Il lievito alimentare è salutare per tutti?

Chi ha alcune malattie autoimmuni come il morbo di Crohn probabilmente non dovrebbe mangiare lievito alimentare.

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Ho introdotto questo argomento in Il lievito alimentare fa scattare il morbo di Crohn? (, quindi un po' tangente con la sindrome di Candida è reale? ( Successivamente, finisco questa serie parlando di un'altra malattia autoimmune che sembra essere affetta: Dietary Cure for Hidradenitis Suppurativa ( cure-for-hidradenitis-suppurativa).<br/>
Per ulteriori informazioni sul morbo di Crohn, vedere Prevenire il morbo di Crohn con la dieta ( e trattamento dietetico del morbo di Crohn (

E paratubercucosa? Vedi La paratubercolosi nel latte provoca il diabete di tipo 1? (

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100 Risposte a “Il lievito alimentare è salutare per tutti?”

  1. There is a lot of protein in nooch. This must be factored in for gut toxicity. Also bakers yeast is the less lactic of starch eating bacteria.
    Bakers are having gut problem since they stopped making Sourdough

  2. I don't think nutritional yeast is good for me. I sneak it in some times when I'm going to cook something pretty well and seem to do ok. But nutritional yeast is supposed to be deactivated. But I found accidentally when some dropped in a can containing beans and it sent out runners pretty quickly that it was quite active. So I use it sparingly and only when cooking it well, as in vegan pizza. I don't just drop it on top of steamed veggies etc.

  3. for everyone here who have gluten insensitivities, try einkhorn wheat. its an ancient form of wheat, not the more modern problematic kind of wheat. who knows, maybe u can tolerate it

  4. WORST NEWS EVER 🙁 I have 2 autoimmune skin diseases, and now I must try removing NOOCH from my diet… NOOOO!!! Part of me hopes it works because then I'll be rid of these horrible conditions. Part of me hopes there's no difference b/c I love nutritional yeast sooooo much.

  5. Can you do a video on going yeast free? I tried cutting out yeast before I went vegan and didn't notice much of a difference… I want to try it again and see if I can come off of my medication but I have no idea where to start and it seems like I won't be able to have any processed foods (making it more difficult)…

  6. You mentioned grains near the end, but can you do more research on white grains vs brown or whole wheat grains? I heard that white is better because the hull is stripped off which is full of lectins. Or are the lectins destroyed when cooking the rice? Would like to know. Thanks

  7. Please check your subject doctor ….whole video is about bakers yeast and subject is nutritional yeast ….both are different. ..bakers yeast is live yeast and nutritional yeast or medical yeast is inactive yeast and it is extremely important for human health….I was not expecting this video from Nutrition facts.

  8. Could you speak a little more clearly please..or is it just naturally your style? You are racing through the info as if your rear 
    is on fire. could have done a lot more justice to the topic

  9. Reg the gloves: maybe that hand in the picture wasn't a doctor's hand, but the patient's or some of the patient's relative's hand showing the fistula to the camera. Doc probably had his hands full with operating the camera. Or the pic might have not even been taken in the doctor's office at all but at home by the patient himself/herself or by some patient's relative(s) to be shown to the doctor later. Just sayin'. 🙂

  10. B vitamins are also listed, so that means -you know what I'm gonna say next! – No vit B12 supplement? They also switched people to soy milk – which is normally fortified with b12

  11. There are at least 2 different types of yeast. Natural yeast (live bacteria) and chemical yeast. The 2nd one is not very good for health. The studies discussed do not mention what type of yeast was tested.

  12. Recently I kept getting really bad migraines where I could barely function or think straight. Then realized it was always right after I ate a plant based "chzz sauce" I made with nutritional yeast. So I started doing research. Others have the same symptoms as me. Sad though I really liked it. But it is not worth it.

  13. I’m confused because all of these studies he sighted said bakers yeast and he’s saying not to eat nutritional yeast, but they aren’t the same thing.

  14. Wait so I should stop Nutritional Yeast? I thought Nutritional Yeast was inactive. I don't have Crohn's disease but I think my immune system is weak.

  15. Mycotoxins and aflatoxins in Beans, Corn, Coffee, Nuts, especially PEANUTS, apple cider vinegar, mushrooms, grains and dried dates, prunes and raisins would make a great video. Also mold poisoning and detoxing of the cytoxins that cause CIRS chronic inflammatory response syndrome.

  16. So should we all just not use nutritional yeast in case it gives us Crohn's disease , even if it mite not be the only thing that can trigger it , perhaps nutritional yeast is just not worth the risk

  17. This would be a great video except for the non distinction between nutritional yeast (which is inactive…ie, non expanding) and the other 'active' yeasts. I do not have crohn's, yet my body does not react well to active yeasts, even in gluten free breads…yet, I can tolerate small amounts of nutritional yeast daily, with no edema…no extreme bloating etc. Do you consider the processing of nutritional yeast to distinguish it somewhat from brewer's, etc? Having said that, even inactive yeast is best consumed in small amounts, if at all.

  18. I'm not yet sold on the 100% plant based idea, but I'm addicted to Dr. Gregor's videos. So well put together, and never fail to make me laugh. Love this guy!

  19. hi guys need help, would it also have negative effect if the selenium supplement that I am taking is derived from yeast? and I have an Grave's.

  20. Holy cow, I was thinking the same thing, “Why the HECK is that doctor not wearing GLOVES?!?!?” . . . Especially when he said it was some sort of anal condition. Yikes!

