La restrizione della metionina come strategia di estensione della vita

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DESCRIZIONE: Le diete a base vegetale possono rivelarsi un'utile strategia nutrizionale sia per il controllo della crescita del cancro che per l'estensione della durata della vita perché queste diete sono naturalmente più povere di metionina.
Per una spiegazione su come e perché le diete a base vegetale sono un'efficace strategia alimentare di restrizione della metionina, vedere l'ultimo video Starving Cancer with Methionine Restriction (
http://nutritionfacts. org/video/starving-cancer-with-methionine-restriction).<br/> Per informazioni sui radicali liberi teoria della malattia, vedi Teoria mitocondriale dell'invecchiamento ( .
Le diete a base vegetale possono anche simulare altri benefici della restrizione calorica, come il miglioramento dei livelli dell'ormone DHEA, la “fonte della giovinezza”. Vedere i vantaggi della restrizione calorica senza la limitazione effettiva ( restringimento/).

Gli americani vivono più a lungo ma vite più malate ( Ecco perché abbiamo bisogno di una dieta e di uno stile di vita che supporti la salute e la longevità. Ho un'intera presentazione sul ruolo che la dieta può svolgere nel prevenire, arrestare e persino far regredire molti dei nostri top 29 assassini: sradicare le principali cause di morte ( ), uno dei miei Top 10 Most Video popolari dell'anno (ù-popolari-dell-anno/).

Ho toccato in precedenza l'ironia che le proteine ​​animali possono essere dannose per gli stessi motivi per cui sono pubblicizzate come superiori in una qualità più elevata possono significare un rischio più elevato (
Quali altre proprietà hanno i fagioli magici? Vedi i fagioli e l'effetto del secondo pasto ( E i gas intestinali, però? Dai un'occhiata al mio blog Beans and Gas: Clearing the air ( ).
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83 Risposte a “La restrizione della metionina come strategia di estensione della vita”

  1. Long term the answer is probably, yes. Fructose overload is notorious for wrecking havoc inside the human body.

  2. i would say u can eat as much fruit as u like… personally i am not concerned about fructose…but i dont eat tons of fruit too each day.

  3. Dr. Greger, thank you once again for this great work. As a pre-med student and one that is very interested in nutrition as well, what nutritional journals do you recommend subscribing to? Thanks for all your work.

  4. no!
    there are people thriving on eating only raw fruits and vegetables, fruit being their main calorie source
    if you want to learn more about high fruit intake read the 80 10 10 Diet from Douglas Graham

  5. Sigh… Dr. Graham looks like hell for his age. And there are VERY FEW long-term raw foodists who are "thriving". Most raw foodists end up having hormonal problems, losing to much weight, developing dental/gum problems, losing their hair, etc. There's no reason to go 100% raw, no benefits at all over a whole-food, plant-based diet, like what Dr. Greger promotes.

  6. The main problem with the raw foodist crowd if that their claims are baseless. There is no supporting evidence which shows a 100% raw food diet is IDEAL for humans… none. It's all anecdotal. Dr. Greger has some videos on 100% raw food diets and the science doesn't stand on their side.

  7. I tried a vegan diet…looked and felt like a zombie with chronic constipation…wasn't till I went back on my grass fed meat that I had regular bowel movements and had energy to spare at the end of the day so I'm saying vegan is not for everyone…though I enjoy the videos, a one size fits all approach never works

  8. doubtful, because fruit is easily processed and free of irritants thus are easily processed by the body thus do not produce inflammation or clog the body. heavier foods such as heated fats, processed grains and animal products on the other hand do clog the body thus over time they will age you.

  9. Dr. Greger, what about the Budwig Protocol?

    that increases methionine intake with cottage cheese while mixing it with flaxseed oil.

    Is there any benefit to mixing mechionine rich protein with flaxseed oil (omega 3)?

    or is the budwig protocol a bullshit protocol?

    what does the science say?

  10. high raw percentage works fine for me
    there is no harm in people finding out what works for them
    i guess most will find their way to the whole foods plant based approach because it is easier socially and there is nothing wrong with that

  11. If you had chronic constipation from a plant based diet, that should have been a clue that you were NOT combining your foods properly and needed to figure out what you were doing wrong. You were probably eating too many nuts. Healthy for you? Yes, but they are terribly addicting and constipating when consuming more than a daily handful of any type of nut just like cheese, ice cream, and dairy.

