La migliore dieta per il trattamento della colite ulcerosa

Le diete a base vegetale possono essere 98 percentuale efficace nel mantenere i pazienti con colite ulcerosa in remissione, spazzando via altri trattamenti.

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Ecco alcuni vecchi video su IBD che potrebbero interessare tu: <br/> • Biossido di titanio e malattie infiammatorie intestinali ( /)
• Prevenire il morbo di Crohn con la dieta ( /prevenire-la-malattia-di-crohn-con-la-dieta/)
• Prevenire la colite ulcerosa con la dieta (
• Guerre intestinali: acido solfidrico vs. butirrato ( -butirrato/)
• Trattare la colite ulcerosa con la dieta (https://
• Colpire con la radice: curcumina curcuma e colite ulcerosa (

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77 Risposte a “La migliore dieta per il trattamento della colite ulcerosa”

  1. Hey, 😃 is there any evidence that a plant based diet cures Rosacea? With so many triggers for Rosacea flares, is it possible to eliminate ALL the triggers and still stay healthy on a plant based diet? Thank-you for all you do! ☘️

  2. Although getting fiber shouldn’t be a problem for PBD, would you recommend taking a psyllium supplement to assure reaching that goal of 30mg per day?

  3. On Humira since 2016 for UC. Sadly, nothing else seems to work to keep me in remission. I saw what you said at the end of this video and sadly, was not shocked. I would love it if you would dig more into biologics in future videos. Thank you so much for all you. You are a tremendous blessing.

  4. My grandson has This and has been vegan for 3+ years. He has been told by his doctor that fiber is very hard on his lower bowels. He is a college kid who should not have to plan his meals three times a day, trying to eliminate as much fiber as possible, YET still get a nutrition balanced meal. Help me help him.

  5. The conclusions also clearly state that N-6 PUFAs are a predisposing factor to UC, which vegetable oils are a large culprit, so a plant based diet wouldn't necessarily get you out of the woods. "A diet high in protein, particular animal protein, may be associated with increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease and relapses. N-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids may predispose to ulcerative colitis whilst n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid may protect"

  6. WOW. I love this vid. But the audacity of phama companies selling us the crap that does not work and would kill us that pissed me off.

  7. How do the plant based people explain how Elaine Gotschalls no grain diets also show similar remission in crohns and UC? I have seen remission in patients as a dietitian and it is a diet of meat, certain fruit, and vegetables with no grains or starches

  8. Having UC and going through all the immune suppressing expensive drugs but non of them working, my doctor wanted to remove my colon. With my quality of life plummeting, I found out about eating a plant based diet. I switched immediately. My UC didn't go into remission right away, but other health issues started getting better. I had to temporarily go on a plant based diet high in soluble fiber for about 2 weeks. I went into remission and starting bringing back all other plants into my diet. It hasn't been an easy road. But I would highly recommend this to anyone with really bad UC. I've been in remission for over a year and a half. No more drugs.
    In addition to the diet, things that have helped me has been, once in remission for a bit, is exercise. I am now running 3 times a week. Also intermittent fasting, giving your gut time to heal. And cold showers really seem to boost my immune system by calming it down.
    Great video. So glad some research is finally coming out!
    Good luck all with UC. You can go in remission. I did.

  9. I continues to be amazed that people will opt for toxic pharmaceuticals and debilitation surgeries instead of changing their dietary patterns. It's like they believe in the high technology approaches because they've been developed using "Science" instead of selecting lifestyle interventions proved to be safe and effective by actual scientific method. It's like "faith based medicine," but the faith that people have in these treatments are misplaced. I'd rather eat oatmeal, vegetables, fruit and beans and get well.

  10. I stopped eating animals 10 years ago after being diagnosed with UC.

    There has never been any doubt in my mind that meat was always making my symptoms worse.

    Its good that the science is finally starting to be clear for other sufferers to see.

    Oil, sugar and alcohol are also bad, but can be had in moderation.

  11. Was this study paid for my bill Gates foundation? He wants to end people eating meat, I would say regular corporate farmed meat is bad for you, and when they say meat are they talking every kind of meat like chicken fish etc??

  12. Dr gregger you literally saved my life back in 2013 with your video about the Japaneese research on colitis. It took me 2 years to clear the desease and since then Im on a plant based vegan diet with no drugs on a constant remission. So thanks again.

