Musica per l'ansia: Mozart contro Metal

Quali effetti fisiologici ha la musica classica rispetto alla musica new age, grunge rock, techno e heavy metal?

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100 Risposte a “Musica per l'ansia: Mozart contro Metal”

  1. obvious satire, sounds too much like donald trump's family doctor…obviously?
    Elevator music is much more relaxing than Mozart, we should definitely ban Mozart.

  2. I think that's also very dependent on the music these people listen to frequently and also how they "feel" this music (past experiences etc), obviously not applying to everyone in the same manner – as nutrition, movement etc., only tendencies and/or an average.

  3. Just a thought. Presently, Metal is a very broad and complex genre. You can find sub-genres of metal where the music is technically on par with a good classical score. I personally have felt some of the same emotions listening to classical as I have listening to certain metal and bands. And there are many progressive metal and rock bands that I love to relax to. I have even discovered a few progressive metal bands that can improve my reading focus. I can understand these results knowing that the data came from listening to Slayer, and Metallica. However, these studies are in no way conclusive in saying that classical reduces stress better than metal and rock. There are dynamics to all genres.

  4. I completely disagree with this video I grow up listening to Metallica Kiss ACDC Pink floid guns and roses and more. That music made me take action in things, and if I didn't do them I'll get pissed off depressed and impatient. 99% of classical makes me impatient and angry. Ones I was waiting in a bank and they had ABBA on and I started to get frustrated then after they had classical at that moment someone from the bank was asking questions and I told her off. Everyone style of music it's different(N.L.P) and if ppl want to consume drugs they can even if they listen to classical. As I was growing up friends and family asked me if I wanted drugs and up to this date never tried them, and I'm 34. I don't get angry easily, unless I get locked up in a room with classical and ABBA. There is nothing wrong with ABBA or classical but I just can't tolerate it

  5. i knew it would have some positive effects! i am schizoid and i tend to feel really good, when listening to relaxing music. sometimes i even reach the "i can make it! i can do it!" stage. i think food, mood and music goes hand in hand!

  6. Willing to bet there's at least some data, albeit anecdotal, about the type (or even none) of music played while a patient is having a medical procedure, say dental work, or even under sedation in surgery. Of course we think its subjective, but it may not be. That'd be interesting and possibly useful research, as it pertains to healing time, recovery, pain, discomfort etc. I believe most dentists allow ear buds while in the chair these days.

  7. I must point out that not all Metal is screaming, growling, and loud. There is Folk, Symphonic, Melodic, Classical, Prog, Operatic and Doom Metal which can be very calming. Yes, Thrash and anything-core is going to raise your blood pressure. It's supposed to, but that is not representative of all Metal.

  8. Enya can just about send anyone into a spiraling downward depression of now return. I'm glad this video didn't turn into a recommendation that in addition to sipping your smoothie over a half hour, chew every bite 35 times, etc., and avoid Heavy Metal music.

  9. Some metal music has amazing melodies & is very therapeutic such as bands like "opeth" or "insomnium" & help my anxiety big time.

  10. When I was getting my degree in Economics, one of my Econ teachers told us that the reason they play elevator music in stores is to keep people shopping longer. A couple of weeks ago I was shopping at J.C. Penney's and some of the screaming in the music was so emotionally draining that I wanted to leave. I find myself experiencing that a lot in supermarkets now and other stores too as it seems like most stores these days are not playing relaxing music anymore. It drives me crazy. I've even complained and had a supermarket tell me to let them know when I come shopping at their store, and they will change the music for me.

  11. "… when listening to UNPLEASANT heavy metal…".
    Well, what if heavy metal was pleasant for you ?
    What if Mozart was unpleasant for you ?
    Sorry, but that one is bullsh*t, not science…

    And for the connection between metal and criminal behaviour:
    Well, a lot of murderers prefer pop or classical music, such as one of the big criminals of the 20th century:
    Slobodan Milosevic's favorite musician was Frank Sinatra…

  12. If the over-sphinctered morons grousing about suicides and satanic rituals are representative of the researchers publishing these types of studies, I would put next to NO value on these claims.

    On the other hand, absent the insipid satanic ritual bullshit, the studies' results cited here seem rather what one would reasonably expect to be the case: the more "peaceful" the tone of the music, the more relaxation; the harsher the tone, the greater the agitation.

    But, what these studies don't take into account, at least in so far as how they were covered in this video, is whether or not, e.g., those who were tested listening to heavy metal, were in fact heavy metal aficionados or not. This would make a HUGE difference. Just as not all classical music is "classic" or beautiful or special, neither is all heavy metal music those things; however, there are exceptionally beautiful heavy metal pieces, just as there are exceptionally beautiful classical pieces, which, when auditioned by someone who appreciates metal, would immeasurably more inspire rather than rile, just as a Mozart lover would be by, say, the Jupiter Symphony.

