Perché gli stent cardiaci per angioplastica non funzionano meglio

La maggior parte degli attacchi di cuore sono causati da placche non ostruttive che si infiltrano nell'intero albero coronarico. Non esiste la “malattia di un vaso”, la “malattia di due vasi” o la “malattia del tronco principale sinistro”. La placca aterosclerotica è continua in tutte le arterie coronarie delle vittime di infarto.

I nuovi iscritti alla nostra e-newsletter ricevono sempre un omaggio. Prendi il tuo qui:

La maggior parte gli attacchi di cuore sono causati da placche non ostruttive che si infiltrano nell'intero albero dell'arteria coronaria. La placca aterosclerotica è continua in tutte le arterie coronarie delle vittime di infarto. Ecco perché dobbiamo trattare la causa e prevenire l'accumulo di placca in primo luogo, il che significa mantenere basso il colesterolo LDL. Parlerò di più su come farlo più avanti in questa serie di video. Poi parlo dei rischi degli stent.<br/>
Questo è il secondo di una serie di sette video sugli stent. Se ti sei perso il primo, dai un'occhiata a Le procedure di angioplastica con stent cardiaco funzionano?.

Resta sintonizzato per:
• I rischi del cuore Stent (
• Rischi e benefici dello stent cardiaco per angioplastica (
• Le procedure di stent cardiaci funzionano per il dolore toracico da angina? (
• Perché si usano ancora gli stent se non funzionano? (
• Stent cardiaci e upcoding: come i cardiologi manipolano il sistema ( stent-e-upcoding-come-i-cardiologi-giocano-con-il-sistema)

Come ripeto più e più volte in questo serie di video, durante un infarto, in un contesto acuto, l'angioplastica può salvare la vita. Come ribadisco, quando parlo di CAD stabile, parlo di situazioni non di emergenza. In una prossima serie parlo dei pro e dei contro della terapia farmacologica con statine. Spoiler: se hai una storia di malattie cardiache o ictus, si consiglia di assumere una statina. Tutti questi video, inclusa l'imminente serie sulle statine, sono disponibili su un download digitale di un webinar che ho fatto l'anno scorso. Puoi trovarlo qui:

AGGIORNAMENTO: Una nuova meta-analisi è stata appena pubblicata il mese scorso e, purtroppo, non vi è ancora alcun vantaggio in termini di sopravvivenza derivante dal posizionamento di stent per malattia coronarica stabile, ma almeno ci sono stati meno attacchi di cuore. Dal momento che questo non si è ancora tradotto in una vita reale, la base del trattamento rimane la gestione medica e dello stile di vita. Punta di cappello al dottor Bitterman! (

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79 Risposte a “Perché gli stent cardiaci per angioplastica non funzionano meglio”

  1. I know a person who made 2 angioplastics in 2009, 60 years old and now 72, with stents and he is fine (though he takes a lot of medicines for high pressure and the heart). He also eats badly (meat and all the other animal products and sugars) but he is alrirght, is it just luck?

  2. I just love the sound of doctor Gregor in the morning preaching truth and singing it loud and proud for everyone to hear. This is One of the most powerful videos I've ever seen on the effects of meat and dairy fat on arteries. Uncovered not a myth it's real for all eyes to see.

  3. I can't believe these medical interventions don't work but are pushed heavily like they do. The only reason has to be profits and making money, no other explanation makes sense

  4. Good video… I’m sure if medical insurance companies looked at the data as closely as Dr Greger, they would stop wasting billions of dollars on angioplasties and cardiac stents… and place greater emphasis on lifestyle and dietary changes…

  5. Thank you, Dr. Greger & Team. Evidence-based nutrition has yet to make its largest inroads into popular culture. So, keep up the good work.

  6. I think what is being missed here is the stents might have worked. In that a heart attack wasn’t registered in the area that had a stent. But if you get a stent and continue eating, smoking, drinking, drugging, breathing in pollution as normal you are bound to get a heart attack in another artery. Or am I missing something and Greger is saying they got heart attacks in the area where there were stents?

