L'alcol può causare il cancro?

Se anche il bere leggero può causare il cancro, perché i medici non ne avvertono i pazienti?

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

Sì, ma il cancro è solo l'assassino n. 2. Il killer n. 1 è una malattia cardiaca, e quindi che dire del paradosso francese? Il consumo moderato non protegge dalle malattie cardiovascolari? Quindi non è vantaggioso nel complesso? Questa è esattamente la domanda che ho deciso di affrontare in questa serie di video in quattro parti. Resta sintonizzato per:

• La migliore fonte di resveratrolo (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/The- La migliore fonte di resveratrolo)<br/> • È meglio bere poco alcol che niente? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Is-It-Better-to-Drink-Little-Alcohol-Than-None-at-All)
• I benefici dell'alcol superano i rischi? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Do-Any-benefits-of-Alcohol-Outweigh-the-Risks)

Ho esplorato questo argomento in precedenza nei miei video Cancro al seno e alcol: quanto è sicuro? (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/breast-cancer-and-alcohol-what-much-is-safe/) e rischio di cancro al seno: vino rosso vs. vino bianco (https://nutritionfacts.org/video/breast-cancer-risk-red-wine-vs -white-wine/).

Hai una domanda su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/can-alcohol-cause-cancer e qualcuno del team di NutritionFacts.org cercherà di rispondere.

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100 Risposte a “L'alcol può causare il cancro?”

  1. Next up: which types of alcohol are more and less damaging? Clear distilled liquor free of many toxins and nutrients, or red wine with more nutrients and pesticides?

  2. Sunlight is a carcinogen. Let's all stay in our houses. No one dare step outside, not even for a second.

  3. For many years I drank one bottle of beer every night with dinner, believing the research in the 80s that it was good for me. I also really, really enjoyed it. When I mentioned this habit to my doctor she checked my liver enzymes and sure enough I was a person who shouldn't be drinking at all. I wasn't happy, but I immediately switched to nonalcoholic beer and then quit completely. Five years or so later, I've saved a lot of money and reduced my risk of cancer. Thanks, Doc!

  4. In a future video please address the large meta analysis showing that moderate consumption was associated with lower mortality than NO alcohol. It is the J-curve study. I would link it but the comment would be blocked.

  5. "5.8% of deaths from these cancers are related to alcohol consumption". But that means 94.2% are not related. Seems like a reasonable risk then .

  6. Heart disease is still the #1 killer for Americans and moderate alcohol consumption is known to reduce the risk. I would like to know where the tipping (tippling?) point is. E.g. on average would 4-6 ounces of wine a day reduce the risk of fatal heart attack significantly more than it would increase the risk of fatal cancer? And would this tipping point be different for those of us on a whole food plant based diet (you mentioned increased fiber reducing the alcohol risk)?

  7. Would’ve been interested to hear more about cancer rates vs amount of alcohol consumed. A proportional response requires quantified information. Thanks for the video in any case.

  8. Hmm interesting. I never would've thought anything besides liver or maybe kidney or digestive system cancers would be linked to alcohol usage and even low levels at that! I figured this video was mostly going to be about how heavy usage over the years can increase your risk for kidney or liver or digestive system cancers.

  9. Excellent. It's very to find people that speak out against the poison known as alcohol, or the inflammatory dairy, and refined sugar. Next: coffee!

  10. I don't drink alcool …but how can they know that the cause of breast cancer from low consumer of alcool is actually the cause…maybe these woman eat meat, dairy & eggs??!!

  11. THANK YOU for this!…. I hate Alcohol as much as I hate ALL mind altering Drugs, seriously I hate them with a passion!!,  …. besides giving you all kinds of cancers, Alcohol tastes like SHIT, makes men girly and all people dumber……….this stuff sucks ass and should only be used to clean your toilet seat every night…

  12. Real whole-food bread could have traces of alcohol, so it's bad now? Anytime things are carbonated with yeast, it'll contain some alcohol, so that small amount is bad?
    Something about this doesn't seem right. What about populations that drink wine with meals?

  13. A lot of hypocrisy in these companies. Support breast cancer fight but yet they directly contribute to the issue.

  14. Dr. Serna with North Cypress Wellness Team center just gave a great Plant-based presentation! Thanks for your progress and education information in a better life choice!

  15. THIS IS TOTALLY NEW NEWS TO ME! I went 100% plant based in 2013…but still drink alcohol moderately…Thinking very hard about avoiding alcohol completely now.

    THANK YOU Dr. Gregor & Nutritionfacts team!

  16. My dad died of colon cancer at 71. He drunk more than he should, but with the news telling him that a drink would lower cholesterol. I knew that the whole lower the cholesterol was bullshit but I couldn't reason with him. My mom smoked for 50 years she died from COPD. There is definitely a link between what we put in our bodies and our health. We need to drill that into people when they are kids.

  17. Another reason to avoid alcohol: It's regulated by the ATF, not the FDA. They're not required to disclose ingredients and often keep them secret, citing 'trade secrets.' You can't ever really know what's in your beer, whiskey, or wine, and yeah, they do put animal products in beer.

  18. I have never had so much as a drop of alcohol in my life. I made the decision as a kid that I was never going to touch the stuff and have stuck with that decision into adulthood. I have no self control so I know that if I did start drinking I would never stop. Anything that makes me feel good, I overdo. What you don't know, you don't know, which is probably best when it comes to how alcohol makes you feel, for me.

