2)
• Il ruolo degli alimenti a base di soia nella prevenzione e Trattamento (
• Trattare il cancro alla prostata con il tè verde (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/ curare-il-cancro-alla-prostata-con-il-tè-verde/)

Ci sono cibi che dovremmo evitare? Dai un'occhiata, ad esempio, a Prostate Cancer Survival: The A/V Ratio (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/prostate-cancer-survival-the- av-ratio/) e come i nostri batteri intestinali possono utilizzare le uova per accelerare il cancro (https://nutritionfacts. org/video/come-i-nostri-batteri-intestinali-possono-usare-le-uova-per-accelerare-il-cancro/).

Potremmo essere in grado di prevenire il cancro e persino invertire la progressione del cancro con la dieta. Vedere:

• Inversione del cancro attraverso la dieta? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/cancer-reversal-through-diet/)
• From Table to Able: combattere le malattie invalidanti con il cibo (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/from-table -to-able/)
• Trattare il cancro avanzato della prostata con la dieta: Parte 1 (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/treating-advanced-prostate-cancer-with-diet-part-1/)
• Trattamento del cancro alla prostata avanzato con la dieta: parte 2 (
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/treating-advanced-prostate-cancer- con-dieta-parte-2/)
• Come non morire di cancro (

Non è sempre facile convincere i ragazzi a cambiare, però. Vedi Cambiare la dieta di un uomo dopo una diagnosi di cancro alla prostata (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/changing-mans-diet- diagnosi-del-cancro-della-prostata/).

Dai un'occhiata al libro di cucina Come non morire per una serie di ricette a via libera ! Come sempre, tutto il mio ricavato va in beneficenza. Prendi una dose di salsa di pomodoro con la mia lasagna di verdure arrosto (https://nutritionfacts.org/recipe/roasted-vegetable- lasagna/).

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Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/friday-favorites-lycopene-supplements -e-salsa-di-pomodoro-vs-cancro-della-prostata e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

Vuoi ottenere un elenco di collegamenti a tutte le fonti scientifiche utilizzate in questo video? Fare clic su Fonti citate su https://nutritionfacts.org/video/friday-favorites-lycopene-supplements- e-salsa-di-pomodoro-vs-tumore-alla-prostata. Troverai anche una trascrizione e riconoscimenti per il video, il mio blog e il programma del tour di conferenze e un modo semplice per cercare (anche per lingua tradotta) attraverso i nostri video che coprono più di 2, 000 argomenti di salute.

Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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39 Risposte a “I preferiti del venerdì: integratori di licopene e salsa di pomodoro contro il cancro alla prostata”

  1. Wow. Maybe someone should popularize a phrase like “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” or something. May prove useful lol.

  2. Who doesn't like tomatoes? Dr. Greger, have you ever had repetitive cases of acid reflux (GERD) after consuming something with tomato sauce? People with GERD issues try to be wary of too much tomatoes and tomato sauces in their diet. We might like tomatoes and tomato sauces, but they don't always like us. 🙂

  3. This was the video back in the fall of 2017 that encouraged my father to try a plant based diet. He had just recently learned that his prostate cancer had become stage 4 and no further treatment options were available to him. He had nothing to lose at that point. After a few months, he went back in for a scan and the cancer in his hip had gone away and his doctors were amazed. After a few years, he decided to try to stop eating plant based because he missed what he used to eat and the cancer took over again and he passed away. A similar thing happened to Dr. Anthony Sattilaro (Recalled by Life) back in the 1980s. I was able to personally thank Dr. Greger for this video at the Food As Medicine conference in the spring of 2019.

  4. My aunt was given a month to live after finding a cantaloupe size tumor in her abdomen during a minor surgery. They left the hole open and her caregivers had to pack it daily with iodide gauze so it could heal, or close from the bottom–up..
    During this time my aunt craved tomatoes in a huge way, my mom would buy her a bushel of tomatoes 🍅a week, my aunt was happy, ate them with everything! Or just ate tomatoes! She lived 2 years, a happy life..she craved tomatoes 🍅 and lived a happy content life, a very blessed special lady.❤️

  5. The other day I was about to get some supplement. I don t remember why exactly but I had some "good" reason. Then I remembered all the lessons I learned on this tube and (the exorbitant price of the supplement helping) googled and bought the real food that had what I was after instead. Result: impeccable health so far since I went plant based.

  6. 1) Curcumin
    2) Tomato sauce for lycopene
    3) Vitamin E from nuts
    I would also add
    Black pepper for better curcumin absorption.

  7. cooking tomato paste, sauce, juice or whole tomatoes, will increase the the lycopene content. also, eating it with some oil, will increase it's bioavailability.

  8. Agreed. When I started taking green tea capsules, a very high amount or green tea extract, I started getting right sided chest pain, where the liver is. Then I read that someone actually had liver failure by taking green tea supplements. Now I just drink tea or green tea and of course, eat my tomatoes (due to my moderately high PSA). I feel fine. No more right sided chest pain. And I want to keep my prostate, thank you.

  9. I was just watching a video on 60 minutes the other day. A scientist uses grape skin as the fountain of youth. He has turned the skin into pill form. They next showed him with a bbq full of meat and a big glass of wine. I wondered why they went to so much work to turn the grapes into pills rather than eat grapes every day, and if he was so concerned about living to be old, why was he filling his body with food that wasn't healthy as well.

  10. I saw this guy buying penis enlargement supplements and hair growth tonic recently at the store. He had a hat and glasses on but I knew it was him when I heard him speak.

  11. Gee, Indian cuisine routinely combines all the elements seen at 7:40 every day. Turmeric, lycopene, cruciferous vegetables, and more. How they figured all that out centuries ago is a mystery.

  12. One of the quickest meals in the UK from shelf stable ingredients is putting all the following together in a pan and heating it:

    Tin of chopped Tomatoes
    Tin of baked beans
    3tbsp of pure peanut butter
    4 tbsp of dry basil (buy bulk and it works out as a cheap calcium source)
    Chili to taste
    Black pepper to taste
    1tsp of Marmite
    1tspbsoy sauce

    Serve with 2 slices of wholemeal bread.

    If shopping mostly in LIDL and get basil online that's a £1.20 meal for 2

  13. Just eat watermelon, the amount of watermelon you can eat a day can give you enormous amounts of Lycopene 🙂 and it is the most cleansing food you could possibly eat.

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