  7. Deceptive video. Any doctor will tell you stents are NOT a cure for heart attacks, that is not their purpose.. They are about reopening the artery at the clogged site. WHY is this important? because the longer the artery is blocked, the more the heart muscle dies due to lack of blood flow. In no way do stents stop you having further heart attacks but this is not their purpose. It doesnt mean stents are not useful. They are the standard treatment in acute myocardial infaction for a reason.

  8. So, conversely, if your carotid arteries appear to be as clean as a whistle, does that mean you won't have much plaque elsewhere?

  9. Such an important insightful video. But you need to play it slowly, pausing and absorbing. Dr Esselstyn has alluded to all of this too, but there is so much nuance to this plaque behaviour process; the story is complex. Keep up the good work Dr Greger

  10. At least in my case, I got 2 stents put in (heart attack in June 2019) and they made a life-saving difference that day. That said, afterwards I've done a 180 on my health and diet. Lost 50 lbs, eating more plants/less red meat, cut dairy, etc. That will be the long-term factor for me, but I recognize the stents gave me another chance to change my own behaviors.

  11. Your videos are getting really skilled And detailed 🤙 nice job!

    Been following you for years, reversing PCOS with veganism I can’t tell you how amazing it feels.

    Thanks again for all your work.

  12. Interesting. All the more reason to treat such conditions with diet as opposed to pills and surgery. Thanks for the info.

  13. Any updates on healthiest teas? I’ve been getting more into tea cold brewed oolong, and white tea with lemon , matcha green tea

    Oh also what about vitamin b2 for migraines? Does it really work?

  14. Plaque is the number one disease not talked about. When it is in your brain it is called Alzheimer; in your heart, heart disease, in your genital, erectile dysfunction. This gem from Gregor shows that plaque builds up in all the ateries in a human body. Systemic plaque can only be fixed by a systemic solution. LOW FAT, WHOLE FOOD PLANT BASE.

  15. Well, that was depressing. And if Dr. Avi is right that Dr. Esselstyn did not prove that plaque can be "reversed" (And you'd think that that would be provable in follow-up studies after all this time), then what do we do?

  16. Here in Germany and Austria the do a method where they enter a cam into your arteries. If the camera detects something a stent is placed there. My understanding from the video is, that this could be a better method because it may (?) help to spot the plaques better?

  17. Some of the reasons they continue to do these procedures are money (always the case), and fear of being sued if they didn't do a procedure on a blockage. That's just part of how messed up our system is. But your info is invaluable to those who want to be informed…..

  18. I understand the presentation. I understand we all need to eat better. Got it. Having gotten a stent to to save my life I'm acutely aware of my risks going forward. I'm not aware of any cardiologist that will put in a stent and tell you you have nothing to worry about. So, I'm glad the stent at least bought me some time. Not sure if there are any good studies showing huge life expectancy changes by diet change after you get to the point I'm at either though. I'm seeing studies that now question the link between saturated fat and heart disease. Knowledge moves on. Best you can do is follow today's recommendations and realize they are probably at least somewhat wrong.

  19. Great video. I thought that stents were another miracle of the medical science….but a quick search using "effects of stents mortality" keyword seems to support this finding. I wonder why they continue doing it.

  20. Most of the studies cited enrolled patients with stable coronary artery disease. This is settled science and no cardiologist stents stable patients. What is the science for patients with acute coronary syndrome and non-fatal MI? Thanks for all your good work.

  21. I wish I could've found this channel a year sooner. Though I doubt she would've changed her diet, I wish I could've at least tried to show my mom these videos.

  22. okay someone explain to me how stents didnt help with angina. that seems extremely suspect to me. other question: isn't it common for patients with CVD to sprout new arteries (angiogenesis) due to the stress on their existing arteries? wouldn't those new arteries be free of plaque?

  23. I am an RN, graduated with a Bachelor's degree in nursing 20 years ago & this is the first solid evidence of this I have received, although, I had my own suspicions along the way. Thank you very much! :-))))

  24. My stepfather had diabetes and was placed a stent. He died a few years later in bed. The real reason of his death was never found. An artery break is the possibility. He did eat far less meat in his later years. He had a past of eating a lot of unhealthy food

  25. holy shit, this is soo fucking interesting! And crazy! I'm so happy I stumbled across Dr Gregor and his work! I love learning about things like these! Very well presented and edited! Thank you for making this!

