La migliore dieta per il mal di stomaco

Cosa evitare e cosa mangiare per combattere la dispepsia.

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55 Risposte a “La migliore dieta per il mal di stomaco”

  1. I always have upset stomach and bloating. When I was on low fat McDougall starch diet I felt really good but I couldn't keep up with it. Myoko's butter on a sourdough & garlic bread is too good to resist. Adding cashew as a sauce to soups etc taste so good. But then I get heartburn if I go to sleep in 3 hours after eating… I always knew I was intolerant to fat, not gluten but… why olive oil & nutzz taste too good??!! (I know it brings out the flavor of spices, texture etc..)

  2. Please do a video about hiatal hernia and acid reflux and reflux that happens even when people still take ant acids or eat raw or low fat vegan diet, would also be good to know about the safety and success rates of hiatal hernia surgical treatments.

  3. Hi! Can you use amla powder before doing the Breath test for helicobacter pylori? I know that, for example, l-glutamine can interfiere with the test with a false negative result… Thank you!

  4. Will you do a video on studies showing veganism is sustainable and healthy long term. The amount of people I've seen lately dropping the diet because of poor health has been unnerving to say the least.

  5. Oh this is so stupid. This problem is caused by stomach acids not being acid enough. The ph of stomach acid should be below 3. If it's higher (less acid) the fats don't break down enough. That results in the gall bladder forcing out more bile which can result in pain.

    Have a glass of water with one or 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before each meal and your symptoms will reduce.

    Ask yourself why your stomach acids aren't acid enough. Low fat, high sugar causes this problem (and aging is a factor as well).

    It's not the fat that causes lack of acidity.

  6. We now know how critical the level of arginine in the saliva is for oral health. Since the saliva we swallow ends up in the stomach, is there a correlation between low arginine levels and stomach upset? The arginine in the saliva feeds the good bacteria in your mouth. This results in a more rapid return to a neutral pH, minimizing the amount of enamel erosion. Is something similar happening in the gut?

  7. Thank you! My mom deals with this all the time. Her doc couldn't figure it out, but given how she eats at work (they have little options), this fits perfectly.

  8. Best thing that works for upset stomach for me is Apple Vinegar. 1 tablespoon with 8 oz of distilled water works great 👍

  9. If you do have stomach issues I recommend doing a 3 day fast and detox (master detox drink) at least once. I have also had stomach issues from poor diet. I finally did the fast/cleanse and my stomach feels so much better. It's a great way to cleanse your gut and reset your immune system.

  10. its true that high fat meals can trigger heartburn
    i once had heart burn in my life, it was when i ate 8500 calories of duck in 4 hours
    but human gallbladders r tough af; especially if u eat 3 times a day its pretty much impossible to upset it if u r not some junkfoodtarian who fucked themselves with bagels and other shitty grain products
    rich ppl in the oldern days may have had the strokes from animal product consumption, but the others had mental damage from the grains im sure

  11. Doesn't everyone feel nauseated after a high fat meal? I get pretty bummed out when my favorite deep fried cauliflower wings sit uncomfortably in the gullet. Great video, thank you.

  12. It's harder to digest cellulose plant fiber than it is organic animal protein….. especially if you have IBS or IBD !

  13. When I was a kid, I recall my aunt making a tea from fennel seed for my infant cousin when he had upset stomach, or was that for gas?

  14. "don't eat fats" is still not addressing the root cause. it's like telling someone who has light sensitivity to stay in a dark room at all times. not effective at healing their issues!

  15. The best diet for any illness is whole, plant-based food, which includes amla and all other goodie vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts.

  16. I’ve had daily severe gastric symptoms and have tried acid blockers and pump inhibitors along with tums for years; but only when I switched to a ketogenic diet high in fat did my symptoms go away completely. I haven’t needed medication any longer to control my acid. Why ???

  17. Yep its the high fat. Cheesy eggs, creams, butter, oils, all the things vegans dont eat. I doubt you will ever find a vegan asking for an ant acid. I had it about 6 years ago. That cold burning feeling. I did a 10 day juice fast. Changed my diet to whole food vegetarian diet and it went away and never came back.
    There it is folks. Thats how you cure it permanently. Big phama doesnt give two shit and actually wants to keep you sick to keep you buying product.
    Fkn mega scam.

  18. Do you think you could ever do a video on vegan vs omnivorous athletes? This is a topic that is very personal to me, and I really respect and trust your nutrition facts, so it would be really great to see your take on things. Here’s an example of a study I found (I can’t view it because $$$$)

    Also perhaps a video on omega 3&6 ratio for vegans? I’ve heard that plant foods are higher in omega 6 (especially soy). I know that flax and ground chia contain omega 3’s, but are there any other foods that we should try and eat more of (or foods we should eat less of) to keep this in balance?

  19. This doesn't surprise me at all, it's something I noticed myself too, but good to know that science agrees with me, contrary to fatty foods lol.

  20. Since slacking off of my plant based whole food diet and incorporating some occasional cheese, I began to notice the more cheese I consumed, the more dyspepsia I experienced to the point where I was becoming convinced that the fat in the cheese was the culprit. Now I know. Back to whole plant based eating and feeling good. Blessings

  21. Thank you for the informative video, it seems that avoiding high fat meals or taking amla powder will avoid having an upset stomach, but how can i HEAL the stomach so that i can eat meals with higher fat content as i used to?

  22. Are all fats equally as guilty of bloating us? What about those healthy, high Omega 3-6 fats found in avocados, seeds, nuts…?? After eating those HEALTHY fats – my belly turns the size of a basketball!! Anyone with the same experience??

  23. I have a question Dr. I eat mostly at dinner but I tend to overeat all the time . So I get surprised when every morning my stomach hurts badly even though I don’t feel hungry and I ate a ton the previous night. Why is this

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