98 Risposte a “Il grande dibattito: VEGETARIANO Vs A BASE DI CARNE, qual è più salutare??? 😀”

  1. So we’re actually eating 60% less saturated fat than ever in our history and heat disease diabetes and cancers just to name a few are out of control and growing. One guy looks like he’s on deaths door the other looks fit and healthy. Il keep doing what I’m doing. 100% straight carnivore. 🥩🧈💪🏼

  2. Such a privileged debate. With climate change, overpopulation, and starvation happening the question isn't which diet is healthier. The question is, which diet is more sustainable, which uses less resources, which is more affordable, and which contributes less to climate change. The answer to all four of these questions, of course, is a plant-based diet. Even if it wasn't healthier (which it is) with a world population of 8 billion (and growing), it is clearly the direction we should be headed in the 21st century.

  3. I don’t even have to watch this. I was vegan, wfpb, for almost 5 years. Eating only plants wrecked my physical and mental health. I’m a year and half into eating a heavy animal based diet and the only time I have issues is when I eat too many plants and carbs.

  4. Pathetic to see the veggie stoop to calling ivor a flat earther or believing in lizard people. Why can't these ppl have civil debates? Vegan myself and I'm sure you can be a very healthy meat eater or vegan.

  5. Americans are dying from excess sugar and carbs.
    There are over weight vegans. Potatoes are vegan. Beer is vegan. Pasta is vegan. Breads are vegan. Etc.

  6. How TF would anyone survive on the vegan diet when most plants only produce 1 time a year during a short 1 month time frame?

    We didn’t evolve off just plants period.

  7. Take a look at the guy on the right, overly emotional, absolutely disgusting teeth, white skin tone, his neck is so incredibly thin most likely due to lack of protein and animal fats causing malnourishment. Also pay attention to who is able to speak clear and concise. He is also a liar, every single person who has ever dabbled into nutrition knows that true controlled studies do not exist and yet he knowingly makes this claim.

  8. Diabetes rates have increased due to our excess consumption of saturated fat & processed carbohydrates, not whole plant foods. And Dr Gregor is right, you need randomised control studies.

  9. This debate is a joke! Take a look at actual evidence of people of the world who live the longest – The Blue Zones. Five regions of the world where people in the local culture live REGULARLY to 100 and beyond. They all eat simple plants grown in their garden, and their meat/fish/eggs consumption is limited to special events – a few times a year. No processed foods, no supplements, no manmade shrink wrapped foods, and very little animal products, and the PROOF is they all live regularly to 100 and beyond. Let’s see that with a meat study! I want to see a society of meat eaters who live regularly to 100 and beyond — not cherry picking one or two that made it, but the vast majority, practically everyone living to 100+. I’ll wait…

  10. Ivor you did a good figure in that interview. And you did not resort to calling Dr. Greger for a flat eather like he did – namecalling ones opponent is always a sure sign that one has run out of rational arguments.

    Now as a Keto/low carb guy on one-meal a day with a high analytical capacity I off course knew all the arguments from the start and also the conclusion from the start. So I did not get confused by this discussion

    Unfortunately I think this way of discussing a serious topic is a very bad format, but that can only be blamed on GB News. The average viewer would not be able to conclude very much from that.

    I am afraid that the average viewer would only look at whom he/she thought was most sympathetic and use that as input for what he should order next time he goes to Burger King and orders a meal: "Should I order a burger meal with real meat burger paddy or a plant beef burger paddy?"
    And that is a horrible takeaway because the real dangers at a Fast food place are the Sodas with a bucket load of sugar, and the french fries fried in Seed Oils having brewed all day and thus filled with aldehydes. And then the burger bread is also bad, the ketchup has a lot of added sugar and the mayo is made from seed oils. And I wonder how much those "plant beef paddys" has to do with real plants. Actually the only thing to safely eat at a burger place are the meat paddys with maybe cheese & bacon and it is possible to ask for plain water also instead of the Soda.

