La migliore dieta per la fibromialgia e altri dolori cronici

Le diete antinfiammatorie possono essere efficaci nell'alleviare la fibromialgia e altre sindromi dolorose croniche.

I due video sull'infiammazione che ho citato sono Alimenti che causano infiammazione ( e quali alimenti sono antinfiammatori? ( E il video sui crampi è Benefici dello zenzero per i crampi mestruali (

Ho qualche altro video sulla fibromialgia. Check out:
• Fibromialgia contro diete vegetariane e vegane crude ( raw-vegan-diets/)<br/> • Fibromialgia indotta da aspartame (https://nutritionfacts .org/video/fibromyalgia-indotta-da-aspartame/)
• Come rafforzare la connessione mente-corpo (
• Il Miglior integratore per la fibromialgia (

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Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai alla rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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24 Risposte a “La migliore dieta per la fibromialgia e altri dolori cronici”

  1. Watched my mom endure years of agony and feared I was doomed to the same symptoms. WFBB with a lot of spices has kept fibromyalgia away for me. Maybe I got lucky on the genes. You can never tell from a single case. But I am not willing to risk it.

  2. can you eat to many frozen peas or frozen brussel sprouts or oats (is 1 1/2 cup dried oats to much) could you help please!! And are frozen peas other veggies or green veggies? Is there like in spinach to much of a bad stuff in brussel sprouts or peas etc? If you eat all green like broccoli with salade and peas is that bad? Last question sorry for the long comment but can you microwave your fruit like berries with your oats and flaxseeds in the morning or is that bad for the fruit/berries?? Lots of love Joyce from Holland.

  3. It is just crazy that Doctors do not get nutrition training in Medical schools.
    Every doctor visit should include some nutrition discussion. The majority of the population is over weight or obese leading to high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Schools and hospital cafeterias should be leading the way to good health by setting the example of what is a healthy meal and teaching people what to eat and why.. Every person in the hospital for heart disease should have a nutrition class before being checked out from the hospital with follow up education and training in nutrition. Medicare and Medicaid should require patient nutrition education as part of their standard of care. Nutrition information should be run on the hospital TV channel.

  4. Pain, autoimmune,migraines etc suffering can be eliminated or greatly reduced withWFPB. But people reluctant to give up addiction processed or meat & dairy.

  5. I was eating an all vegan diet but now I have started to have collagen peptides every day to help my arthritis. A little experiment. But it feels weird to consume animal products now, even though it’s powdered. I’m curious if anyone else is doing anything similar. I wish there were studies just on vegans and a before and after of collagen peptides.

  6. I'm currently dealing with lots of symptoms that my doctors sometimes call fibromyalgia. Staying active definitely helps and freshly ground coffee too I think. And not adding salt to anything. And I think olive oil helps too but I know Dr Greger doesn't recommend that. I'm still very much trying to figure it out so don't take my word as fact.

  7. Google can plants be digested by humans…. Even Google knows the answer it's no we can't digest plant cellulose in they can't build brain matter or spinal cord or tendons or ligaments.

  8. Going plant based definitely reduced my FMS pain and general discomfort. I did add limited eggs back into my diet, but remaining meat and dairy free has been key to my quality of life.

  9. I have/had a neurological autoimmune disease for 20 years, i was in a wheelchair and used a walking stick. After going wfpb and eating anti-inflammatory foods i was able to put myself into remission over 6 months to a year. Then over 2 years i was able to build muscle through physio and now can exercise regularly again both cardio and resistance training. Zero pain now, i used to be on high doses of morphine, cytotoxic medications, immune modulators, plus so much more. Going wfpb literally saved my life as my autoimmune condition significantly reduces lifespan.

  10. Once again, lots of good info! 😃 But this is another instance where a viewer might make a poor decision based on incomplete info. 4:31 1/3 tsp x 3 times per day of cinnamon = 1 tsp per day. That seems fine until you watch his video: The Safer Cinnamon. "a compound called coumarin, which new human data suggests may be toxic to the liver. It’s been banned as a food additive, but still can be found naturally in . . . cassia cinnamon. It is not found in significant amounts in so-called true cinnamon—Ceylon cinnamon . . . for people going out of their way to add like a teaspoon or more to their daily diet . . . make sure it specifies Ceylon."

    In case you are wonder exactly what kind of cinnamon was used in the study, the researchers state "Cinnamomum zeylanicum" which seems to be Ceylon cinnamon. So even though Greger didn't point it out in this video, if you're in the US you should avoid buying cheap bulk "cinnamon" for this. Make sure it says "Ceylon."

  11. Hello sir I am from India 🇮🇳 please reply me –
    (I have seen your old video on DHA – Brain health)

    My age is 20
    My memory power is very bad since childhood.
    My mom doesn't eat fish etc to get DHA.
    And I also never ate fish in my childhood.
    Due to the lack of DHA, there is a problem with the eyes too, isn't it?

    My memory is weak and my eyesight is also bad.
    I think it is a family problem. Because there is no DHA in our diet at all.

    Because of this I am now taking omega 3 supplements.

    I don't care about the eyes. I just want to increase my memory power.

    Now in my 20's will omega-3 supplement work on my memory power.

    (Answer me in one word yes and no!)
    Please sir reply

  12. can you do a video on BPA if you can not find beans in a can without or where you life a lot of salades are in plastic, does rinsing beans help? Can you use plastic for the microwave if it says BPA free and what about freezerbags? Kind regards Joyce from Holland.

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