Pesticidi e rischio di cancro

La scelta di alimenti biologici rispetto a quelli convenzionali protegge dal cancro? Gli effetti dei pesticidi sul rischio di cancro.

Per ulteriori informazioni sugli alimenti biologici, vedere:
• Gli alimenti biologici sono più nutrienti? (
• Gli alimenti biologici sono più sicuri? (
• Gli alimenti biologici sono più sani? (
• I vantaggi degli alimenti biologici sono sottovalutati o sopravvalutati? (
• Il glifosato antiparassitario nel Roundup della Monsanto è sicuro? (<br/> • La carne biologica è meno cancerogena? (

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-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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56 Risposte a “Pesticidi e rischio di cancro”

  1. thank you. even though 'our' risk may be not significant (eating conventional produce) let us please remember the many thousands of workers who bring this food to our table, and that THEIR exposure to toxic chemicals drastically impacts their health. without them, we wouldn't have the veg – are we asking others to sacrifice their lives so that we may save a few dollars on our veg consumption? and this doesn't even account for the many lower-income folks in surrounding communities who have no choice but to be impacted by pesticide polluted air and waterways. children too! please consider the larger picture and the entire web of life as you make your individual choices.

  2. Ever since "Organic" became a buzzword driving consumer spending habits, USDA organic standards became diluted to allow large corps to get a cut of the profits. You're better off buying from your local small farmer if you're lucky enough to have access.

  3. More Pesticides and more American animals are injected with far higher numbers of chemicals than Europeans. Same with veggies in America. Children are also injected with far more vaccines than European children too.

  4. The Science of Bioaccumulation is hardly talked about in regards to a Plant vs Meat diet.
    Bioaccumulation is the gradual accumulation of substances, such as pesticides, other chemicals/metals, in an organism. The higher you go up in the food chain, the higher the bioaccumulation and the more toxic it becomes.

    Hence – W.H.O. have given warnings of limiting consumption of predatory deep sea fishes as their meat is high in metals and other chemicals.
    This also applies to chicken, pigs, cows, goat and lamb. Their meat bioaccumulate the pollutants in their environment/food. Even if they are "organic-free-range" classified. Maybe in the year 10,000 bc, these animal meat aren't toxic, but in our/today's environment, there is not one corner on this planet earth that is not polluted.

    The next higher toxic polluted meat are your predatory animals >>> seals, bears, lions, eagles.
    Have a guess what's the most toxic polluted meat of all >>> human flesh.

  5. Step 1: cut the animal products. Step 2: Learn which conventional fruits & veggies are the most contaminated (Dirty Dozen – ewg). Try to switch those to organic when available or some less contaminated alternative. Step 3: Get organic produce when practical. But when all else fails, just keep eating those fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts & whole grains!

  6. I was puzzled by the article concerning pesticide levels of two sisters. Having checked the article myself, I am wondering how relevant it is for this day and age, since it was written nearly 40 years ago? I would be more interested in the current situation, since a lot has changed since the 80s.

  7. Thank you for this informative video. In these crazy times it's nice to know that we can relax a little bit about eating nonorganic food. Please let's remember, as stated earlier in your video, the increased risk to the farmers who produce the nonorganic food! These farmers are Moms and Dads with children
    . Perhaps we should not only be choosing organic food for our own health but also for the health of our farmers and their families.

  8. Oh really? I’ve read that conventional strawberries are the most heavily sprayed crop in America with pesticides with as many as 40 different types being used! Hard to believe there’s no difference. And I’ve seen charts before showing far higher nutritional contents in organic vs the same vegetables grown conventionally. Conventional farmers don’t bother with the health of their soil. It’s simply growing medium where they then add chemical fertilizers. I’d take a look at some more studies if I were you.

  9. Excellent video, as usual. The last part about eating produce regardless of pesticides was very important because many of us can’t afford organic produce, even non-organic is pretty expensive these days. I do lots of grocery store hopping to find the best deals.

  10. Discussion of the French study was not completely accurate. While it is true that controlling for age etc. didn't remove the effect of organic food on cancers, the sub-group analysis showed that the findings were primarily found in the obese, and the only cancers that showed effect were breast cancer and non-hodgkins lymphoma.

