La teoria delle fibre è sbagliata?

I tassi straordinariamente bassi di malattie croniche tra le popolazioni vegetali sono stati attribuiti alle fibre, ma il pensiero riduzionista potrebbe portarci fuori strada.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Il mio video Risolvere un mistero di cancro al colon ( è un perfetto esempio del concetto che ho presentato sopra. Se la fibra fosse davvero la chiave, allora l'Africa subsahariana sarebbe piena di cancro del colon-retto in questi giorni.

Per un esempio estremo, che ne dici di un'inversione della malattia con una dieta incentrata riso bianco? Vedi Kempner Rice Diet: Whipping Us-Into Shape ( e Drugs and the Demise of the Rice Diet ( -Rice-Diet.<br/>
Aspetta un secondo, però, non avevo solo un video che diceva che dovresti guardare in modo specifico per la fibra? La regola Five to One Fiber ( è solo un modo per identificare gli alimenti meno trasformati utilizzando la fibra come marcatore di cibi integrali.

Per ulteriori intrighi nel mondo delle fibre, controlla out La fibra previene davvero la diverticolosi? (

E se stai pensando “Dr. Chi?” allora, per una prospettiva storica: Dieta con parole-f del Dr. Burkitt (

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e proverà a rispondere!

Credito immagine: Eric Allix Rogers e rick tramite Flickr ed Elizabeth Magner.
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45 Risposte a “La teoria delle fibre è sbagliata?”

  1. I don't understand. Why is it so fucking hard to understand humans are plant eaters and when we don't eat enough of it we get sick easily and almost die with all the chronic diseases? 😩 plus, no animals get harmed in the process. Evidence is strong enough, isn't it? Or are people just blind ignorant bastards who never admits the truth?

  2. "One gram of fiber for every one hundred calories" – Mr Atwater. Count fiber by the serving, not the day. I did this and lost 50 pounds 15 years ago and it is still gone. Only drink water, coffee, or tea. Fruits, Nuts, Vegetables, Grains are what you need.

    "One gram of fiber for every one hundred calories." – Mr Atwater

    It may be that the thesis of this article is correct, but if eating fiber guarantees you eat vegetables and fruits, then "Who cares?" Eat your fiber and stay healthy.

  3. The main reason people turn to fiber supplements opposed to eating more fruits and vegetables is convenience. A lot of people also have no idea how to incorporate these things into their diet.

  4. Morally the Vegan theory is right nutritionally the Vegan theory is wrong… Humans are omnivores (Not Herbivores, Nor Carnivores)
    that derive our energy and nutrients from a diet consisting of a variety of sources that may include plants, animals, algae and fungi' We are able to both tolerate and fully extract nutrients from most plant and animal sources. Exceptions include cellulose and chitin. we can, as omnivores, Now that we no longer NEED to hunt and kill animals for our food, choose and thrive on a plant-based diet if we wish.

  5. Scurvy was a horrific problem among pirates and sailors hundreds of years ago.  The saying "you scurvy dog" came from how horrific pirates looked after contracting scurvy, which bursts holes in your arteries and veins (Google some images of scurvy).  Scurvy is solely caused by a lack of vitamin c !!!   Pirates and Sailors starting taking limes with them on long ocean voyages, and became nicknamed "Limeys".  You've probably heard the saying "blimey mate", (which is actually limey).   Therefore, a strong healthy heart and veins may be attributed to the combination of vitamin c AND fiber.  For the record, supplements do NOT work!  Vitamin C must be taken in whole food/fruit form.  Supplements say "vitamin c – ascorbic acid".  However, ascorbic acid is only part of the vitamin c cell !!!  Unbelievable!!!  Nutrient companies have been selling us 'ascorbic acid' and saying that ascorbic acid is vitamin c, when it is only the shell of the vitamin c cell/molecule.  You've been lied to.  It's the same as them selling you the shell of a walnut and telling you you're getting a walnut!  You can just throw all your vitamin c supplements in the trash!  Eat whole fiber from DARK green vegetables and eats lots of sweet potatoes for it's many nutrients including fiber, potassium and vitamin c. I sometimes wonder if a law firm will one day sue vitamin c manufacturers for BILLIONS of dollars for lying to the public for over 50 years now, KNOWING that ascorbic acid is NOT vitamin c, but claiming that it is and putting 'vitamin c' on the label.Now go look up scurvy, then grab an orange or lime!

  6. People can eat meat all they want if they think its tasty and enjoy it, but to believe that its necessary and good for you is what kinda bothers me (the ignorance)

  7. Does anyone know if it is bad to mix a lot of carbs (from rice, potatoes, fruits) and fats (from nuts and seeds) at the same meal? I heard that it is bad, but am still not sure about that.