    People who don't know that should simply realise that their most healthy choice is to NOT go to burger joints ever! And if they go the problem is NOT the meat in the burger – it's everything else.

    You tried to explain it Ivor but the format made it impossible.
    A vegan Dean Ornish diet with whole (vegan) foods is a clear improvement over the Standard Western Diet. However it can be difficult to pull off and one need to study which supplements to take.
    But a Meat/Fish/Eggs focused low carb omnivore diet will be much more effective and easier to follow in order to reverse insulin resistance – and since 80% of the adult Western population has signs of insulin resistance in some degree, then that is what should be focused on.

  11. I've done my own science. I was vegetarian/vegan for 35 years. I only ate whole grains and etc. and no junk food. By 65 I was fat, prediabetic, arthritic, and had so much brain fog that I needed to stop driving. Then I discovered Paleo and Keto and did much better. Nine months ago I switched to full Carnivore. All my numbers are now excellent. I lost the weight. I'm no longer prediabetic. No more arthritis. Many other reversals of inflammatory disease. I'm 74 now and am driving with ease and confidence. I'll never go back to the plant-based nightmare. Plants are trying to kill us.

  12. This is akin to a devout Christian and Muslim arguing over which religion is better

    With that being said, Gregor is incorrect about plant based diet being “proven” to reverse heart disease

  13. It sounds like if you are really messed up you might want to go vegetarian or vegan for a few months for a reset and then eat a properly balanced meat and vegetable diet

  14. Either Ivor's deleting some of the opposing comments or most people here are having a stroke whilst typing. Most likely it's just an echo chamber of genuine ignorance or cognitive bias. Sorry folks, Michael Gregor's right, the legit, non-industry funded studies in their thousands spanning decades back him up. And the truth is, you don't want him to be.

  15. The vego guy looks kind of pale, just saying.
    As an ex vego myself, I truly believe in the restorative qualities of a plant-based diet, and the ability of this to reverse disease in some instances. But…and this is a bug but…when we are just looking at a normal healthy person maintaining good health, including meat and animal-based products in the diet does seem to make a lot of sense. In moderation.

  16. Everyone is different. The only way I cured my migraines and hemorrhoids was to cut out the animal products and anything with high protein. On a mostly low protein vegan diet I gained back 10 pounds as I dropped down to 137 pounds at 6 feet tall when I ate animal products regularly. I miss the taste but my metabolism is faster when I'm eating vegan thus prompting me to eat way more in order not to lose weight. But if I craved meat again I'd probably would eat it as maybe that would be a sign of deficiency?

  17. I suspect Dr Greger was totally wrong about Cov (as well as everything else he has ever touched) Ivor (an Engineer) was correct all along which is now being proved 100% correct.

    Vegan sausages. Ingredients:
    Water, Rehydrated Textured Soya and Wheat Protein (16%)(Water, Soya Protein, Wheat Protein, Salt Soya Bean Oil, Natural Flavouring), Rusk (Wheat), Coconut Oil, Soya Protein Concentrate (4%), Wheat Starch, Natural Flavourings, Stabilisers: Methyl Cellulose, Sodium Alginate, Salt, Potato Fibre, Yeast Extract, Colouring Foods: Beetroot, Safflower, Spices, Herbs, Flavouring, Black Pepper Extract, Ginger Extract, Nutmeg Extract.

    Rib-eye beef. Ingredients:

  18. The guy who insults the other guy is usually the loser. Ivor showed data, and did not resort to insults. And Ivor did not even bother to correct the interviewer for mispronouncing his name. Winner: CUMMINS.

  19. It is obvious the vegan was clobbered,doesn't have a science based presentation,and it seems he is annoyed when in fact they say that vegans are cool headed,but it didn't show in this debate,the vegan seems going to war,hehehe

  20. Gregor is a clown. He just turned 50 years old and looks 10 years older at least. All you have to look at the two to see the difference. Ivor looks great and Gregor looks like a corpse. Good job Ivor!

