Il più grande studio al mondo sul digiuno

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Se ti sei perso il video precedente, dai un'occhiata a I benefici del digiuno per la guarigione (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/the-benefits-of-fasting-for-healing).

La serie di video sul digiuno per la perdita di peso è qui:
• I benefici del digiuno per la perdita di peso messi alla prova ( -digiuno-per-dimagrire-messo-alla-prova)<br/> • Il digiuno è utile per la perdita di peso? (
• Il digiuno per dimagrire è sicuro? (
• Il digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni messo alla prova ( -to-the-Test)
• Il digiuno intermittente a giorni alterni è sicuro? (
• La dieta 5-2 e la dieta che imita il digiuno messe alla prova ( /mangiare-a-tempo-limitato-messo-alla-prova)
• Mangiare-a-tempo-limitato-messo-alla-prova (
• I vantaggi di un'alimentazione a tempo limitato ( cibo limitato)

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100 Risposte a “Il più grande studio al mondo sul digiuno”

  1. Full of non sense 🐂💩
    dry fasting is the best to accomplish better results being plant based omnivore carnivore stupid keto dosent matter fasting
    What you break that fast is the important because your body will absorb the nutritions from it better than a morning breakfast

  2. I started my weight loss journey 2 1/2 years ago with a Buchinger fast Holiday with a nutritional education program, which was my start to switch to a whole food plant based diet. A year later I went fully vegan for ethical reasons and never ever plan to go back. I lost around 34 kg so far. (My story can be found here in german:
    The fasting was my kickstarter to save my life from a beginning diabetes, chronically increased inflammation and decreasing allover quality of life.
    To me Buchinger fasting is not an instrument to lose weight though, but to reset our system: to Get rid of sugar addiction, ravenous appetite for junk and other unhealthy food. and to reset our taste buds to natural flavors of unprocessed food again.

  3. Interesting, so the benefits people have seen from fasting could largely have been just because they weren't currently poisoning themselves with junk food & animals … or at least that's what this sounds like to me.

    Did they glance at the telomeres while they were there?

  4. The problem with this and so many of Greger's videos is that he never clearly and succinctly states a conclusion or thesis. The viewer is left wondering what the point was.

  5. I tried talking about Dr. Greger’s last video about fasting at work, and it was dead on arrival. Not water cooler type of material. On different wave lengths I guess. Haha. At least I’m thankful for Dr. Greger’s hard work. It changed my life.

  6. Why do you even talk about these unuseful studies? Especially when they are done over one single week? They don't tell you anything at all…

  7. As a vegan I fast 20 hours a day 5 days a week and keep my calories between 1200-1400 a day. Systematically I lose 100 grams a day…. Oh yeah, after six months, I no longer have high cholesterol, triglycerides, high blood pressure, fatty liver, GIRD, nor pre-diabetes. And for some reason. I’m very happy about my shitty life. Go figure.

  8. Doctor Greger soy seguidora de todos sus vídeos que me parecen de máximo interés, un regalo de salud. Quería comentarle que desgraciadamente cuesta muchas veces entender con claridad los vídeos, debido a la forma indirecta de lanzar los mensajes, unidos a la irronía y traducción previa. No es así afortunadamente en su libro. Gracias de corazón y espero que le llegue el mensaje, para que al mayor número de personas les pueda llegar su información tan valiosa.

  9. I like his information but am often repelled by his unnecessary dramatic histrionics…. it seems to force my eyebrows to raise while closing my eyes and nodding my head slowly left and right…

  10. My wife is not vegan and I am. I have been eating more processed foods to not be so different from her, but found myself experiencing bloating and weight gain due to the salts, chemicals, and those non whole food ingredients. I am now eating one large meal with varied vegetables and fruits and the weight is coming down as is the inflammation but my first day was met with some light headedness and a dull brain ache. I am sure that was me detoxing and readjusting to my old favorite non processed foods. I also ride the bike a little every day but the smoke outside makes it very little riding.