  13. I have had it for years! Diet helps but doubtful this is true!!!! Rough veggies KILL ME when flaring! Who can live on cooked or canned alone.
    And everyone is different!!!!! You need to do a FODMAPS DIET to find out what works for you individualy!!!

    Be careful people!

  14. Will you please cover the red seaweed food thickner, "carrageenan." Food grade vs lab grade used for creating inflammation/mouse paw edema. Please look into why the government told the National Organics Standard Board they may not band this additive from their "use list" voted on in November of 2016? Would be helpful also to explain how often manufacturers use this substance. From almond milk to cat food and now injected into fresh poultry and frozen dinners. We desperately need you to shine a light, thank you.

  15. I never understand Fake ANYTHING , if it's made from Plants , why not just eat the plants in a more pure form as UN Molested clean food ??

  16. Can you offer any advice for someone with UC who has also lost one third of her upper bowel to cancer 10 years ago? She seems to struggle with beans, and she needs extra protein due to age (86). Any advice or comments would be most welcome. Thank you

  17. There should be a study done with coffee and UC my diet can keep me in remission for years at a time but every time I introduce coffee it takes a week or two and Im all shitting bleading. blood levels plummet and I have to hide from my UC specialist doctor who believes diet has nothing to do with the condition. Coffee plays a role or is it the lack of sleep that messes up my guts or both.

  18. Vegan diet is super high in fiber which makes symptoms worse for people with gut issues. Raw kefir is a superfood for digestive health.

  19. Perfect timing, someone on FB asked our Herb group if a certain herb was good for Ulc. Colitis and I immediately told them about Dr. Greger. They’ll be ok now.

  20. The last time I explained to someone the benefits of a plant based diet, and showed them a video about the specific ailment they were suffering from they replied with: Well, I trust my physician to know what's best for me…

  21. I have crohn's disease, have been on wfbp diet and it has completely changed my life for the better. Thank you for this video

  22. this seems directly contrary to the many ex vegan vids on U Tube complaining about stuffing themselves daily with veg and whatthis did to their digestive tract.

  23. This doesn’t help because I’ve been on a plant based diet for three years ever since I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and I still get 3-5 flare ups a year 🙁

  24. Big up from France🤟 Industry makes us eat too meat… I am not vegan but it’s important to have a various diet and reduce bad meats produced. Indeed fiber with plants are essentials 👍

  25. My son has ulcerative colitis, diagnosed at 16. He has been off meds for 3 years with no inflammation after switching to a wfpb diet.

  26. My husband has been vegan/plant-based for 16 years, very rarely has UC symptoms since. It’s fantastic. We didn’t expect it would help, we went vegan for ethics reasons.

  27. This is just perfection, thank you for the updated video on PBD and UC – truly appreciated. Your videos have inspired me for years. I'm a physician who has battled with UC for over a decade – and have worked hard to avoid biologics. A PBD has been excellent, but, unfortunately, didn't get me over the finish line (clinical, but not endoscopic remission). Once I finally stopped eating all gluten, and, at the same time, starting using a very strong, medical grade, probiotic, and even acupuncture (the studies are there), my fecal calprotectin (intestine-specific inflammatory marker) finally dropped from 229 to 82. It actually makes a lot of sense…in my unique situation, the gluten continued to activate zonulin, which allowed an on-going low level of intestinal permeability to persist- and thus a persistent low-level of inflammation – resulting in ulcers, given my genetic predisposition. Will gradually reduce my maintenance mesalamine. As a side note, a few years ago, after reviewing the literature, I went through a 1-month trial of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) which significantly reduced my clinical symptoms and improved my quality of life. You might want to explore some of the research on HBOT and IBD – it's absolutely fascinating. So, for those that say that PBD didn't do the trick – my comment would be that you just need to put a few more pieces of the puzzle together – and never give up.

  28. I had UC and no matter what the doctors gave me it never lasted for long till I was back on prednisone for the next experiment in medicine that never worked. I went on Whole Food plant based diet, against the advice of the Doctor, and in 1 month I had a normal bowel movement and I haven’t seen a doctor or taken any medicine since August 2000! Not one problem since.

