I sintomi della carenza di vitamina B12

Vitamina B12 la carenza è nota come “The Great Masquerader”. Uno sguardo alle molteplici sfaccettature dei sintomi.

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Questo è il primo di una serie di 5 video su B. Resta sintonizzato per:
• Il dosaggio ottimale di vitamina B12 per adulti (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-optimal-vitamina-B12-dosaggio-per-adulti)
• Fonti alimentari più sane di vitamina B12 (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/healthiest-food-sources- di-vitamina B12)
• Il dosaggio ottimale di vitamina B12 per bambini, gravidanza e anziani (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-optimal-vitamina-B-dosaggio-per-bambini-gravidanza-e-anziani)<br/> • Il miglior tipo di vitamina B12: cianocobalamina o metilcobalamina? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-type-of-vitamina-B12-cianocobalamina-o-metilcobalamina)

Tu puoi trovare tutti questi video in un download digitale qui (https://drgreger.org/collections/downloads/products/b12-recommendations-digital), insieme a due video aggiuntivi che usciranno in un pochi mesi.

Un'altra conseguenza di B la carenza può essere un aumento del rischio di ictus:
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: vitamina B12 & Omocisteina? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-vitamina-b000-e-omocisteina)
• Come testare la vitamina funzionale B Carenza ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-test-for-functional-vitamina-b-carenza)
• I vegetariani dovrebbero assumere creatina per normalizzare l'omocisteina? (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Should-Vegetarians-Take-Creatine-to-Normalize-Homocysteine?)/>• The Efficacy and Safety of Creatine for High Homocysteine (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-efficacy-and-safety-of-creatine-for-high-homocysteine)

Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-symptoms-of-vitamin-b12-deficiency and someone on the NutritionFacts.org team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-symptoms-of-vitamin-b12-deficiency. You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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100 Risposte a “I sintomi della carenza di vitamina B12”

  1. After about 3 years on a plant-based diet I began experiencing something called Meralgia paresthetica, a condition that results in permanently deadened nerve endings. This was followed by nerve pain in my thighs, bad enough to cause sleepless nights without taking increasing amounts of ibuprofen. This went on for 9 months. I gave the nerve specialist I was referred to my complete medical history, including my switch to a plant-based diet. But having almost zero training in nutrition, they failed to spot the connection. While researching my symptoms, I read about B12 deficiency and its causing nerve problems, and the need for vegetarians to supplement. Within a week of starting B12 supplements my symptoms began to subside, and completely vanished after about 10 days.

    Moral of the story: Take charge for your own health! Remember that experts have blind spots, and incentives that may not match your best interests. Oh, and of course, keep watching Dr. Greger 😃 ❤️

  2. I enjoy the channel but may I suggest you present the material in a less emotional manner, I'm not a native speaker and at times you're more difficult to understand because of the excitement in your voice . Cheers

  3. Mother is around 60 years old now and follow vegetarian diet for forever. I used to do the same until I found out that I was B12 deficient. But surprisingly my mother’s B12 is always way over the required number. I don’t know how and why…

  4. Here’s a thought. Eat a whole food plant based diet and add in just enough animal products to get a complete micronutrient profile (B12, EPA, DHA, iodine). For most people that would just mean 1-2 cups of yogurt a day and some seafood once or twice a week. Still an overwhelmingly plant based diet but without relying on supplements for survival.

  5. my partner and I always thought the right diet should be natural with no supplements needed as it's the one meant for us, we've made this choice for 5 years and after each new year our health started declining, his feet got so swollen and with dark skin, in my case I just couldn't function anymore, I just fell asleep anywhere during daytime and couldn't even perform at work causing so many problems leading to depression but at the end we decided to try B12 and vitamin D. We recovered so quickly in a couple of weeks we felt like ourselves again, nobody should go and suffer deficiency when you want to do is eat correctly without hurting animals and yourself

  6. Having a blood test to determine B12 levels is expensive and not likely covered by insurance. But getting a B12 shot is much much cheaper and is likely covered by insurance. If you feel exhilarated after getting a B12 injection, then you likely were B12 deficient, otherwise no harm done by getting the shot!

  7. Sure thing they wouldn't get any b12 from pasturized milk products because the binding protein for it is destroyed get raw yogurt it has 150% more bioavailable b vitamins

  8. The majority of B12 supplements are used in animal agriculture.
    Nonvegans actually use more B12 supplements than vegans because they support the exploitation of animals.

    For example, nearly all calves are given B12 in the dairy industry in the formula they are given instead of being able to drink their mother's milk.
    And animals are supplemented cobalt in places where it is low in the soil in order to boost the levels of B12 created by microbes inside them.
    Even on organic farms chickens are given vitamin and mineral supplements.