  11. I'd like to know what happened in the water-fasting study. Adverse effects are nearly 100% guaranteed in all individuals who are water fasting. In fact, to a lazy, overweight individual, I'm certain that mild hunger would be an adverse effect (rather than something to simply be expected). So, adverse effects are mostly meaningless with the exception of effects that are not to be expected. A water only fasting group in a clinical setting should easily see significant measurable improvement in blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood triglycerides, and other measurable indicators, as well as some pretty great anecdotal improvements.

  12. Excellent video. We are both in our 80's and feel better than ever! Years ago we both REVERSED life-threatening illnesses by switching to a whole-food plant-based diet. We are doing some research for our tiny new healthy-aging advice YouTube channel. Learned a lot. Thank you!

  13. So…..what is the takeaway here….sure, plant based whole food diet, but what about the fasting……I guess he is saying its good or has proven to have good results…….based on that 1000 person study…….so, I suppose I will watch this again as as usual his videos always never seem to drawn a concise conclusion……which I suppose is the purpose and is suppose to allow you to draw your own conclusion or takeaways from this……..I would rather he conclude more concisely in some manner……or summarize in the written part below the video as to his own conclusion on the proper thing to do or follow….oh well…perhaps its just me…????

  14. Don’t worry about fasting, the LDS(Mormons), have been fasting from food and water for 24hrs once a month for over a hundred years. I have never seen anyone get a negative response.

  15. Meanwhile… centenarians in the blue zones never fasted a day in their lives. The main problems are processed foods and seed oils combined with sedentary lifestyles. Getting a break from the SAD(Standard American Diet)diet and you feel magically alive again.

  16. My doctors warn me against fasting, but I do it anyway because I'm addicted to it. I fast 72 hrs per week (F/S/S) and practice one a meal a day the rest of the week. Only eating two meals if there's a function I need to attend. But as a chosen recluse these are far and few.

  17. I just eat when I need to, sometimes I eat 3 servings and sometimes I eat one in a day. I just go with what my body feels. I know if I start going on a weight lifting faze I eat like a maniac

  18. I want to share with you all that the first impact it had on me was to eliminate my cravings and ferocious appetite. I only did intermitten fasting, leaving a 16 hr window before eating again, but then I tried a few days per week of a 20 break before eating.
    It was incredible. I felt peaceful and finally had relief from my cravings for carbohydrates and sugar. I started to realized that all my life, feeling the slightest bit hungry made me panic. With IF, I knew that in fact, when I felt a bit hungry my body was potentially clearing out and recycling wastes cells etc. So I now welcome mild hunger and act on it when I really am truly hungry in shorter eating windows 6-8 hr windows each day. It makes me very selective about the healthiest of foods, as though my body only wants lots of nutrients and tastiness, no garbage. Anyway no pressure but I encourage you to try it.

  19. With the title of this series being fasting and health, no discussion of the advantages of water fasting? (Yes, yes I've seen the admonitions regarding lean tissue loss etc., in his previous series.) Many researchers like Longo, Sabatini, Sinclair, Patrick, and clinicians like Attia, and Fong have identified fasting not for weight loss but for health span, and morbidity compression.

    Buchinger modified fasting (with taboos like fruit juice!) shows advantages, what about other types of fasting (With taboos like butter)? Ketosis not for weight loss but to help with metabolic disorders? Do these things not fall under nutrition?

  20. Good video, garbage study since it didn't reveal much about fasting and had too many issues. I'm looking forward to a video that covers zero calorie liquid only fasting (such as water fasting or fasting that includes water, black coffee and tea) and autophagy. This is the biggest reason many choose to fast.

  21. Are there any benefits for people who are already WFPB/no oil/sugar, who are at a healthy weight, lift weights, run, are generally active with optimal blood work and have no apparent health conditions?

  22. Two days a week I fast till dinner it's helped maintain my thirty-pound weight loss from earlier this year plus the no red meat and more fruits and vegetables.

