L'efficacia e la sicurezza della creatina per l'alta omocisteina

Chi segue una dieta sana a base vegetale con livelli elevati di omocisteina nonostante l'assunzione di vitamina B sufficiente12 potrebbe voler prendere in considerazione l'assunzione di un grammo al giorno di creatina priva di contaminanti.

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Questo conclude la mia serie sul rischio di ictus. Se vi siete persi qualcuno dei video, eccoli qui:
• Cosa mangiare per prevenire l'ictus (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/what- da mangiare per prevenire l'ictus)<br/> • Cosa non mangiare per prevenire l'ictus (http ://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-not-to-eat-for-stroke-prevention)
• I vegetariani hanno davvero un rischio di ictus maggiore? (
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: vitamina D? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-vitamina-d)
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: Omega 3? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-omega-3s)
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: cibo spazzatura vegano? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-vegan-junk-food)
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: grassi saturi? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-saturo-grasso)
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: proteine ​​animali? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-animal-protein)
• Vegetariani e fattori di rischio di ictus: vitamina B000 & Omocisteina? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarians-and-stroke-risk-factors-vitamina-b000-e-omocisteina)
• Come testare la vitamina B funzionale12 Carenza (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-to-test-for-functional- vitamina-b12-carenza)
• I vegetariani dovrebbero assumere creatina per normalizzare l'omocisteina? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/should-vegetarians-take-creatine-to-normalize-homocysteine)
• L'efficacia e la sicurezza della creatina per l'alta omocisteina (http:/ /nutritionfacts.org/video/the-efficacia-and-safety-of-creatine-for-high-homocysteine)

Ora presumo che quasi tutti quelli che stanno prendendo il loro B avrà livelli di omocisteina normali, quindi questi ultimi due video sono solo per le rare persone che non lo fanno, ma per coloro che seguono una dieta vegetale sana con livelli di omocisteina elevati nonostante assumano una quantità sufficiente di vitamina B 12 dovrebbe prendere in considerazione l'assunzione di un grammo al giorno di creatina priva di contaminanti ( che sarebbe circa un quarto di cucchiaino).

OK, quindi dove prendi la creatina senza contaminanti? Non puoi fare affidamento sui produttori di integratori qualunque cosa dicano, dal momento che il regolamento è così permissivo, quindi consiglierei di rivolgerti direttamente ai fornitori di prodotti chimici che lo vendono ai laboratori e garantiscono una certa purezza. Ecco alcuni esempi di alcune delle più grandi aziende in ordine alfabetico in cui è possibile ottenere creatina non adulterata:
• Alfa Aesar (https://www.alfa.com/en/catalog/B25009/)
• Fisher Scientific (https://www.fishersci.com/shop/products/creatine-monoidrato–acros-organics-3/AC226790250)
• Sigma-Aldrich ( https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/sigma/c3630?lang=en&region=US)/>• TCI America (https://www.tcichemicals.com/eshop/en/us/commodity/C0396/)

Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-efficacy-and-safety-of-creatine-for-high-homocysteine and someone on the NutritionFacts.org team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-efficacy-and-safety-of-creatine-for-high-homocysteine. You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

If you’d rather watch these videos on YouTube, subscribe to my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=nutritionfactsorg/>
Grazie per la visione. Spero che ti unirai al rivoluzione della nutrizione basata sull'evidenza!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-efficacy-and-safety-of-creatine-for-high-homocysteine and someone on the NutritionFacts.org team will try to answer it.

Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-efficacy-and-safety-of-creatine-for-high-homocysteine. You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics.

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84 Risposte a “L'efficacia e la sicurezza della creatina per l'alta omocisteina”

  1. Is it alright for someone who is lifting weights and is plant-based to take creatine, which boosts athletic performance? Or are there any potential drawbacks that one should be considered about regarding creatine supplementation?

  2. Great series! Glad to watch it to the end. When researching for potential side effects of B12 I found some studies that reported higher incidence of pulmonary cancer in men taking high doses of this vitamin.
    Could you adress this issue in a future video please?
    Thanks for all the content in here and elsewhere, it's been life changing for me.
    Greetings from Portugal

  3. Seems important for those who lift weights and would need to produce more creatine endogenously to keep up with the demand. Will definitely test my homocysteine levels.

  4. Greger seems to be supporting Ornish and Esselstyn's fake news about coronary artery disease reversal. kind of a puss move to dismiss Avi's claims but refuse to discuss with him

  5. Amazing Plant based content. I wonder though if you suffer from confirmation bias. As many of us are betting our lives on it….

  6. I get it that strength training isn’t Greger’s thing, but he’s way too cautious with creatine. It’s the best studied and safest supplement on record, and high quality manufacturers are easy to find. Just look for GMP certification and a well known third party testing certificate like informed sport and informed choice. Also the correct dosage is .045 grams per kilogram of body weight.

  7. Nootropics depot is the only supplement company I will ever buy from. They do all their own third party testing themselves, in-house. They have creatine and b12 supplements among so many others.

  8. I take creatine. Glad to hear it may help with homocysteine levels, but that's definitely not my swole reason for taking it. Or even the main reason. To be honest, I was swolely unaware of those benefits….untiiil now.

  9. Any diet that humans evolved to eat should not require supplementation. The science is pretty clear that we should be eating mainly fruit and veg, and that well over 95% of our calories should be plants. Probably it's closer to 99%. But 100%? I'm not convinced.

