60 Risposte a “Le cellule cerebrali del Dr. Greger (Nutritionfacts.org)”

  1. As incompetent as Greger is, I give him credit for not removing the comments that make him look "seelly", unlike his disciples such as Earl and the Dustman do.

  2. What's his reason for always being on a treadmill while recording these videos?
    Has he ever mentioned that? 🤔

  3. He's the one who says we're fruitarian even though the study he often cited literally says we evolved eating meat and insects but supplement with fruit. It says that right after the fruitarian part. There's something wrong with him, I don't know what it is but his brain isn't right. Nobody can tell me he's stable.

  4. It's funny when ppl on HCLF boast that they can eat thousands and thousands of calories and not gain weight. But excess calories are excess calories. Where do they think all the extra carbs go? The body converts any excess of calories (be it fat or carbs) into triglycerides (fat).
    Not to mention that besides causing high trigs, overeating in general is the #1 cause of oxidative damage. Could their gluttonous overeating perhaps also contribute to vegans' faster aging? After all, I doubt you could eat a low calorie diet while balancing all your micronutrient needs as a vegan.
    Btw caloric restriction is pretty well documented as a health strategy, and from what I've seen, most blue zones consume under 2000 calories a day, especially Okinawans.

  5. Jajajajaja jajajajaja to aaaaaa to aaaaaaa me río por no llorar. Porque realmente es triste. Es como si un oso carnívoro dijese yo quiero ser vegano como los osos panda, así que comeré solo bambú. Cada oso es distinto, un oso panda no puede hibernar porque no puede almacenar grasa, aún así algunos veganos se obsesionan con que todos los humanos podemos alimentarnos de la misma manera, tengo la teoría que al igual que los osos, y los monos (algunas razas de monos son veganas mientras otras razas son carnívoras) con los humanos pasa igual, algunos humanos pueden ser veganos y otros no, quizás según el grupo sanguíneo u otros factores como la capacidad de absorber y convertir ciertos nutrientes.


  7. Give him props for being able to walk on a treadmill and not running out of breath. For a vegan man that is quite an accomplishment. Btw, when I first looked at the thumbnail I seriously thought he was wearing a safari hat there.

  8. This one is walking, the other one jumps on a trampoline, another one obsessively touches her hair and face while filming, I mean, are you alright?!?

  9. Apart from Dr. Bobblehead’s mumbling answer, the thing that gets me is that he can’t get through a sentence without being just plain wrong.

    Triglycerides are repackaged sugar, bundled by the liver for export.

    Standard levels for most routine blood tests use an average determined by population data. The obvious flaw in this is that our population is mostly overweight and hyperinsulinemic, so the standard ranges are skewed.

    LDL is meaningless to health.

    Early morning is a bad time to get a glucose test because the Dawn Phenomenon will skew the results higher than normal. This isn’t an illness, it’s a physiologic pattern in all mammals that prepares them for their waking period, but it can make you seem ill on a blood test when you aren’t.

  10. You know, maybe if this guy sat the eff down instead of walking on a treadmill while talking to people, his mind would be clear and he could answer questions. Is this some kind of narcissist thing where they have to show everyone how superior they are by exercising every moment or doing 2 things at once instead of attending to the matter at hand? I can't believe this guy is 20 years younger than I am. He looks awful.

  11. I think he's got some illness with tremors n hides ut by being on the treadmill, he's very restless, unfocused

  12. People are right, his restlessness is vegan neurotic behaviour for the lack of nutrients. In my worse as vegan I was like this. We get weirder and start to build an anxiety.

  13. We're watching these vegans inevitably circle the drain in 4K Real Time, and the majority of them had the advantage of growing up with eggs, dairy, and/or meat, which literally gave them the ability to survive their ideological malnutrition. This should call into question the vegan diet for kids, especially the ones from vegan pregnancies

  14. He can't talk, walk and think on his treadmill at same time; too challenging. Quinoa contains saponins that are a poison and have to be rinsed about 5 times off the grain before it's cooked. That could be why it made you feel bad. Some companies pre-rinse their quinoa, but some do not. The plant produces saponins to prevent birds from eating it's seeds.

  15. Not Dr. Greger just proved in one small video why he's "not Dr. Greger." If he had been a practicing doctor, he'd never utter that bs or even promote a vegan.

  16. If you study cultures where vegetarianism is traditional (or fasting), there is always a form of traditional medicine or herbalism that is used to supplement the diet so this doesnt happen. Hindus have Ayurveda, Chinese (where they are vegetarian) have specific herbal medicine regimes, etc. But I bet he thinks that is "quackery". Goji berries, reishi, and Gotu Kola would do him a world of wonder here.

  17. Today i visited a farm that allows people to come see the animals. There was a goat that had an eye infection, its eyes looked all pink like this guys eyes. Thinking about it, he even sounds like a goat.

  18. Quinoa is very high in oxalates. No bueno.
    A vegan diet, or any diet high in carbs will be high in triglycerides. Low LDL is associated with increased risk of all cause mortality. Vegan doctors are about 25 years behind in research concerning cholesterol.

  19. Ten years ago dr Greger's speech was much more fluent, there was not a single "uh" or "um" coming from him as evident in a video titled "Eggs vs cigarettes in atherosclerosis". There is an article on the net by him (the same site as here, Nutrition facts) and a link to that video. The picture used in that video is utterly disgusting. A cigarette stub placed in the middle of a runny egg yolk. If someone is easily manipulated the info in the article/video that egg consumption damages the arteries as much as smoking does or even the picture alone can put them off ever eating eggs again. The channel, No Carb life did a reaction video to dr Greger's statements, supposedly backed by science and someone in the comments wrote: Eggs can kill. My grandfather ate 6 eggs a day and it killed him at the age of 97.

  20. No one should listen to a doctor who looks unhealthy & is contradictory. Dr Berry & Dr Cywes look healthy and are positively consistent.

  21. Greger is clearly in the end stages of vegan disease. I would prescribe a big fat burger to cure his brain shrinkage,.

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