LIBERTÀ FINANZIARIA O TEMPO? | Fouad Abiad, Ben Chow, James Hollingshead e Justin Shier | B&B #121

LIBERTÀ FINANZIARIA O TEMPO? | Fouad Abiad, Ben Chow, James Hollingshead e Justin Shier | BB&B #121coaching

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Nick Walker
Justin Shier
James Hollingshead
Iain Valliere com/utente/i20v1
Roman Fritz
——— ————————————————– ——————-


: 00 – Introduzione, nuovo atleta OSTILE, essere sconsiderato, taco bell.

06: 07 – Pasti cheat. Strategie per essere distrutto.

22: 45 – Discussione su longevità, droghe, allenamento, ecc.

30: 40 – Fare cose per te e non per gli altri. Abbastanza sofferenza.

37: 00 – Cambiare prospettiva man mano che cresci. Discussione registro.

44: 03 – Coaching, dati nutrizionali, insegnamento vs coaching.

51: 47 – Chi è l'allenatore migliore, Ben o Iain.

1: : 06 – FLEX LEWIS AD

1: : 30 – Classificazioni virtuali.

1: 15: 39 – Tipo di cardio

1: 22: 20 – Miglior Olympia di tutti i tempi, il bodybuilding soffre?

1: 30: 11 – Un desiderio? (lungo dibattito tra Ben e Fouad… di nuovo lol)

100 Risposte a “LIBERTÀ FINANZIARIA O TEMPO? | Fouad Abiad, Ben Chow, James Hollingshead e Justin Shier | B&B #121”

  1. All of our Mexican friends just lost their minds. Cause taco bell isn't Mexican food 🤣 it's americanised junk 😅 you won't find anything they use at taco bell in Mexico. Fouads gonna get canceled 😭😏

  2. Fouad doesn't realize he made Ben's point at the end. A large supply of money doesn't mean he business won't fail, he'd still have to worry about his business. Money can pay someone else to run it, but doesn't mean they'll be running it well

  3. My newborn son is 3 days old and is now more informed on bodybuilding then 90% of the world. This was great team of individuals where I laughed and learned. You guys make people better!

  4. Remember the matrix when the built it with zero problems and struggles? Everyone rejected it and died. Only through struggle can people grow and learn and be fulfilled

  5. I love when Ben made the comment of loving progression in regard to financial freedom and Fouad went , “ ughhhh “ pretty much like oh here we go lol

  6. At the end of the day to lose fat u must be in a caloric deficit. I’m sure a cheat once a week won’t get anyone fat as u will only be in a surplus that day and in a deficit the rest of the week. it can slow down progress but also plays a positive role in a mental aspect.

  7. I know people that have ultimate financial freedom and they get bored quickly. But again it can depend on the person, you need strong passions!

  8. I can't buy time. I can become financially free with time. And since the pursuit of wealth accumulation gives each of you purpose, I think time is what you all really want.

  9. Hostle supplements are the best but your watermelon flavor tastes like watermelon rhine and your grape tastes like baby aspirin. Look forward to better flavors to go with the top tier ingredients and super pumps.

  10. I’ll take a podcast with James and Ben any day over nick and guy. The general chat on all subjects is more informative and engaging

  11. Also hosstile will become that 100 million-dollar company. Stop skipping what gonna make you a legacy. You were an okay bb. Yet the work you have done with your company and podcast saves lives. I’m sorry not sorry that you are becoming a Great legacy man among men. Fouad your struggles made you successful. You are a pain the the ass but you carry a heavy responsibility.

  12. At the end of the pod I think you guys lack the plights of the everyday man. It is still a struggle, it is still hard working a 9-5. Everyone romanticizes someone else’s situation.

  13. The story of the guy would that would drink beer between sets of squats, reminded of similar story of a guy I know would told me, they would drink 6 packs of beer during their heavy lift days.

  14. Hostile is and will be that brand that you are visualizing Fouad, and those perks your dreaming about will seem fickle when your able.

  15. Ben, you over impressed me with your projection tonight, after Andrew gate, Hostile is a growing thing, like a tree,
    in the recent words of mr organik lol, seed, root, tree, fruit, SRTF.