  10. I remember a video from years ago where Dr Gregor trashed creatine supplements and as someone who had been taking it for years I felt worried BUT I did not stop taking it because I also know he has a hate for bodybuilding. Now I he has reversed his position. Crazy how things work.

  11. …. until now 😎😎😎😎 We need Nutrition Fact T Shirts/ Hats/ mugs/ key rings with Dr McGregor’s top sayings, like if you agree 😅

  12. NO NO NO I say do NOT use the cyanocobalamin form of B12 – it can trigger painful arthritis. Yes it is stable and more easily absorbed. I do not know yet of any double blind, etc etc scientific studies that show that cyanocobalamin B12 (synthesized from a cyanide molecule) can cause problems in sensitive people. But it triggered painful gout in myself. Every time I took it, the next morning I woke up with a painful gout attack. Since I took the B12 every couple of weeks – the correlation was really obvious by the third time my gout was triggered. I’m guessing my reaction might be due to being older, and older kidneys not working efficiently to remove it. Please proceed cautiously with your B12 supplementation. If you decide to take cyanocobalamin anyway, please observe how your body reacts to it. You could try the cyanocobalamin B12 for a month and see if you develop joint soreness or painful arthritis. If so switch to the other forms of B12 and see if symptoms abate. Yes, my gout has been in remission since I quit taking cyanocobalamin.

  13. The thought has occurred to me that if you are already suffering the effects of too much meat consumption, then eliminating meats or drastically reducing them and then taking a creatine supplement might be beneficial. I have been taking the buffered kind by EFX. And it makes a major difference in my strength levels. I even read something that said creatine can help fight cancer by fueling immune cells.

  14. Hi Dr Gregor and Co,

    This is very interesting as a vegan. Glycine can apparantly also help to control homocysteine (3). I wonder if you could make a video on glycine as one of the rate limiting amino acids in creatine, collagen and glutathione synthesis (1)? This amino acid is quite low in western diets (1) and vegan foods, so I supplement it before bed for added sleep benefits (2).

    Some studies examine its health benefits (2) and I have seen evidence that creatine supplementation may interrupt methione restriction (4).

    (1) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12038-009-0100-9
    (2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5350494/
    (3) https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Suppression-of-Methionine-Induced-by-Glycine-and-in-Fukada-Shimada/7e358bc60d9d171c1b8b7e0ce700dfc77dd3747f
    (4) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4388453/

  15. Waiting for the day where he makes a series on building muscle mass. Eating habits, sleeping habits, performance boosting foods, etc.

  16. Cyanocobalamin does not exist in Nature. I take all 3 natural forms in one capsule – Methylcobalamin, Hydroxocobalamin und Adenosylcobalamin.

  17. I would wonder whether these vegetarian populations with elevated homocysteine levels were consistently engaged in resistance training? I'm still learning about this but it seems to be that there is less methylation available, due to excessive methylation during creatine synthesis, and couple this with B-vitamin(s) deficiency, and we have a higher likelihood of homocysteine levels. Interestingly, resistance training has been shown to potentially upregulate endogenous creatine synthesis yet reduce homocysteine levels. Also, betaine, found in whole grains and beets has been shown to act as a methyl donor and sustain adequate methylation to ensure normal homocysteine levels. So it appears to me we have a two-fold issue: A low compliance or adherence to a steady resistance training program and inconsistent vitamin B12 supplementation as well as perhaps holes in one's diet (not all plants are created equal via nutrient density). For example, refined grains have substantially lower levels of betaine compared to whole grains, thus we have less methyl donors available, and this is even more important in a vegetarian population due to increased metabolic burden of creatine synthesis as you put in the video.

  18. RED FLAG! As a WFPB for 10 years I was happy to hear that Creatine could lower my homocysteine levels. On the 3rd day of taking a gram of creatine a day, I had a GOUT flareup. I have never had gout before. I thought Vegans didn't have to worry about gout. It's very painful. You don't want it. Creatine is high in purines, and so is nutritional yeast, one of my favorite foods. Body builders complain of creatine triggering gout attacks. I have stopped taking these supplements. Just giving you a heads up.

  19. Oh shoot, going through all of these diet complications when plant agriculture slaughter billions of animals every year regardless. Ironically, the best way to save animals lives is to eat grass fed meat. How extremly ignorant.

  20. I thought I should share my experience, after seeing this video I had my homocysteine levels and B12 levels checked. My b12 was fine, but my homocysteine levels were high. Also my blood pressure was elevated. I started creatine about 2 weeks ago as of Wednesday my blood pressure seems to have normalized.

  21. I've been watching different videos on strokes. Dr. Greger says that you have to take a proper B12 supplement to prevent strokes. Having had 3 strokes, I'm concerned with what is considered to be a proper B12 supplement. Can you answer this Dr. Greger? I don't eat foods supplemented with B12 but I take some liquid B12 most days.

  22. Or……….just eat some meat. Say, 80% whole food plant based, 20% animal. Then perhaps we might not need either B12 or creatinine? Or indeed, DHA, iodine, or any other dodgey supplements or weird foods (flax seeds, sea vegetables etc.).

  23. Remember – a regular, reliable source of vit B 12 – the easiest method is 2000 mcg ( up to 2500 microgram) of a chewable B12 tablet ( cyanocobalamin is the most stable source of vit B 12) once a week and general healthy life style choices as a low salt, no added oil whole food plant based diet, and regular physical exercise

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