Il dolcificante più salutare

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100 Risposte a “Il dolcificante più salutare”

  1. Why did he not address how each one effects blood sugar and it’s glycemic index?? Dr Gregor, please do another video on each sweeteners affect on ones blood sugar and include other sweeteners such as stevia, coconut sugar, xylitol etc. I would also be curious to know the quality of products used. Not all honey, maple syrup are created equal. A lot of it is just diluted with corn syrup. You need to make sure you’re using the real stuff, not just honey bear.

  2. I tried molasses recently and I just found it horrible , it may be somewhat sweet but it has other nasty flavours going on that detract from any sweetness. I put a bit in my coffee, my coffee turned like tar black (not coffee black) and it didn't taste like coffee anymore, maybe I used a bad brand, does anybody like this stuff and what do you recommend doing with it?

  3. I absolutely love dates, whether deglet noor dates or medjool dates. I can eat so many of em. But the taste is so great that I know I have to work out just to get enough calories burned off to eat more

  4. Wow this video was so exciting. I was on the edge of my seat! The suspense of not knowing which one was best was almost too much to handle!…

  5. Exactly what does nutrition have to do with these choices? Most of these (and I think the exception is date sugar) are not only totally worthless as far as nutrition goes, but worse, they create insulin resistance, and probably contribute to a number of other diseases. Dr. Greger has another video on sugar substitutes, where by he compares stevia, sucralose, etc, And contrary to the worthlessness of this video, it is very good.

  6. I use unsweetened apple sauce, but I know that apples would be better, since they are less processed, and include the healthiest part, the peel. Convenience is hard to resist.

  7. A problem with most sweeteners is not that they are just "empty calories", but that they also impair the absorption of nutrients, such as iron.

    I would like to see how molasses or date sugar measure up.

  8. I need to hear from you, can i make my bakery or bisuits with honey instead of usual sugar? Does honey become harmful with high temperatures??

  9. Hey,
    What about Beet Syrup? I have never used it, but it is the most local sweetener around and I was just wondering how good/bad beet syrup is compared to the other sweeteners. Any data on this?

  10. What kind of honey was compared? Huge difference between the cheap stuff and the good stuff, both in price and in purported nutrition.

  11. I'm a huge fan of and have learned so much. But I think this is the worst video of any that Greger has done, both in form and content. I hope he would consider revisiting this topic.

  12. Date Sugar is like 15€ a kg on amazon, that would be some expensive cake.. even coconut sugar or xylit is cheaper, it's literally the most expensive one I know. And I guess you would need even more than 'real' sugar because date sugar isn't as sweet?

  13. Interesting since agave and brown rice syrup are often marketed as superior or “healthier” sweeteners, especially in the health food industry.

  14. I like this channel so much value !!! THANKS A LOT … I also try to create content just like this, please check out and support me : ) show some love for beginners 😀 ( Keep In Mind)

  15. left out two Winners , Sorghum and Pure Maple Syrup . Maple Syrup Health Benefits and Nutrition
    Manganese (aids in energy production)
    Zinc (helps your immune system)
    Calcium (great for strengthening bones and teeth)
    Riboflavin (aids in metabolic processes)
    Magnesium (associated with lowered risk of heart disease)
    Potassium (helps to maintain a normal blood pressure)

  16. agave nectar is obviously better than table sugar it is unrefined and rich in antioxidants
    table sugar has no nutrients and is stripped of vitamins and mineral agave necter has compounds that are beneficial to health and is low glycemic compared to
    sugar sugar is bleached and highly refined from excessive processing Agave syrup is unrefined and keeps it self intact without all the bleaching and toxic chemicals they spray on the agave plant there is no comparison Agave syrup is way better than white sugar white sugar is gmo its like comparing fruit to sugar and saying fruit is bad because of sugar contents when fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals and antioxidants its just stupid all sugar is not the same some present positive health benefits to human health! im sorry your just wrong about agave not being better than sugar. im not against sugar or anything but even i can know by looking at the bottle that agave nectar must be better.

  17. Would date sugar work like sugar in terms of caramelization? Sweeteners like stevia can’t make caramel, so I’m curious if date sugar is the same. Also what are your thoughts on coconut sugar? I feel like it’s just regular sugar w/ a few extra minerals, but if there’s health benefits I’d like to know.

  18. Can you do a video about Blackstrap molasses on the menstrual cycle and anemia? Does it actually work as an iron supplement and can it make periods lighter, skin better, and hair better?

  19. Jaw dropped when he said brown rice syrup was the least nutritious. That stuff's in tons of the packaged vegan snacks! Can you do one on alternatives like monk fruit and stevia also?

  20. Thanks for making my life so much easier.
    I really appreciate all the research you do on such an important matter. What should we be fueling our bodies with? Is there are a more important question. If there are, not many. Shalom.

  21. organic molasses, pure maple syrup or honey from the royal hives at Buckingham are all just sugar to your body…insulin response thru the roof…artifical sweeteners also trigger an insulin response so its best to avoid them all.a few blueberries or a bit of 100% chocolate is what l use to satisfy a sweet tooth.

  22. Thank you. I had a quick look at Cronometer which says that molasses has actually much more minerals than dates (date sugar) especially regarding calcium, copper, … Could Cronometer be wrong? Thank you for your work. k (P.s. I compared with Blackstrap Molasses).

  23. No, incorrect. The healthiest sweetener on the planet you didn't even review because of the bubble you're trapped in. The healthiest sweetener on the planet is jaggery. Look it up. This is the purest form of sugar you can get that is loaded with all of the minerals and vitamins. And, in fact, it's not even as sweet as granulated sugar because it still has all of it's minerals and vitamins. I would put jaggery head to head against date sugar any day and I guarantee it would be date sugar in a blind taste test.

  24. Sugar is the most addictive substance on the planet because of it's neurological effects hence they add it to just about everything, even it's counterpart "salt" ( maybe not but I was just trying to make a point ). Once you are addicted to sugar, God help you!
    Disease loves loves loves sugar… It is the glue that holds disease in your body.

  25. NO WAY!!!! HOW MUCH FRUCTOSE IN CHOICES? only corn syrup has no fructose. that makes corn syrup the healthiest to eat. it is 100% glycogen which the body likes. fructose will mess you up and ruin your health!

  26. Where the heck is Stevia ?? I favor raw honey–but as I sit here watching this, I am actually snacking on some dark chocolate plant-based only snacks from Costco–sweetened exclusively as a one of the last ingredients by Stevia. Though I have heard Stevia used as a sweetener may not be as good for you as you might initially think, would be interesting to know. And not just for anti-oxidant reasons. I know this is an older video–but I grew stevia 8 yrs ago…

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