Il miglior cibo per la febbre da fieno (allergie stagionali)

Uno studio randomizzato, controllato con placebo, in doppio cieco su un alimento da 5 centesimi al giorno per chi soffre di allergie all'ambrosia.

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Questo fa parte di un'ampia serie di video sui benefici rispetto ai rischi di fare di tutto per aggiungere lievito nutrizionale alla nostra dieta . Ecco alcuni potenziali svantaggi:
• Il lievito alimentare scatena il morbo di Crohn? (
• La sindrome da Candida è reale? (<br/> • Cure dietetiche per l'idradenite suppurativa (
• Il lievito alimentare è salutare per tutti? (

Ecco alcuni potenziali vantaggi:
• Preservare la funzione immunitaria negli atleti con lievito nutrizionale (
• Migliore Cibo per prevenire le infezioni infantili comuni (
• Il miglior cibo per contrastare la soppressione immunitaria indotta dallo stress ( /video/Best-Food-to-counter-stress-induced-immune-soppressione)
• Benefici del lievito nutrizionale per il cancro (

Cos'altro possiamo fare per le allergie e le infiammazioni delle vie aeree in generale?
• Il miglior cibo per contrastare gli effetti dell'inquinamento atmosferico (
• Prevenire l'asma con frutta e verdura ( prevenire-l'asma-con-frutta-e-verdura/)
• Trattare l'asma con piante e integratori? (
• Fonti alimentari di interferenti endocrini alchilfenoli ( /video/fonti-alimentari-di-interferenti-endocrini-alchilfenoli/)
• Interferenti endocrini e allergie dell'alchilfenolo (
• La risata come medicina (

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85 Risposte a “Il miglior cibo per la febbre da fieno (allergie stagionali)”

  1. I did a 21 day water fast and my hay fever allergy disappeared along with my rag weed allergy and sinus pain that I got in October. I ate pretty good after that too, like 95% out of the produce dept.

  2. Don't oats contain beta-glucans as well? Would be interesting to know for people who don't like nooch (i know, it's unbelievable, but those people exist too).

  3. If yeast is bad for crohn's are fermented foods and drinks such as
    tempay and kombucha safe? I need to know because i am trying to control my crohn's drug free .

  4. There is apparently some slight conflict of interest with that research on the allergy (it's done for a company that produces supplements and yeast stuff) but it seems like a well enough done study and I actually also noticed my cat hair allergy being almost gone nowadays. I don't eat a whole lot of Nutritional Yeast, but I definitely eat it more now than before I was vegan (when I didn't eat it at all). Might have a connection, maybe not. At least I can sprinkle the stuff on my food without a bad conscience ^^

  5. I needed this video. My allergies (while being WFPB vegan) puff up to look like I haven't slept in days. I think I am going to buy some nooch!

  6. If you want to cure hayfever, fix your gut with diet and–perhaps most importantly–supplement with a quality probiotic. It worked for me after having hayfever for 13 years as an adult, brought on by overuse of antibiotics, I believe (never had it as a child, teen or young adult).

  7. Any advice on how to give it to a 5 year old that wouldn’t eat nutritional yeast if his life depended on it?

  8. 5 cents a day? The best price I can find for nitritional yeast is $0.1334 (13.34) cents a teaspon. Where does he purchase his for 5 cents a teaspon? I assume its for unfortified?

  9. I got humans used for guinea pigs. Lost interest. If you think you will outlive the human guinea pigs by studying their ways. You will die. Just the same. Not from knowledge, but self righteous IGNORANCE.

  10. However what about long term exposure to beta glucans, will your body adapt? Because I eat a lot of nutritionnal yeast yet this year has been one of my worse for hay fevee

  11. Since I started eating a wfpb diet, I don't really deal with allergies like I used to anymore (and it used to be pretty bad) anymore. The most I may get now during allergy season is a little watery eyes, a mildly runny nose, or a very tiny bit of sinus inflammation when I wake up. It's barely noticeable. Once I'm awake for about 30 mins, all of it goes away.

  12. I actually just started adding nutritional yeast to my diet, and though I'm not super allergic to the fauna around me, I still get some symptoms. Good info to know!! Thanks Dr. G!

