Il dolcificante alla frutta del monaco è sicuro?

I dolcificanti naturali a base vegetale stevia e frutto del monaco (Luo Han Guo) vengono confrontati testa a testa con aspartame e Splenda.

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Questo è un link al video a cui mi riferivo: La Stevia è buona per te? (

Ho anche altri video su aspartame e Splenda:
• Aspartame and the Brain (
https://nutritionfacts .org/video/Aspartame-and-the-Brain)<br/> • Effetto del sucralosio (Splenda) sul microbioma (
• Aspartame Causa il cancro? (
• La bibita dietetica aumenta il rischio di ictus tanto quanto la bibita normale? (

Ovviamente anche lo zucchero non fa bene. Quanto zucchero aggiunto è troppo? ( e
Se il fruttosio fa male, che dire della frutta? (

Puoi esagerare con la frutta? Scopri in quanta frutta è troppa? ( .

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100 Risposte a “Il dolcificante alla frutta del monaco è sicuro?”

  1. Load of biased shit. The simple break down of chemicals in each alone show effects of use. There is even an extended documentary on the use of sugars versus natural sugars like monk fruit. "That sugar film" sugar in soda, and every day sauces drinks even healthy proclaimed stuff if horrible for you cause its still the same trash sugars. Monk fruit flavor doesnt come from the same thing.

  2. I just want to know if monk fruit sweetener is the safest of them all ? I was happy with aspartame until I found out its poison. So is monk fruit safest of them all ?

  3. When non diabetic people drink sugary drinks, you'll not see spikes as crazy high as someone who's body isn't producing insulin properly. How about high fructose corn syrup? The body doesn't recognize it as a sugar, so it wrecks havoc on the body. No extra insulin is produced to combat high fructose corn syrup. So why on earth would western food, in particular the United States, continue to use high fructose corn syrup as its main sweetener?? While type 2 diabetic diagnosis continue to climb up up up…. One may think that money over lives matter more! The money saved by using high fructose corn syrup, or the billions made by pharmaceutical companies, that insulin is not cheap. In fact, when my dog Boo-Boo, was diagnosed with diabetes, his insulin, Humulin-N cost me 185 USD $ per week… nearly $200 every single week. I love my dog, so yes i do buy it. What would you do? He's my responsibility and I took that on when i got him as a 8 weeks old pup! And that's what we do for those we love… Including the pets we call family… But i digress…

    Now, Humulin-N, its an old insulin so old in fact, that its now actually sold over the counter, but you've got to go up to the pharmacy counter to purchase it, but you need no Script!
    And, sadly no, Lilith the maker of Humulin-N, has no generic brand nor will they allow their coupons to be used for pets….
    Pharmacutic corporations depending on your getting sick as their Livelihoods…. Makes you think or it should

  4. this study seems sketch to me. it wasn't a controlled testing? I'm diabetic and monk fruit has never spiked me like coke will. I will hit 480 with a coke from 120 and nothing with monk fruit.

  5. This video left me feeling greatly unsatisfied, and I question it's validity. #1 There was no conclusion about Monk Fruit being any different than aspartame or other low calorie sweeteners like stevia. #2 Sweeteners such as Aspartame especially, have been studied more extensively by the FDA than any other drug EVER STUDIED. The FDA research of aspartame represents the most comprehensive research ever conducted on any substance, and yet you have somehow discovered something new? Or are you just promoting your own website ?

  6. Hello, I've watched this several times as I'm trying to replace Splenda with something better for me so I went and purchased Monk Fruit in the Raw but these tests are confusing. First if someone has "eaten" other foods the measure doesn't seem to be fair. Then right around 6:17 you say they test by mixing both ingredients (I'm talking about Splenda and/or Monk Fruit) with sugar water for the test so well… Wouldn't the sugar water make it spike? A test should be done with ingesting just Monk Fruit and water… just Splenda and water…

  7. It's interesting to note that the mentioned study does not appear to have looked at not having any sweetener at all, i.e. plain water, and possible subsequent over-eating and thus a higher blood glucose spike. If that turns out to be the case, can you really blame non-calorie sweeteners?

  8. "All because they ate more"!?!?!?!!?! So delayed spike response has NOTHING to do with the non-sugar sweeteners themselves. People eat more for a variety of reasons. It is the same mentality as ordering a 3000 calories burger and fries meal because you are going to have the diet soda. Some "research". And did they bother to go back and control for people "eating more" a day later?

