L'autismo è davvero in aumento?

Prima di speculare sul motivo dell'aumento “esplosivo” dell'autismo, bisogna assicurarsi che l'esplosione sia reale.

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Questo è un concetto importante. Quando parliamo della prevalenza o dell'incidenza della malattia, stiamo parlando della prevalenza o dell'incidenza della diagnosi, e quindi se i criteri cambiano, o se guardiamo più attentamente, ciò potrebbe creare cambiamenti artefatti nei tassi di malattia.

Restate sintonizzati per il mio prossimo video: Il ruolo dei pesticidi e dell'inquinamento nell'autismo (http://nutritionfacts.org /video/The-Role-of-Pesticides-and-Pollution-in-Autism) e se vi siete persi qualcuno dei miei più vecchi sulla prevenzione e il trattamento dell'ASD con la dieta (per coloro che sono interessati a prevenire e curare: sono ben consapevole che non tutti lo sono!), vedere <br/> • I benefici della febbre per l'autismo in un alimento ( http://nutritionfacts .org/video/fever-benefits-for-autism-in-food)
• Combattere l'infiammazione cerebrale causata dall'autismo con il cibo (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Fighting-Autism-Brain-Inflammation-with-Food)
• Migliori alimenti per Autismo (
• Autismo e caseina dal latte di mucca (
• Il latte A2 comporta meno rischi di autismo? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Does-A2-Milk-Carry-Less-Autism-Risk)
• Diete senza glutine e senza caseina per l'autismo messe alla prova (
http://nutritionfacts.org/video /Diete-senza-glutine-senza-caseina-per-l-autismo-messe-alla-prova)
• I benefici della dieta per l'autismo sono solo un effetto placebo ? (
• Studio clinico in doppio cieco sulla dieta per l'autismo (http://nutritionfacts.org/ video/Trial-clinico-in-doppio-cieco-della-dieta-per-l-autismo)
• Pro e contro delle diete prive di glutine e caseina per Autismo (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Pros-and-Cons-of-Gluten-Free-Casein-Free-Diets- per-autismo)

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81 Risposte a “L'autismo è davvero in aumento?”

  1. Is the "starch solution" (low protein low fat high carb wholefoods diet) still good for musclebuilding? Random question but would love a video on protein and muscle building and whether its all a myth! xx

    BTW THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO! Seriously one of my heroes xxx

  2. Is John McDougal diet the starch solution good I really like rice beans and potatoes and eating vegetables and fruits sounds fun but idk it it’s a better diet than dr Gregors daily dozen

  3. I'm autist i'm not sure why you would want to cure autism, it's like trying to cure black skin, masculinity or gender orientation. What we just need is to educate people, we have a lot of to give to neurotypical.

  4. If we continue to pursue this line of reasoning, we'll discover that autism is actually quite normal.  We just had no good metric for what normal is.

  5. I still believe my Son's Autism was due to vaccines my wife received while going through the immigration process to receive her green card. We didn't know she was pregnant at the time. When I asked the Dr's if that would affect the baby in any way they simply didn't know. Several of those vaccines like the MMR plus others she did receive even she was only about 4 weeks pregnant. I believe this was the main factor in my Son's particular case.

  6. If it was purely an issue of diagnosis
    Bajillions of 50-70 year olds would now be getting diagnosed as autistic
    This is not happening.

    People who are in a rush to say anti vaxxers are all insane and "hurr hurr we are so clever and superior to them of COURSE the vaccines don't cause autism" had better come up with a better theory before they start spouting.

    I find such people are the types who literally believe everything their government tells them.

  7. Alas, this series shall call forth the anti-science trolls, and by the looks of it, the cohort of them that intersects with online misogynists. But, what fun! : ( TFP, I guess

  8. It's real. If it was only a matter of diagnosis, the number of autistic children and autistic adults would be similar, as the adults can now be diagnosed correctly.

  9. Autism along with many many other horrible disease are caused by dairy consumption with sky rocketed last 50 years . This is purely my guess although it is factually true that dairy consumption went up at same time as reported autism cases . Drink cow milk is the very worst thing to do to a human body …..my 2 bananas only …..

  10. no long term inert placebo double blind studies done on ANY vaccine- del bigtree, highwire – science is on our side- oh i forgot, there must be a group of angels at these big pharma corps creating vaccines- same corps that want everyone on pills their whole lives and not in control of their own good health

  11. You kinda glossed over an important bit… They changed / broadened the diagnostic criteria for Autism into a spectrum disorder (in the late 80's / early 90's — DSM IV or DSM V, I don't recall which.)