    You just have to use some common sense to realise just how many animals are being bred, exploited, and killed to realise how many supplements are being used in the industry.

  9. Good, thanks. May I ask 2 questions:-
    1 Can sublingual drops or oral spray of a B12 supplement be taken at any time? I recall reading the tablets should be taken on an empty stomach
    2. Can sublingual drops be taken on the tongue instead of under it? I have to go to a mirror and find it tricky to aim the dropper under the tongue. Thanks.

  10. can you tell me why some people say b12 stores for years and why others say you need to over dose twice a week? i swear the conflicting information in the vegan movement has doomed it for now

  11. is it possible that all of those b12 symptoms were caused by other things and the fact the people had low b12 just made people blame b12? most of the case studies i read seemed to have something else involved

  12. So if i live in a under developed country, and I’m drinking water from a mountain stream does that mean I’m getting enough B12, and if i take a sample of that water for testing, are there going to be able to check the vitamin B12 levels in that water. 6 years follower, thanks for all your contributions to my healthy eating savviness 🙂

  13. Solved my B12 deficiency with cyanocobalamin 2500mcg per week after years of taking methylcobalamin 1000mcg per week on which I started having nerve problems. Brand: 21st Century is vegan, dirt cheap and comes in 2500mcg sublinguals.

  14. Yeah I've learned about side effects on both sides of the B12 spectrum. There is a percentage of the population, who gets acne from B12. It typically happens to people who never have had any type of skin problems prior. Anyhow, I got sick of this acne issue and stopped talking it for a few months. Then I started getting tingling and numbness in my hands and arms in bed. This disappeared after going back on B12. I've dialed down the amount of "Vegansafe B12" to 3-4 drops per day.

  15. So let me tell you all something. I saw the last video regarding B12 difficency. Since the age of about 20 (am 41 now) I have been suffering from memory loss, quite considerable loss in fact. Where I could pick something up off of a table for example and not be able to remember what it was instantly; names, numbers even faces, if I'd been to a restaurant before, the list goes on and on. Also I've been subject to quite intense brain fog, and over the years it's been getting worse and worse. I can't concentrate on anything for longer that 15 to 30 seconds, without it falling out of my mind and being forgotten until I look back at the thing I'm concentrating on for example. I've been to the doctor to find out whether it was early onset altizimers (they said no). It has affected my life considerably. I can't retain any information for any amount of time. Further to this I have forgotten what it's like to be able to remember things, if that makes any sense. My brain has basically rewired itself, where when I need to remember things it just say nope you won't remember move on and it doesn't even try. So I saw the video and bought what it suggested. 2500mg chewable tablet, methyl type and started to take one every morning, on an empty stomach, I'd chew it and hold it in my mouth for 30 seconds to a minute then swollow it. Let me tell you the change has been remarkable. It started to return gradually over 3 or 4 day but is getting better and better. Though still my memory and brain function isn't like it was (and I doubt it ever will be) it has improved dramatically. I can now remember things I had no chance in remembering a month ago. Simple things I've notice is when I need to remember something, I now have a flash of the image in my head of me doing something earlier, like putting something in the rubbish bin. Where as before I wouldn't be able to visualise it or even remember that your mind actually did that. It was the day after the first video was released that I started to take them and pretty much I will be taking them for the rest of my life. I honestly though I had no chance in recovering and can't actually believe it has made such a dramatic difference it has quite literally change my life, even in this short amount of time. Thank you very much Doc, you have fixed the No1 health issue in my life, I doubt I would have listened to anyone else but I trust your work.

  16. I suspect I had B12-deficiency symptoms for several years. I had a number of issues that, sure enough, seemed like a number of other things. I think there were other contributing factors as well. I started looking up symptoms of B12 deficiency earlier this year. I hadn't suspected that because I was supplementing for a while with no apparent benefit. I suspected possible absorption issues, so I switched from cyanocobalamin to methylcobalamin due to claims it is better absorbed. I also upped my dose significantly. After those changes, I did start to notice some improvement, but I also had to make other changes so it's hard to determine how much the B12 change helped, but I'm glad I did so as I'm nearly certain I was deficient — I've had a history of that, even in my meat-eating days — but I don't mind paying for a placebo effect if that's the case.

  17. The question has to be asked. If B12 supplements have to be taken by vegans, then doesn’t that say that veganism isn’t optimal? So if I can get my B12 requirements eating a vegetarian diet, shouldn’t I do that? The blue zone centenarians eat a mostly plant based diet and don’t have deficiencies.

  18. If this was 100 years before the discovery of B12 then how come the guy was anemic and was cured with liver, even though it was decades before water started to be regularly disinfected. What happened to your B12 coming from water theory?

