Le mucche stanno uccidendo il nostro pianeta! (Ma non è colpa loro) – Mangiando la nostra strada verso l'estinzione

Le mucche stanno uccidendo il nostro pianeta (ma è solo perché le abbiamo allevate in primo luogo)

Questa clip di “Eating Our Way To Extinction” mostra quanto il metano sia dannoso per il nostro pianeta.

EATING OUR WAY TO EXTINCTION coinvolge il pubblico un viaggio cinematografico intorno al mondo, dalle profondità delle foreste pluviali amazzoniche alle montagne taiwanesi, al deserto mongolo, al Dust Bowl degli Stati Uniti, ai fiordi norvegesi e alle coste scozzesi, raccontando la storia del nostro pianeta attraverso testimonianze scioccanti, racconti toccanti di indigeni persone più colpite dal nostro pianeta in continua evoluzione, figure di fama mondiale e scienziati di spicco. Questo potente documentario invia un messaggio semplice ma di grande impatto scoprendo verità dure e affrontando, sul grande schermo, il problema più urgente della nostra generazione: il collasso ecologico.<br/>
Scopri di più sul documentario:

Guarda il documentario completo qui: https://youtu.be/LaPge01NQTQ

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49 Risposte a “Le mucche stanno uccidendo il nostro pianeta! (Ma non è colpa loro) – Mangiando la nostra strada verso l'estinzione”

  1. It is just not cows, but other animals like sheep, goats etc and very importantly dependence of animals and livestock for food

  2. If you wanna look to something to save our planet maybe you should start with yourself and how much you waste and how much you use that you don’t need to use and how much you buy that you don’t need to buy cows are here to eat sleep give us milk and give us meat
    God made them….unless of course God is wrong

  3. Animal agriculture is horrible for the environment. Humans also give off Methane also apparently. It would be a good thing to control human population as well.

  4. Forget CO2 and methane. They are red herrings. People in the vegan community should already be aware of conspiracies in the upper echelons of government, be it Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission, WEF, Davos, and their literally Satanic proclivities like Bohemian Grove, etc. The government of the modern world are not here to help. Just like the military, CIA, FBI, FDA, CDC, these agencies have been either infiltrated or were created in the first place to establish a veneer of lies to insulate them with the truth, from the public being engulfed in a carefully crafted narrative of deceit.
    Climate science is the same. It’s literally right there in white papers from the 70s, that climate change could be a useful tool to create fear among the general public, and to aid in their ulterior agendas to achieve a one world government. Yes climate change is real, but one need only look at stratospheric aerosol injections, changing longterm sun cycles, and some of the more hardcore chemical pollutants released into the air to see that methane and CO2 are not at fault. The channel Suspicious Observers details this side of the story in tremendous detail with strict scientific rigor.
    The real story is actual pollution. Shifting the blame to these greenhouse gas emissions is their method of controlling the narrative, ultimately leading to CO2 tax credits and exacting ever more control over you, dictating what you can and cannot do. Don’t make the mistake of trusting these people just because they are now pushing for reductions in meat consumption. They have an ulterior agenda for that as well. One need only look at Codex Alimentarius for that. Look up to the raw vegan community – you never see them falling for these traps.

  5. since methane has an atmospheric lifetime of 8.4 years, its potency is relatively short-lived. in addition, termites are responsible for 12-15 times more methane emissions so methane production by cows is not severe enough to qualify as "killing our planet". bloody panickers …

  6. Sorry but cows do NOT kill the planet, that is absurd!!! I eat a plant based diet, not because I want to help “save” the planet, I do it for health reasons. Read the Bible because it will clear up your misguided way of thinking! The Bible goes into detail in telling you what will happen in the end days and it sure as heck isn’t cows or other animals that will do away with earth‼️I don’t like how animals are treated that are factory raised for human consumption, it is cruel and inhumane, but to say that the planet is dying because of cows and other animals is the craziest thing I have ever heard!!!

  7. The cowards who blame carbon dioxide for a root cause of climate disaster do it so to not infuriate moronic, stupefied corpse-eaters hordes, cow's lactation and bird's menstruation products addicts. It's much easier to incriminate cars, planes, combustion of coal, propane-butane for all the world's evil, isn't it? Even if we immediately quit carbon dioxide emission completely, but do not stop breed cattle, pigs, poultry, we shall kill ourselves anyway! Game over!

  8. I can see the film maker passing out with the methane and 2 in every 5 women in UK deficient in Iron .Vegans not happy with babies dying they want to kill mothers too

  9. I can't stand the stupidity our world allows day in and day out, year after year! In the US they don't even give livestock water and the heat is unbelievable bad! It is beyond messed up 🥺😥😤😡😠🤬😈☠️

  10. Great clip thanks for sharing. Taste VS animal cruelty, forest destruction, climate change, water pollution, biodiversity loss, disease etc…

  11. The agenda of the elitists is to control the masses. They are contaminating our foods with chemicals, lace our water with fluoride, fill our air with toxic nano particles, and pollute our land with glyphosate.
    They are not concerned about the environment. Their agenda is clear. Their goal is to decrease the population. Their agenda is to eliminate meat consumption and the next elimination is fruits and vegetables. They want the masses to eat insects or foods they choose. They want you to own nothing and be happy. While they fly in their jets and live extravagantly.
    Their push for clean energy is a facade they want you to believe while the kill us with poison and viruses. They have no use for the human race when they have AI. Wake up people!

  12. I'm just waiting for the animal agriculture industry's response-which as we all know will be complete nonsense.What does surprise me though in the comments section of many of the vegan channels are the comments of meat and dairy eaters-but why are they here?Shouldn't they be commenting on something like a barbecue channel?

  13. Cows will start a mass die off because of the heat, lack of food, and lack of water. Cows drink up to 25 times more water than a human being. They are drinking all of our fresh water and polluting the streams with nitrogen rich urine.

  14. Okay, cows belch methane. But, don’t cows & pigs both fart methane too? Don’t most larger mammals fart, and/or belch, a lot of methane? That would mean that large farm animals are probably putting out a good deal more methane than what we see in this video. 🤷🏻‍♀️💜🐖💨🐖💜🤷🏻

  15. Geo engineering is #1 planet killer not the only . Search Dane wigington expose illegal toxic geo engineering

  16. so the most nutritious food on the earrh you ppl hate? sorry. crop agriculture, anything ran off crude oil(from refineries, cars, planes, and more), and industrial sites for common goods/trade/infrastructure is way worse for the environment than cows. it is funny how vegans hate cows, but yet support the horrible crop agriculture. lol. the mass majority of livestock feed comes from waste created from crop waste use directly for humans. thanks vegans. your food waste is my foods feed.

  17. Vegans are said to emit 60% more methane gas than meat eaters because of their diet and are therefore among the main causes of the greenhouse effect

  18. Actually, the earth isn't one of the planet….it isnt in the sky, doesnt move, isnt a heavenly body…not sure why anyone says its one of the planets.

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