    Those who have prejudices against certain types of music, or those who have no exposure to, or interest in, them, would find just about any piece of music from those "lesser" genres grating. My father couldn't appreciate even the most beautiful Pink Floyd piece, or, even "worse," as would be the case for "heavy metal," the most sublime of Iron Maiden pieces, if his life depended on it. I would very confidently venture to guess that his cortisol, endorphine, and amylase levels would all spike far, FAR higher than mine (if mine were to at all) if we were to both listen to, say, Iron Maiden's "Hallowed Be Thy Name." He would be agitated to no end. I would NOT AT ALL be agitated, riled, disturbed. I would simply be thinking, "Man, this is a beautiful piece of music," just as I would be listening to Beethoven's Appassionata.

  13. Perhaps the researchers oughtn't to have used EDM, but, like, minimalist techno? ; ) This explains a lot and I am glad you posted it!

  14. I can go on a rampage if you make me listen to Kenny G and can relax peacefully while listening to System of a Down or Korn 🙂 I don't use drugs (just Vit B12 lol) and don't drink alcohol and I am a nurse, so satanic activities are kinda not in the picture 🙂

  15. As a music therapist, this video would help explain why my autistic client became so hyper and began running all over and hitting me while giddily laughing uncontrollably after listening to some Dubstep. Lol.

  16. I have found since being chronically ill for a number of years, that music I once loved I can no longer listen to anymore. That includes a lot of metal, and rock music but not limited to that. I still have a strong urge to listen to it at times, but when I do I just feel overwhelmed by my bodies response to it. I feel there is a place for that kind of music (in a healthy life) but we should observe carefully how it makes us feel, both before, during and after listening. Then we can decide whether or not it is having a beneficial effect. My situation is a bit different than most, but I suspect the sensitivity I feel is just a heightened version of what everyone else feels.

  17. HI Doc, along with being a Raw Foodist, I have been a violinist all my life. I am working on an album of "healing music". Hope to have it out in about a year.

  18. have you considered adding links to the studies you describe? It would add great credence. For example, I just sent this vid link to a friend who rejected the whole thing. I think if I gave him links to the studies you mention, so he could explore them in detail, he might get beyond his assumptions about the bogus-ness of the studies and dig deep enough to self-discern their legitimacy. thanks.

  19. when i watch nutritionfacts i feel more caring, mental clarity, relaxation, and vigor and less hostility, fatigue, sadness and tension. hm… i think i'll have some some celery

  20. Little known fact: Dr. Greger is a heavy metal fan. My friends who met him at the Marshall TX event found this out after talking to him (one of them was wearing a Metal Blade Records t-shirt)

  21. But Dr. Greger, is it not true that the same signal (Metal music in this case) can trigger very different bodily reactions depending on the subject that perceives it? I remember dimly what I learned about conditioning in school: The body of a dog that is given food every time after a bell is rung will probably react very differently to the noise of a ringing bell than the body of a dog that has not made this experience ever. What I'm getting at is that we attach meaning to various signals depending on our experiences. So if one has made many pleasant experiences while listening to fast rock music because he/she is a fan of it, that person will probably have very different results from these stress level tests than people who are not fans and might even dislike the music. Right?

  22. Just wanted to say thanks again for this video. Been listening to some classical music mixes on youtube and I must say it has helped calm my mind and reduce anxiety.

  23. In Beethoven's 6th symphony, the "Op" in "Op.68" is referring to "Opus", not "Opera". I guess Greger doesn't listen to a whole lot of classical, because this is a really obvious error.

  24. "Cyber Trip, Techno Shock, Techno Magnetiko…" try not to laugh try not to laugh I don't want to look old try not to laugh "…Stress hormones went up."

  25. "Unpleasant heavy metal" Lol that is subjective. I listen to both classical music and heavy metal. I also listen to jazz and anything from the 30s to the early 90s. I even listen to metallica played classically on violin and cello. Anyone heard of Apocolyptica? There are some similarities between classical and metal. This is why metal is far better than pop and rap of today. Rap and pop have changed drastically. They no longer are intelligent poetry. Now we have Danielle Bregoli who can come in and make shitty music and trend on YouTube because that's how low the standards have become.

  26. I am a metal fan, it calms and relaxes me and puts me in a good mood. I also enjoy classical and blues… to a less dedicated degree. put on pop music and my blood pressure goes up in seconds..

  27. Sure it seems to create a stress response in neutral subjects. Though how about the response when already stressed? Most people don't listen to heavy metal to get angry, but listen to it when angry to have an outlet for their frustration.

  28. Having to listen to Barry Manilow for more than a couple of minutes would seriously raise my aggression levels. Did they at all take into consideration which kind of music the participants liked?

  29. Come on really? Even if i like classical music honestly it stresses me out far more than the various metal bands i listen to…just listening to this makes me cringe but I was curious…and they call this channel nutritionFACTS?😅 Hmmm 🤔 has anyone else ever noticed the bad guys in movies always listen to classical music😁

  30. If you let the average person listen to heavy metal they will probably get anxious and tense indeed, because they likely won't enjoy it.
    What about people that love to listen to it?

  31. 🔝👆Look up that handle
    I also had deep depression and generalised anxiety disorder which made to almost commit suicide several times but thanks to mushrooms and psychedelic microdosing I'm now stable and healed. Contact the name on my handle above to get help and be healed permanently.

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