Perché gli stent vengono ancora utilizzati se non funzionano?

Più e più volte, gli studi hanno dimostrato che i medici tendono a prendere decisioni cliniche diverse per i pazienti in base a quanto verranno pagati personalmente.

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sappi che quando la cara Essiy inizia a diventare cinica, alcune cose brutte stanno andando giù. Ecco perché dobbiamo unirci al mondo civile e rimuovere il movente del profitto dalla medicina.

Questo è il sesto di una serie di sette video sugli stent. L'ultimo in arrivo è Heart Stents and Upcoding: How Cardiologists Game the System ( game-the-system).<br/>
Se ti sei perso uno dei primi video della serie, controlla:
• Le procedure di angioplastica con stent cardiaco funzionano? (
• Perché gli stent cardiaci per angioplastica non funzionano meglio ( )
• I rischi degli stent cardiaci ( i-rischi-di-stent-cardiaci)
• Rischi vs. benefici per stent cardiaci angioplastica (
• Le procedure di stent cardiaco funzionano per l'angina Dolore al petto? (

Tutti questi video sono disponibili su un download digitale di un webinar che ho fatto l'anno scorso, che include anche una serie sulle statine. Puoi trovarlo qui ( ).

AGGIORNAMENTO: una nuova meta-analisi è stata appena pubblicata il mese scorso e purtroppo non c'è ancora nessun beneficio di sopravvivenza per posizionamento di stent per malattia coronarica stabile, ma almeno ci sono stati meno attacchi di cuore. Dal momento che questo non si è ancora tradotto in una vera vita, il fondamento del trattamento rimane la gestione medica e dello stile di vita. Punta di cappello al dottor Bitterman! (

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90 Risposte a “Perché gli stent vengono ancora utilizzati se non funzionano?”

  1. Its almost like capitalism and profit incentive does not work. It pretty much ruined everything it touched, food supply, medical care, planet. Profit is the real product, and nothing else matters. This is also why consumer veganism lifestyle will utterly fail to change anything, as its not there to change anything. Its there to generate profit.

  2. The surgeons aren’t going to be happy with the light shown on the studies. Of course they will blame you for the results. Keep trucking Doc.
    Also, let’s not forget about everyone else that relies on the medical supply chain and provider referrals. And pharmaceutical companies. It never ends. All this man ever sold me was a book. I used to say he never sold anything, but I meant no supplements and treatments etc. a book is fair play no?

  3. It isn't hard to imagine a scenario where a fully informed patient would choose a potential dangerous treatment for no benefit. Enter, the COVID vaccine.

  4. Let's not forget about DIET! The one person I know who had stent(s) done "felt a million times better" after leaving the hospital. What nobody tells you is that you eat a lot less crappy food when you are in the hospital and come out of it with what most Americans would call a "healthy" diet and lose a lot of weight. Hospital meals are anything but healthy, but they at least include some veggies and are calorie-restricted. Is it not the case that angina attacks can be directly caused by (particularly fatty) meals? Of course, within a few months this person went back to eating the same as before. I myself started feeling shooting pain in my left arm in my early 50's. Also total ED. I'm 58 now. I've been WFPB thanks to you (How Not to Die) since 1/1/2020. Much better now!

  5. For "Stable" heart disease is the big take away here. There are circumstances that stents do save lives. Saved my friends life.
    Prevention is key though many Vegans still get heart disesse. So eat the best you can and pray🙏

  6. ok the key here is it doesn’t work for “stable heart disease”. They do help add time to people’s life when in the middle of a STEMI.

    This is 100% about money. I saw a cardiologist. He wanted to do a heart cath on everybody and for what?! To risk their lives for money? Yup. All for money. Needless to say – haven’t seen him again and never plan to.

  7. Hospital cafeterias should only serve vegan meals.
    If hospitals can't change to vegan meals then what hope does the rest of society have ?
    Ask your local hospital to serve vegan foods.

  8. Although your info is informative and necessary, we don’t have those compensation problems in Canada. The effectiveness of stents is good info.

  9. Although I am someone who, with stable CAD, chose to not have a stent procedure and am someone who has seen my angina almost completely eliminated through an Esselstyn-style whole food plant-based diet, I do think that there is a difference between stents and placebo. Yes, stents have significant risk, but they do actually open a blocked or partially blocked artery. I doubt the placebo effect can do that. More likely the placebo effect is the brain overriding the pain signals coming from the heart. The reason that stents fail to have long term benefits even for angina is that, in 99% of cases, the person continues to eat as he did before, and, before long, angina returns, now caused by newer blockages. Stents may have genuine long-term value in angina reduction or elimination in patients who go on an Esselstyn-style diet but for whom angina nevertheless remains significant. If I remember correctly, in the Esselstyn studies there was one patient who chose to have an elective stent placed "to improve his golf game" (or some other sport). Of course, if stents were used only in this situation (along with emergency situations where they can truly save a person's life), only a tiny fraction of the procedures would be done that are done today.