  12. Hi raw is fine, but 100% is unnecessary and doesn't offer greater benefits over a healthy plant-based diet (which includes cooked food). The raw foodists make baseless, unscientific claims, and that harms people.

  13. Unless carefully planned, adopting a plant based diet may lead to deficiencies of nutrients abundant in some protein. I think an increase of daily vegetable intake with the combination of lower intake of protein would be most beneficial for the average American

  14. If we could vote for the director of the FDA, I'd put your name on the ballot! Thanks for all you do to keep us aware of what's best for our diets and why.

  15. You don t know what you are talking about. Show me anybody who ever died or got sick in the US from "not getting enough protein." This is just scare tactics and propoganda by the meat/dairy industry. Any healthy varied plant diet with enough calories will ensure adequate protein. More precisely, it will ensure enough limiting amino acids.
    The (human) body tries hard to hold on to protein so the problem might be too much protein-even on a vegan diet. See: Tel Oren the truth about protein

  16. I am sorry you misunderstood me. I NEVER said "people died or got sick from not getting ENOUGH protein" please point out where I said that? In a perfect world we can all be vegans and life would be great. there is a lot of planning to have a plant only diet.. and not much people do that. So for the 90% of americans, a combination of lowering their protein intake and increasing their vegetable intake may also lead to an overall decrease of methionine.

  17. I have limited my intake of meat for years, and stopped eating red meat altogether. While I am not yet ready to go completely vegan I can easily see myself as a vegetarian.

  18. So creatine intake with piracetam, vinegar, l theanine, and glucose makes my brain metabolize quicker, I feel it. Undesirable effects of ROS are felt after as headaches but ALA, bacopa m, and ginkgo attenuates these effects. I'm I feeding a brain cancer/tumor? Please consider my situation.

  19. This is a quote from someone below 'You don't have to listen to claims, one need only look to see that 100% Raw Fruit Diets, do not allow the body to retain fat reserves. In essence they've become human Shrews, eating a large percent of there body weight in Fruit daily.'

    Does anyone know about this 'retain fat reserves' bit? It seems true [looking at banana diets], but what's going on in the body?

  20. Whats is the optimal amount daily consumption of usable antioxidants ? What form would be easiest, Cinnamon ? Oregano ? Sage ? Anyone one know of any antioxidant skin care lotions ?

  21. Can you make a video on optimal protein requirements for sedentary vs. athletes/bodybuilder. The amount of protein that is proposed in the bodybuilding sector is off the charts (sometimes 200 gram per day). But it is hard to find good scientific evidence, at least for me…

  22. It should be easy to test this theory with short lived animals , like fruit flies and the likes…

    Edit : apparently it has already been done, with rats and fruit flies ! It works but under particular conditions for flies : "Reduced methionine (Met) intake can extend lifespan of rodents, … Here we report that Met restriction extends
    lifespan in both fruit flies and yeast, and that this effect requires low amino acid status. Met restriction in Drosophila mimicks the effect of dietary restriction and is associated with decreased reproduction."

    So it requires associated low protein intake, and causes decreased reproduction, must see the rat experiment to compare.

  23. My question is whether methionine restriction actually just slows down all the cellular processes (methionine being essential to cellular activities) and benefits us by slowing the progression of diseases like cancer. Is it the methionine restriction per se, or could you get the same benefits by restricting all proteins? Is the longevity effect attributed to caloric restriction diets really conferred by caloric restriction, protein restriction, or methionine restriction???

  24. But life span of animals is not solely due to methionine. If you studied animal biology you would know that mice have a relatively high metabolism per unit body area versus horses who have a low metabolism per unit body area. Each animal undergoes the same amount of metabolic respiration in their lifetime, but at different rates, which is why mice have shorter lifespans than horses do. So it's not exactly the effect of methionine, but body size and metabolic rate as well. That is why elephants live such long lives and mice live very short ones.