  8. I could (to my surprise) not find any information on your site about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and hyper mobility. I have a good friend that suffers from this and would love to get some information how to treat it.

  9. Is it true that vegans and not vegans live to the same extent?
    Maybe that's because some vegans are BAD vegans, i.e. eat a lot of fat and refined products)?

  10. Boy, this page is full of foul-mouthed, vulgar creeps who explain away bad behavior because it's about the animals! Maybe live a little drama free for awhile? Some of us live nice vegan lives for decades without getting in other peoples faces when they're just trying to watch a nice video. I'd hate to see what you're like at family occasions, etc.

  11. Hey did you ever do an episode on whole grains?!!??!??!?! I want to know which whole grain is best. Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Quinoa, Brown rice, Millet or Corn?

  12. Are there any Ugandans here who can tell us what people used to eat at the time the article refers to? What did a typical meal (or day's/week's worth of meals) look like?

  13. Can someone please answer this question. How much fibre is recommended daily on a vegan diet? I feel like i might be getting too much bevause some of my stools are loose(although not all) but i don't have any stomach cramps

  14. Love your content and the fact that you give us all of your sources. Recently started the transition to veganism due to ethical reasons, but I instantly began to worry about my nutritional needs. Seeing your name all over the web, I went to YouTube to see what the deal was. Awesome content. Thanks.

  15. What about too much Fiber? I read that it can give one side effects like
    bloating, constipation and stomach cramps, and that it can disrupt
    hormonal balance especially in men.

  16. I am 75 years old, and I don't know exactly how much fiber I am eating.  In a normal day I have 2-3 pounds of raw fruits and vegetables. I also consume 8 tablets of psyllium each day, spread out during the day.  I should tell the reader I have 3-4 good BMs per day.  The last time I was constipated was probably 30 years ago.  I also work out in gym 7 days per week, for a full hour, and when I leave there, I am not every breathing hard, but I am soaked in sweat.  I am following my dads way of living, and he made it to 97 !  Dr Greger's way of living gives one a choice.  Want a long life with no problems, and no poisonous medications ?   If so, do as he suggests.  It works.  My Doctor tells me he wishes he had my cholesterol.  It is not rocket science.  It is common sense basically.  Eat they way they did, 50 years ago. and live to an age we can in the U.S.  The choice is the reader's.

  17. Most people know that fiber is good for #2, but there are other reasons that are so very important in regards to gut bacteria. It really helps to understand this first, the importance of 'good bacteria' and realizing that they need fiber for food to stay alive and reproduce. If you eat a fiberless diet, then they die off and other not so good bacteria takeover. This is what is scaring me away from my lifelong fiberless diet, but I tell ya, it is a very difficult change to make and then harder to keep. I realize that it will be a life long fight for me, but at least I was fortunate enough to get an understanding of this.

  18. Uganda cuisine:

    Most tribes in Uganda have their own speciality dish or delicacy. Many dishes include various vegetables, potatoes, yams, bananas and other tropical fruits. Chicken, pork, fish (usually fresh, but there is also a dried variety, reconstituted for stewing),[1] beef, goat[1] and mutton are all commonly eaten, although among the rural poor, meats are consumed less than in other areas, and mostly eaten in the form of bushmeat. Nyama is the Swahili word for "meat".

    All that meat,… and no heart problems. Just shows that animal products aren't the problem. Whole foods, both plantbased and animal based is what works best. BECAUSE there are no processed carbs, no processed meats, no vegetable oils and no refined sugar in their diet!!!!

    There's your scientific proof. The doc said it's true that the original Uganda cuisine illiminates heart disease.

    He forgot to mention one crucial detail though,…. Vitamin D! With all the sun they get,… The 600 IUs recommended in the western world is ridiculous. 600 IUs of vitamin D is enough to prevent rickets, but not enough to keep you in optimum health. For optimum health you need at least 6000 IUs per day. That keeps your arteries clean.

  19. I am vegan To show my bias or lack thereof to begin with. I was presented with this link while debating someone in regards to a carnivorous diet with low fiber content. It's a study showing the dangers of fiber even of resistant starch. In regards to the instances of cancer not being reduced by fiber consumption and possible side effects from fermentation in the gut. Please chime in with any actual experience in regards to debunking this or comments to reinforce it, if you would be so kind.

  20. Yes, but Burkitt had a fiberish, heavy Scottish brogue and facial twitches to go with it. A perfect mad dog for the promotion of fiber, don't you think?

  21. Balance balance balance. I eat steak bacon fiber fruits veggies pasta beans etcc etcc I'm middle aged I exercise and I'm always on weight WITHOUT trying. You want to help everyone. THROW OUT YOUR FUCKING MICRO WAVES, THROW OUT FROZEN GARBAGE, STOP GOING TO MCDONALDS, AND MOST OF ALL LEARN TO COOK!

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