    Published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is used to diagnose mental and behavioral conditions.

  12. We will never know because mainstream doctors and scientist are afraid to debate other doctors and scientist with different points of view. Makes me suspicious

  13. I think some people take their undisciplined kids to a doctor and they end up labeling them with ADHD or some form of autism since the spectrum is so wide. Sadly I see this A LOT, and parents blindly give their children the medications. I've also seen children with autism get the right diagnosis and do great however. I think parents should seek out other opinions before labeling their kid as autistic / adhd. Discipline would also be good when necessary.

  14. so are triplets, *all becoming autistic within hours of their pneumococcal vaccine*, the result of genetics, internet myths, bad luck or maybe because of the neurotoxins in the vaccine?

    watch the actual documentary, "Vaxxed", to see some of the horror these parents go thru every day because of the VACCINE.


  15. I understand why dr. Greger is pro-vaccine. The reigning scientific literature states that vaccines are perfectly safe and effective. However, those of us who have done a great deal of research on both sides of the issue know that a lot of peer-reviewed papers, and I mean peer-reviewed appearing in peer reviewed journals, were dismissed because their findings were not in favor of vaccines. So they were taken out of those peer reviewed journals and bullied by the CDC until both the researchers and the journals rescinded the research. There are several papers that were treated as such, including the only trial ever done of vaccinated kids versus unvaccinated kids concerning neurological well-being. So, again, dr. Greger looks at mainstream research, so I don't fault him, but I do wish that as a doctor and a vegan, he would dig a little deeper. I believe he's against animal testing, and yet he supports vaccines that are made of animal parts and human fetal tissue.

  16. The comments are full of people jumping the gun with their wild speculations. Mind you, the drip-feeding of this as a series is not helpful.

  17. It’s these god damn globalist elite psychic vampiric child molesters that are using vaccines to impair our children and inevitably going to destroy all human race except for the ELITE that are going to upload their consciousness into organic computer systems allowing inter dimensional demons to pass through our plane of existence and then the elite become gods. STAY WOKE

  18. Hello doctor i have a question i saw in one of your videos that maple syrup has no antioxidants but i have also seen that pure maple syrup has 63 total different antioxidants so i am confused

  19. I hope this gets to Dr Gregor. Please check out TTAV – the truth about Vaccines a 7 part Docu-series. It’s free on YouTube. 16 doctors give their various perspectives on corruption, bad or plainly deceiving science and true replicated research. And yes autism is mentioned and real science revealed about it. Thanks!

  20. Please watch Vaxxed! It's a documentary with some undercover work on the link between vaccines and Autism. And of course, big Pharma has its hands in this. Very eye opening!
    I highly encourage ALL to watch.

  21. It's deeply offensive to say that autistic people should be prevented from existing. Most of the problems autistic people experience are due to having to live in a world which is mostly run by and for neurotypicals.

  22. Really on the rise!  I have read some 7000% increase since the 1900s.  That's REALLY on the Rise there Dr. G!! .. I can't believe your title really I can't…

  23. Where are all the 70 year old autistics? Dr Greger swings and misses again. This video is almost as laughable as his one on chocolate as a solution for chronic fatigue syndrome.

  24. Depends… Are vaccines and artificial drugs on a rise?
    Nature has all the medicine we need. Ask Native Americans, they watched animals and learned from them and created thier own with herbs which is natures medicine. Soon as the white man created a lab and artificialized nature is when shit fucked up and went down hill. You must work one with nature not trying to "do better" than a living organism far older and more intelligent than you thats been perfecting life since the beginning.

  25. The criterias have widen and at the same time society is getting more and more 'elit' where less types of people are welcome and seen as ordinary people, which means making very little room for anyone not perfectly folded to these standards.

  26. There cause is the "explosive increase" in GMO products, and glyphosate. They (GMO's) change our DNA, making US genetically modified, in turn, our bodies are unable to maintain homeostastis like it was designed to do. This leads to inbalances in the gut, where many (who knows-this is understudied) brain chemicles are created, like seratonin. Hence, we have an explosion of Autism, and Depression, unlike anything we've ever seen. Time after time when the gut bacteria are brought back into proper balance, brain disorders, like Autism and Depression simply go away!!!

  27. To say that they weren't diagnosing it because they weren't looking hard enough is dismissive and not provable and therefore not science..what we do know is that there has been an epidemic rise of autism along with a commensurate rise in frequency and number of vaccines administered.. it may not be causation, but the rule is "FIRST Do no harm"..

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