  25. I am confused.
    First vegetarians/Vegans die at the same rate of Mi's as meat eaters, because they have higher homocysteine levels, because of a relative B12 deficiency. This is reversed by supplementing B12 which lowers homocysteine which it does so by converting it back to methionine. Now methionine reduces life span because of increased cellular oxidation damage, and also stimulates cancer cells. Which then means B vitamins are pro oncogenic and pro-oxidative and are bad for you and will shorten you life span. I have come to the conclusion, where not going to get out of this one alive!

  26. Micheal Gregor for the win . . . champion of the mama gaia, & practitioner of the almost moribund faculty of common sense

  27. Dr Greger, I haven't found anything re possibly negative effects of methionine in creatine. Do life-extending effects of methionine-abstention also apply to abstaining from creatine?

  28. IF YOU EAT ENOUGH B12 AND FOLIC ACID AND CHOLINE RICH FOOD THERE WILL BE NO PROBLEMS IN THE METHYLATION CYCLE. IF YOU HAVE NOT ENOUGH CYSTEINE(Methionine->Sam-e->S adenosyl homocysteine->homocystein->cysteine) , your body cant make gluthatione and taurine). glutathione is the master antioxidant of the human body. 2nd reason, methionine is the first amino acid in protein chains. if you have not enough your muscles will collapse.
    FUCKIN IDIOTS!!!!!!!

  29. does cystine have the same effect, if not you could figure out what foods have the most cystine for every methionine since the two are interchangeable. I know carrots have a lot of cystine but carrots barely have any protein

  30. I thought methionine was necessary to create S Adenosyl Methionine which we need for methylation and methylation is necessary for longevity. I'm just wondering if the reason methionine is causing oxidative stress is because its intermediary homocysteine is building up so the whole methylation cycle isn't working.

  31. Yet Dr Greger has another video that shows Vegans have high levels of Homoysteine because the body stops breaking it down in the hope of making methionine out of it , What a paradox.Ideally B12 ( METHYLCOBALAMIN ONLY) Should fix that , but better lifetime studies needed, and what about liver failure, fatty liver and lean muscle catabolism?. Rats and Fruit flies are very different from humans, ps those poor critters lost fertility due to MetR

  32. Highest food in methionine is Brazilian nuts so stop this nonsense
    this is misleading brazilian nuts has double the amount of methionine in tuna

  33. I went vegan but ate lots of coconut oil then I went keto … both cases gave me DIABETES … the second Keto high Fat gave me really bad DIABETES. Then I went on vegan low fat … got better then forgot caz reasoning shouldn’t eat sugars and carbs … went back to KETO and swollen ankles again… FINALLY I GOT IT … plant base mostly raw and LOW FAT and 0 Sat fat or as close to that as possible. Exception is a bit of coconut oil … no Palm oil even. High Carbs white potatoes are GOOD. Eat lots of em otherwise you will be crawling around eating cookies. Also eat lots of beans and rice with salsa

  34. The key i think is l carnosine plenty studies that show its benefits. Also make sure u have plenty anti oxidative vitamins and all u take.

  35. The life span as a function of methionine curve is misleading. While these things may be correlated, the true causative variable for lifespan on this curve is animal size.

  36. Hello Dr Greger, first of all congratulations and thank you for your excellent work! As a geriatrician (and vegan) I have to point out that in older age protein restriction might not be beneficial, even more so as elderly have higher nutrient needs and of course, lower caloric needs. There are a myriad of chronic health issues and sensory deficits in older age and all of these aspects usually lead to the majority of people not meeting their nutrient targets. I believe we need to make recommendation that take into account the age factor as well.

  37. No need lower methionine intact instead take more foods rich in glycine. It helps in methionine metabolism amd will extend life.

  38. Busy organization dealing with facts and revealing the misinformation that is ever growing. 🤞🏼see far more subscribers as people wake up.

  39. if methionine is an essential amino acid, how much methionine do we need and what are the risks of not getting enough methionine? I am trying to help poor people and I am recommending that they eat moringa because they can grow it easily and it can be potentially free of cost. From what you are saying the lack of methionine in moringa may be an advantage. Can I safely advise people to consume less of the costly staples such as rice or wheat and eat more free moringa?

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