  21. Saying lower meat doesn’t mean anything. Did you have a chart of intake of soda. Junk food. Cheese. Proceed food.

    That literally has no correlation at all one bit.

    So if u show a chart of smokers. They lose weight. Feel better in the beginning. So should someone start smoking. 😂.

  22. Gregor has damaged his brain by not eating the proper human diet, it also shows in his skinny neck and skinny little body. He can't even show any scientific charts just kindergarten scribble on a piece of cardboard.

  23. it can only be general, as everyone is different, i'm much healthier today after being vegetarian for the last 15 years than all the years previous, i still eat drink dairy, i'm 64, for others, it can be completely different..cheers good show.

  24. The best predictor of heart disease is a coronary artery calcium score, it does what it says, measures calcium deposits in the arteries in the heart. So it stands to reason that to reduce your risk of heart disease you need a diet that would tend to reduce the deposits of calcium in the arteries of the heart. However you do need calcium in your diet for healthy bones and teeth. So how to get the calcium out of the soft tissue and into the bones and teeth where it is needed. The answer would appear to be vitamin K2 which is largely found in a diet high in dairy but can also be attained by eating fermented vegetables and beans.
    I agree with Ivor, you can do a vegan diet and be healthy but it is a harder task than eating a diet that contains meat and dairy products.
    Personally I don't see vegan vs carnivore as the key battleground in improving western diets, I think the main enemy of health in the developed western diet is the amount of processed food consumed and also the quantity and frequency with which it is consumed. Factor in the sedentary lifestyle and you have a recipe for disaster.

    So to summarise, shop for foods that are the ingredients rather than foods that contain ingredients, cook your own foods, eat a balanced diet with moderate sized meals, exercise after eating, don't snack between meals on sugary sweets/candy bars and if you need to take vitamin and mineral supplements.

    If you want to be vegan then do it for moral reasons rather than health reasons.

  25. Just for some balance here. I am a dairy farmer and sheep farming descendent and have worked as a butcher in slaughterhouses and worked with the hunt. I have always been fit as a mountain biker and martial artist as well as having physical work for most of my life. At the age of 40 I suffered a heart attack after being told that I was perfectly healthy. My family are riddled with heart problems and other issues all associated with meat and dairy consumption. This is supported by the World health organisation. I am now a qualified dietician, vegan and much happier for being so because I know that the only diet proven (scientifically)to reverse any atherosclerosis is a plant based diet. My family members that have adopted this diet (whole food plants) have all seen huge improvements. I also know that my diet is good for the planet and the people on it (no pandemics have ever been created by vegans – unlike carnivores, who basically cause all epidemics). In addition to this I have seen 1st hand how the animals are processed and its barbaric and cruel and also very gross, all that puss and blood and cancer cells in your food. A vegan world would see 76% of farmland restored to natural eco-systems and an end to the destruction of our planet and hugely cheaper living costs for us all as we stop paying for subsidies and health costs and moving forward the mitigation of enviromental damage.

  26. Wait… at the end she said "do you think a vegetarian diet is ALWAYS healthier than a meat-based diet"… well "no"… Obviously not… That's just trivially the case.

    However it's clear that a vegan/vegetarian diet CAN be healthier than a meat-based diet – and there are clear advantages to reducing meat intake (particularly red and processed meat).

    Besides – It's unethical to purchase products that entail the rights violations of sentient beings. And I think the ethical implications of a meat-based diet outweigh any health implications.

  27. The easiest way in which archaeologists could immediately tell if some human remains were from hunter-gatherers or from neolithic farmers was by looking at dental decay. None found in hunter-gatherers, a lot in early farmers. But that was just one thing. The whole body showed the signs of poor health in farmers with arthritis, etc…
    We know that adapting to grains have been challenging for humans and it still is. We don't need randomised, controlled trials to know this (clinical trials and generally scientific studies always have the desired outcome for those who pay them, anyway).

