Noci e funzione dell'arteria

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DESCRIZIONE: Non mangiare noci può raddoppiare il rischio di morire di malattie cardiache (rispetto almeno ad una porzione alla settimana), forse perché la frutta secca sembra migliorare la funzione endoteliale, consentendo alle nostre arterie di rilassarsi meglio normalmente.

Questo aiuta a spiegare perché la frutta secca può aiutare Prevenire la morte (<br/>
Cos'altro possono fare le noci? Vedi, ad esempio:
• Combattere l'infiammazione in un guscio di noce ( -a-nut-shell/)
• Frutta a guscio o arachidi per la prevenzione del cancro al seno? (
• Pistacchi per la disfunzione erettile ( /)
• Noci e bulloni per abbassare il colesterolo (http://nutritionfacts. org/video/nuts-and-bolts-of-cholesterol-lowering/)

Non impazzire ci fanno ingrassare, però? Potresti essere sorpreso: vedi Nuts and Obesity: The Weight of Evidence ( -of-evidenza/).
Quale tipo di noce è meglio? Black Versus English Walnuts (
E i fitati nelle noci: dobbiamo metterli a bagno o tostarli? Vedi:
• Fitati per la prevenzione dell'osteoporosi ( per la prevenzione dell'osteoporosi/)
• Fitati per la prevenzione del cancro (
• Fitati per la riabilitazione delle cellule tumorali (
• Fitati per il trattamento del cancro (http://nutritionfacts .org/video/phytates-for-the-treatment-of-cancer/)

Fai una domanda per il dottor Greger su questo video? Lascialo nella sezione commenti su e cercherà di rispondere!
Credito immagine: Alex Ex e J.Dncsn tramite Wikimedia, e gli angeli aguirre tramite Flickr.
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36 Risposte a “Noci e funzione dell'arteria”

  1. Thank you Dr. Greger. As always I will be sharing this report.  I put them in my juicer. First I soak them in non tap water before I juice them. It makes them soft. Then I put them in along with crushed flax seeds which is Omega 3. I've been juicing all my life on and off. I've been using the Montel Williams emulsifier for four years but, I'm going to get the new Ninja so I won't have to pour my juice into a container to take it out with me. Since juicing again, I not only lost weight but, got rid of all my aches and pains.

  2. Since I've become vegan, I have developed nut allergies. Have no idea why. My throat starts to itch within minutes of eating walnuts, pistachios, almonds and peanuts. The first 40 years of my life I ate nuts all the time! So disappointing… At least I'm not allergic to fruits and vegetables!! 👍👍

  3. I note that Effects of Walnuts on Endothelial Function in Overweight Adults with Visceral Obesity: A Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Trial was funded by the California Walnut Commission.  Didn't check the other studies cited by Dr. Greger.  When the funding source has a desired outcome in mind, to me that taints the study.  And I say this as a big fan of Dr. Greger and a heart disease patient always on the lookout for dietary methods (like a whole foods plant-based, oil-free diet) for halting or reversing my disease.  

  4. As I get older my fruit and nut allergies get less. Now I can eat all sorts of nuts I could not as a child, although hazlenuts are still out and it takes me ages to eat one walnut. However I manage large quantities of cashews and pistachios!

  5. Recently started on a whole food/plant based diet. Because I just watched a video on how people are fooled in to believing that walnuts are healthy, I decided to get on here, and see what Dr. Greger says. I mean, I am following his lead, and using his cookbook. While I was watching this video, and listening to him explain the studies, I saw FMD mentioned. Whoa! I have FMD!! I have had brain surgery to treat one of my aneurysms. The others are inoperable. I kept pausing this video so I could try and read about FMD. Which by the way is not rare. Doctors simply are not trained, and so it is often misdiagnosed for years. There it is. It appears this may be my treatment. Thank you Dr. Greger. I really do not want another brain surgery. You are a rock star!

  6. So Dr Greger do you disagree with the conclusions of the following Dr( link below), who says results from ‘Pulse Wave Velocity’ ( PWV) proves Nuts lessen elasticity and harden arteries!. But it seems to me that PWV couldn’t be accurate without checking the blood viscosity after eating Nuts, that could change the PW Velocity!. So I’m not convinced at all.

  7. My family is openly hostile to my plant based diet. when i explained why i eat walnuts daily they flat out said I was a conspiracy theorist who had an eating disorder….all because i choose to eat random healthy plants, am a healthy weight, and exhibit no eating disorder signs…they said the idea that one handful of anything is never going to improve health compared to the effort of jogging.

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