  16. Fouad, at -3.40, listen to what you said, you still don't realise that you are an integral part of body buildings online growth man, your pods have been healing to me. And watching your growth is fascinating in inspirational.
    I remember the video when you drove a manual gearbox mustang I believe, to the gym, or stick as yous say, test was obviously through the God dam roof lmao, stratospheric 🤣🤣🤣.
    for those who have never seen the video, check it out…

  17. I feel that yous lot forgot about us that just want to have a better body, and learn to master our bodies and eating habits, similar to pro bodybuilders. you know?

  18. You have financial freedom you can spend all the time u want with your son. Time doesn’t matter much if you don’t have any money to do things you enjoy so many things take money to do what you enjoy. It’s really that simple. Financial freedom gives you time to spend with your family and friends

  19. There are people on this planet that can fly privately to anywhere on earth, just as boring as it is for us fools to walk to the corner shops to buy groceries.

  20. I seen somebody commented Quinton erya and you liked it! So assume it's him the new athlete. If yes Probably best pick for a new athlete for hosstile dude have some ridiculous genetics shape and structure muscbellys on that dude are crazy if everything is going well for him he probably will be Mr O in the future the potential is unbelievable!he litterly has no flaws just need the size it will come with time.

  21. To be honest. This podcast makes us all laugh hard but as soon as Justin mentioned his mother I fucking broke down. Think ya hitting the mark more and more fouad. Never stop. God bless you all.💪👍💚

  22. I am starting to train again , and I am keeping careful ;logs (which I have done before, so I know thye get less rigiid as youi advance ), BUT see,s to me they will be a valuable resource if I end up seeking training advice/coaching up the road. If I ever get to that.

  23. Love Oatmeanl – I eat it raw, actually – good with some walnuts & maybe a little dried fruit – apricots or something like that – – and I don't add sugar and use skim milk. I don't get tired of it

  24. Qustion for Justin : If he was natural for 7 years before he went al in, how old was he when he started? Did he compete during that time? What kicked him up to the next level? Inquiring minds and all that….👍👍😎😎

  25. I’m going to say Dean, Ben’s client for the new athlete. But I also didn’t watch the rest of the podcast yet and I could be wrong since he may not post enough for Hosstile.

  26. Time v. Freedom. At 70+. time is running out, no matter what I do (I I feel good enough to train!), but it would be great to have the financial freedom to do n- I dunno – a week in Paris? LOLLL Also to help people I know who could use it even more than I do. I have cast off whole households of material goods alonmg the way and I miss them a little, but not that much. For me, I don't need more stuff , but public service means a lot to me – I'd spend resources on that. Give back is something I want to do more of.

  27. The thing for Ben (which I completely understand), is that that 10-year bonus RACES by, & before you know it, you are kind of back in square one. An old boss of mine told me, when I turned 30, that this would happen. Time speeds up. He was right. I regret nothing of it, but it evaporates. This is the only reason why I regret certain decision poionts in my life when I could have cast my lot into your biz – it might have twisted my lifeplan around, but it also might have made me happier. I keep coming back, over and over, so there has to be some fking magnetism for the sport, u know?
    LOL – let this be a lesson to the kids out there!

  28. Not even gonna lie. I hope so bad that James shows up and kills everyone when he competes. Too many people doubt him and I know he has it in him.

  29. Fouad, this podcast has helped me through so much shit mentally I don’t know what I would do without it. Thank you for this man, I will always support you and never forget all you’ve done.

  30. Pro bodybuilders complaining about two hours of cardio when they don’t even work a full time job. I worked 60 hours a week and two hours of cardio for my last show.

  31. Ben is on point with analogies and maturity in this one. 100% correct in the "financial freedom aka I wish I was born rich" discussion

  32. The conversation about having more time and financial freedom made me cry on the way home from work. I lost my older brother in 2019 and I can only dream of having more time everyday by bettering my health. I love all of you on the podcast. Ty for these podcasts

  33. Fouad, Thanks so much for taking time to explain certain concepts like fullness. It must be so basic for real bodybuilders but nice to know for some of us casual gym goers

  34. Fouad it sounds like you want the removal of obligation over financial freedom… you want the freedom to not have obligation, which in turn gives you freedom of choice?

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