L'industria alimentare vuole che il pubblico sia confuso sulla nutrizione

L'esempio della “Dottrina della correttezza” mostra fino a che punto i fornitori di prodotti malsani andranno a nascondere la verità al pubblico americano.

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La storia dei grassi trans è un eccellente esempio di questo, di cui ho appena fatto due video, Controversy Over the Trans Fat Ban (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/controversy-over-the-trans-fat-ban) e vietare i grassi trans negli alimenti trasformati ma Non grasso animale (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/Banning-Trans-Fat-in-Processed-Foods-but-Not-Animal-Fat).
<br/> Questo esempio di Dottrina dell'Equità non è sorprendente? Serve solo a mostrare quanto può essere potente la verità. Se vuoi sostenere i miei sforzi per diffondere la nutrizione basata sull'evidenza puoi fare una donazione alla nostra 501c3 no profit qui (https://nutritionfacts.org/donate/) e support Balanced (https://balanced.org/), un'organizzazione alleata NutritionFacts.org ha contribuito al lancio per mettere in pratica queste prove.

Ulteriori parallelismi con l'industria del tabacco possono essere trovati in Big Food Using the Tobacco Industry Playbook ( http://nutritionfacts.org/video/big-food -using-the-tobacco-industry-playbook), American Medical Association Complicity with Big Tobacco (http:// Nutritionfacts.org/video/american-medical-association-complicity-with-big-tobacco) e How Smoking in 580 è come mangiare a 2017 (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-smoking-in-the-50s-è-come-mangiare-oggi).

Wan t per saperne di più su quell'idea di tassa sui grassi saturi? Vedi: Tassare i cibi malsani migliorerebbe la salute pubblica? (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/would-taxing-unhealthy-foods-improve-public-health).

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98 Risposte a “L'industria alimentare vuole che il pubblico sia confuso sulla nutrizione”

  1. The same conditions exist in the vaccine arena. Informed consent is supposed to provide enough information to accurately assess the risks versus benefits. Anti-vaxers are ok with this arrangement, as long as the information is accurate. Pharma acts like corporate food though, and misrepresents the safety and efficacy of their products, resulting in public confusion. In addition, their partners in government are beginning to assume the nanny role.

  2. If saturated fat is so bad can someone please explain why Iceland continues to be in top of the life expectancy list despite a diet high in saturated fat?

  3. The solution is simple: AWARENESS. The masses have zero awareness of their own physical bodies. Heck, they think that headaches, stomach aches, need-for-caffeine, sniffles, sore throat, fatigue, pimples, odors, cold, flu, toe fungus etc. is all somehow "normal". Food causes any of it from runny nose to severe pain and ALL chronic diseases including cancer? Nahhhhhh…..so much for simple basic awareness of your own body!

  4. Its not only the food industry about nutrition…

    its big pharma confusing the public about the true efficiency of their "medicines", banks confusing the public about the real working of economy and the scam of paper money, pseudo-science academics pushing ludicrous theories (such as multiverse, holographic universe) against true science.

    Decay. We see it everywhere around. The system is falling apart.

    States were meant to organize and regulate society, but what happens when corporate power and powerful interest hack the state and try to promote confusion in the public ? Concentration of the power in a state means also a much simpler target for those who want to rig the game.

    Widespread corruption is everywhere. I don't even bother to switch on a TV, I know that on most fundamental subjects, logics and facts are twisted to fit certain agendas.

  5. You..are….. Awesome…. Doctor!! … Thank you for…these..Videos!!😄😉👍🌟💛💛✨👍👍💫✨🌟💫🌟✨🌟✨💛💛💫✨✨🌟😄😄✨💫💫💛✨✨💫🌟💎😄💫💫💘🌟💫✨😉💫🌟✨👍

  6. WOW! this was so powerful and unfortunately so relatable to what's happening in my country, Mexico. Everyday I'm observing young doctors and medicine students getting fatter and fatter. I have been attended by a obese doctors and I'm astound about how they can't make the connection about being a "healthy respected figure that it's being payed" with what they not only look, how they live their lives o.o

  7. forcing tobacco companies to say something that they don't want to say is far worse than banning their product because it sets a precedent that will be exploited by big corporations the next time. the government already says and thinks meat is a part of a healthy diet. this could theoretically lead to broccoli companies being forced to run an ad saying so.

  8. when have people ever made fully informed decisions? what does that even mean. no decision is ever fully informed because all the information is impossible to discover. there will always be more information, more research, more knowledge gained.

  9. Love this video! I am so disgusted at the greed I see in the whole situation. It is almost like some big nefarious enemy stepped in and implemented a plan to kill off the most powerful nation in the world. The food barons are from another country and they want to take us down one heart attack at a time. Keep exposing the lies we are being fed Dr. Gregor and team! Love you!

  10. The quality of your videos, the broad scope of content, the analysis are all so consistently good that it´s quickly turning this into my fave YT channel! Keep up the good work, this changed my life 🙂

  11. This excellent video gets to the very heart of the problem. Health, in the true sense of the word, is bad for business. Yes, wellness resorts, supplements, health insurance, etc., sell on health worries, but TRUE HEALTH of mind, body, spirit, career and relationships up to and including the creation of genuinely mature human beings across society, is bad for business, bad for capitalism. Capitalism cannot function with a healthy society. Capitalism cannot produce a truly healthy society.

    The connection between money and power is largely ignored or glossed over by orthodox economics. Large, sustained profits = power and influence. While this remains true, we the people will get no help from the so-called state and its many corporations. It's up to us to self-educate and self-reform. And the more of us doing it, the more disruptive to the dominant system this process becomes, until, with luck, we co-create a new system. I wish us all the very best of luck!