  28. If you watch the Flintstones you will never see Fred eating a salad.

    His meals usually consist of ribs from a large animal or a gigantic slab of meat.

    His parents fed him this extremely nourishing diet, that is why he is so strong and intelligent.

    His neighbor Barney is a different story. The rumor is that his parents were vegan and fed him tofu.

    That is why he is so short and stupid. He regularly attempts to get Fred addicted to tobacco.

    So what do you want to be, a stunted wimpy dummy like Barney or a Superman Supergenius like Fred?

  29. I'm vegan and I love Dr Greger, but I think he was unnecessarily aggressive while you was very respectful.
    I still think a plant based diet is by far the most healthy diet, not to mention the most friendly with the animals and the planet.

  30. Sorry Ivor, you're absolutely full of it; I'm going with the only diet PROVEN to prevent and even reverse heart disease. Healthy plant based diet.

  31. My health did a 180 when I went carnivore. I lost 70 pounds, my pre-diabetes went away, depression is gone, heart function is up,from 32% to 50%, and my mental clarity is back. Meat is life.

  32. i used to respect nutrition facts. he lost me when he said flat earth . i was vegan for 2 years and never cheating and i was always hungry and thinking about foot. animal facts is the only thing that makes me feel satiety and calm.

  33. Arguing from a purely factual basis, she says…. and the Dr Greggor shits all over that.
    Strange as he's done endless in depth analysis of vegan studies.

  34. since I have started a carnivore diet lifestyle I have noticed the stricter I make my carnivore diet, the more delicious the vegetarians look. 🕵🐑🥩💪

  35. Vegetarians have lower rates of COVID – why is this not at the top of his list?
    Seems like a very powerful point to move people to vego/vegans diets.

  36. Was on Keto, along with all family and everyone around 5 years, high cholesterol, fatty liver, lacerations of the bowl, on set type two diabetes, people who are carnivore diets or heavy animal proteins the science is clear they are the cause of all lead causes of death in humans.

  37. I'd be smiling too if I was a meat industry shill getting paid tons of money to lie through my teeth. However unlike you I have a conscience. It's just like Dr Gregor says, what you're spewing can hurt people, kill people. Hope you can live with that.

  38. After 20 years of vegetarian diet, I can confirm that it was a mistake. I wish someone could of talked sense into 16 year old me. Rheumatoid arthritis, long term constipation, skin conditions, low testosterone, depression are my battles now. As hard as it is to physically eat meat, the effects are undeniably effective. A million videos saying vegetarian is healthy wouldn't convince me now.

  39. Before people start saying I feel great eating lots of meat . Let's start with some basic science facts. Vegans live longer than meat eaters. If I am wrong show me the study where it shows differently, Myself personally I went Whole food plant based and lost 44 lbs have normal blood pressure and super low cholesterol.

  40. He resorted to calling him names like "flat earther" that right there is scrapping the bottom of the barrel. Meat eaters in my opinion ALWAYS win with facts and SCIENCE. I Remember going vegetarian once and I tried vegan, worst mistake ever I got autoimmune diseases, now I'm reversing with clean grass fed grass finished meats only, it's saved me ❤️

  41. First argument from Gregor is wrong (lie) it’s proven now the biggest evidence that the number 1 cause for cardiovascular deaths is metabolic diseases. Lower rates compared to the ridiculous standard diets.
    Gregor doesn’t have any random studies that stand up to attention with a stick up it’s ….

  42. What about people like paul mccartney (veggie) who has god health at 80 and then you look at someone like djokovic (vegan i think) who seems forever young full of energy and still the man in tennis.

  43. It would be funny if those 2 folks could actually sit down and go thru the science, a thorough review of the published literature and its quality, argument for argument . In this format its really hard to determine who's bullshitting and who's not [maybe both are? 🙂 ] The only part that actually strikes is the bearded guy repeating the old debunked nonsense about saturated fat and cholesterol, if he really wants people to listen to him he should've skipped this party – totally compromised himself there

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