Il riso bianco è un alimento a luce gialla o rossa?

I benefici per la salute del consumo di riso superano i potenziali rischi derivanti dalla contaminazione da arsenico?

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Per chi non conosce il mio sistema a semaforo, ne parlo nel trailer del mio libro: How Not to Die: An Animated Summary (

Quasi lì! Questo è il 12esimo in un 13-serie di video sull'arsenico. Se ti sei perso il primo 11, guardali qui: <br/> • Da dove viene l'arsenico nel pollo? (
• Da dove viene l'arsenico nel riso, nei funghi e nel vino? (
• Gli effetti di troppo arsenico nella dieta ( /Gli-effetti-di-troppo-arsenico-nella-dieta)
• Rischio di cancro da arsenico nel riso e nelle alghe (
• Quale riso ha meno arsenico: nero, marrone, rosso, bianco o selvatico? (
• Come cuocere il riso a livelli di arsenico inferiori (http://
• Arsenico nei cereali di riso per neonati (
• Arsenico nel latte di riso, Krispies di riso e sciroppo di riso integrale ( in-Rice-Milk-Rice-Krispies-and-Brown-Rice-Syrup)
• Quanto è rischioso l'arsenico nel riso? (
• Quanto arsenico nel riso è troppo? (

Restate sintonizzati per il finale: i pro del riso integrale superano i contro dell'arsenico? ( Contro-di-arsenico).

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100 Risposte a “Il riso bianco è un alimento a luce gialla o rossa?”

  1. These are so helpful. I am happy to be aware. Great work!

    Also, potatoes are highly contaminated, with dioxins, DDE, chlordane, and arsenic. White potatoes are shown in the chart in's video: "Where does the arsenic in chicken come from?" at the time stamp of minute 1:442:14. Also, acrylamide in potatoes is a whole nother issue.

  2. Ok, I think we understand that arsenic is in rice.. and can be washed out of the body in 24 hrs. No need for more vids about rice arsenic.

  3. You never mentioned organic rice from India which also is Non GMO? Or any organic rice for that matter. What are the arsenic levels for organic Royal rice?

  4. Replacement with oatmeal is working out just fine. Cheap simple replacement. I think I'm eating more fruits with it as well so that's a bonus. If anything this change will help me explore many more whole grains rather than sticking to one or two staples.

  5. Bulgur i will try to use it more than rice damn i come from Middle East and rice is everything for us . Everyday what we can eat getting narrowed damn this shit

  6. He'll have to update his Daily Dozen to remove Brown Rice from the Whole Grains section. The price of being informed about the science means following the science, as a choice. I'd rather be making informed decisions rather than not knowing. It sucks yeah but on the other hand I'll introduce myself to new things. Lots of variety available

  7. Love you Dr. G, keep banging out these truth bombs. Since the gov't won't do anything about it, hitting the rice industry in the pocketbooks is the only way we're going to get them to do anything about arsenic.

  8. I can live without causing cruelties to innocent animals (ie, eating voiceless and defenseless animals and using their by products) but I can't live without rice. No way Jose. I think all this fear is a modern fuss about nothing. East Asians has been eating rice for thousands of years, and until the recent decades of invasion of the meaty and milky Western diet into East Asia, people had the lowest rate of all chronic diseases compared to the West. So this arsenic in rice thing is really just a fuss about nothing. I'll keep eating rice. I might get back to brown rice or perhaps the expensive forbidden black rice of China's emperors, if I can afford it, since I eat bucket loads of rice every day and white jasmine  rice tends to complement the best with any kinds of savory vegan cuisines.

  9. Doctor, you mention eat whole grains like barley and oats but what about the anti nutrients? Do the benefits of the whole grains outweigh the harmful effects of antinutrients?
    Thank you

  10. Here are some tips if anyone is ever planning on going vegan:

    Tip 1: Take b12 (because it's a bacteria found in dirt, which we used to eat but now we have to wash our plants to prevent excess pesticide consumption so we don't get as much anymore)

    Tip 2: *Put in notes (on your phone or something) regular fast food chains like mcdonalds and wendys, and see what they have vegan there,* other than the salads and stuff. Then write those options down, so you know what's vegan the moment you arrive there (So you won't be stressed or forced into eating meat). That's what I do.

    Tip 3: *Eat varied stuff and enjoy some vegan junk food* from time to time, especially in the transition phase to prevent you from losing heart.

