La fibra è un efficace antinfiammatorio?

La maggior parte degli americani assume meno della metà dell'assunzione minima raccomandata di fibre al giorno e i benefici delle fibre vanno ben oltre la regolarità intestinale.

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Questo è uno dei motivi per cui legumi e interi i cereali sono enfatizzati nella mia dozzina di checklist quotidiana di tutti i cibi sani più sani per adattarsi idealmente alla tua routine quotidiana. Disponibile (gratuitamente ovviamente!) come app (Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen) su iPhone ( -dozzina-giornaliera/id1060700802?mt=8) e Android ( e nel mio video Daily Dozen Checklist del Dr. Greger (<br/>
La fibra non funziona da sola. La fibra agisce come un prebiotico per nutrire la flora intestinale amica. Dai un'occhiata, ad esempio:
• Disbiosi intestinale – Starving Our Microbial Self ( -affamare-il-nostro-sé-microbico)
• Microbioma: siamo ciò che mangiano (
• Microbioma intestinale – Diventa ricco con tutto Cereali (

Se sei un fanatico dei video di cacca, potresti anche divertirti con:
• Quanti movimenti intestinali dovresti Ogni giorno? (
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• Paleopoo: cosa possiamo imparare dalle feci fossilizzate (https:/ /

Se acquisti prodotti a base di cereali trasformati come fai a sapere se ha abbastanza fibra? Dai un'occhiata alla regola Five to One Fiber ( ).

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59 Risposte a “La fibra è un efficace antinfiammatorio?”

  1. I don't know about it being anti-inflammatory, so I'm interested to find out! It certainly IS anti-disease. With so much irrefutable evidence, one HAS to wonder what on Earth is going through these "carnivore" eater's minds!?!

  2. On a kidney diet they say no whole grains. I am really stressed about feeding my husband white rice and white flour bread because I know how unhealthy it is.

  3. This is one of the reasons legumes and whole grains are emphasized in my daily dozen checklist of all the healthiest of healthy foods to ideally fit into your daily routine. Available (for free of course!) as an app (Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen) on iPhone and Android. I just relaunched the Daily Dozen Challenge where I challenge YOU to get all of the boxes checked in one day. Read more about it here and get in on the fun:

  4. So I was vegan for 2 1/2 years eating beans and legumes a lot as I was told I should as vegan and it fixed all my problems…..Not. It lead to my gut hurting all the time and struggling to pass hard dark pellets like 7 times a day haha.

  5. Legumes have ZERO WATER unless you are sprouting and eating them RAW. GRAINS are HARDLY ideal…. and for an OPTIMAL diet they should be avoided. One obvious reason is they are a complex carbohydrate and turn to complex sugar. They have to be cooked and thirdly after cooking, they are VOID OF WATER which will contribute to constipation and weight gain.

    Try eating nothing but raw fruit and raw vegetables for a month and watch the pounds drop off and watch you regularity return and even your poop stop smelling.

    In fact to prove how toxic we all are, we could all go on a 10 day juice fast having nothing but freshly juiced fruit , during which time we are taking NO SOLIDS in at all, we will be STILL eliminating stored solid, putrified waste products, we ( who eat cooked foods), all walk around with.

    The OBJECT should be to GET A CLEAN GI TRACT AND LYMPHATIC/IMMUNE SYSTEM…. not just to cram more fiber into our bodies – especially if it is cooked.

  6. I'm all for fiber, especially resistant starch – but… constipation isn't always caused by lack of fiber. I was eating a fairly large amount of fiber for my caloric intake ( ~45 grams fiber for 1450 cal/day) and still had terrible constipation due to gut motility issues. I had thought it was due to being perimenopausal (hormonal changes can cause constipation and bloating), but after about two years of it I also started having bouts of orthostatic hypotension (dizziness on standing). Both problems went away after I started taking MitoQ (a CoQ10 derivative). I suspect the problem was neurological; though constipation is fairly common, it is also often the first symptom of neurodegenerative disease (e.g. Parkinson's*). I continue to eat a lot of beans, etc. and exercise a lot to try to stay healthy.

  7. Considering the time in which Hippocrates lived, don't you thing you're being a little hard on him? After all, he got a lot of things right (do no harm). I'm still undecided on the wandering uterus thing.

  8. I use valsalva manœuvre in my workout exercises… Does it increase the chance of having a stroke? I'm on plant based diet since more than 5 years and I do some strongman /powerlifting exercises.

  9. I was vegan for over 5 years, I did it specifically for the animals. I ate almost nothing but a variety of organic whole plant foods. Once I started incorporating high quality meat into my diet, I couldn’t ignore how much better I felt. I’m definitely absorbing certain nutrients a lot better now. I didn’t feel terrible as a vegan, I felt decent, but not at all at my best. And since I had some blood on my hands as a vegan, I figured the most logical decision was to feel at my best while having a little bit more blood on my hands. I’m sorry but my health comes first, then the animals. I wish it wasn’t true, I wish I could feel at my best as a vegan, I would love to continue representing the movement.