    I grew up in a household where alcohol was mostly frowned upon. My Dad rarely drank, only the occasional "nip" as he would say. My Mom doesn't drink and she can count on 1 hand the drinks she has consumed in her long lifetime. So this probably had some influence in my decision not to drink. That and I'm also a product of Nancy Reagan's just say no school programs, which did also have influence in my decision.

    After seeing this vid, I have no regrets in my decision.

  19. I don't get it, why is the number low if there are so many heavy drinkers in the world. Everyone I know self medicates with alcohol, it's like they assume it's safe because everyone's doing it. And I guess if most people are trying to escape, blow off steam and improve their confidence then what other option do they have apart from taking Adderall or illegal drugs, I mean who doesn't want these things this day and age right?

  20. The mycotoxins and aflatoxins in beer can. Mold toxins are also in peanuts, beans, corn, dried fruits, nuts, grains, dates, prunes, bread….

  21. The mouth cancer is from consumption or just exposure? Do we have to worry about mouth wash? Many ENT surgeons already think there may be a link between oral cancer and whiteners…This form of cancer is on the rise here in the US and we have the whitest teeth in the world…..Excessive x-rays at the dentist probably don't help either.

  22. Can you address the link between Blue Zone centenarians and moderate, regular alcohol consumption?

  23. Good piece…I have about a big glass of wine a night, never touch hard liquor, eat hardly any meat and a lot of fiber and green (kale, spinach, peas, beans, etc). Work out 3 times weekly (moderate weights), walk each day, keep the stress managed.

    No worries…big change from years back with higher stress jobs.

  24. God, is there anything we can eat or drink that tastes good that is bad for us. No meat, dairy, eggs, oil, simple sugars and now alcohol… Depressing as shit.

  25. Isn't acetaldehyde which is the product of the breakdown of ethanol in our body the one that causes cancer? Acetaldehyde is a DNA damaging compound. Many microbes produce acetaldehyde from ethanol, but are not all capable of doing this so well. SO! As a lot of people, like me, love their fermented foods such as tempeh, kimchi, miso, kombucha, sourdough bread, I ask this question to you Dr. Gregger:
    Do fermented foods contain acetaldehyde and should we avoid them?

  26. Alcohol is still the holy grail of our society – it can't be questioned. I loath the alcohol culture here in the UK, and specifically if you're an adult, especially if you're a young one, you're expected to consume alcohol. It's even worse if you're a man. I wonder if people consumed green tea as much as they did alcohol and what would be the healthy consequences if we could only get over our immaturity.

  27. Dr Greger can you please conduct a study for alcohol consumer with tea consumers? You could do all sorts of teas, herbal drinks and alcohol beverages. Would be really interesting to see it!

  28. You cant really call him unbiased. Hes selling a product and has a clear agenda. The study he uses are just as cherry picked as those used by industry. Now I happen to trust Dr. McGreggor more than most, but its foolish to say he' unbiased. There are a few large systematic reviews (+/- meta-analyses) that contradict these findings, yet those were not addressed. Loosing faith in the otherwise good message

  29. Most helpful and germane for myself personally. I have been considering quitting all consumption of beer and wine. Both of which I enjoyed, but do not need. This appears to personally be the final straw. Clarification is most certainly lacking in the world in general. Thank you sir for clarifying.

  30. What if the all snacks (meats) used with alcohol causes cancer. I don't get it, how this study was done?Because people who consume alcohol also consumes much of unhealthy foods too.

  31. In our small town everyone knows which doctors are basically always drunk, and who just drinks "normally" like everyone else. Alcoholism is not a secret, it's the status quo.

  32. It's all about balance. You can never know how much life you have. Should you avoid everything in life that is risky to "maybe" extend your life span?

  33. Not a convincing video. One of the studies shown cited an inverse relationship between alcohol and some cancers. I could read it in the study you showed on the screen but I know you dared not mention it. Need more hard science to describe how exactly alcohol cause cancer.

  34. I was a weekend drinker i would have these horrible gastritis attacks after a weekend. I never knew why. I haven't drank in years Now plantbased. Haven't had an episode since.

  35. I've gotten my food choices under control and have eaten a low fat mostly unprocessed plant based diet for almost 5 years. But, I often drink like a fish. With several friends & family members currently being treated for different forms of cancer, it's time for me to grow the f up and stop drinking.

  36. That’s why Islam forbids alcohol and any drug cause allah says whatever makes u drunk in small amount it’s haram in any amount

  37. Thank you. Respect to you and also to Dr Matthew Walker for having the integrity to say it like it is: "The annoying advice of abstinence is the best, and most honest, I can offer."

  38. My Gynecologist told me flat out without even mentioning it myself that right now, alcohol is my biggest cancer risk. As a regular/weekly drinker, it made me want to quit for good. After getting covid, now I really want to quit. It's not worth it for my health. 😂

  39. I stopped drinking over three years ago and haven’t looked back. I don’t miss it, or the horrible headaches it gave me, one bit! My body is a temple.

  40. A plant based diet may help be a cure to alcoholism (study needed!) I used to drink a bottle of wine every night (for 12 years) but when I went plant based .. I couldn’t tolerate even half a bottle.

  41. Don’t even get close to Alcohol.

    Your body is a precious treasure, entrusted to you by God, take care of it.

    Don’t let these drunk alcohol industry lobbyists override your common sense.

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