  12. Nonsense. People are not sheep. They generally know that eating more fruits and veggies are good, but they may prefer to eat junk food. In a free society, we should accept that some people won't make the same choices as you; they have other priorities.

    Yes Dr. Greger, you are purveying/promoting the nanny-state. Keep talking politics though; you are clearly out of your depth and your facile arguments are amusing.

  13. I recently unsubbed some plant-based nutritionists confusing the public here on youtube. I'm sure a large portion of their work relates to solving puzzles for people who are clearly clueless about nutrition, so keeping it that way is also their best interest.

  14. It's been great seeing you attack some of the corporate interests helping to create the conditions for an unhealthy society more lately. Keep it up!

  15. why are you* (edited to correct grammar) appealing to authority in these recent videos? are you suggesting that the state should micromanage our diets? the different food industries wouldn't hold the power that they do if it weren't for the state providing them artificially with the privileges that they are given.

  16. We should have the freedom to do what we want with our bodies and it should be criminal to mislead the public. Any good that creates a cost to society should be taxed sufficiently to fully pay the burden.
    Also, researchers should never know where their money comes from.

  17. I wish this focused more on how the food industry is exactly deceiving us concerning healthy, like examples given of what's healthy and then the unbiased data showing otherwise. Of course I already know this but I would love to show this to the people I know who are still relying on a false sense of security

  18. People also fall into the 'it's in my genes' or it's genetic because it 'runs in my family'. Big pharmaceutical eats this up as they get to sell more pseudo fixes. The government goes along due to ignorance and compliance due to greed. People have to stop following blindly, and learn to stop their cravings, if they want to be pain and disease free.

  19. I just want to comment on your video cut. Great video (content) btw..

    Maybe you, as a creator of the video, understand everything you cut and think the time is okay to read and comprehend what the highlights show, but it is not.
    If you see this video for the first time the timings are way to short and most often i can't follow you and read the highlights.
    Maybe think more clearly about your presentation style and maybe just post those papers in the comments/infobox.

    Your way of highlighting is pretty good in my opinion. It hold a bit of authority, by showing real research and pointing out the most important parts.
    As i said.. just think of a first time viewers point and try to improve your cuts.
    Otherwise people just skim over your work and don't appreciate it.

    PS: hope you see this as constructive critic and not just harrasment. Keep it up, your doing good work.

  20. Thank you so much for all of you efforts for providing the most correct bits of information through studied research.
    May you make a video or more about athletic industry talking about supplementation with protein, creatine etc "if needed" and the image they portrait about the need for this vs reality (especially for vegans or non-meat eaters)
    So much appreciation

  21. I reprogramed my brain years ago… "Food… Is… Medicine"!!!
    Once I disconnected the pleasure center in my mind in reference to food, it was easy.
    Unfortunately for most people, food is like a narcotic. And they can't get enough of it.

  22. Thank you Dr. Greger for all that you do. You and your team have made and are continuing to make a huge contribution to health for humanity.

  23. Corporate profits are the altar upon which government kneels. If the politicians are bought and paid for by corporations, it is the corporations that will call the shots. Under the current climate of anti-science, no regulation, fake news and corporate knuckleheads ruling Washington DC, we are doomed!

  24. This is why we must not allow Corporations take over anything. Because once they do, their greed is sickening. Now they hijack political positions and pass their own laws. They dictate everyone. such as Monsanto owning the supreme court and now steals farmers lands without paying them a dime. Now look at our foods? GMO's. Meaning the DNA of the seeds are changed by man. They act like food is raised/grown in a farm and the food is all natural. Barley any real foods, they force people to eat what makes them profits, what leads people to resort to using big pharma. This is why we must grown our own, cook our own. I got a channel if you want to learn a few home made dishes. Peace and Love, Rahul.

  25. It's not only the food industry but religious industry and a certain religion and its followers that have a religious agenda based on their bible and the teaching of a. their " female prophet" who spoke with God and was told to covert people to a plant based diet not matter what you have to do even if it means lying, fraud and deception.

  26. A corporation never pointed a gun at me and told me what to do. You a forwarding a false dichotomy. Love your content but your off on this one Dr.

  27. The analogy to tobacco is silly, since despite lobbying it is now widely accepted that cigarettes cause harm. So what if industry makes their own studies, the only real problem is when they can lobby the FDA or put their people in government position.

  28. I personally do not understand how anyone in this day and age of information availability, can use tobacco and not understand that it may kill them.  KIll them, not quickly, but very very slowly with big pharma, and big surgeons having a field day in the huge costs to treat their unhealthy habits !

  29. the whole thing is insane these people's greed is destroying us not just physically but emotionally,spiritually,and psychologically as our bodies are connected to these other parts they have people so brainwashed that even when there overweight and in pain they still think junk food ain't gonna hurt ya it can b hard to take the truth pill though but it's better than having to b on meds 4 life like so many people are and depressed

  30. The problem I have is that everyone I talk to about the beauty of whole food plant-based diet, their responses are: “well for every study you can show me, I can show you a study that says just the opposite “ “who knows what the truth really is”

  31. Wow the part about school nutrition teachers. I was always suspicious these teachers didn’t have actual scientific knowledge but now it’s been proven.

  32. What happened to India was catastrophic. My father and his brothers raised in southern India all died of adenocarcinomas – where the vegetable oil oxidation products end permanently. AJCN is owned by ASN, which is owned by the worst "food" retailers and producers on the planet. They are like Trump – chaos is their friend. Americans should Get Smart.

  33. The only thing worse than the meat industry in all of this is DAIRY. The number of vegetarians out there who have no problem filling their bellies with dairy and egg crap while being blissfully unaware is staggering. Thank you, Dr. Greger, for making all of this accessible so that we can work together to red pill anyone who's willing to listen.

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