  10. I just throw a $1.50 can of mixed beans in almost everything. Stir fry? Tin of beans. Pasta? Tin of beans. Salad? Tin of beans. Cereal? Tin of beans. I also chuck in some frozen vegies while I'm at it. Getting everything you need is totally achievable and it's frustrating that people have this attitude that veganism is too expensive, restrictive, and time consuming. Cue head explosion from some of my overweight friends who think I'M unhealthy.
    My whole life I've had bowel issues like constipation, bloating, and a lot of flatulence but since I went vegan, or rather since I became a 'healthy vegan' as opposed to 'overflowing freezer' vegan, that's all changed. BO almost every day, no random bloating, no bum related embarrassment. My point is that the app is awesome and since I started using it my dietary habits have improved and I feel great. It's literally changed my life 😀

  11. When I think of all those years wasted suffering… Now, I notice that when I consciously 'clean up' my food intake, I wake up in the morning with less aches and pains; and the go is much better. Must be a glutton for punishment cause I eventually want to sample the vegan junk food and it starts all over again. Plus the weight gain… ooooh! Now, I'm off to the store to stock up on some good fibre foods. Love my beans and brown rice, to start. Has anyone noticed that Fred Meyer (Kroger) has a frozen mixture called, 'fiesta vegetables' or something like that… It's great to heat up with some brown rice (or?) It has broccoli, and other vegis, carrots, peppers, etc, and lots of beans. It's probably meant as a side dish, but I just heat it up with a fiber full starch, and whatever added herbs/spices, onion/garlic, etc… voila. Dinner. Just my 2 cents.

  12. 00:13 “Of course he also thought women were hysterical because of their wandering uterus.” So you’re telling me that’s not true? That a wandering uterus is totally benign? LOL

  13. What does someone do if it comes out so fast and so much pressure that you cant hold it in? I mean if it seems like your spending half the day going to the bathroom, is that a good thing?

  14. Do not take any advice from Dr. Greger! He is NOT a registered dietitian and therefore you cannot listen to his dietary advice!

  15. Good information as always Doc. I learned a few things. 👍 Ever since I went plant based some days I will go five to six times. 🙃

  16. Whole-food plant based diet has personally helped a lot in this regard and trips to the bathroom are a joy now. Absolutely no strain required. My stools flow like water down a stream.

  17. When it comes to be that there's a soothing light at the end of your tunnel, it's just a fiber freight train coming your way…

  18. Women are not hysterical at all when they're on their period? I love you, doc, but… You cannot be serious with this one. I know women who cry if their boyfriends do not buy them stuff like chocolate, pads (I buy pads every month if my sanitary needs are paid for lol) and new clothes/panties. Like, there is so much you can buy every month fam…
    Also, one person in my family has to be out of work and socially isolate herself because she is hostile and hysteric when she's on her period.

    Note; I am a transguy. I know what periods feel like, nothing for me. So woman up and stop whining if you can't bear the stigma of being labeled hysteric.

  19. Keep it up! Valuable information, well presented as always. One thing, nitpicking and immaterial perhaps. About 4:10 the cited study involves the Valsalva maneuver and you describe it as something like “bearing down” as if trying to move stool. I think that description is inaccurate. A Valsalva balances the pressure in the ears by forcing open whatever valves close them off. Pinch your nose, close your mouth, now attempt to blow out of your nose. Feel your ears pop? You just did a Valsalva maneuver.

  20. I'm betting a lot of people, especially as they age, walk around with constipation, and don't know it. The symptoms are often mild and ignored.

  21. "Poop talk?" Oz launched his TV career with that. Not a fan myself, but that series was informative for those who were unfamiliar wit the subject.

  22. When we were in college, many of my friends had part time jobs in super markets. One guy, barley 20, thin, athletic, non smoker, had hemorrhoid issues. Yeah, certainly unusual. He worked in the produce dept. The man spent all of working time stacking fruits and vegetables. Oh, the irony…

  23. Very true but no where in here does it talk about water which should be mandatory in fiber videos. YOU NEED water and lots of it the more fiber you intake.

  24. I am 78 years old, and consume on a daily basis 2-3 pounds of raw fruits and vegs every single day. I think the last time I was constipated might have been 40 years ago !!! I move my bowels at least 3-5 time per day, and it is never ever a problem. For those that listen to this video, there is no reason what so ever to ever being constipated, unless you enjoy pain !!! Listen to Dr Greger's advice and never have a problem with your bowel !!!

  25. Can you get too much fiber? I recently bought plain bran cereal to mix up my breakfast routine. I was getting bored of oatmeal. I had a terrible reaction. My digestive tract is upset for days afterwards. I didn't associate it with the bran cereal at first. I thought maybe it was something else I ate. But after a few days, I'd have a bowl of that cereal again and the digestive system would start all over. Is it because it's processed, or is it too much fiber or could something worse be going on?

  26. Explain to me a regular Carnivore or Ketovore diet usually has little to NO fiber in their diet . Ironically they have Normal digestion .
    You are telling me a legume GMO product or whole grains loaded with chemicals is better for you ?? Grains which insulin let alone gluten is better for your digestion?? Doesn't make sense really.
    Meat , fish. Eggs beat out any grain or any vegetable. It's 100% nutrient absorbable.
    We have been told lies about grains a d wheat , high fiber , low fat foods which only caused more and more people with health issue. Go primal , go hunter gatherer , go back to what we ate millions of years ago . This processed, gmo , sugar, carbs , oxalate, fixate filled food is only hurting our health

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