  26. There is a lot of backlash crying 'misinformation' on Twitter admittedly by surgeon cardiologists (but vegan ones I admire such as Danielle Belardo). I wish there was a consensus.

  27. I read something in a newspaper that said there was a study that concluded that putting one in after a heart attack was helpful as well

  28. Why did you include meta-analyses and studies that weren't focused on stent trails?

    The following studies were included, but they were not stent trials:
    – ACME-1
    – MASS-1
    – RITA-2
    – ACME-2
    – AVERT
    – DEFER

    And the following was included, but it only had 1 event, so it's not usually included:
    – Hambrecht

    So the those meta-analyses doesn't really attack stents at all…

    Meta-analyses that focus just on stent trials DID show to be statistically significant at reducing MI's.

    Instead, you should have provided meta-analyses that include ONLY studies focused on stents. For example, the following studies:

    [edit: added studies that focus on stents]

  29. OK, I take issue with this presentation as it is clearly one sided. Yes, Atherosclerosis is a systemic disease, however you have only looked at people who have died from heart attacks. Look at the survivors who've been treated and have made lifestyle adjustments. Like any inflammatory disease one can lessen and reverse the inflammation so that the body can heal itself. This has been shown by Dr Caldwell Esselstyn et. al. Having stents as a prevention may allow more blood to flow to the heart which improves blood flow and as a result allows the heart to pump more efficiently. This in turn allows the body and organs to repair the damage through various mechanisms. Saying Stents and Angioplasties are useless is like saying changing the oil and air filter in your car is useless. They may not be a fix but they help. And that is the point. They are there to provide a mechanism to allow nature/biology to take over and do its job.

  30. According to Dr Avi Bitterman this information by Dr Greger is misleading. See his discord server for more details. Avi writes:

    "Michael is wrong when he claims that stents don't prevent heart attacks and he relies on cherry picking individual trials or presenting meta analyses that pool non-stent balloon angioplasty trials with stent angioplasty trials.(edited)
    I shouldn't have to explain why either of these things are silly. We don't just hand pick the trials we like and ignore the trials we don't without justification. We don't even hand pick individual trials when meta analyses of those same trials are available without justification.

    And of course, if the claim is that "Angioplasty Heart Stents Don't Work Better (than medical therapy)" which is the title of Michael's video, then we should be pooling the randomized controlled trials that used stents compared to medical therapy. Not stent and non-stent trials (balloon angioplasty alone). This point is so basic I'm honestly shocked that I even have to make it.(edited)

    So what are the results when you actually meta analytically summate the RCTs of stents? Even if you count all MIs (spontaneous AND procedural MIs), the results support that stents do prevent total heart attacks, at least to some degree. "

  31. Well, that was depressing as all get-out. Stents did completely stop my angina. Several years ago, I started having classic angina. I couldn’t believe it. Despite being in my early 60s, I was pretty trim and could run 10 miles on a Sunday morning. Being stubborn, I tried to ignore it despite having to turn my runs into walks. One day, a round against that classic heart attack villain, shoveling wet, heavy snow, my angina hurt so much I finally saw the doc. I knew about how useless angioplasties were, but my cardiologist insisted a stent would work great. So I had the procedure. They went in through my wrist and it was as undramatic as a heart procedure could be. Two days later, I laced up my running shoes and took a brisk walk. Nothing! Not a hint of pain. The next day I picked up the pace and jogged. Still pain free. Two years on and I’m still running angina free. IDK if the stents will prevent me from having a heart attack, but they’ve certainly improved my quality of life.

  32. Yes but what kind of diet. What can we eat that opens the arteries to get the blood flowing better. Or get the swelling down to get the blood flowing better? They give blood thinners but of course they're not always safe, what can we do to get the blood flowing better besides massage & exercise. Anyone know what foods help?

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