  10. I can't get over all that money being spent to treat patients with pills and procedures that often don't work and have major side effects for illnesses that could be prevented or improved with diet and lifestyle choices. I really wish that money would go to preventative and regenerative medicine. I would love to see the day when we could do things like grow whole organs and body parts from a patient's own cells and successfully treat if not cure the patient along with a healthy diet and lifestyle for example.

  11. If Dr. Greger keeps on making informative videos like this he’ll soon be off the American College of Cardiology Christmas card list. I look forward to whichever part of the medical industrial complex he next investigates.

  12. This is part of the USA healthcare debate. Far too expensive and insurers ought to be the gatekeepers of sham procedures as should the medical associations who should shame docs for performing them.

  13. All thanks to the stupidity of gluttons, science constantly brings news of just how wrong they are and yet in 2050 they still are probably going to be eating bacon and getting stents.

  14. Grazie infinite per la sua onestà e autenticità Dottor Greger.
    Fortunatamente abbiamo medici come lei che antepongono la verità alla menzogna e ai dollari!

  15. Interesting that the "reward" (aside from $) was a pig, and not something supportive of cardiovascular health.
    Well, I guess they truly are in the business of profiting from preventable cardiac disease, so, why not?

  16. I’ve never believed this procedure can help anyone over the longterm, when all it does is stretch and thin out the arterial wall to bust open at some point. As time goes on with aging, there can be no good outcome from all that work except to buy some time for the patient – all at a huge financial and physical cost.

  17. As an interventional cardiologist (who is salaried) and a plant based physician. i must point out that your are misinterpreting the results of the ORBITA trial. While it was a well done trial, it did not test the question of prognostic benefit of elective PCI. Also there were only 200 patients studied, so it was under powered to provide definitive evidence of lack of PCI benefit on exercise tolerance. We must check our biases at the door before we present data as the final word on a complex issue

  18. That is just one drop in the vast ocean of pharma-medical crimes. I was aware of this for a long time but nice to hear this channel get it out in the open.
    We live in one of the biggest ongoing medical crimes against humans (or should I say plebs) right now with no end in sight.
    Be informed and stay away from the white coats, eat more veggies, get some fresh air, smile, love and pray.

  19. Dr Greger, I have watched several patients who are having an acute MI, recieved a stint and have their acute MI completely resolve.
    You are spreading false information by saying that stints do not work. Spreading false information may cause people to not have a stint when they're actually having a heart attack. You have gone way too far with this video. STOP SPREADING FALSE INFORMATION. Sure enough surgeons and cardiologists probably make more money than you…oh wait, no you probably make more money than them making YouTube videos that spread false information. If you are a physician, you should know better.

  20. The information Dr. Greger is so true.
    I`ve had an older friend who had issues with his heart quite suddenly.
    He underwent surgery and after that everything went just downhill.
    It was so bad…
    Bleeding occured multiple times.
    The aftercare was nothing but a bad joke.
    He stayed in hospital several weeks and lost much weight.
    The stent didn't fix his problem.
    After a couple more weeks they finally found out he'd had liver cancer which somehow effected his heart.
    Unfortunately the cancer was already in a late stadium and not treatable anymore.
    He lost the fight.
    The doctor who treated him was so eagrely trying to convince him to get this stupid stent as if it was a holy grail or what.
    I met the doctor just briefly but my gut feeling told me that there was something wrong witn this person.
    There was also basically no explanation about negative side effects or which meds couldn't be taken anymore afterwards.
    This incident and a couple more with a different but still healthcare realted context caused that I have little to no trust in this system anymore!
    Way too often it's about being profitable….
    I live in Germany btw.
    A big thanks for spreading the word, Dr. Greger.
    Your and your team's work is so important!

  21. Socialized medicine would stop this because doctors would not be paid by commission for each surgery, they'd be paid to keep their patients well.

  22. …I wonder if before, during, and after the surgery if people just treated the patient nicer because he/she went under the knife, if the patient got some time off from work because medical problems are the ONLY way you get out of work (forget about preventive medicinal time off) so was able to reduce stress that way, and if by having the whole world telling you to, "…just take it easy."; if all this didn't had to the placebo effect. maybe this should cause us to take pause in addition to institutionalized medicine in the US being a BAD BARREL, regardless of how many good apples you place inside it.

