Lose Two Pounds in One Sitting: Taking the Mioscenic Route

Our physiology evolved for millions of years eating a plant-based diet. What would happen if researchers tried to recreate our ancestral diet in the lab?

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How do we know our ancient ancestors were eating greater than 100g of fiber a day? We can examine their fossilized fecal matter. See my video Paleopoo: What We Can Learn from Fossilized Feces (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/paleopoo-what-we-can-learn-from-fossilized-feces/).<br />
My other popular paleo videos include:
• The Problem with the Paleo Diet Argument (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-problem-with-the-paleo-diet-argument)
• Paleo Diets may Negate Benefits of Exercise (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/paleo-diets-may-negate-benefits-of-exercise)
• Low Carb Diets and Coronary Blood Flow (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/low-carb-diets-and-coronary-blood-flow)
• Paleolithic Lessons (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/paleolithic-lessons)
• Lead Contamination of Bone Broth (http://nutritionfacts.org/video/lead-contamination-of-bone-broth)

This is one of my favorite videos to date. When I recorded it, I gave myself goosebumps when I got to the line “Maybe it’s normal to be free of heart disease….”

Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at http://nutritionfacts.org/video/lose-two-pounds-one-sitting-taking-mioscenic-route and he’ll try to answer it!

Image Credit: RyanMcGuire via Pixabay.

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100 Risposte a “Lose Two Pounds in One Sitting: Taking the Mioscenic Route”

  1. The life expectancy of a paleolithic man was early 40s. Why do we look to the past to justify modern diets? I think if anything can be learned, it is what not to do.

  2. >> Lose Two Pounds in One Sitting

    This sensational headline just seems so irresponsible. And the great apes spend the whole day eating and foraging … most people I know don't want to do that.

  3. 11 pounds of veggies a day! Sure you won't die of metabolic and chronic diseases, but you won't have any teeth left; or if you teeth don't wear out, your mandibles will be Mr Olympia in size!

  4. Didn't our brain size increase exponentially when we started introducing more meat to our diet? I'm not denying the benefits of eating a lot of veggies, I've just read some studies claiming decrease of grey/white matter in strict vegans over long periods and that eating a veggie centric diet with little bits of meat is optimal.

  5. I am from south america. I tried to eat meat free meals for a while, i
    could make  only 2 days without meat and feeling bad and sick, that was a
    torture. MEat is really the food my stomach likes and stays satisfied
    along with plants, but meat free dishes leave me sick very fast and very certanly.

     I think its all in the genes, some people are carnivorous in their DNA and cant be well on a
    plant only diet. Others might have genetics/DNA for herbivore and tolerate more meat free dishes. IS that right?

    Why meat free dishes make me so sick?

  6. I hope someone puts together a shopping list or meal plan so I can understand what to eat in a day to intake 100 grams of fiber

  7. Such quality work, brilliantly presented and interesting. Great work doc, I have changed my life and your work was, and is, a big part of it. Thank you.

  8. "generally agreed"?…seriously Mike…stop spewing your "religious" dogmas on evolution.
    Stick to the facts…scientific studies on nutrition.

  9. I'm going to throw the towel into the ring and say that diverticulitis is not diet related.
    I don't doubt that it compounds a lot of health issues when combined with a traditional western diet, but the cause? I don't think so. I have had diverticulitis diagnosed when I was 13 and not due to problems, but because my mum was concerned that I was always so skinny. A barium meal X-ray showed DV but I have never had any symptoms whatsoever. I have a fibre rich diet with lots of greens and nuts and fruit and pretty much always have. Sure I have a bit of meat but it's maybe 20% at most.
    Open to discussions, let's get this out there. 🙂

  10. I think I in relation to this chanel fell victim to the known automatic unsubscribe bug, but I managed to notice so I resubbed. Huge fan of Dr. Greger and his work, thanks for sharing doc.

  11. so, would it be perfectly healthy to have about five or six rather mushy shits a day ? just wondering, cos doctors always tell you that more than two times is unhealthy and your shit has to be a perfect sausage.

  12. It's kinda funny. I've got diabetes type 1 and after telling my doctor that I'm going vegan she was so mad! Obviously, she doesn't know what she's talking about.

  13. Thank you for these videos! Your breakdowns have perfect explanations, and I like how you connect the dots from start to finish of a point. People need to be more informed of the BPA, and other preventable things in the western diet! Great way to help make a change 🙂

  14. Who can afford to eat 11 pounds of vegetables and nuts a day! How much time out of the day did they spend eating? If you break 11 pounds of food a day down even into 6 meals a day that is just slightly shy of 2 pounds of food 6 times a day! I could not shovel that much food down. I have a hard time eating 1 pound of food 3 times a day. Imagine the wear and tear on teeth and the muscle in the jaw. I have no problems with the diet's ingredients just the amounts. Plus nuts and seeds and expensive as can be it would be cheaper to take up a Porter House Steak diet or to buy pot than to buy that many seeds and nuts! Raw Almonds run $14.99 a pound. Finding Walnuts raw or otherwise in Michigan is mission impossible if you live outside of Detroit, Grand Rapids and maybe Lansing. I have relatives that live in California and California is not like the rest of the USA. I am trying to move to plant based diet or at the very least 70%-80% plant based. Variety and quality of produce is terrible where I live and completely unreliable.

  15. I look forward to each new video. Have recently started on a plant based diet and already seeing and feeling good results. can't hardly wait for my next Dr. checkup abd a look at the blood work changes. Thanks for all the work keeping us healthier and informed.

  16. Won't that much fiber dehydrate the human body to life threatening levels? Or did they balance out their water intakes with the water present in the produce they ate? Would that be enough?

  17. Brilliant!

    Is this authentic paleo diet sort of a Joel Fuhrman diet?

    I've heard our brains grew larger with the discovery of cooking to "pre-digest" some of the things we were eating… and perhaps made root veggies palatable and safe?

  18. Haha. i love this video. It usually pops up on my lunch break when I'm watching YT, and usually after a massive bowl of greens and a side of lentil soup.

  19. LDL is not a cholesterol
    Fox is smarter than rabbit, as is lion to a wilderbeast.
    Our brain evolved only when we started eating flesh.

  20. What a fantastic Video!!!! One of the best in fact I ever checked in years. Thank you Dr. Greger you are saving and improving lives to many people!!

  21. Absolutely fenomenal explanation. Purely scientific a no bs about how eating plants will help the planet and bla bla bla. I am a huge meat lover and this is one of the first videos that treats the issue purely on realistic scientific natural assumptions. Well done! 😁

  22. It might be better than a starch based diet but for many folks it's hard in this world it's v difficult to stick to. But factor in starches and it's far easier to maintain. imo

  23. I really don't get this one, unless it's meant to be a ridiculous counterargument to the ridiculous arguments for the Paleo diet. Why not just go back billions of years and assume all living things should be subsisting solely on primordial soup?

  24. I always reach 100g of fibres per day. It is actually 90-120g/day. I tend to stay within 2500/3000kcal/day and it is inevitable to reach that amount of fibres per day when you eat the whole plant based diet.
    I keep track with Chronometer app. 🙂

  25. It's hard to believe that primates don't eat a lot insects or small slow moving creatures they encounter in everyday life. Of course, all the plants are there too, but you'd think if they came across grubs or worms or beetles, they'd take a bite.

  26. I don't get it. I ate as much fiber as I could for years and experienced nothing but bloating. Only when I started lowering fiber intake to around 40-50g a day did I experience benefits. I truly don't understand who can eat 100g of fiber a day.

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