39 Risposte a “Perché 3,2 milioni di visualizzazioni? Cosa c'è di diverso? Hai un'ipotesi?”


    More than 100 million animals suffer and die in the U.S. every year in cruel chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics tests as well as in medical training exercises and curiosity-driven medical experiments at universities. Animals also suffer and die in classroom biology experiments and dissection, even though modern non-animal tests have repeatedly been shown to have more educational value, save teachers time, and save schools money. Exact numbers aren’t available because mice, rats, birds, and cold-blooded animals—who make up more than 99 percent of animals used in experiments—are not covered by even the minimal protections of the Animal Welfare Act and therefore go uncounted.

  2. 10 Random Reasons Why I’m Vegan – In An Infinitely Long List:

    1 I’m vegan because I don’t want to be mean to any animals: not to dogs, pigs, cats, cows, chickens, turkeys, lambs, rabbits, or anyone at all!

    2. I’m vegan because I like to help the environment by not depleting the oceans of fish or to take the whales out, and force them to do tricks in swimming pools.

    3. I’m vegan because I don’t want to pay anyone to burn down the rain forests to grow crops for cows who we created in the first place. I’d rather that people not rape cows into existence to begin with. I’d rather eat the plants directly instead of filtering them through an innocent animal who doesn’t deserve to die.

    4. I’m vegan because I don’t want to pay anyone to pin down mother cows & force them to be pregnant and then to kidnap their baby boy cow for the purpose of murdering them, just so people can steal their milk and sell it in stores to use for their taste pleasure.

    5. I’m vegan because, I don’t feel right eating bacon, sausage or ham, because that means paying people in the pork industry to cut the tails, testicles & teeth off baby boy pigs & kill them at just 6 months old. I just don’t want anyone to do that to them.

    6. I’m vegan because I don’t want to just say that I think animals have moral value; I also want to show it with my actions.

    7. I’m vegan because if you were the victim, I’d also protect you.

    8. I’m vegan because I don’t believe that anyone’s eating disorder is ever the animals’ fault. Whether someone is overweight or underweight, because of psychological trauma, essentially, these are merely THINKING disorders, which a therapist can help someone overcome. There is never a justification to kill an animal just because of one’s own erroneous thoughts.

    9. I’m vegan because I learned that eating eggs is unnecessary and that the baby boy chicks are being suffocated with their brothers in large plastic bags or macerated in giant bloody blenders just because they will never grow up to be able to lay eggs.

    10. I’m vegan because I believe in telling the truth, in learning, and in trying to undo the harm I did in the past and because, even though I will never be perfect, being vegan is such an easy way to do my best, to live my life in line with my own morals.

  3. Did you know that today is the first day of the rest of your life!? This means, that starting right now, you can be the person you've always wanted to be! So, say it out loud:

    🍎 "Starting today, I'm going back to my roots and being vegan again, the way I was born and always meant to be. I never wanted to hurt animals and from now on, I'm going to take all the necessary steps to remove any violence from entering my body.”

    🍐 "I will start to google vegan recipes and add more lentils, chickpeas, tofu, nuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, dates, oats, potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, kale, bokchoy, spinach smoothies with bananas, avocado toast, bean salads and anything else that does not contain murder or stolen body parts, to my diet.”

    🍉"Today, I will be brave and proud to let everyone know that I'm out of the closet as a vegan , animal-defender, and I'll be prepared to stick to my convictions even when society tries to make fun of my caring heart, or to pressure me to enter back into their carnistic cult."

    🍌 "I will stand strong and I will not back down because, for the rest of my life I want to love and appreciate myself instead of feeling embarrassed about being a walking contradiction. Today, is the first day of the rest of my days. Today I am an ethical vegan who, although not perfect, will do the best I can, each day to no longer pay for animal slavery in places like seaworld, circuses, horse-races, or factory farms."

    🥑 "Starting today, I will go through each item in my fridge and say goodbye to my old life as someone who used to eat flesh, fear, blood and sadness and I will replace these with all the colours of the vegan rainbow by stocking up on nutritious items like white soy milk, orange carrots, yellow corn, green spinach, red peppers, purple eggplant, black berries, pink watermelon, sandy-colored walnuts, white tofu, orange pumpkin soup, yellow bananas, green peppers, red raspberries, purple blueberries, black raisins, brown beans, red cabbage, green beans, brown whole-grain bread and, I also will be open to trying all kinds of new vegan foods & spices along during the years to come.”

    🍆 "From this moment on, I will no longer be trying to delude myself with fairy tales of "backyard eggs", "organic milk", or "free-range meat" – I will only be telling myself the truth and eating according to my always-present value system of fairness and kindness to all sentient beings."

    🥦 "Today I acknowledge that animals who have never done a single thing to harm me, will no longer be a target for the selfish greed of my palate and will, instead, become the focus of my talents to try to save them from abuse, neglect and from anyone who tries to justify eating the only one thing the animals have ever owned, their lives."

    🌽 "I declare today, ______________ to be my Happy Vegan Declaration Day and I invite everyone who meets me to celebrate this moment with me. But if they don't, I know that Miss Kadie is there, cheering me on, and so are the billions of animals out there who are so proud of my newfound courage."

  4. i think horrid videos like that sometimes end up on there and people can't believe that tiktok would allow it so they search for themselves (curiosity basically). so people end up watching any video that mentions the cat while searching for the original, that's why i think it has 3.2 mil

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