  23. Because when someone comes in with an MI and the culprit vessels is the LAD, you can't give the patient a piece of lettuce to save their lives. Unless you have any idea how to open up a vessel before the patient dies. Please bring any new suggestions to the table. Time is tissue.

  24. What is your Alternative to stents.I Was having a heart attack And they install one In one of my veins Is there anything I can do To improve my chances Of a longer life I guess I'm living on borrowed time

  25. I'm not sure what to make of this. All I know is my own personal experience. I spent 3 months barely able to function. Just walking to the bathroom was a major ordeal. Then I got a stent, and I was immediately doing laps around the hospital ward. I don't believe for a second that it was a placebo effect. My stent allowed me to go back to work, and kept me from being homeless.

  26. What defines “stable” angina? If someone had an irregular significant heart activity or dizziness due to very minor exertion or body position shifting, is that stable? At what percentage closure of the LAD would be considered unstable? If the heart does not receive adequate blood flow resulting in major irregular activity, that is not the same as a thrombosis, would that be considered unstable? Here is the problem, no one really knows. The perfect dietary changes are probably not enough for many people depending on how bad the blockage is. Just as in a kitchen sink or bathroom, once the clogged drain has reached a certain level, no intervention will not work and it is not because of thrombosis but because of closure. Thrombosis is its own issue too, and perhaps a bigger issue by numbers. The studies are totally biased because they implicitly choose the word “stable” when there is no definition or real criterion. You can not wait for the heart attack.

  27. Hello there,
    My brother has almost constant spasms, because of an injury from which he is rehabilitating for a few years now. I'd love to see more videos about food and spasms – or anything that would help with spasms, or rehabilitation, for that matter! Btw, thank you very much for all the work you are doing. It's an amazing public service!

  28. When dr. Greger uncovers that fasting and the vegan diet are better to overcome depression than any antidepressant drug, also psychiatrists and drug dealers are going to ask for his head.

  29. When the patient has insurance that pays well, many physicians over treat and encourage unnecessary procedures. The ethical treatment of patients non-existent when financial gain is easy.

  30. But Doctors in Denmark 🇩🇰 for example, don’t get more Money 💰 if they use expensive procedures in order to fix the patient, (health care is payed for through taxes) but they still use stents as a magic solution to avoid new blood clots in the heart…

  31. Why Are Stents Still Used If They Don’t Work? MONEY! What else? MONEY is the motive for 99.9999999% of what happens on this planet.

  32. Hang on – I thought it was illegal to withold such vital info as the lack of benefits from a medical interven tion. I smell potemtial lawsuits.

  33. I know two people who had acute chest pain which was relieved by having a stent fitted. I accept that this procedure didn't address the cause of their illness but it did help in an emergency.

  34. My dad had a stent placed in his leg about 2 weeks ago & it didn't work, he's no better. Now now the doc wants to place him in an ICU setting & administer a medication to supposedly unblock the blood at the top of the stent. I watched the entire ultrasound or sono test & I could see the vein & the stent. I could see blood flow or (red vein)all the way to the stent but it stopped at the stent.
    Before they gave him the stent he seemed to at least have some blood flow but now it looks completely blocked at the top of the stent & the medication the doc wants to use can cause severe bleeding on the brain or death & is used in a 2-3 day ICU stay. Every time I ask what the exact procedure & medication is the doc rattles it off quickly & acted like he didn't have a pen. That's a new one a doc without a pen. Anyway I asked him twice to write it down, I assumed he wrote it in the paperwork as we left but he didn't. I've called & I'm still getting the run around & feel it's deliberate. I'm seriously thinking about canceling my dad's appointment. I think there's something wrong with the stent itself or its placement. Any ideas, can these even cause more problems? It's only been a couple of weeks could it just be that he's been too active & it needs to heal more?
    Huge red flag was when I said I wanted the doc to write the meds & procedure down so I could research it more before we had it done & the doc goes Oh I really wouldn't do that you know the net will just scare you .
    Sounds to me like it may be scary for a reason.

  35. Healthcare in the USA.
    We have catastrophic insurance & are living our lives very carefully as not to get hurt or we spend years paying a hospital bill.
    Me: Doc, I hurt my left leg.
    Doc: I'll take a look & does their best to help.
    Insurance: We don't cover that give the doc your right leg for payment.

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