  13. Just curious, I didn't understand : how much beta glucan is there in nutritional yeast ? It's completely new to me, I always thought that only oats and barley were reliable sour es of beta glucan !

  14. Does anyone know what foods are bad for allergies? I love nooch but my allergies are still here 🙁 I dont eat oil anymore but still eat things like refined sugar and gluten products. I wonder if, in the past, stopping taking antibiotics etc before I was supposed to has caused this. Allergies are the absolute bane of my life I get them so bad.

  15. I rarely eat nooch, but will start! But anyways my hay fever disappeared when I became vegan 🌱 not surprisingly!

  16. Growing up I had hay fever in the worst way. My life in spring and late summer was torturous. It seems I have grown out of it as now I rarely only just get sniffles and light sneezing occasionally.

  17. How come every doctor on the internet says yeast is a super food, but every doctor you visit says to do a yeast detox and to avoid it at all cost?

  18. I did a 10 juice fast and converted to vegetarian for 4 years. Had zero effect. Only diff i noticed was i slept better. I have an allergy to something in florida.
    Diet had no effect. My sinuses are stuffed up daily. About to move to tx.

  19. That being said kiwis reduce nasal congestion slightly. So why yeast ? Yest is a weird material. It would suggest there is some kind of problem in the digestive system.

  20. I suffered for years with bad hay fever even my eyes would blister up n I’d be sent home from work. Nettle tea did the trick n not even an itch or sniff the rest of the summer. Make a 1 ltr flask of 10-15 nettle tips in 70-80 degrees water ( top 4 leaves ) good squeeze of lemon n maple syrup n do this for 3 days guaranteed it will go by the 3-4 th day. Nettles are full of anti-histamines.

  21. I hope you continue to research allergies and what works in reducing symptoms. I've yet to find anything really effective for me (and I eat a ton of nooch!) Quercetin and bromelain? Dandelion root?

  22. Hi Doc, I've been vegan for about a year. my son is six months old and I want him to have a vegan diet (my wife disagrees). Any advice please?

  23. I've been suffering with all the allergies in the world since I wad a child, i currently haven't been able to breathe throught my nose in three days and my nose is raw and the medication didn't help.. Time to hit the grocery store, I'm ready to try anything at this point!

  24. My experience is that high dose Vitamin B-12 cures/prevents seasonal allergies. It works! Try 5000 mcg daily. Low doses will not work. It is safe!

  25. I wish Dr Greger would do more videos on oatmeal, 1cup of oatmeal has the same amount of beta-glucans as 1tsp nutritional yeast. Plus oatmeal has other phytonutrients and lowers cholesterol.

  26. You often state the affordability of whole foods and supplements in your videos(5 cents a day etc). I live in Canada and can't seem to find products in that range.. Could you please post links to where we can get items at that price? Cheers

  27. I ordered Dr Greger's book the other day and i am not sure why i am reading it with his voice in my head. Man…It's so hard to read. LOL!

  28. any other suggestions for people with oral allergic syndrome (from birch pollen)? My daugther (8yo) has it and we are now changing our cooking routine (cooking almost all vegetables and fruits) and avoiding nuts… this put me in a very bad mood! what can be done to reverse this? She takes probiotics with L. rhamnosus, Vitamin D and nutritional yeast everyday. But as her food allergy sprouted this spring we are feeling hopeless!

  29. Hola buenas doctor greger! ¿Podrías hablar más a cerca de la fiebre del heno? Algunos remedios naturales útiles o algunos alimentos que ayuden a mejorar los síntomas…y si es posible curarla a través de la alimentación.
    Muchas gracias!

  30. I needed this video! It's like this channel has all the solutions. I will try right away I can't stand anymore hay fever.

  31. NETTLES are the best hay fever cure ever 3 days of 40-60 leaves a day in a flask of 70 degrees water add some fresh root ginger n dash of maple syrup n squeeze of lemon to the flask 1 ltr. Do this for 3-4 days n you’ll have no hay fever symptoms for weeks, if it comes back as pollen species change after a few wks repeat again 👍 tastes good great detoxes & really does work 👌

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