L'aroma di fumo liquido è cancerogeno?

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DESCRIZIONE: Diverse marche di aromatizzanti di affumicatura liquidi sono state testate per il potenziale dannoso del DNA, p53 attivazione e livelli di cancerogeni noti. Sono stati testati anche cibi affumicati come prosciutto, tacchino, pollo al barbecue, aringhe e salmone.

Ho già accennato a quelle sostanze cancerogene della carne cotta. In Estrogenic Cooked Meat Carcinogens (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/estrogenic-cooked-meat-carcinogens/) ho esplorato il ruolo di queste sostanze chimiche a base di carne cotta nella crescita del tumore. PhIP: The Three Strikes Breast Cancerogeno (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/phip-the-three-strikes-breast-carcinogen/) hanno esplorato il loro ruolo nell'invasione del cancro. Ridurre il rischio di cancro nei mangiatori di carne (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/reducing-cancer-risk-in-meateaters/) offerto alcune strategie di mediazione. Ammine eterocicliche in uova, formaggio e creatina? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/heterocyclic-amines-in-eggs-cheese-and-creatine) ha mostrato come anche i vegetariani possono essere a rischio e Cancer, Interrupted: Green Tea (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cancer-interrupted-green-tea/) e Cancer, Interrupted: Garlic & Flavonoids (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/cancer-interrupted-garlic-flavonoids/ ) ha esplorato alcune contromisure. <br/> Alcuni di questi composti possono destare preoccupazione anche se non si mangia loro. Vedi Fumi di carne: fumo passivo dietetico (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/meat-fumes-dietary-secondhand-smoke/). Anche l'odore della pancetta fritta può essere cancerogeno: agenti cancerogeni nell'odore della pancetta fritta (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/carcinogens-in- l'odore-di-pancetta-fritta/).

Alcuni alimenti vegetali esposti a temperature elevate possono anche presentare una preoccupazione. Vedi Il tè Yerba Mate fa male? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-yerba-mate-tea-bad-for-you/) e acrilammide nelle patatine fritte (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/acrylamide-in-french-fries-2 /). E gli agenti cancerogeni nel caffè tostato? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/carcinogens-in-roasted-coffee/) .
La storia del potenziamento degli enzimi epatici dei broccoli è trattata in The Best Detox (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-detox/).

Hai una domanda per il Dr. Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-liquid-smoke-flavoring-cancerogenic/ e cercherà di rispondere!

Credito immagine: kaibara380, afiler, alex.schultz, un'altra pinta per favore, beeJim580, joshbosel, Lynn Friedman e JaBB tramite flickr; Icons Etc, MichaelPhilip, Allstarecho e-sigaretta, Richard Wheeler (Zephyris) e Natasha tramite Clker.com.

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49 Risposte a “L'aroma di fumo liquido è cancerogeno?”

  1. This guy wants to act like added chemical are only in meat…because he is a VEGAN NAZI…truth is we eat more breads, grains, than any other type of food …care to  know what is commercial bread, pasta, rice and crackers?.. come on folks  stop all this bickering and fads….  you think no artificial flavorings and preservatives are in the tofu pork chops you just wolfed down, or in that cup  of yogurt…? amazing …stupidity

  2. Here's an idea for ya… go see the BBQ Boys on YouTube…pop open a beer…and you will be back in health very soon… these vegans do not know how to party. or eat.

  3. Still in the industry, liquid smoke is used directly in conjunction with baking, such as baking ham with liquid smoke, so I don't think it's much of a problem-Like saying chicken is toxic because if uncooked it can harm you. 

  4. This is none other than fear mungering. I suppose you also rail against the danger of charcoal, burnt toast and burnt steak -(just the way I like it)! Add the danger of single malt whiskey, butter, salt and all things good and tasty and you end up with an atheist! I would rather thank my creator for good food and enjoy it based upon a grounded confidence in his divine promises! 

  5. Doc, the old way of making liquid smoke was to run water over a shell device (for lack of a better word) while wood was burning or smoking. They wanted that smoke flavor in the water so it was constantly pumped so the water would put more smoke particles in the water. Nowadays chemicals are used to put the flavor in the liquid. It's cost effective and such. Remember, it's USDA approved, both the old and new way. Ever drink a beer or some other alcoholic beverage? I'll bet you have at your Dr. parties. One beer kills a million brain cells and that could also effect the DNA. I'll also bet you've taken a vacation and enjoyed the sunshine. Hmmmm, that could produce cancer. Which is worse, a little liquid smoke every now and then or a daily dose of sun and one of those drinks you have when you come home or go to a dinner party?

  6. i just wanna eat want I want and not have anxiety about wtf kind of toxins are in it and if I'm gonna get cancer or lose brain cells just for eating a fucking sandwich and shit. ughgghgbrrrff! I'll just move on to videos aboutGMO's and chemicals in veggies

  7. So what I make of this is… Liquid smoke is safe when compared with the carcinogens that we know about today. As far as the ones we don't know about, who knows ?

    Am I getting this right ?

  8. Clean wood (meaning no wood treated with chemicals) does burn slightly dirty. Ash and carbon dioxide are released, but there's a chiminey to vent. However, there are reasons why some trees are not used for smokeing food. Pine, for instance, is great for starting a fire… but you DO NOT smoke food with an Evergreen. Liquid smoke (in it's natural form) is water, in the form of steam, infused with wood smoke. So, sitting around a camp fire may be more harmful than a tiny dash of liquid smoke in your braising liquid.

  9. Yadda yadda yadda cancer in everything…… food, sunshine, tooth paste, mouth wash, breathing, living, just…fucking wow. I think we need a new batch of rats to experiment with.

  10. For us laymen folk, it would be helpful if you could reiterate your conclusion about the topic and maybe go into a little more detail about some of the obvious questions.

    1) I'm guessing by what you said, liquid smoke is fine as long as the product was made without any fat?
    2) will we be able to determine if it is water or fat processed just by looking at the label?
    3) what's gonna be the difference between 'natural' liquid smoke, and…not natural??
    Thanks for the video 👍🌱

  11. I was happy to see that I could use liquid smoke safely, only to see another favorite item of mine, smoked salmon on the top of the graph at the end hahaha

  12. Lol everything causes cancer !! Corporations are required to add cancer causing ingredients to food to reduce the population via FDA mandate ha ha!! LOOK at cancer rates among Amish People. Almost none!!! They don't eat the junk we do!!

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