    "When considering different subgroups, the results herein were no longer statistically significant in younger adults, men, participants with only a high school diploma and with no family history of cancer, never smokers and current smokers, and participants with a high overall dietary quality, while the strongest association was observed among obese individuals"

  11. Two points – firstly, higher polyphenol content in organic produce (ie. more xenohormetic compounds from more stressed organic plants) should have a much larger impact on reducing overall cancer risk than the reduced pesticide content.

    Secondly, imported produce, either represented as conventional or organic, frequently fails to meet acceptable US pesticide content levels due to a catastrophic lack of funding for effective enforcement at US ports. In addition to this it is often sprayed with additional chemicals on arrival (even organic lots identified as not to be sprayed). Treating all conventional produce / all organic produce as equal regardless of country of origin is a critical flaw in the research highlighted in this video.

  12. Especially most organic labelled products have also been sprayed but with organic pesticides which are also toxic because -cides.
    Organic doesnt mean it is not sprayed, apparently, not many people know this simple fact.
    Eating conventional fruits with pesticides is still better than eating no fruits. It feels weird but it's true.

  13. Clever how this video basically trashes the organic diet in the end and promotes the vegan one despite all the facts given. I've noticed this is a growing trend (pardon the pun). If all arable farmland went organic 3.3bn tonnes of carbon dioxide would become locked into the soil making it a huge contribution to combating climate change. Not to mention that it is sustainable while current farming methods leach all nutrients out of the soil leading to soil erosion and decimate important insect populations – it seems suspicious that organic food is being repeatedly and systematically swept under the carpet.

  14. i have a friend who sprays trees for a living. they spray pesticide up into tall trees to kill pine beetles. it literally rains pesticide on him every day. he wears a particle mask but most of the time its soaked with pesticide and he takes it off. i have feared for his life for the past 20 years. he is 65 now and doing fine. go figure.

  15. I often buy frozen organic. It seems a little cheaper than fresh fruits and veggies. But I definitely buy organic fresh fruit in season when it's on sale, and occasionally splurge when it's not on sale.

  16. Eating conventionally grown produce may only shave a few minutes off of your life in whole, but damaging soil with chemicals that could lead to the inability to grow food in that area could shave off a whole lot more than a few minutes in the long run.

  17. Thanks for this advice Greger, the message I'm getting from this is buy organic if possible and when you can and it is better to be consuming fruit and vegetables regardless if organic or non-organic then not at all since they increase your longevity more than the few minutes shaved off for eating non-organic and that being on a 100% plant-based diet (already doing) is best.

  18. HOW ABOUT COMPLETE TESTS FOR PESTICIDES AND HEAVY METALS? We seem to all be poisoned so how about what tests can reveal it all so we can start detox and healing? This is a crazy world how about we take control back? Tx and prayers to it all.

  19. I'd still say eat organic if you can. Dr. Greger argued that doctors should treat meat and dairy like smoking. In other words, no "eat in moderation," just avoid. The and logic should extend to avoiding pesticides based on the studies he showed in the video. I think his true point was the benefits of eating fruits and veggies outweigh the risk. But organic is better based on the exact analysis he just went through. I personally buy organic for things like berries and grapes, but not for bananas and avocado because you're not eating the outside.

  20. So no one is going to point out that bT is an organic pesticide? The answer is to not eat organic or conventional, but to eat GM 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s that simple.

  21. They concluded sloppily. They did control for some possibilities, but not all possibilities. Just because they didn't recognize other possibilities doesn't mean that they were necessarily unimportant.

  22. 5:03 He omitted the very important qualifier (higher levels of), which is helpful in keeping it in perspective.
    Loss of this perspective often leads to a lot of inaccurate, hysterical and semi-hysterical, neurotic thinking and fearfulness.

  23. I consume a lot of conventional fruits and vegetables. Pretty glad it's not totally in the red hahaha. Not everyone can afford organics here. I guess my conventional apples is far better than a double cheeseburger at the very least.

  24. Warning to fact checkers who try to debunk the liars here – this channel blocks live links. You may be able to defeat the filter by adding a space on each side of the dot in your links, like this: GeneticLiteracyProject . org

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