Il canale di @TeacherTherapy ricorda ai genitori e ai funzionari del consiglio scolastico quanto sono inetti

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🟢 Bite Size Vegan + Gary Yourofsky sulla religione:>🟢 Alex Hershaft on the holocaust:>
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🍎 Discorso di Gary Yourofsky:>🍎 Dairy Is Scary:>🍎 Video stimolante sul diventare vegani:

65 Risposte a “Il canale di @TeacherTherapy ricorda ai genitori e ai funzionari del consiglio scolastico quanto sono inetti”

  1. We say we love animals yet we hurt them in every way imaginable. We shoot them. We beat them. We skin them. We dominate them. We sell them. We wear them. We abuse them. We genetically modify them. We cook them. We deplete them. We hunt them. We kill them. We hang them. We exploit them. We destroy rain forests to feed them, just so we can eat them. We experiment on them. We torture them. We do all this to animals, but what we don’t see, is what it’s doing to us.

    Becoming vegan will be the best decision of your life.

  2. 20 Tips – How to stay strong and remain vegan when you’re hungry and you feel like you might “cheat”:

    1. The first thing you need to do is stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself. You’re not the victim here. You have tons of choices – just take a second to choose them. Believe it or not, NOT EATING for a few hours will not kill you. But paying someone for a quick burger will add to the cycle of supply-and-demand that leads to more animals being harmed, so stay strong.

    2. Drink a large glass of water immediately to fill your stomach.

    3. Remember that this feeling will pass as soon as you eat something – you do NOT need to pay anyone to harm animals just because you have a problem with not doing proper meal-planning.

    4. To set yourself up for success, you need to be mature and plan a little. Buy big bags (or cans) of lentils, chick peas, rice and beans and always have some ready to go in your fridge that you can scoop in and heat up quickly with frozen veggies and vegan mayo or mustard or vegan bbq sauce or olive oil and balsamic vinegar, or hummus or tahini…. You get the idea. There are thousands of vegan, meal-planning videos on YouTube to give you ideas for amazing vegan sauces – which are the key to having delicious, filling salads. Google those with friends and family members so you can have some support at home.

    5. Always keep walnuts, peanuts, dates, pumpkinseeds, dates and raisins with you wherever you go so you can shove quick calories in and think clearly.

    6. Buy a seed grinder and use it for flax and chia seeds every morning. Just a few spoons goes a long way to give you a boost of protein and calories if mixed with oat milk, raisins, cinnamon and chopped apple pieces.

    7. Take a second to this of all the videos you saw and how much you wanted to help the animals. Now is your chance. Don’t turn your back on them. Eat healthy vegan foods and let the animals live.

    8. Toast with peanut butter and bananas is vegan. So are every single veggie, fruit, nut and seed.

    9. If you feel like you need more “oomph” (more calories) to get over the hunger, eat anything in sight that’s vegan.

    10. Buy tofu, rip open the package (with the tiny scissors you keep with you from now on – or with keys) and eat it just by adding salt and pepper. (Keep little packs of these in your bag along with mustard – they give them out free at restaurants).

    11. Have oat or soy milk always handy and remind yourself that you have no right to steal the milk from a baby cow just because you like the taste.

    12. If you’re out, remember that there is food in grocery stores – not just restaurants. Carry a can opener and a spoon with you for easy access to peaches, pineapples, chickpeas and peas whenever you are out. While there pick up some apples, bananas, kiwis, peaches and containers of blueberries or strawberries. Want to wash them? Just go to the closest public washroom and rinse them under the tap. Afraid you will look weird doing that? Stop it. Instead, be ready to smile at whomever is beside and you say, “Bet you’re jealous I have such an amazing-looking snack right now, eh?” And then share it with them.

    13. Walk in to any grocery store and buy some crackers or fresh bread and dip it into a jar of spicy hummus. Or do the same with baby carrots – eat them straight out of the bag. Eat the whole thing if you have to. If you like vegan cheese, buy that.

    14. If you like pretzels or Tostitos with tomato salsa, eat those.

    15. Surround yourself with ethical vegans online that you can reach out to if you need support to stay on track.

    16. Follow vegan doctors, nurses and dieticians.

    17. Stay healthy overall so you can have the discipline to do what you want to do.

    18. There are many more tips online but hopefully, this is a good start.

    19. For free coaching, help and recipes, sign up for

    20. To join a discord full of wonderful new vegan friends, go to Discord.GG/vegan

  3. 10 Random Reasons Why I’m Vegan – In An Infinitely Long List:

    1 I’m vegan because I don’t want to be mean to any animals: not to dogs, pigs, cats, cows, chickens, turkeys, lambs, rabbits, or anyone at all!