  19. I had bad nerve (Sciatic) pain (from my back all the way down to my foot) for a year before I myself got to the bottom of the problem. I had to lie flat on my back and resort to pain meds. I wasn't vegan and thought I didn't have to worry about supplementation, though I have been eating perhaps 95% no animal foods since 2013. My level was technically within limits at just over 200 (200 being the minimum) I was cured after 4 'double dose' injections of B12. Some people are more sensitive and might show symptoms at a higher level of B12 than others. Also I had ridiculous memory problems to the point I thought I had early onset Alzheimer's. I still believe WFPB is the way to go, but with supplementation!

  20. Thank you Doc Greger wondering about B12 for vegan baby's being breastfeed Moms vegan and taking B12 is that enough? I Asked Pediatrician they said eat beans (that's good advice but not the point)THANK YOU FOR ALL U DO!!

  21. B12 is produced by bacteria that make it on plants. An animal or human can eat that same plant and get enough B12 (2.4mcg). More importantly though, B12 deficiency is only a problem if you lack a chemical called the "intrinsic factor," which causers people to be unable to absorb B12. Intrinsic factor production is reduced as dietary fat increases. This is by far the most common cause of B12 deficiency. Doctors can easily test whether a person has a normal ability to absorb B12. For those who do not, NO AMOUNT OF THE VITAMIN IN THE DIET WILL HELP. THUS, ALL OF US, VEGETARIANS AND MEAT EATERS ALIKE, ARE AT RISK OF B12 DEFICIENCY.

    A high fat diet increases this risk substantially, for two reasons. First, the colonies of B12 producing bacteria in our intestines utilize carbohydrates for fuel. As the amount of fat in our diets goes up, the amount of carbohydrate goes down, thus reducing the quantity of fuel available to the microbe. Less fuel results in a smaller colony and an overall decrease in B12 production. Second, the B12 uptake sites in our intestines become clogged when there is excess fat in the diet, further reducing B12 absorption When reduced B12 production is couple with impaired absorption, the likelihood of B12 deficiency becomes predictable.

    The situation is further complicated by the fact that many refined starchy foods are "enriched" with a synthetic form of vitamin B12. When doctors test for "normal" B12 levels, their results are skewed towards the high end by the fact that most people eat these foods(mostly grain products–cereals, breads, pasta, cookies, cakes, etc) on a daily basis. People who eat a grain-free diet not supplemented by this poor imitation of the natural nutrient often test "low" for B12, even if their levels are healthy and they are totally asymptomatic. This is because their B12 levels are being compared to those of people who are consuming a B12 supplement in their food at almost every meal.

    B12 deficiency can cause anemia. Symptoms of this type of anemia include: fatigue and weakness, weight loss, and sore tongue. It can also cause a neurological disorder. Symptoms of this neurological disorder include: numbness and tingling of hands and feet, memory changes, poor balance, and depression. If you don't have all of those symptoms then you don't have B12 deficiency. You have nothing to worry about. If you want to get checked for intrinsic factor levels, that is the only sure fire way to see if you're susceptible to it. As I mentioned, if you don't have enough intrinsic factor, no amount of B12 will help. Intrinsic factor is lowered by the amount of fat eaten, so watch your fat intake and you won't have to worry about B12 and many other diseases.

    I know this is true because I've been eating a plant based diet for 20+ years and have been tested and I always have sufficient B12 levels and intrinsic factor levels

  22. Please can we just acknowledge that our wild primate cousins get the minuscule amount of B12 they need from insects such as grubs and termites? I know that's not strictly vegan, but it just admitting it means we can counter the silly argument that we all need to be eating cows, sheep, chickens etc. to get our B12 from food rather than supplements. Insects are a natural part of the human diet all over the world. Personally, I'm happy to skip the locusts, grubs and termites and take a supplement instead. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3967517/

  23. If people can’t understand the fact that our soils are depleted in 2020, the supplement debate will be never ending 😤 yes organic is grown in NPK soil yes that means you need to supplement

  24. I want to first say I am thankful to God almighty for making me see this day and secondly to Dr.Sandy who restored my health back. I have been a Herpes virus patient for some time now, I have been running here and there looking for help/cure but none could help. I ran into a testimony by someone who testified how she was cured of a terrible disease by Dr.Sandy So I decided to contact the herbal doctor. I explained to him, and he said he can cure me. We started the process and he prepared herbs and sent them to me in my country and gave me directions on how I am to use it. I followed his directions and now To God be the glory he could cure me with his herbal mixture. I say once again thanks to Dr.Sandy for curing me of my Herpes with his herbs. And in case you want to be cured of your disease too you can contact email:

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  25. What about people that are anxiety prone and get panic attacks from B12 sublingual? It's like a rush of energy. I know for a fact that is not placebo because the first time I tried I didn't even know it boosted the energy, just good for health.