  9. It would have been a more proficient study rather than just one control group and another that did the same as the control group along with taking the sugar substitute and made no efforts to keep the sugar level down for the the immediate affect by cutting it out of the meal or down it or and also by not eating more at the next meal or having more sugary substances later even though there was a craving or temptation or what ever reason…because what he is showing also pr from what I am interpreting is that sugar in meal with artificial sweeteners equals more of a spike after the meal and also the propensity for the person to "make up for it" by allowing themselves to eat more at the next meal or have a dessert as if they are budgeting their overall all sugar intake…which he is showing that is something that does not work well…. but what he didn't say was that the people cut out the sugar that was in the meal with the artificial sweetener who were being tested who actually tried all day not to re incorporate the sugar later and not have any extra food with other meals or a dessert that had sugar in it…. I get this energy lag about 45 min after breakfast I was searching for what a little stevia in my plant protein powder could do along with or beet juice and complex carbs like cream of rice….I didn't know that it could increase the spike more after the initial dose along with the propensity of a normal person to try and make up for it or think that since they kept the sugar low by adding sweetener at one meal that they could have a sugary desert at the next and that they would still be at an average sugar level of what they think that they have allowed for themselves to have for the day. which turns out to be something that "doesn't working that way" seem to get no where with control over sugar intake and effects.

  10. They should've done a fasting test with all the sweeteners mentioned i.e. only consume the sweeteners and fast for the rest of the day. Wouldn't that be an interesting study ?

  11. Nothing to do with the title. It starts with talking a little about Monk Fruit and gets off track into a confusing (though factual) discussion that leaves the viewer with more questions than when first starting the video.

  12. You also need to talk about how one sweetener is processed and is hard to be digested by us humans, like the toxic white sugar, or the ill effect of the artificial sweeteners like the toxic sludge found in diet soda. Its not always just about calories or sugar spikes…

  13. i sweeten stuff with luo han guo tea, it's whole ground dehydrated monk fruit (it's mixed with some sugar and shaped into a cube) it's not an extract that they sell as a sweetener and the extract is likely the kind they use in the study. i don't use it often because i don't usually like sweet things but maybe there should be a study on the whole dried monk fruit and tea.

  14. Anything that excites your brain raises you insulin levels

    Bottom line if its your time, it's your time

    All this expensive bullshit monk fruit, humanely raised, wheat-grass, grass-fed cage-free non-gmo organic this organic that is all bs to get you to spend more money

    Too much of anything can be bad. That lady in Texas that did not eat, but only drank Coke day in and day…wtf she think was going to happen!

  15. The voice is far too theatrical. Reminds me of one of the narrators on an old Disney featurette. And so I find it suspect. I will need to do more research to get a consensus of unbiased information.

  16. Derailed argument – there is so much more to safety than blood sugars. You found a conclusion from 1 journal article? Lol at your histrionic reading voice too btw

  17. So the blood sugar spike later in the day because they ate more?! lol That seems like a self discipline problem, no an issue with the natural sweeteners.

  18. I use a BLEND meaning I cut Calories but not ALL of them. I tried to drink just water and believe it or not I got SICK, my stomach REVOLTED. Seems that an ADDICTION to sodas and sweet drinks is harder to kick than COKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Try to cut out ALL sugar including the sugar in any form they add to ALL our food and see what your body does to you.

  19. This is the best video on sugars I found I’ve done a little research myself not as much as you are grounded but you speak the truth

  20. I was hoping that monk fruit would be okay for lowering my blood sugar, but you are saying that it is not. I was just wanting some for my herbal tea and you're basically saying to just use sugar because in the long run it has the same effect. Well this stinks big time.

  21. Thank you for proving that monkfruit is indeed healthier than sugar. What the study gets wrong is that the spike in blood glucose caused by sugar is guaranteed. The higher spike in blood glucose later seen in the non-sugar group is speculative . . there’s no guarantee they will eat more food and they could choose to manage their portion size better. You theorize they would then crave more food later but where’s the proof of that?

    Bottom line, when I make something sweet I know that monkfruit won’t spike my glucose like sugar. Everything else is unknown. Thanks again.

  22. I just watched your stevis video where you based your conclusion on experiments on RATS. Now, in this video, you knock the science because it was done on mice. Can you make up your mind? Is science done on rodents good to make conclusions or not?

  23. The spike was actually from 'some additional food they ate afterwards' due to supposedly not feeling as full because they ate less carbs from sugar.
    A diet higher in fat together with these sugar alternatives would have yielded opposite results, not spiking blood sugar. As fats take longer to digest and release energy over a longer period of time.

  24. I wish they would’ve had a group that just drank water. It would be interesting to know if your body just compensates for fewer calories earlier in the day by having you eat more later.