    Tip 4: *If you live with avid meat eaters as a family, try establishing a deal with them.* For example: I won't eat any dairy or meat for the entire week but I will eat it once or twice every Sunday (Compromise). If I see I am healthy with a blood test, Then I will cut it out after a month or two and you can't force me to eat meat again.

    Tip 5: *Don't forget your OMEGAS!** Eat nuts and seeds but don't forget to eat seaweed, kelp, algae or other sea plants as well! These have different types of omegas that nuts don't necessarily contain, so that will help. (Take it like once a week if you want).

    Tip 6: *Ask yourself "What is my favourite food currently that's not necessarily vegan?" Then Go online and search up the vegan recipe to that meal* (It will basically just swap the cow's milk for vegan milk and the egg for a vegan egg replacer most of the time) . I almost guarantee there will be vegan alternatives that taste just as good.

    Tip 7: *Constantly educate yourself* by checking out , What the health movie and the like, so you don't allow others to take advantage of that fact and tell you false information. This will also encourage you to aspire for a healthier life without giving up :).

    Tip 8: Try Cooking

    Tip 9: EAT ENOUGH :).

    Good luck! Don't lose hope my fellow vegans, vegetarians or simply people who are slowly transitioning to a plant based diet!

  11. I know dr. Greger has tons of episodes on rice contaminated with arsenic lately, but I only watched 2-3 episodes on this issue. What are the conclusions? Best to avoid it from now on? I have access to European rice. Should I worry about it? I'm doing everything to stay healthy, I can skip rice if necessary.

  12. I only wonder one thing~ what about all the Chinese who eat rice almost every single day and mainly white rice..For so many years..And where is research or news or anything about them getting cancer from arsenic poisoning in general public?

  13. I've come to love really love brown rice so I can't wait for the next video. I've started boiling it with extra water to get rid of some of the arsenic. I have white rice (basmati) once in a blue moon because I think it just goes better with some dishes. I guess I'll have to start weaning myself off of rice

  14. Asians thrive on white rice, living long lives. Eat what you want. But it is an improvement to use half brown rice and half white. You get the best of both. My Korean girlfriend always did this and I continue to enjoy it. Just cook or soak the brown first for a while then add the white and finish. Get a pressure cooker if you don't have one.

  15. Pardon my non pc comment, but how stupid can people be? They actually fully "trust" what they read in studies, or what others say. The ONLY truths are the ones you experience for yourself. REAL experience takes effort and time! Welcome to reality – too bad it is so rare. Instead we have "controversies" and so called debates. Newsflash: There are no controversies- only lack of self experienced truths.

  16. Ok this is sad…..I had a fair share of rice in my life already plus way more since I went vegan..Now my question: HOW to eliminate this arsenic that we already have inside of us??

  17. Great thing you covered the modulation of As absorption. Since As is everywhere, how do we improve methylation and excretion?

  18. Go get tested if you are so worried. People have been eating rice forever. (If you only knew what else is in your 'healhty' foods). Maybe a little worse due to our chemical world. Just remember to mix it up…variability answers the vast majority of these concerns. Stop worrying…getting ridiculous now.

  19. Poses a question in the title, no real answer in the video 😮 So when questions are in the title, we will be left with questions? In a weird way it's an accurate title then 😑

  20. Sorry Dr Greger when you saying I become cancer or other illnesses from white rice then you can also say it to the japanese people in theire face especially the okinawaian people. Where there live a healthy life. But you said only rice from india,pakistan and US Non GMO rice and what is the arsenic level of sushirice? The 2nd thing is you dont really explain where the arsenic of hijiki or other toxins comes from. Sure that this study is Not from the low carb compain. The same shit they said was the gluten in bread and pasta!

  21. HEB in Texas sells Brown Jasmine Whole Grain Brown Rice Thai Hom Mali Jasmine Rice. Product of Thailand. I far as I know it's the rice grown in the U.S. on land where cotton was previously grown that has the arsenic.

  22. anybody know what the best seaweed is to be taking? The best I've found from his research is Dulse from the atlantic coast….any thoughts?

  23. I'm grain free ! All grains are bad . Humans neither have the small intestine shape nor flora and fauna to break down the proteins fully.

  24. I eat white rice pretty much everyday.. but ya will still eat it ..I also eat pearl barely and bulgar..will just eat less rice..I buy jasmine rice which is less in arsenic and wash it 5 times before cooking it.