  26. The 1853 anemia treatment was also notable for including "acting on the liver" (whatever that means) with mercury and chalk (which at the time contained asbestos).

  27. So this dear doctor suggests that there is more vitamin B12 in untreated water than in meat. Reasoning that people used to get their needs covered by drinking "mountain stream " water while admitting that even eating limited amounts of meat may be not sufficient. Smells like BS. Obviously, humans developed to be omnivores and in such case B12 won't be the only essential nutrient that requires eating animal tissues and/or products. Meaning the B12 in a pill doesn't fix the problem.

  28. One thing to watch out for that one of the studies shown here mentioned is that low B12, even if you are not technically deficient according to the lab company, can cause elevated MCV (mean corpuscular volume) and homocysteine. I had never been deficient according to the ranges but after going to a functional medicine practitioner, which is like a doctor that actually knows about the human body beyond just how to slice it open, they pointed out I had MCV just slightly below the upper range, and homocysteine above the range which most likely indicates too low B12. The standard serum B12 test is also not necessarily always reliable, which is why it's best to just to supplement daily.

  29. I think BIG MEDICA might be getting the symptoms of what they SAY is a Vit-B-12 so called "deficiency" confused with weak adrenal glands.

  30. After 8 years on a vegan diet I finally developed a B12 deficiency. I have taken B12 now and then, but never regularly because for me it caused acne, so it took quite some time for a deficiency to settle in. I had body pain in my upper torso and chronic fatigue. At first I thought I was sick, so I just stayed in bed, but it didn't go away even after two weeks. So I read up on the symptoms and found out it could be B12 deficiency. I took 3000 mcgs that day and my symptoms disappeared in 8 hours. Been taking 500 mcgs per day for a month now. Suprisingly, I didn't get any acne again.

    Don't underestimate B12 deficiency!

  31. The best natural B12 is Duckweed (water lentils) that has more amino acids than most of the protein powders being sold today, and it contains a lot of leucine, similar to whey. 

    It packed with nutrients: contains a boatload of vitamins, minerals:
    high source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, iron, calcium, carotenoids, lutein, and zeaxanthin, that have been shown to improve eye health. and an excellent source of antioxidants Much higher than a synthetic vitamin supplement.

    If you are interest to purchase a product, i have a discount code of 30% (LINDALU) and the fee delivery is free



    See below articles that talk about the plant base protein powder



  32. I am a retired RN and have worked Geriatric Psych. We always checked an incoming patients B12. Amazing how many were deficient. We would give them B12 injections and more often than not their symptoms would improve.

  33. I don't eat vegetables- pretty much none whatsoever. So it's with some irony I was diagnosed with not being able to absorb b12 through digestion- an injection every three months instead. Who said God hasn't got a sense of humour!

  34. I have allergies to nuts, dairy, soy (and also legumes), can I safely follow of Whole food plant based diet without deficiency? I understand the importance of b-12 and do supplement it when eating plant based but end up going back to meat because I am worried I won’t have enough of what I need. I do feel best when eating plant based though.

  35. I have a problem. I've been plant based for a month. Yesterday took methylcobalamin B12 1000 mcg. Went to bed early & exhausted w light headache. Head was buzzing like someone with a high fever. I had bad dreams and woke up feeling exhausted and ached all over. Is this an allergy to B12?

  36. Primates don't get B12 just from feces, they get it from insects like termites for example, they are a good source of B12. Greger doesn't mention that.

  37. Protein bioavailability of Wolffia globosa duckweed(Mankai), a novel aquatic plant – A randomized controlled trial – PubMed

    The increase in vitamin B12 by Mankai was higher as compared to changes induced by either cheese (p=0.007) or peas (p=0.047, between groups).

    Conclusions: Mankai may provide a high-quality substitute source for animal protein, and a potential bioavailable source of vitamin B12.


  38. Disappointed. You’d think it was paid for by the beef industry. Please always note that many meat eaters are also low or deficient, only bacteria make B12 and EVERYONE over 50 should supplement 🤦🏻‍♀️

  39. I am mostly plant based and I have a sensitivity to stimulants such as caffeine taken at anytime of the day. It makes me jittery and I won't sleep at night even with small amounts. I also have a huge sensitivity to B12 and it keeps me awake at night when I take it even when I have nutritional yeast. How can I get this important vitamin in me and still sleep at night?

  40. Dont trust these people
    . Developed neuropathy, gut issue ,
    diabetes from vegan. Please save your self. They should go into hell for making people believe those stuff.

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