  25. Ok this doesn't explain if consuming monkfruit is safe tho. All it shows is bullshit naturopath articles and a review of some studies. This video is so dumb.

  26. This may be true, but it's not really the fault of the artificial sweetener. This study assumes that you have no discipline. What if you're restricting carbs now and just want your tea to taste better. I don't eat based on hunger, I have a plan and I stick to it. I'm not going to eat more carbs later on. This study has a big hole in it. What I really want to know is safety! That is after all the title of the video. It should not be about whether or not your blood sugar remains lower, because as long as you don't over eat later the answer appears to be yes. So….Is monk fruit, for example safe????

  27. Wtf? This doesn't add up. I've lost 100lbs 3x. And each time I switched to non caloric sweetened. Plenty of it. And lost weight rapidly..???

  28. i died from sugar … sugar has a thousand times more in volume than sweetmer because sugar comes in grams and sweetner comes in milligrams .. but … peters ice cream put 10 grams of sorbatol in their product instead of 50 grams of sugar per 100 grams of product .. i still went into a comma eating it .. i can have a zero coke with 200 milligrams of sweetner but if i have a regular coke with 50 grams of sugar per 100 grams of product i go back into a comma and so if monk fruit is correctly labled and is only in small proportions of milligrams to substitute grams of sugar then my pancreas will not need to produce insulin so its the comma effect on me that determins if they lied or are telling the truth and i was brought back to life by a massive dose of insulin from a delta comma they call death as we realy dont die you just rot away painfully … skeatesybubbygoddess 2020

  29. So the spike in blood sugar isn’t due to monk fruit but rather people eating poorly later?!?! That’s not about NNS’s or monk fruit for that matter.

  30. Watched it twice. If you are a diabetic and trying to avoid massive 2 hour consumption spikes in glucose levels (where your own blood becomes toxic on contact with your nerves and fine capillaries) we are lead to believe it is better to use Stevia than Sucralose (Splenda) … because, though Sucralose is a big ZERO like Stevia it still leads to big post consumption sugar spikes … whereas Stevia supposedly does not. Restraining yourself from eating more later in the day after consuming an artificial sweetener is a matter of personal discipline, which diabetics have to have all the time to control their diabetes. Essentially you are saying Stevia is no better than Sucralose.

  31. HEADS UP FOLKS, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about.

    Dear video maker,

    Sir, you are misinterpreting the data here, and this 'study' is rather bogus – if they allowed people to eat LATER in the day after taking the sugar/substitutes, it defeats the purpose of measuring blood sugar entirely.

    Of course you are going to eat MORE calories, and thus more carbs if you are HUNGRIER because you've eaten less calories earlier in the day, this is common sense.

    You conclusion that they are all JUST as bad – uh, no – wrong. The carbs from the coke are MUCH worse, because they are what's referred to as 'empty' calories, that is they are not accompanied by healhy vitamins, minerals, lipids or proteins like a healthy and well-balanced meal contains.

    Also the sugars which are consumed 'naturally' (such as those in fruit for example) digest more slowly in the body, and thus cause a lower/slower insulin spike, which means it doesn't make you crash as hard and doesn't slow down your metabolism as much, thereby converting less calories into fat.

    Also it isn't mentioned that the diets of the individuals measured were regulated – this is obviously an enormous red flag, because they could have simply been eating sugary foods later in the day anyway, thereby making the measurements utterly pointless.

    This study sounds like another one of those bought and paid for by the sugar industry.

    Also, this says nothing about monk-fruit specifically in the greater context of sugar substitutes and sweeteners, which is the reason I clicked –
    thumbs down!

  32. Ive been using monk fruit and this is very misleading conclusion. I have no trouble controlling my hunger. If anything my appetite and hunger pains have diminished. That being said the people in this studied are more the variable in question. If you take some one that has a standard american diet (ie high sugar and carbs) then deprive them of sugar or carbs, naturally your going to feel a sense of cravings because your hooked on these things. It takes time to break the carb or sugar addiction. Doing a one day study like this with no info on the people being studied really paints questionable outcome thats un reliable.

  33. Soo this is basically saying your food choices spike your blood sugar. What about the sweeteners alone? A little misleading dontcha think

  34. What about if you don’t eat after taking the Monk fruit sweetener. I used to eat a dessert every night after dinner. Now I bought some cacao and I put a tablespoon of Monk sweetener in it. This is after dinner. And then I don’t eat again until 11 AM the next day for my breakfast.

  35. I switched to Cannabis for my sweetener.
    Just a pinch of that sweet blueberry muffin in the morning keeps my all day sugar appetite . . . just right !