  29. I think this just proves it is extremely individual (think, bioindividuality. No two people are the same!). Even when considering two individuals with Ulcerative Colitis, one can respond extremely well to a healthy, plant-based diet, while the other may be triggered by the amount of fibre and lectins in the diet. I still think any diet should be primarily "plant-based", but when I'm having a flare, vegetables are the last thing I want to consume as they cause the most havoc. I have heard of people going completely vegan and healing. I have also heard of others going carnivore and seeing the same results. There is no "one cure-all" diet regardless of similar diagnosis. At the end of the day, I think it relies heavily on your confidence in your diet and routine, as well as eliminating any STRESS or trauma you have experienced. What I have noticed from everyone who has healed or entered remission from IBD, it's that they all have incredible attitudes and confidence. So many times I have beaten myself up or entered a depressed-like state when my body is not responding to my treatments or lifestyle. I told myself I simply cannot do that anymore. It's a vicious cycle between the gut and brain when you allow yourself to become stressed by the situation. I do believe it is extremely important to find a diet that works for you. But I have realized, more than ever, that getting the mind right is arguably more crucial.

  30. My father and sister both had ulcerative colitis. Dad would not listen to any suggestion of dietary changes because, "The doctor knows best!" He suffered horribly with UC and the side effects of all his medications all his life. My sister switched to a PBD and no longer shows any signs or symptoms of the disease … and hasn't for several years!

  31. I think Dr Greger's daily dozen should become the baker's dozen and add one more item to the list. Add a daily dose of listening to any Dr Greger's nutritional videos to keep on track of healthy eating with plant-based whole foods!

  32. you are among the best health doctors the world has ever seen, may keep blessing you and your work sir. you are making a difference in this awful world.

  33. Sibo normally goes along with ibd due to low stomach acid. The bacteria are normally methane dominant or hydrogen sulphide dominant. Fiber will not fix this but make it worse. So it depends on your specific problem.

  34. I was vegan (WFPB) for 3 years when I was diagnosed with UC last July. I wish I understood more about why I got it with my risks being so low. That being said, it's a year to date when my symptoms began and I've put myself in remission without any meds. My GI said she's shocked but I'm right – my colon looks perfectly normal and healthy. Compared to only 3 months ago when I was 80lbs and bleeding every day. I've adjusted my stress and mental state which I think played a huge role. That and my vegan WFPB diet has once again put me in good health! Can't agree more. So glad I can stay off the biologic drugs and monthly infusions.

  35. Diet may play an important role in treatment of Ulcerative colitis. My friend was suffered from this disease and he start followed balanced diet plan chart and regular treatment from planet Ayurveda health care center. After six months of ayurvedic medication he is fine and happy.

  36. What was included in the plant-based diet? That is pretty broad statement, was it raw or cooked and what types of plants and how was the rest of their health like teeth, skin, eyes and so on? Since their gut was better I would assume many things were better? I would love to know more. Keep sharing and lots of blessings, love all the great info.

  37. My uncle was suffering from U.C. and his condition was miserable. But after treatment from PLANET AYURVEDA and following their diet chart he is perfectly fine.

  38. This is not true in my case. All I eat is grass fed beef and salt. I have UC and auto immune disease. Well I’m 100 percent in remission and medicine free. Interesting how every doctor says do different diets. No one knows. Our body’s are all different. Do what works for you!

  39. Dr Gregger, I have been plant based now for 4 years. I stopped taking meds for my Ulcertive Colitis at least the last 4 yrs. However just in the last month or so i have been getting bloating, flatulence really bad. It seems to happen after the evening meals. Even when I tried to keep it simple such as maybe rice with a few veggies I am suffering badly. Any clues to give me.
    My breakfast is around 10-11am with green juice, Lunch sometimes smoothie or fruit, Dinner either salad which really gives me a bad tummy ache and wind, rice made into fried rice, plain rice with raw veggies such as Pak Choy, carrot, asparagus. Any help would be great as I am really suffering 🙁

  40. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and take Humira. I want to go off of my medication because I'm not really happy and just want to travel the world in search of something different. My doctor keeps telling me that if I go off of Humira then it may not work if I decide to go back on. I'm not one of those all-natural guys. I mean, natural remedies are good preventatives but there is a place for medicine. I don't know. Just nervous and don't know what to do.

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