La risposta al puzzle Pritikin

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DESCRIZIONE: I tassi di cancro più bassi tra coloro che seguono una dieta a base vegetale possono essere il risultato di una riduzione livelli ematici di IGF-1 e una maggiore produzione di proteina legante IGF-1. Chi è Pritikin? Vedi Engineering a Cure ( Qual è il puzzle? Vedere Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay ( e Prostate vs. una dieta a base vegetale ( Qual è il problema dell'IGF-1? Vedi IGF-1 come One-Stop Cancer Shop ( e mutazione a prova di cancro ( I risultati delle proteine ​​​​leganti possono spiegare la conclusione in È la dieta, l'esercizio o entrambi? ( Come ho spiegato nella mia presentazione integrale 580 Sradicare le principali cause di morte (, il video-del-giorno di domani Come piantare per abbassare l'IGF-1? ( andrà un livello più in profondità ed esplorerà perché mangiare piante riduce l'IGF-1.<br/>
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40 Risposte a “La risposta al puzzle Pritikin”

  1. Really cool, but it still remains to explain exactly what is it about a plant based diet that triggers the change in IGF-1 levels?
    I'm guessing it's not as simple as "Meat and eggs have IGF-1 in them", or "Cucumbers have IGFBP-1 in them", otherwise we'd hear about it already. It's probably more like "Something in animal products makes it harder for the liver to produce IGFBP-1 or encourages production of IGF-1". But how exactly does it work?

  2. Jobs' diet was so limited and extreme that his body may have been under some strain from malnutrition. Based on research, Dr. Greger recommends a vegan diet with lots of variety for optimal health.

    Jobs traveled extensively, risking greater exposure to viruses and toxins that could contribute to cancer.

    There are other many factors that contribute to cancer, besides diet.

  3. I did. Still didn't address the issue of why cancer was able to thrive in his body despite his vegan diet though; he only speculated as to why the cancer formed in the first place. Others ave suggested that he may not have eaten the most healthy diet, even though it was vegan. A lot of fried and processed junk perhaps. I'd like a more definitive answer though. 🙂

  4. OK yeah! Sorry I don't know. I'm still stickin' with the plant based diet myself. Personally already observed that an undiagnosed lump I had on my foot for 2 years was gone in a few months. Skin cancer on my face is almost gone in same amount of time. Lots of green smoothies and juicing fresh vegtables.

  5. I don't believe you really watched the whole video. You're a nay-sayer who will deny any evidence that supports veganism. You want to justify eating flesh and killing animals and destroying the environment, and taking more than your fair share of resources like water and government subsidies. Selfish, Ignorant, dishonest. "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." – Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

  6. And here's the real kicker… you can drastically control IGF-1 levels with short-term fasting periods, or even alternating low-calorie/normal-calorie days (alternating between low feeding and normal feeding). No need to turn into a vegan at all!

  7. Fasting and intermitent fasting is a hot topic in the last 5 years of research. It yields amazing health benefits in all health markers… insulin sensitivity, growth hormone, you name it. You can either look up the research now, or wait another 5 or 10 years before the news become mainstream. It's also natural, living organisms were not designed to have access to food all the time. Small starvation (Fasting) periods is something our bodies can deal with very appropriately.

  8. If it is unsustainable for the average person, that's the average person's problem. For the average person it may not be sustainable to quit smoking, or alcohol, or do some sort of physical activity regularly. Remember, IGF-1 is very important… low levels of IGF-1 leads to growth retardation (which reminds me of how an average vegan looks). You don't need constant low levels of IGF-1 all of the time. Good day.

  9. No contradiction. Short term fasting is a method to control and regulate IGF-1 (among other things), so that it doesn't peak all of the time. No sane person wants constant low, or constant high levels of IGF-1. I don't starve myself, I only corrected you on short term fasting and the remarkable health benefits proven by scientific research. You said it is unhealthy which is what a clueless person would say. Take care.

  10. IGF-1 improves performance in athletes (it has been banned as a performance enhancer supplement), helps with muscle growth, helps with strength growth… low IGF-1 levels is considered an abnormality… you find the rest info on your own. If you want to be weak, skinny and fragile, then low levels of IGF-1 will help you get there faster.

  11. That's an opinion. I'd prefer hard data.

    IGF1 can be banned in sports mostly because it is *rumored* to increase muscle mass and of course is a marker for other steroid use.

    I haven't found how low IGF1 levels reduce muscle growth or reduce strength – dr Greger actually cites (in another movie, about the bodybuilders) a paper that increasing IGF1 doesn't affect muscle mass or strength in training. Whether decreasing it doesn't reduce it is open to research – I'd like some, not an opinion.

