In che modo la farina d'avena aiuta con gli zuccheri nel sangue?

Gli effetti della farina d'avena sugli zuccheri nel sangue: la fibra prebiotica dell'avena aiuta a spiegare perché può migliorare il controllo del diabete.

Questo è il secondo video di una serie in tre parti che esplora la farina d'avena per il trattamento del diabete. Se ti sei perso il primo, vedi La farina d'avena fa bene alle persone con diabete? (, e concluderemo la serie con la dieta della farina d'avena messa alla prova per il trattamento del diabete ( trattamento).<br/>
I prebiotici del microbioma spiegano anche perché i diabetici dovrebbero prendere il polso (, e lo stesso con Benefici di una dieta macrobiotica per il diabete (

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55 Risposte a “In che modo la farina d'avena aiuta con gli zuccheri nel sangue?”

  1. I wonder is it only Oats or does Barley (they are high in Beta Glucans too) have the same Benefits?

  2. Follow your glucose meter after eating oatmeal. If glucose spikes, how can oatmeal be good for ANYONE?!

  3. I wonder why then Prof Tim Spector of Zoe, has abandoned his oatmeal breakfast in favour of full fat dairy yoghurt to reduce his sugar spike. I take cider vinegar before meals, except a veggie dinner. He doesn't seem to know about this tip. His video has over a million views. As a vegan, I only have natural vegan yoghurt low in sugar but not for breakfast. I posted a comment about being vegan but otherwise ate the same plant based things as him. It amazes me, how many so-called human health channels ignore animal health issues. All part of making a buck at any cost.

  4. I love this channel … and at the time of posting 942K people agree with me. These videos are attracting 3,000 new subscribers every week now … we will hit the one million mark very soon. Great work and congratulations to Dr Greger and every one involved.

  5. Is there a nutritional difference between store bought oats & home flaked oats? Seems that store bought oat would degrade over time seeing that once you flake your own oats they must be stored in the refrigerator. Would love to hear Dr. Gs thoughts.

  6. LOL, I go on what my glucose meter says, I eat carnivore and my blood sugar numbers are great, I eat oat meal they spike and are still elevated the next morning. Show me the youtube channel where they show 100's of people getting cured from Type 2 diabetes eating oats and grains. Beat Diabetes shows 100's of people with A1C's in the teens going down to normal in months by avoiding carbs

  7. They cause inflammation, this has been known for years, this channel blindly goes over documents without researching other contributing factors. Blind is blind

  8. I just read the book Glucose revolution and I find it all so confusing. I guess you can find scientific studies to support any claim you make…
    This book tells you that just oatmeal really increases your glucose levels and you have to combine it with nuts and seeds to make that a little better.

  9. This series is really cool. T1DM here. Appreciate the specifications on the types also. I didn't know until now oatmeal was such an effective intervention, fortunately oatmeal has been my staple breakfast for years.
    Does it matter how long you cook the oats or whether you eat them the over-night way?

  10. Very big Bullshit and disinformation,,
    Modren research, tell that protein from animals, and butter has nothing to do with insuline resistant.. Dnt spread wrong information.

  11. I have type 2 diabetes, I've been eating oatmeal mind you different ways for about 2 years. My A1C has been stable at 4.3 I'm one of these statistics 😅

  12. Oatmeal is a disaster for type 1 diabetics. Even unprocessed oat groats or steel cut oats reek havoc on the blood sugars. All I can say is 'we are all different'. But for me, oats are totally disastrous.

  13. Not all persons can process Beans & GMO, PESTICIDES, HERBACIDES LACED CONVENTIONAL GROWN OATS are healthy. Perhaps, a small NUMBER of people 🤔. Certain
    Blood TYPES are NOT Supposed
    Consume GMO GRAINS ESPECIALLY FOR FIBER. Even, WOOD PULP FIBER many BREAD MANUFACTURING COMPANIES USE WOODPULP POWDER AS A FILLER FIBER. Seriously. True. Cellulose fibers added to many foods, & VITAMINS, MINERALS Capsules, tablets, etc., Cellulose wood powder fiber, CORN fibers, all fillers to make everything LOOK, appear bigger (more for your buck$). Corporations, FOOD COMPANIES are ALWAYS adding
    SOME KIND,TYPE of FIBER to manufactured, Processed packaged FOODS. Something to take NOTE. OAT FIBER can actually harm some persons small intestines, CAUSE BLOCKAGES, CAUSE TEARS in intestinal lining tract. Not always Bliss. Pleasure health.
    Diabetes needs a lot more researching. If you have to consume Genetically MODIFIED OATS, BEANS, CORN, BARLEY, RICE, conventional GRAINS from
    USA 🇺🇸 farms, laced & grown in PESTICIDES & HERBACIDES, UN
    healthy UNNATURAL fertilizers POLLUTED WATER, POLLUTED dirt: farmlands. Use caution.
    Moderation or use very little.
    Be careful. Be EDUCATED about the FOODS, BEVERAGES WE CONSUMERS buy or are offered at the food shelves when in need, starving poverty stricken persons. Be in the Know, be enlightened!! BE WELL everyone. 😃 😁🥰🙂 GOD bless.

  14. Issue is that mass market oatmeal is one of the most pesticide rich foods. The mainstay brand is off the charts contaminated.Need to really research the brand, whether if it's USDA Organic, if sugars have been added.

  15. I lost 150lbs eating meat & whole foods. A vegetarian diet nearly killed me. I ate oatmeal everyday. I had a severe fatty liver at 57 years of age. I cut out oatmeal & refined grains. I now eat no white potatoes, rice, bread, pasta. I do eat sweet potatoes. My lipids are currently: Total Cholesterol = 169, Triglycerides = 42,
    HDL = 64, VLDL = 9, LDL = 96

  16. Oatmeal does NOT "help with blood sugars." It raises mine. I feel thirsty shortly after eating oatmeal. And FYI, it's "blood sugar" not "blood sugars." Learn to speak English.

  17. This clickbait video, produced by an "American" MD whose English is so poor that he writes "blood sugars" instead of "blood sugar," is targeted at an audience that is susceptible to the popular notion that a high carb, plant-based diet is good and eggs, meat and fish are bad.

  18. Thanks for sharing. I want to know the minimum amount of oatmeal one needs to eat each day to achieve long term health, also will eating too much oatmeal a problem, please??

  19. This is an ENTERTAINMENT channel. It is not science. The studies he posts videos about are such small studies OR of such poor quality that it has zero meaning. But some of them are interesting. But real science? A person of a true scientific background would laugh at this

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