  23. Nothing but useless research…. Dr.greger even don't know how fasting during Ramadan reduces weight n brings positive changes physically n mentally in body ?

  24. 1n the late 1960s my mother had a severe and sudden bout of arthritis that lasted many months. She was failed by conventional mainstream options of day, rheumatologists, steroids and other pain management. She was able to find a book "There is a cure for arthritis" that led her to fasting. She was cured in DAYS!! I have found myself in the same situation 50 years later. In my 60s and have been a fat free vegan for 12 years, however arthritis found me anyway. Already having success with fasting a few months ago and the pain relief came in less than 36 hours! These studies appear to be more about the safety than the benefits. Waiting for those studies too.

  25. Great Video! I Do 18/6 Fasts on a Keto / Carnivore Diet. Helps me with my Ulcerative colitis. Regardless what diet you are on, There is One thing we can all agree on, is Sugar is Evil!

  26. I used to fast but found caloric restriction is better long term. Better discipline as well. 2 meals a day caloric restriction is ideal.

  27. To me it just seems that eating unhealthy food (animals, refined) is what causes issues, and people think it's the magic of fasting that heals them when it's just that they stop eating these unheathly foods. If this is the case, then you can just eat a low-fat high-carb whole-food vegan diet and not have to skip meals.

  28. Your bizarre bad William Shatner impersonation is so off putting. Also, you are supposedly a doctor yet you call the lack of hunger during an extended fast “surprising.” This in itself shows you know very little about human physiology.

  29. Everyone is looking for a miracle cure to life's problems… unfortunately nowadays any old crook has a solid platform and can even get thousands to support them. If it sounds too good to be true… well you know. There may be benefits to things, but hardly anything is as great as it is being played up by the people selling it.

  30. Conclusion: Plant Based is what helped for the most part, but the stock fasting edged it out in a few areas of health.

    Fasting helps encourage you to eat better AFTER the fact. Having trouble eating whole food? Fast. Not issues eating whole food, but suffering from headaches or inflammation? Trying a stock fast for a few days then go back to a balanced whole food plant based diet.

  31. the importance of fruit when 1 needs fasting from indulging.
    always gota trust the lemons squeezed into the water.
    &time for berries, apples&their seeds-peeled is the key…

  32. In all His so Called Studies on Fasting I feel He is more n more confused whether it is Good or Bad :)..Neways the point to be Noted is WFPB Diet!! Is there No Nutrition in Meat Doc ?? Lol.

  33. For the people that can't figure out what the conclusion was: you might wanna stop seeking ready-to-go solutions and start interpreting the evidence presented instead. The name of the video is "the world's largest fasting study," not "Dr. Greger tells you if you should fast or not." Looking for shortcuts usually only leads you to false social media gurus, especially if what you're seeking is someone telling you what you wanna hear. This is not what science is about, much less That being said, adopting a whole-food, plant-based diet is a much better evidence-based approach to overall health than fasting, at least until we have well-designed RCTs proving otherwise in a consistent fashion. And why not both? Dr. Greger has many videos on time-restricted eating and the circadian rhythm… as long as we don't dive into dangerous extremist waters. For the people reporting positive outcomes from fasting for weeks, months… well, of course you are going to feel better when all you're eating is crap everyday lol. Better than starving yourself out periodically, why not just having a lifestyle change and eating healthier and sustainably?

  34. 36.7% of those on the Buchinger fast felt "much better" v/s 24.2% on the whole plant foods diet. Whole food plant based diet is good medicine, but Buchinger modified fasting is extremely good medicine.

  35. Have done 21 and 20 day waterfast on destilled water and healed Skolioses , carpal tunnel injured shoulder and many more stuff. Next goal is 42 days waterfast. We are frugivores

  36. Anyone else see Gregers lecture on how vegetarians fare worse than carnivores with all the diseases including cancer and heart attacks?
    Have the statistics changed since then Dr. Greger?

  37. what's up with the grunting and weather man type stalls and uneven speech patterns? It's awkward. I think he needs more fish oils

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