  36. What! The explanation is riddle with more questions than answers. Seems like sugar industry is behind these studies with its weird assumptions. Don’t recommend this channel.

  37. So people regularly addicted to consuming sugar laid off having it, so then they had sugar cravings and ate lots more than someone who drank the sugar, causing a higher spike.
    What this fails to show, is that such a phenomenon is temporary. Anyone going off sugar will initially have bad sugar cravings but they subside once your body readjusts… so really, this study is misleading.
    It's like giving a smoker an apple instead of letting him have a cigarette and blame all of his nicotine withdrawal symptoms on the apple LMAO

  38. In conclusion: non caloric sugar leaves you hungry so people tend to eat more to compensate. Therefore, non caloric sugars DO work in lowering your calorie intake.

    What this video is really talking about is human behavior not effects of different sugars. The data in this case does not prove all these sweeteners are the same but that people tend to unconsciously equalize their calorie intake. In fact, the data proves the opposite point.

  39. I caught one thing you said that needs explanation. You said people are more food after consuming the artificial sweeteners. Seems the sweeteners are raising sugar, it’s the lack of self control of the people.

  40. Hi Dr. Greger,
    thank you for the very informative video.
    I assume those sweeteners i.e. monk fruit should be helpful when combined with ketogenic dishes,
    as the sweet taste allows to more easily eat high volumes of healthy fats and protein,
    while avoiding the "revenge" overeating of carbs effect presented in the video?

  41. This sounds a lot more like a behavioral problem. Of course we know that if you have an issue with how you TREAT food, you can have a false sense of security about how much you're eating. I hear there are studies now about how just TASTING something sweet makes your body behave, so I'd like to know more.

  42. So in other words, have the monk fruit and don't eat more than normal, and your blood sugar won't spike. Which is easy if you're following a calorie and sugar controlled diet to lose weight.

  43. I hate these sweeteners just because I don't like sweet drinks and stevia and monk fruit are usually buried deep in the ingredients list. Every time I think I've found a non-sweet protein drink it ends up being some stevia/monk fruit concoction that tastes 10x sweeter than a milkshake.

  44. Doesn't address the issue–amts eaten after sweeteners must be controlled. Amazingly (and uncharacteristically) sloppy presentation.

  45. So all we need to do is reach inside and yank the cancer out, toss it in a dish and sprinkle it with monk fruit. Got it.

  46. So if I’m understanding this correctly the reason for the spike is your eating more so if you did not eat more there would be no spike??? If so then you can’t say Monk Fruit caused the spike, it actually had nothing to do with it…. If I’m getting this right…

  47. People don’t recognize that the tongue is an important sense organ in preparing the gut for digestion. If you taste sweet your body is going to prepare itself for sweet. Stop confusing your body. It’s a machine.

  48. Maybe lunch was loaded with sugars because the participants craved sugar after not getting it earlier. Mind you starches (bread, pasta, white flour…) turn to sugar in your saliva and tern to a fast burning "runaway sugar" at that.
    If you are conscious enough to use munkfriut over white sugar than you should also be consciouses enough not to add it back in your meals later. Health is not a one off effort but a total awareness and choices.

  49. That study was horrible from a scientific perspective. First fried rice will spike your blood sugar. Okay so next let's explain why the spike was higher.

    This is so simple, when they drank the sugar water, the body produced insulin. By the time they ate the rice, there is still insulin in the body. So the blood sugar doesn't shoot up since the insulin is already in action.

    They should have had them drink water then eat the rice to compare the insulin spike, and confirm the results.

    How these scientists lack basic common sense is beyond me. Never confuse education with intelligence.

  50. I decided to buy 100% pure monk fruit 4oz for $20 big eyes as a sugar substitute because of my gulbladder condition that causes major pain everytime I eat sugar…and to my suprise I kid you not my pain was so much worse and sever with the monk fruit. All I had was 1tsp added to my tea and when the pain went away I tried it again same pain. These sweeteners are no different than the ones we found to be much worse for us years later like splenda. If you want to be healthy you have to dramatically decrease your sugar intake or cut it out all together.

  51. you are doing your audience and Injustice by not mentioned that the meal that they fed on was fried rice.this would then lead you to conclude that the person who doesn't eat a meal that turns into glucose as soon as it hits the bloodstream, would have a better response to the insulin.they would react a lotmore profoundly to the glucose because they're not insulin resistant.

  52. I think if we want to try a sugar substitute sweetener and know it’s safe, we should look towards British laws and do they even approve it safe to consume for their people instead of trusting American FDA standards

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