    2. I’m vegan because I like to help the environment by not depleting the oceans of fish or to take the whales out, and force them to do tricks in swimming pools.

    3. I’m vegan because I don’t want to pay anyone to burn down the rain forests to grow crops for cows who we created in the first place. I’d rather that people not rape cows into existence to begin with. I’d rather eat the plants directly instead of filtering them through an innocent animal who doesn’t deserve to die.

    4. I’m vegan because I don’t want to pay anyone to pin down mother cows & force them to be pregnant and then to kidnap their baby boy cow for the purpose of murdering them, just so people can steal their milk and sell it in stores to use for their taste pleasure.

    5. I’m vegan because, I don’t feel right eating bacon, sausage or ham, because that means paying people in the pork industry to cut the tails, testicles & teeth off baby boy pigs & kill them at just 6 months old. I just don’t want anyone to do that to them.

    6. I’m vegan because I don’t want to just say that I think animals have moral value; I also want to show it with my actions.

    7. I’m vegan because if you were the victim, I’d also protect you.

    8. I’m vegan because I don’t believe that anyone’s eating disorder is ever the animals’ fault. Whether someone is overweight or underweight, because of psychological trauma, essentially, these are merely THINKING disorders, which a therapist can help someone overcome. There is never a justification to kill an animal just because of one’s own erroneous thoughts.

    9. I’m vegan because I learned that eating eggs is unnecessary and that the baby boy chicks are being suffocated with their brothers in large plastic bags or macerated in giant bloody blenders just because they will never grow up to be able to lay eggs.

    10. I’m vegan because I believe in telling the truth, in learning, and in trying to undo the harm I did in the past and because, even though I will never be perfect, being vegan is such an easy way to do my best, to live my life in line with my own morals.

  4. Parents, you are the biggest role model for your children, not their teachers. Their teachers are helping to steer the next generation in the right direction with education and acceptance of others. Please be as cooperative and involved with your child's teachers as possible. They're supervising hundreds of students per year, all while being underpaid, so don't make their lives (and jobs) more stressful than it already is.

  5. Go vegan 🌱 . This is an animal who didn’t want to die 🔪 🐖 ❌and this is vegan food you should give it a try 🥗 ✅ this was someone’s baby that should make you cry 🐷 🥺 this is vegan food 🍓🍒🍎 it should make you smile 😊 and make you something you should buy

  6. "Plant abuser!!!”but even if they did feel pain you'd be killing less plants by being vegan because if you're not vegan, you're paying people to grow plants, to kill plants to feed animals and animals eat a lot more plants than vegans could eat. so go vegan if you care about plants.

    1. An animal that pays somebody else to kill their prey for them
    2. Does not eat raw meat
    3. Shops at local grocery store.
    Synonyms: food chain tho, canines tho, clogged arteries are manly

    Just go vegan

  8. If you know its wrong to steal, why pay people to steal from another species? If you know rape is wrong, why pay someone to do it to a chicken pig or cow? If you know murder is wrong why pay someone to do it to a cow lamb chicken pig and sheep? Dont do wrong these to other beings that looks different. Anyone can survive on a plant based diet. It's be scientifically proven. There's no excuse for Animal abuse. Be vegan so you can stop being a hypocrite. Its easy. Its a win for you the planet and the animals.

  9. Mothers: 'As a feminist I will speak out for animal reproductive rights'
    Fathers: 'I will point out the truth about fur.'
    Brother: 'I will support sister if she is going egg and dairy free'
    Sister: 'I will support anyone becoming vegan in my family'
    Teachers: 'I will tell the truth about violence about milk and meat to students'
    Doctors: 'I will learn about veganism and be prepared when we meet '
    Underprivileged: 'I will be creative when I prepare healthy meals.'
    overprivileged: 'I will choose the tofu instead of caviar or veal.'

  10. The first thing meat-eaters think of when hearing about vegans shutting down animal farms is how many jobs would be lose instead of how many lives would be saved.
    This is a clear problem.

    Unless we’re talking about rescuing dogs from yulin, then activists are heroes 🥱

  11. You are reprehensible in the way you feel that bullying pe🎉ople that are younger than, pick on people your age, or are you a coward just like every other BULLY.

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