17 Risposte a “Ormoni della soia e infertilità maschile”

  1. Since I been eating a lot of Soy I went ahead and masterbated because I had the urge and I busted soooo much, everywhere, more than ever before.

  2. Hii im pretty sure my breast got a bit smaller from going to plantbased ..maybe because I eat less hormones in my food ? Do you have any research on what happens to women their bodies after eliminating animal products ?

  3. Sarcasm is inappropriate in this video. There are millions of systematically misinformed Americans who believe Fox is a reliable news source.

  4. the study explicitly says
    "Soy food and soy isoflavone intake were unrelated to sperm motility, sperm morphology or *ejaculate volume*. "

  5. the study presented in the video literally says:
    a) soy decreases sperm count
    b) it didnt increase ejaculatory volume


    here straight quotes from the abstract of that study:
    for a) "There was an inverse association between soy food intake and sperm concentration that remained significant…"

    for b) "Soy food and soy isoflavone intake were unrelated to sperm motility, sperm morphology or ejaculate volume."

  6. if men really worry about infertility they should worry about real milk, which does have real mammalian estrogen! Avoid it by going vegan. Soy doesn't have mammalian estrogen, but phytoestrogen.

  7. if men really care about infertility, go vegan! CAFOs and animal-derived pharmaceuticals contribute to some of the highest releases of estrogens in waterways! Then the fish get impacted, even if it doesn't end up in drinking water – and then you can get extra estrogen from that! Swim in that water too after eating a steak and then wonder how you got prostate cancer. Then it screws up plant growth that impacts the ability for such livestock to exist in the first place. Then these same estrogen loaded individuals contribute to the problem even more with their waste. Let's get real. Go vegan!!!

  8. I believe soy decreases fertility in women too, due to the less potent forms of estrogen that soy has. It's been said that the plant does this, so it allows you to eat as much as you want, but the more you eat the happier it is, as then it won't allow future generations to eat it. So soy has the last laugh – it's a really smart plant! It's nice and kills you with kindness – literally. Take that humans for messing with soy!

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