  21. This video is worthless and worse misleading and not understandable. The title is misleading as well. What I want to see is not a bunch of papers being highlighted and read from. I want to see a video about why or why not I should consume nutritional yeast especially on my popcorn which I love.

  22. I have/had Crohn's (no major symptoms in 20 years) and tested very high for food sensitivity to Bakers/Brewers/Nutritional Yeasts. I have actually been getting better scores on that through the years (3 tests over that period from an off the charts 4+ to now just a level 1 reaction). Am wondering if things like pickles, kimchi, sake, wine, vinegars, miso, and other ferments should to be avoided as well? Help, Dr Greger!

  23. Bakers yeast isn’t nutritional yeast right??? Nutritional yeast is supposed to be inactive….Anyone here feel strange when consuming nutritional yeast?. Trying to figure if it’s ok or not for me.. Maybe it’s even the amount used? The taste is defin addictive lol! Maybe too much neuro-excitatory….?

  24. Is bags of “Large Flake Nutritional Yeast” made of dried yeast (in the ingredients it is labeled that way) have the same potential for problem?

  25. I thought nutritional yeast was deactivated and not inflammatory? I just opened a box believing what I just wrote. I will see how I will react. My nose is already stuffed. My candida seems to like it!

  26. Had nutritional yeast for the first time 2 days ago. Yesterday felt sick, went to the doctor (nurse practitioner actually), he said allergies. Maybe just a coincidence because it is allergy season.

    New doctor today thinks I have MCAS. Guess I should lay off the nutritional yeast. That sucks.

  27. Does Nutritional Yeast hurt the gut microbiome? I don't have Crohn's but, I really like using Nooch in my recipes. However, if there are studies showing it hurts my gut bacteria, Good Bye Nooch!

  28. @5:05 It reads "Baker's yeast" but doesn't specify if it is a capsule of active baker's yeast. Nutritional yeast is the same organism but how it is made makes it become not active. Does that make a difference to the immune system?

  29. Nutritional yeast is made with molasses. It is then dried and fortified. I don’t think it should be used to get b12. I have never snorted the stuff since I was never crazy about the stuff. If I buy it for a recipe, I look for non fortified. I was hoping this video would have given more info on ny. But vegans should be happy that he didn’t say it was bad for them, unless you are suffering from crohn’s of course. 🌱

  30. Just reintroduced nutritional yeast back into the diet after several months and had a nasty, gut-inflamed reaction to it…

    Was farting maybe every fifteen minutes, it was a great time!

  31. Yeah no gloves. Yucky! I went to see the internist. He had his desk in the same room as his exam room with his coffee cup on the blotter along with some smears that looked like poop. Grossed me out so bad I never let him examine me. I never went back.

  32. I am ASD (there is a known yeast sensitivity in those with ASD) and once ate a spoonful of nutritional yeast only to have a horrible nihilistic anxiety come over me. I have noticed steering clear of yeast is much better for me.

  33. Does the Participant in research been control to all same life style ?
    If not, how can this research report said to be truth?
    As drinking how much water, how they breath, what they eat, how they eat, what exercise activity they do…
    all will have chain reaction impact on health.

  34. "In conclusion, both ingredients (MSG and Nutritional Yeast) contain glutamate but the difference is in the process and the concentration of sodium. Nutritional Yeast contains a very minimal and naturally occurring amount of glutamic acid. MSG, in essence, is the harmful condensation of both glutamic acid and sodium. While glutamic acid is in MSG, glutamic acid, or glutamate, does not equal MSG."
    Always double triple check infos.

  35. Do you guys not realizing most people eat plenty of baker's yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae) from bakers products, first one being most bread?!

  36. All the studies, like the pricking of the colon, or eating of the yeast, were baker's and brewers, which are live and can multiply. Not sure if I totally buy it.

  37. He said nutritional yeast same as bakers yeast which isn’t true. Bakers years is “activated” which makes bread rise while nutritional yeast is not.

  38. Nutritional yeast is not active yeast, Bakers yeast is active. The study says they used Bakers yeast, he says Nutritional yeast during the video. They are very different yeasts.

  39. To say that bakers, brewer's and nutritional yeast are the same would be like saying a study on Ford trucks pulling heavy trailers could be applied to Chevy and Dodge. Absolutely ridiculous! Nutritional yeast comes from the same bacteria but VERY different product. Just like french fries and a baked potato come from the same source but have totally different health values.
    This video misrepresents the facts and misapplies generalities to nutritional yeast that just are not accurate to do. This also ignores the fact that we eat GARBAGE bread in America and this GARBAGE grain creates problems that create sensitives to ALL GRAIN and ALL YEAST. The problem was never yeast it is how we use it.

  40. Ive been trying to get my dad off of normal bread for years !! But he loves his bread -killing him slowly i fear! Luckily i was able to get him juicing fresh juice to compensate 🙂

  41. I made “vegan cheese” with it today and had a long night! It was scary! Heart palpitations, severe hives even after I took ceterazine, headache , really bad nausea then stomach pain. I had it on pasta and broccoli. It’s the middle of the night and I can’t sleep, itching and anxious. I will never consume nutritional yeast again! I came to YouTube to find info. I want this crap out of my system! Praying I’m better tomorrow.

  42. This had more Crohn's disease-related content than I was expecting based off of the title. Good info nevertheless. Many thanks.

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