  12. Low IGF1 is considered an abnormality because normality is defined as average. It's not known to be bad.

    It's likely to be considered an abnormality in children (they should have relatively high levels constitutionally) and dwarfs.

  13. Let me quote one NIH paper: "Muscle strength response to strength training is influenced by insulin-like growth factor 1 genotype in older adults"
    (Find it on Google Scholar under "IGF1 strength")

    "Yet, it seems that circulating levels of IGF-I are not as important for muscle growth as are the isoforms of IGF-I produced by skeletal muscle, which act in an autocrine/paracrine fashion."

    IGF-I injections tend to have a mix of all isoforms. It'd be nice to know which are reduced by vegan diet.

  14. Whatever dr Greger cites, take with a grain of salt. He is extremely biased towards vegetarianism, and cherrypicking of research is common in his videos. Take them merely for entertainment value and do your own research.

  15. You said you prefer hard data, and then go on to state thatlow IGF1 levels "is not known to be bad"? Really? How about this…" In the general population, low IGF1 has been associated with higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease and mortality.", or this "Conclusion: IGF1 levels in the low normal range are associated with hypertension and diabetes in subjects without pituitary and cardiovascular diseases." I could go on… how is that even close to "not known to be bad"?

  16. I do. I've checked the papers he cited, they seem very legit. I was unable to find counterpoints to most of them.

    Now the problem is, I have other sources specifying that IGF1 blood levels are not directly tied to muscle strength and growth – autocrine in muscle is – but that supplementation in old people has some effect… I'd like some papers saying something contrary.

  17. "In addition to a direct anabolic effect on skeletal muscle—for example, the production of more protein—IGF-I is also capable of stimulating the proliferation and differentiation of muscle stem cells (satellite cells). Results of animal studies suggest that this process is obligatory for muscle hypertrophy to proceed." pubmed PMC1071449

  18. Correct, but that's autocrine IGF1. Not paracrine (circulating) IGF1 – the difference is pinpointed in the paper I cited.

    We need a better study on this.

  19. In other words, you have to shoot IGF1 into the muscle to get that effect apparently. Even then, it tends to not work… (they even cite the studies in elderly)

  20. Nathan Pritikin was da man.
    He showed what was possible if you just ate the right things and engaged in moderate exercise.
    Every one else was saying you can't eat that diet. No one will eat it. You will not get enough protein or essential fats. You will get weaker. All bullshit.
    Just do it. You will be healthier for it. . 

  21. is like they find s surprising fact about plant based diets abd they try to understand why IGF levels are causing so much harm

  22. Elephant in the room…pritikan developed cancer after being on this so-called cancer killing diet. Learning about cancer from pritikan would be like learning about weight loss from an obese person

  23. I bought into all this vegan crap but after 2 years Vegan no oils low fat I feel worse then before i started. Losing faith in these net "Dr's"

  24. Dr. G. I recently read about antioxidant supplements actually ADDING protection to not only healthy cells but CANCER CELLS. I realize supplements are not diet bit what if older people w. cancer cells in their bodies start eating super healthy. Can the cancer cells be protected? I'm confused. Nowhere did I yet read diet does this, just supplements, however most people over a certain age will have cancer cells somewhere.

  25. Key thing to remember is exercise. Without it, I see no changes at all or very few if any. So exercise is the main thing we need to get healthy, in conjunction with a healthy real whole foods plant-based diet and water as fuel to accelerate the process of killing diseases and cancer cells in your body.

  26. the program in detail:
    During the intervention, subjects were given prepared

    meals that contained 10–15% calories from fat (polyunsatu rated/saturated fatty acid ratio = 1.24). Fifteen to 20% of

    the calories were from protein, primarily from a plant

    source, two servings of nonfat milk, and no more than 3.5

    oz of fish or fowl. The remaining calories, 70–75%, were

    obtained from carbohydrates in the form of vegetables,

    fruits, legumes, and whole grains. Dietary fiber (30–40

    g/1,000 kcal each day) was consumed. Finally, less than

    100 mg of cholesterol and 4 g of sodium chloride per day

    were consumed. No alcohol, tobacco, or caffeine consump tion was permitted. The food was provided ad libitum ex cept for the animal protein, which was restricted to ≤3.5

    oz/day. The subjects readily consumed the food, the only

    major complaint being the flatulence initially associated

    with adopting this type of diet.

    All subjects received a history and physical exam by a

    physician and were given a treadmill stress test prior to start ing the exercise program. During the 2-wk program, the

    women exercised at their assigned training heart rate for

    30–60 min a day 4–5 days a week.


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