  25. Ok…this is getting WAY out of reason. Do I eat rice or not? Do I have to buy it on line from Asia instead of the US? Should I stop eating rice at all? I have been a big fan of Dr. Greger, but he is now confusing the hell out of me. And did someone say the Dr. Gregor puts white potatoes in the RED category now. BB'q Ribs and Beer are sure starting to sound good right about now…..geeeeez! I think if every food is over analyzed it will all cause cancer. And if it it is continually debated with so called facts, it will all come full circle. Where does it all end? Ok Dr. Gregor, just what the hell can we eat that is safe? 😡

  26. So stupid. The arsenic comes from the soil that generally (apart from naturally occurring stuff that will be higher or lower in certain areas) was all put there by stupid humans spraying toxic arsenic containing pesticides and toxic chemicals, and giving medications to animals, then spreading their manure everywhere etc etc and has nothing to do with rice. Grow rice where there's no arsenic. No arsenic in the rice. Is the rice the problem or stupid idiot humans?!
    Dr Greger is just trying to prove how open minded he is by trashing the shit out of a plant based product to appease fellow researches/Dr's that accuse him of being biased in my opinion. "Look at me! I'm completely unbiased everyone! I'm trashing the shit out of a plant based food see! Look how unbiased I am! Guys! I'm over here jumping up and down on my treadmill waving my arms about. Can you see me? Well here's another vid just in case you didn't notice" That's why he's overcompensating imo. Yeah a couple of vids so people are aware but 11 in a row?!!!!! WTF? Has DR Greger ever down 11 vids in a row about the dangers of anything?!
    Here's the problem with reductionism Arsenic :no known safe level (that they know of- in other words can't work out whether the danger level is 200micrograms or 20 nanograms)with regards to cancer so therefore any nanogram is maybe cancer causing on some level perhaps, or maybe not? Shit we don't know! Lets just say 0 nanograms cause we can't test for it and don't really know.
    Its all good though, instead of eating some rice and veggies I'm going eat my double cheese bacon burger fries donuts and cakes and biscuits with a can of alcohol in my hand and a cigarette hanging out of my mouth. At least I know I won't be getting cancer! Stupid dang vegans!

  27. Doc, be careful your IGF-1 levels don't rise, because of you milking this rice subject. I do notice you stopped taking the unnaturally long pauses in your speech, but still I get the feeling you're stretching the subject more than is comfortable. Maybe not time wise, but when you have this large a body of content on a single subject at hand, I think we can handle a video of 15 minutes for once. I suspect the YouTube algorithms encourage you to do it this way, so you reach more of your subscribers. But one more "next" at the end of a rice-video and I think I'll sit this one out until the playlist gets out. Much like the binge-watching I did when I first discovered your channel a couple of years back.

  28. Easy Dr. Greger… I get the arsenic issue but what is this talk of white rice causing diabetes when studies have shown that in rural Asia where rice is the staple diseases like diabetes are pretty much non-existent. Seems like something doesn't add up anymore? China Study debunked?

  29. im asian and i eat rice like every single day for the past 19 years. What am i going to do now, rice is my life 😭

  30. Can you please make a video on MOLD MYCOTOXINS in high moldy foods including beans, peanuts, corn, dried fruits, apple cider vinegar, coffee? They cause inflammation and disrupt the immune system. I want to eat more beans for the potassium and cholesterol lowering benefits but they are on the top of the list for moldy foods. I am wanting to know if the mold can be washed off of beans. Thank you.

  31. Is there anything special in Grains/also Legumes anyway that you can't get from Roots like Potatoes/Pumpkins that also contain Vitamin A+C and stuff?Seems like that would be an even better satieting Starch to have a reliable Energy Source throughout the Day when there's no perfectly ripe Tropical Fruit around which we evolved on

  32. besides its not the rice, its the land its grown on and the quality of the water water used. Buy California grown white and brown rice. Lundberg is a good brand.

  33. Aren't we really talking about the WATER having arsenic? Come on… it's like over a billion people eating rice for thousands of years with no problems never happened. Wow.

  34. I'm from India and my dad has been eating rice EVERYDAY since 68 years and mom EVERYDAY for 60 years and I have been eating rice almost EVERYDAY for 33 years. We are DOOMED !!!

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